The third generation thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, I am a retired old man now, how can I manage so much, come, let's drink!"

When Sandai and Jiraiya were drinking happily, Sasuke and Naruto walked in, their eyes were still a little red, and they looked like they had just cried, striding towards Sandai and Jiraiya.

"Naruto, what's the matter? You have cried, who bullied you? Tell me, the third generation grandpa listens to your revenge." Seeing Naruto's red eyes, the third generation couldn't help being curious. I have been training Naruto myself, and Naruto is also very strong, I haven't seen him cry for a long time.

"Grandfather of the third generation, I want to ask you, is my father the fourth Hokage? Did he seal the Nine Tails in my body? Why didn't you tell me this? I should be a hero, why are there so many people Call me a demon fox? Are you just watching me being bullied like this?" Naruto's mouth skills are rarely questioned?

Midai and Jilai were also shocked at the same time, looking at Naruto with a hint of surprise, no wonder they cried, they already knew the truth about their parents, but who told him this?Orochimaru?

When Sandai and Jiraiya were wondering, Sasuke who was standing beside him also said something that made them even more thrilled, "Master Sandai, I also want to ask you about my brother Itachi, does he have According to the agreement, after he slaughtered the Uchiha clan, he joined the Akatsuki organization as an undercover agent to provide you with information?"

Jiraiya's eyes widened immediately, and he turned his head to look at the third generation. He was also investigating the Akatsuki organization, but unfortunately he didn't make much progress, but he didn't expect that his teacher had already arranged spies into it, and behind the Uchiha extermination There is such a truth.

San Dai cautiously looked around. Fortunately, the tavern was quite lively and noisy, and no one noticed their conversation, so San Dai felt relieved, "This is not about the place, come with me."

Soon Sandai brought Sasuke, Naruto and Jiraiya to a room in the tavern, and then Sandai stared at Sasuke seriously and asked, "Who told you these things?"

"It doesn't matter who told me, and I also promised that person not to reveal his information. I basically know the truth of the matter, and I just want to confirm it from you."

The face of the third Hokage changed, and a powerful aura erupted from his body, directly pressing down on Sasuke. Don't look at the third generation's old age and frailty, and his strength is greatly reduced, but as a former Ninja hero, once he launches his power, he must not be underestimated. The adults were a little out of breath.

"Third-generation grandpa, you..." Naruto suddenly became anxious. He really didn't want the third-generation conflict with Sasuke. On the one hand was his good friend Sasuke, and on the other was the third-generation grandfather who took good care of him. He really didn't know which side to help.

Sasuke snorted coldly, exuding a gloomy chakra from his body, and the three goblins in his eyes spun rapidly, converging together into a plum blossom shape, directly resisting the aura of the third generation.

"This is the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, you have awakened!" Seeing the change in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, the third generation couldn't help screaming. He knew that once Uchiha opened the kaleidoscope, his strength would undergo a qualitative change. You yourself The current state is simply unbearable.

"That's all, since you have opened the kaleidoscope, you are qualified to know the truth, and I will answer your question." The third Hokage couldn't help but sighed, and slowly withdrew his momentum. Sasuke is a genius, but it's a pity that this Genius no longer belongs to Konoha.

"Indeed, itachi once found me and told me about the Akatsuki group. He was willing to be an undercover agent to provide me with information, and I was responsible for protecting your safety. However, the Akatsuki organization is very mysterious. Over the years, Itachi has only passed on A few messages came."

Although he was mentally prepared, Sasuke still couldn't help feeling sad after confirming that his brother had paid too much to protect himself.

"How much do you know about a mysterious man wearing a whirlpool mask in the Akatsuki organization? Do you know his true identity? He also has a kaleidoscope Sharingan. He also participated in our Uchiha extermination, and he was behind the scenes one."

Naruto also interjected next to him and said, "And my father and mother, he was the one who controlled the Nine-Tails incident and killed my parents."

"What!" x2

Jiraiya and the Third Hokage screamed at the same time.This news really shocked them. Although they also knew that there must be something hidden behind the Kyuubi incident, they had been investigating for many years, but there was no result. They did not expect to get news from Naruto today.

The third generation's face became extremely serious, "You are saying that the Nine-Tails incident was also caused by people from the late organization, a mysterious person wearing a whirlpool mask."

"Damn it, don't let me know who that bastard is, or I will kill him and avenge Minato and Xin Jiuna." Jilai couldn't help but curse, the death of Minato and Kina is always in his heart The pain is equivalent to his son and daughter-in-law.

Sasuke looked at Jiraiya and Sandai seriously, and with the strong insight of the kaleidoscope, confirmed that they were showing their true feelings and not pretending, then he sighed and said: "It seems that you don't know the true identity of that mysterious person either, I can only investigate slowly in the future, and I will not let anyone from the Akatsuki organization go."

"And me, Sasuke can't come alone, remember to call me when you take revenge." Naruto also showed a trace of hatred in his eyes.

Then Sasuke thought about something again, looked at Sandai, and said with a cold face: "Master Sandai, regarding the matter of the Uchiha clan, I know that you have also thought about resolving the conflict between the two parties. Although it was unsuccessful, I will remember this favor." Got it, so I don't blame you, but the others...

