Chapter 545 Meteorite

Feeling something in Yang Jian's heart, he looked up at the sky. Beliuhu was also attracted by Yang Jian's actions, and looked at the sky in the direction Yang Jian was looking at. Through the hole above, the sky and the earth were dark because of the solar eclipse, but this time At that time, a light spot appeared in the sky and fell from the sky.

"That's... a meteorite!!!"

Beiliuhu yelled with horror on his face, because in just such a short time, the spot of light has rapidly grown in size, and it has become a giant meteorite that also dragged its flame tail and fell rapidly from the sky. Although the exact size has not been determined yet, But Beiliuhu has determined that even his strongest attacking super electromagnetic gun cannot crush the meteorite.

The gloomy night was brightened again under the light of the meteorite fire. As the meteorite approached, it seemed that the sky changed from night to day in an instant, shaking people's eyes and making the air around them restless.

Yang Jian squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "I really dare to do something, I really think I'm easy to provoke."

Beiliuhu was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, and hurriedly asked, "Boss, are you saying that this meteorite is man-made! Who did it?"

Yang Jian said indifferently: "Of course it's man-made, otherwise you think it's such a coincidence that the meteorite just fell on our heads. As for the person who did it, you don't have to worry about it. It's just a group of self-righteous guys. Don't worry about the meteorite." , leave it to me, and after the matter is over, I will go to the moon to settle accounts with them."

"On the moon! Boss, are you saying that those people live on the moon? Is the legend true? But I'm afraid those people are not easy to mess with. They can actually control meteorites directly from the moon to attack. Can we really defeat them? "

"Don't worry, I'm sure, and those people are not as powerful as you imagined, they just rely on a special treasure, maybe they will become our Tian Zhiguo's after a while, those guys are too stingy It’s just a matter of borrowing the power of the moon, and there’s no loss to him, but to hit us with a meteorite, we must teach them a lesson.”

Yang Jian didn't know that the reason why Otsuki hit them with meteorites was because Orochimaru had stolen the power of Malicious Tenseigan, which was the lifeblood of Otsutsuki's clan on the moon, so they went crazy, otherwise they wouldn't bother to pay attention to Orochimaru Woolen cloth.

Yang Jian looked at Orochimaru, who was tempering his body and soul, and at the meteorite that was getting closer and closer in the sky. A pair of golden wings appeared from behind, and he flew out directly.


Amidst the deafening roar, the falling meteorite was getting closer and closer. The sky-high flames generated by the meteorite rubbing against the air made the valley glow red like a sea of ​​flames, and even the air became scorched.

In the swaying flames, Yang Jian just floated in the air, slowly raised his right hand, the chakras quickly gathered, and a huge fairway jade appeared, which was continuously compressed under Yang Jian's control, getting smaller and smaller , and finally turned into a small black ball only the size of a fist.

"Go! Neutron star explosion!"

Yang Jian flicked his hand, and the little black ball turned into a stream of light and flew out, colliding fiercely with the falling meteorite.

Compared with a meteorite with a diameter of more than a kilometer, a small black ball the size of a fist is almost negligible, but just such a small black ball exploded the moment it collided with the meteorite, and a mass of black matter quickly exploded. Breaking down the meteorite, most of it disappeared in an instant, and the remaining meteorite turned into fragments and exploded?


The meteorite fragments fell and scattered around the valley, making the roar of a car. The ground was trembling constantly, and Beiliuhu was a little unstable, but no meteorite fragments fell on the place where Orochimaru reincarnated.

Beiliuhu looked at Yang Jian who was still floating in the air, and muttered to himself: "It's really scary. I didn't expect this guy to be so strong. I thought I had hope to catch up with him. Now it seems that I think too much, the distance will only get farther and farther, and I shouldn't take him as a target in the first place."

"too frightening!"

The patriarch Otsutsuki who had just completed the meteorite attack on the moon sighed the same way. He sat down on the ground and gasped violently. It was his limit, almost exhausted the chakra, but failed to hurt the opponent, which made him feel boundless fear.

"Who is that person, and why is he so powerful? No, I can't let him find me, calm down, calm down, don't mess up, he probably doesn't know that there is our Otsutsuki family on the moon, right? Then this time the meteorite attacked him. It will cause accidents, it’s okay, nothing will happen, but just in case, it’s better to cut off the channel with Ninja Festival, I want to buy time for Santo, and I must persist until Sensei awakens Tenseiken.”

Patriarch Datongmu immediately cut off the connection with the giant Tenseigan when he thought of this, and then opened and opened the defensive barrier on the moon, so he was relieved, but how did he know that Yang Jian knew their existence a long time ago, and It has been planned to go to the moon for a "goodwill visit" to them for some time.

