"There is a chance. There should be a more special eye conceived on your forehead. Even though it has not conceived yet, I can already feel the power contained in it is beyond imagination. Even I feel a palpitation."

Orochimaru touched the crack on his forehead when he heard the words. He could feel that this eye was absorbing his chakra all the time, and it wasn't that his new body was strong enough. That eye was sucked dry, "Hearing what you said, I am more interested. I hope this eye can be done as soon as possible."

Yang Jian looked at Orochimaru's Tenseigan that exuded sapphire blue light, and suddenly thought that if he snatched the giant Tenseigan on the moon and let Orochimaru use it, even if the eye of the moon on his forehead could not be opened in the end, he could still enter it. Six levels.

Orochimaru seemed to have discovered something at this time, Tensei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stretched out his hand for a move, and the nine Taoist jades quickly gathered in his hand, shouting loudly: "Golden Wheel Tensei Explodes!"

With a rumbling sound, a golden sword that opened up heaven and earth appeared out of thin air, directly cutting the earth open, and the impulse extended out of the cave, thousands of meters deep underground, as if there was a scar on the earth.

You must know that Yang Jian and the others are in the cave, and Orochimaru is still a little out of control, destroying the foundation, and the cave began to collapse.

"Not good! Let's go!"

Yang Jian and the others hurried out. Fortunately, those present were rare strong men with quick reactions, but they rushed outside in the blink of an eye.

"I said, Orochimaru, what the hell are you doing? Almost buried us alive."

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't control it the first time I used this trick."

Yang Jian was also a little curious. Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion is one of Tenseigan's exclusive moves. How could Orochimaru suddenly comprehend it without anyone teaching him, and immediately asked: "Oshewan, you just created this move yourself. Did it come out?"

"That's not true. I have some more memories in my mind. It should be because of some special chakras I absorbed before. I found that I have some more memories in my mind. By the way, according to these memories, my eyes are called turning around. Eyes, besides Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, there is another move, Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, which is quite powerful."

Yang Jian suddenly realized that the extra memory of Orochimaru should come from Otsutsuki Yumura. With his ability, it is not difficult to leave matching moves in Tenseigan Chakra.


At this time, Orochimaru screamed, covering his eyes, with a look of pain on his face, the royal blue light in Orochimaru's eyes gradually dissipated, and degenerated into white eyes again.

"What's going on? Orochimaru, why did your Tenseigan disappear?"

Orochimaru gasped violently for a few times, and after the pain disappeared, he waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, it's just the first time I use it, the chakra is consumed too much, so it degenerates back to the state of white eyes, it seems that these eyes are also a problem for me. It's a big burden and can't be turned on for a long time."

Yang Jian nodded. This is normal. After all, Tenseiyan is a super-pupil technique at the same level as Samsarayan, so how can it remain open all the time?

"Anyway, today is a harvest day for Dashewan, Dashewan, you have a treat."

Orochimaru waved his hand coolly and said: "No problem, call Shennong and Xie together, just ask what you want to eat, no matter how much, I will pay for you."

"Okay, it's rare that Orochimaru is so happy for you, so I won't be polite, we won't go home until we're drunk tonight!"

Chapter 546 Rescue Itachi Uchiha

In the next period of time, Yang Jian resumed his leisurely life, and gave all the work to other people, working as a secretary when he had something to do, and being a secretary when he had nothing to do. Yang Jian stayed in Tianzhiguo obediently and watched the changing situation with a smile.

Because of the fact that Izuo and Sanwei were captured by the Akatsuki organization some time ago, the Tianzhi Country and the Wind Country issued a denunciation, calling on all countries to unite to resist the terrorist organization Akatsuki.

But it is a pity that the thunder is loud and the rain is little. Those countries say it sounds nice on the surface, but in fact they don’t do anything at all. There are even many people gloating. In their view, they are not the ones who lose anyway. The country of wind and the country of fields lost The tailed beast is a good thing for them, especially Tian Zhiguo, who has already regarded him as an imaginary enemy in the eyes of all countries. If he is not afraid of Yang Jian's neutron star explosion, he is worried that it will fall On the head of his own village, this may be the second time that the ninja coalition forces have been organized to besiege Tian Zhiguo.

As for Sand Hidden Village, as one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, I don’t know how many people want them to suffer losses. I don't know how many people applauded secretly, even gearing up for the matter.They didn't know how many people were laughing, and even secretly gave Xiaozu a favor.

