He was lucky. He was seriously injured by your brother but saved his life. He has been exercising hard all these years and wanted to avenge your brother. In addition, he originally wanted to kill you because you are Uchiha Itachi’s younger brother. This will make your brother miserable.

But I just lied to him that Uchiha Itachi doesn't care about your life or death at all.Killing you actually made Uchiha Itachi one less enemy. It is better to keep you and let your brothers kill each other. It will be more enjoyable to revenge, so I let you go.

But once he knows the real purpose of Itachi Uchiha, and knows that everything Itachi has done is to protect you, what do you think he will do?That's a man who loves his sister very much, because Quanmei's death opened a kaleidoscope, do you think he should take revenge?Even if he doesn't seek revenge from you, if he wants to kill Yu Itachi, will you stop him? "

Sasuke was in a dilemma immediately, Sasuke could be ruthless to his enemies, but how could he be so cruel to his own people?In order to protect himself, his brother even endured the pain and killed his beloved woman, but what shocked Sasuke the most was the scene where Uchiha Izumi died, comforting Uchiha Itachi in his last moments of life without any regrets, That silly woman really gave everything for Itachi, Sasuke was able to distinguish right from wrong and black from right. For him, Uchiha Itachi was great. To protect himself, he endured unimaginable pain, but standing in the position of brother Izumi From a standpoint, it is perfectly normal to seek revenge from Uchiha Itachi, but do you get it and watch your brother get killed?Or kill Quanmei's brother?Neither of these two choices was what Sasuke wanted, and he was so entangled in his heart.

"Okay, Sasuke, don't embarrass yourself. I was just joking with you. There is no Izumi's brother at all. Itachi did it very thoroughly. He killed all the Uchiha clan that night. No one will look for you." Brother revenge."

"You..." Sasuke was so angry that he almost scolded his mother, can this kind of thing be a joke?

"I just want to tell you that no matter what you do, you should think twice before acting. Everyone has their own position. What is right in the eyes of others may be wrong in your eyes. My hero, my thief, is like the Fourth Hokage. He is a hero in the eyes of Konoha, but he is a murderous demon in the eyes of other ninja villages. He once killed dozens of people instantly with the flying thunder god technique. ninja.

So if you want revenge, you'd better choose the right enemy, don't hurt the innocent, just like the civilians in Konoha, as well as your group of former partners and teachers, do you really want to kill them too?If you really do this, you will definitely regret it. I hope you can mature a little bit. "

Listening to Yang Jian's words, Sasuke gradually calmed down, nodded and said @"I see, thank you for your guidance, I think clearly what I'm doing, but I will definitely take revenge, I hope you don't stop me."

"I won't stop it. In fact, your revenge will be beneficial to our country. In short, everything that needs to be said has been said. What are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to find Uchiha Itachi!"

Sasuke can't wait to see his brother right now, and tell him that I have grown up, you don't need to bear everything for you alone, no matter what it is for you, we two brothers bear it together, bear it together.

Yang Jian shook her head and said, "I advise you not to."


"I think you should be able to understand Uchiha Itachi's painstaking efforts by now. He put all his sins on himself in order to let you live and make your life easy. Now if you go to him and prove your strength , already able to protect himself, in this way, he is completely relieved, and also loses the meaning of living. With his personality, he will probably use his own death to punish his parents and his clansmen to apologize, In other words, if you go to him, it means that his life is about to end."


Sasuke asked for advice, but after thinking about it, it was true. As a result, Sasuke hesitated. Now there are only two brothers left in the Uchiha clan. As for the Uchiha clan members in Otoshi Village, Sasuke also knows that it is Orochimaru The cloned ones didn't really recognize their Uchiha's identity deep in their hearts. If Uchiha Itachi died, he would really become a loner.

"Then what should I do?" Sasuke asked in bewilderment.

Yang Jian shrugged, with an indifferent face, "I don't know, this is your business, you can find a way to solve it yourself, but I can give you some suggestions."

"What advice, Block said!"

"It's very simple, make yourself strong enough, Uchiha Itachi in the most powerful way, so that he can't die if he wants to die, and then force him to live as a winner.

In addition, you should still want to revitalize the Uchiha clan. Judging by your appearance, you are not satisfied with the previous Uchiha. In this case, why don’t you rebuild the Uchiha in your mind? Find more women for your brother. Give birth to a child, let him make atonement for the Uchiha's population. "

Sasuke used to always talk about the glory of Uchiha, but seeing the ugly faces of those Uchiha people in the picture when they treated his brother and his parents, he hated it and was very dissatisfied. Maybe he can really use this opportunity to rebuild A Uchiha who satisfied himself also gave his brother a reason to live.

"Thank you for your suggestion. I know what to do. It seems that my strength is still not enough. I may be able to defeat Uchiha Itachi, but I can't crush it. I need stronger power." Sasuke's eyes rekindled Hope, there is a new plan for the future road.

"Okay, let's stop our conversation here, you should leave, by the way, don't tell anyone about me."