I will get back what I owe us, especially Danzo, who did a lot of excessive things back then, and I will repay this hatred, especially Shisui's eyes that were taken away by him back then, I will take it back with my own hands, Anyone who wants to read is my enemy. "

"What! Danzo snatched Shisui's kaleidoscope, you damn bastard! Don't worry, I'll give you an explanation." Sandai was angry at first, and then he was afraid. He also knew the ability of Shisui's eyes, but other gods directly Modifying a person's consciousness, if it is used on him or someone around him, the consequences will be disastrous.

"No need, I'll get it back myself." After Sasuke finished speaking, he ignored it and turned to leave, having already made a certain decision in his heart.

Originally, the third generation wanted to inquire about some news from Sasuke, but seeing Sasuke like this, it was obviously impossible, so they had to turn their target to Naruto, "Naruto, tell me, what happened today, did Orochimaru tell you about these things?" .”

"I'm sorry, third-generation grandpa, I can't say, Sasuke and I promised that the adults will not reveal any information about him, but I can tell you that this matter was not told by Orochimaru."

"It's not Orochimaru, so who is it? Knowing things so clearly, could it be someone behind the scenes of Inada Kingdom?"

Everyone knows that there is a powerful mysterious person behind Tian Zhiguo. After all, when the five major talents allied forces attacked Tian Zhiguo, the experience of being almost killed by the opponent's one move was too deeply rooted in people's hearts. It's so tragic, so when many people target Tian Zhiguo, they will never be blatant, but only secretly manipulate.

Jilai was also afraid that Naruto and the third generation would get into a stalemate, so he said vigorously: "Mr. Third Generation, it is useless to ask these questions now. The most important thing is to investigate the authenticity of the matter. Let's inform Tsunade and ask him to send more people to investigate. , I never thought there would be such a secret behind Minato's death."

"Yes, the key is the Akatsuki organization. I have to go back to Konoha first and explain to Tsunade. In addition, there is Danzo, who has done so many things behind my back. Shisui's kaleidoscope It’s actually in his hands, no, I have to take some precautions, this kind of thing is too dangerous, and, Zi Lai Ye, don’t be idle, you can’t just stay here all the time, you should go out for a walk and inquire more News about the Akatsuki organization."

"Don't worry, I will do it even if you don't tell me. Damn it, I've been too dereliction of duty as a teacher for so many years. It's time to do something for Minato."

Soon Jiraiya and Sandai parted ways, and the two embarked on the journey again. Sandai took Naruto back to Konoha, and Jiraiya once again embarked on his own journey of collecting materials.

When Orochimaru returned to Tian Zhiguo and learned that Sandai and Jiraiya had also left, he was surprised. He tried everything he could at the beginning but failed to get rid of these two scourges. Why did he leave on his own initiative now?

Orochimaru specially sent someone to investigate, only to find out the cause and effect, he couldn't help beating his chest and stamping his feet with regret. Unexpectedly, Yang Jian just used a small plan to send them away. If he knew it could be done like this, Orochimaru would have told Sasuke the truth. After a few months of bad luck, I couldn't sleep well, and Orochimaru felt that it was really worthless.

But soon Orochimaru put this matter down, because the solar eclipse is coming soon, and his preparations are almost done, and he has reached the final stage of reincarnation, and he will soon realize his dream of eternal life. That's the most important thing, and everything else has to stand aside.

Chapter 544: The Reincarnation Begins

Time flies, and the day has finally come. Orochimaru reincarnated. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Orochimaru specially invited Yang Jian to protect him?

In fact, Orochimaru has another layer of thinking. No one knows what accidents will be encountered in the process of turning around. Yang Jian's presence can be regarded as insurance. It has surpassed the imagination of ordinary people. No matter what problems they encounter, as long as Yang Jian is willing to help, there is basically nothing that cannot be solved.

In addition, Orochimaru also called Beiliu, because Beiliu knew the solar eclipse best, and the location was provided by him, and there may be places that are needed.

As for Shennong and Xie, they will stay in Tianzhiguo to sit in charge. Although basically no one dares to move pictures on Tianzhiguo's head now, they must be on guard, what if?

In the rebuilt cave, in the center is a round altar with a diameter of about [-] to [-] meters, in which a pattern of Yin and Yang is faintly emerging, and a glass container more than two meters high is placed on the platform, which is filled with There is a body soaked in nutrient solution.

That body looks to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, with white skin and hair. Because it has no self-awareness, it is just a simple shell, but even so, it can still feel the powerful chakra from it.

This white-haired and white-skinned image is the unique symbol of the Otsutsuki clan. On that specific forehead, there is a vertical mark that seems to be open at any time, like a closed eye that may open at any time. In the same way, every time Yang Jian used his mental power to sweep over it, he could feel a terrifying force bred in it.

Yang Jian suspected that it was the eye of reincarnation of an unformed Jiugouyu, that is, the eye of the moon. Of course, it is not sure yet. If it is really the eye of the moon, then the Orochimaru will be released.

In addition, what people are concerned about is that there are dense black runes engraved on the walls of the cave. These runes have spread outside the cave, and even the entire valley is covered with various runes. People with trypophobia will definitely get sick if they watch it.

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