Orochimaru on the altar had stopped howling at this time, his whole body became relaxed, and his breathing gradually became steady.

When Yang Jian fell from the sky, seeing the situation of Orochimaru, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Things were going well, otherwise Yang Jian could only consume his Yin-Yang escape power to replenish energy for Orochimaru.

"Boss, how is Orochimaru?" Bei Liuhu had observed Orochimaru for a while before, but he didn't figure out how Orochimaru is now.

Yang Jian took this opportunity to observe Dashewan carefully for a while. At this time, Dashewan had turned into a young man of twenty-five or sixteen years old. Except for his white hair and white skin, his face was similar to that of the original Dashewan. Seven to eight points are similar, and the soul is no longer in the snake-like state, but has restored the appearance of a human being, which is exactly the same as the body. After being transformed by the power of Yin-Yang Dun, the body and soul fit perfectly.

"No problem, Orochimaru's chakra has stabilized, the soul and body are synchronized, as long as the last chakra is absorbed, it will wake up."

"Is that so? Then I'm relieved. By the way, how long will it take Dashewan to wake up?"

Yang Jian looked at the layer of yin-yang chakra attached to Dashewan's body surface, observed the absorption speed, and estimated in his heart: "It will take about an hour, it's not very long, we just wait."

Yang Jian and Bei Liuhu retreated a certain distance, each found a rock and sat down, chatting while waiting for Dashewan to wake up.

Sure enough, an hour later, the yin and yang chakra on the surface of Orochimaru completely dissipated, and the newborn Orochimaru suddenly opened his eyes, but what is surprising is that at this time, Orochimaru no longer has white eyes like cataracts, but It is a pair of eyes exuding royal blue light.

Yang Jian was stunned when he saw those eyes, and he had awakened Tenseiken. Then he thought of the strange meteorite before, and suddenly had a guess in his heart. No wonder Otsutsuki went crazy and threw the meteorite over. It seems that Orochimaru snatched them. The most important treasure.

"O... Orochimaru! What's wrong with your eyes?" Bei Liuhu pointed at Orochimaru and screamed.

"Eyes?" Orochimaru was a little puzzled, although he felt that his eyes seemed to be different, as if he could see farther, but he didn't know what had changed. .

"Don't you know? Forget it, let's see for yourself!" Beiliuhu said, directly condensing a water mirror with the water escape and placing it in front of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru saw his sapphire blue eyes in the mirror, and suddenly realized, "So it turns out that the white eyes can also evolve, but it seems to be normal after thinking about it. Well, I have always been surprised that Uchiha and Hinata are the two of Konoha. Big giants, but the performance of Baiyan has always been a bit weak, far inferior to the kaleidoscope of the Uchiha clan.

Now it seems that the white eyes are not as simple as we know, but the evolution of my eyes should be related to a kind of energy I absorbed from the moon just now, it should be some kind of pupil power. "

"On the moon, could it be the group of people that the boss just mentioned?"

"Is there anyone on the moon?" Now it was Orochimaru's turn to be puzzled.

Yang Jian nodded, "Yes, and he is from the Otsutsuki clan, the younger brother of the Immortal of the Six Paths, and a descendant of Otsutsuki Yu Village. If you rob them, they will definitely trouble you, but you don't have to worry about it. , with your current strength, they may not be opponents, let alone me, now you can feel your ability first, what ability do these eyes have..."

When Orochimaru heard the words, he closed his eyes immediately. After a while, a magical scene happened. A black sphere appeared behind Orochimaru, then the second, and the third...

In the end, nine black spheres appeared, just floating behind Orochimaru, making him extraordinarily mighty.

"This is the Taoist Jade, Orochimaru. It's amazing that you can condense it out!" Beiliuhu has been with Yang Jian for so long, so of course he knows what the Daoist Jade is. It can be said to be the ultimate power of the Chakra lineage. .

Yang Jian also looked at the seeking jade behind Dashewan with some curiosity. After thinking for a while, a seeking jade also condensed in his hand, and lightly touched the seeking jade behind Dashewan.

The fairway jade behind Orochimaru was obviously invincible. After being touched by Yang Jian's Taoist jade, it suddenly became unstable and seemed to dissipate at any time.

"It turns out that your Dao-seeking jade was forcibly condensed with the help of those eyes, and its power is a little worse than the real Dao-seeking jade, so your strength should be regarded as a pseudo-six-path level,"

"Pseudo-six-level? It seems that it is much worse than you. I have to continue to work hard and hope to catch up with you."

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