Yang Jian waved his hand, and the door of the office opened automatically. Sasuke and Naruto turned around and left without saying anything.

After the figures of Sasuke and Naruto disappeared, Yang Jian showed a meaningful smile on his face, "The two children of destiny knew the truth about themselves in advance, what kind of path will they take in the future? I am looking forward to it .”

After walking out of Yang Jian's office, Naruto hesitated for a moment, and said: "Sasuke, I have something to ask the third-generation grandpa, are you going?"

At this moment, Naruto became mature and began to think about some questions that he had never thought about before. The more he thought about it, the more headache he got, and finally he decided to ask Sandai to clarify.

Sasuke looked at Naruto whose face was full of sadness, confusion, and hatred, sighed and said: "Let's go together, I also have some things that I want to confirm with Sandai, and make a conclusion at the same time."

Sasuke doesn't have much hatred for the three generations, although in some respects, Uchiha's extermination of the three generations is also very responsible.

But judging from the previous pictures, the third generation also thought about resolving the conflict between the Uchiha and the village. Although they don’t know if it’s true or pretended, it’s just because Danzo and other elders believe that the Uchiha clan is a scourge. In addition, seeing the oppression of the Uchiha clan on his brother and parents, he completely lost his favor, so the hatred for the third generation has weakened a lot.

"Let's go, he should be drinking in the pub at this time."

Naruto led the way, and Sasuke followed immediately. Both of them were poor people, and they could understand each other's inner grief. At this moment, their hearts were extremely close.

Chapter 543 Proving Three Generations

In the most popular tavern in Yinnin Village, Sandai and Jiraiya sat at a table in the corner, drinking wine and eating delicious dishes, feeling indescribably relaxed.

Although this tavern is not big, but their Jiu is brewed with grains containing chakra, which is extraordinarily delicious. Even the average Jonin only drinks it once in a while, but Jiraiya and Sandai drink it almost every day. all come.

"Teacher, you old man has a way to subdue Orochimaruji, admire, admire! I toast to you!" Jiraiya looked flattering, raised his glass and clinked with Sandai, and then took a drink And do.

"Small, small! But I don't think we can do too much. It's just a small matter. If there is a big commotion and pushes Dashewan into a hurry, and he really refuses to pay for us, then it will be troublesome." "The Third Hokage said so, but he couldn't hide the smug expression on his face.

"I know this. In fact, this is not bad. Alas! Life here is really comfortable!" Zilai also said looking outside through the window. Hourly food stalls, among them are ninjas who are using ninjutsu to grill and make dishes.

"Yeah, Ren Ren is not superior here, nobles don't have the right to control the life and death of civilians at will, everyone is full of hope for the future, and they are extraordinarily energetic, which is something that ordinary people in the Land of Fire don't have.

Without those intrigues, the country's military, economy, and politics are developing rapidly. Although they sometimes make mistakes, they find the right path through their mistakes, making progress every day, and developing too fast.

Although there is still a huge gap between the current Tian Country and our Fire Country, according to the current situation, it will be a matter of time before we surpass us, which makes me feel very worried. "

The third generation and Jilai also talked and fell into silence. One day in the future, there will be a conflict between the country of Tian and the country of fire. How should they choose?

After a while, Sandai said with some hesitation: "Jiraiya, how about I apply the development strategy of Tian Zhi Guo to our country of Fire, starting from our Konoha Village."

"I think you are looking for death. Can Tian Zhiguo be the same as our fire country? If you move Tian Zhiguo to the country, you will definitely be assassinated to death in less than three days. This system is damaged. The interests of daimyo, high-ranking nobles, and ninja families will definitely be resisted by them. The reason why Tian Zhiguo was able to succeed is because of the absolute strength of the people led by Orochimaru, and this country is relatively small and easy to control. Some people's interests were benefited, but corresponding compensation was also made. Through doing business, they were allowed to change careers and made enough money.

The small countries that were later annexed by Tian Zhiguo are also in a similar situation, and according to my investigation, the daimyos and some important high-level officials of those countries have long been controlled by Orochimaru, so it will be so smooth. country, it will definitely not work, let alone our Konoha, the prosperity of Konoha Village is based on the support of all families, once their interests are harmed, they will definitely turn their faces and be ruthless, even if you are apes. Fei clan, can you convince those elders in your clan? "

Of course they can’t be persuaded, they are a group of selfish old stubborn people, in their eyes, ninjas are noble, how can it be possible for ninjas to get along with ordinary people on an equal footing?The Third Hokage couldn't help but sighed, in fact, he didn't know this, so he just asked a question with the idea of ​​self-deception.

"This feeling is really terrible. I watched a powerful country rise beside me. I knew that the other party would become my strong opponent in the future. I obviously had a way to make my village stronger, but it was a pity because of the distribution of benefits. It’s frustrating to not be able to do it.”

Zilai also saw that the teacher was in a bad mood, so he couldn't help persuading him: "Okay, teacher, you have already retired, so don't worry about these troublesome things, you are already a lot of age, you should think about how to let go Take it easy."

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