Muye Village, who was originally the guardian of the five major ninja villages, had nothing to do with himself and held his attitude high, but his attitude suddenly changed a while ago. He openly supported the siege and suppression of the terrorist organization Akatsuki, and also announced the activities of the Akatsuki organization. Some terrorist activities, first of all the Kyuubi incident, Konoha directly stated that it was the people of the Akatsuki organization who released Kyuubi, and then there was the Uchiha extermination, specifically specifying that the Akatsuki organization was behind the scenes.

At this time, everyone knew why Konoha hated Akatsuki so deeply. The Nine-Tails incident and the Uchiha extermination, these can be said to be two major events in the decline of Konoha Village, which can be described as irreconcilable .

But even if this is the case, it still hasn't made the remote vigilance. There is no deep pain, and human beings will never learn the lesson. Even Yanyin Village cooperates with the Akatsuki Organization. I learned that Sayin, Konoha, and Tian Zhikun successively served under the Akatsuki group. After the loss, Onoki was still secretly laughing.

It's a pity that Ohnoki was not happy for a long time, and the unlucky thing happened to him, because the Akatsuki organization had already started to capture the tailed beasts, and the four tails and five tails of Yanyin Village were captured successively, Onoki was almost blown away, especially The small organization stabbed him from the back during the cooperation, which made Onogi, who has always been known as a cunning and cunning, feel extremely ashamed.

Due to Yang Jian's intervention, the people in the Xiao group were worried that they would be blocked by the people of Tian Zhiguo, and the speed of capturing the tailed beast was significantly accelerated, and Obito even took action himself. .In just two months, the tailed beasts in the major ninja villages were attacked one after another. In the end, there were only the eight tails of Yun Yin and the nine tails of Konoha, and the other tailed beasts had already fallen into the hands of Akatsuki.

For the Xiao organization, Yang Jian watched with cold eyes, or this is exactly what Yang Jian wanted, and even the reason why the Xiao organization was able to collect the seven tailed beasts so smoothly, Yang Jian still secretly helped a little, because Yang Jian needs the tailed beasts to gather and the ten tails to appear.

Orochimaru and Sasuke came to Yang Jian at the same time that day, and I don't know if it was a coincidence, they both carried a comatose person on their shoulders, and they both came to Yang Jian to save him.

"I said what's the matter with you? It's an appointment, right? Either you don't come, or you come two at a time. Can't I divert the time?" Yang Jian looked angrily at the person sent by Orochimaru and Sasuke Said.

What Sasuke brought back was Itachi Uchiha. At this time, Itachi's breath of life was extremely weak. It was only because Sasuke gave him the medicine that he was temporarily saved, and it was not an ordinary medicine, but Yang Jian used fairy beans as the main ingredient. The material is made with other medicines. When ordinary people are injured, they can recover instantly after one dose, but it can't cure Uchiha Itachi. It can only save Uchiha Itachi's life temporarily, which shows that his condition is serious.

As for the person who was brought here by Orochimaru, it was Jiraiya. At this time, Ziraiya was also extremely miserable. Not to mention the scars all over his body, he even had an arm broken, but Orochimaru had already treated him. Although it looked serious, But it was no longer life-threatening.

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke and said: "I didn't expect such a coincidence, since you don't have time, forget it, I just want you to help, to regenerate Jiraiya's broken arm, in fact, I do it myself Yes, it just took a long time, it seems that Itachi's situation is more urgent, you should save him first!"

"That's pretty much the same, but what's going on with Zilaiye? Who hurt him like this? It stands to reason that with his strength, it shouldn't be a problem to escape even if he can't beat him." In fact, Yang Jian already had a guess in his mind. But I still want to ask for proof.

"Speaking of this Jilai, I can only admit that I am unlucky. It is his apprentice who hurt him like this. Now the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Nagato, this fool, after hearing that the leader of the Akatsuki organization has the eyes of reincarnation, he doesn't care. Regardless of the danger of his own life, he went to investigate, and finally broke into the rain country alone.

Needless to say, he was found out after a big battle and was severely injured, but this fool did not want to give up on his apprentice. He obviously had a chance to escape but he didn't. He was killed directly and his body was thrown into the sea. Fortunately, I was on top of him After staying behind, after realizing that something happened to him, he immediately used the reverse psychic technique to rush over, and took a lot of effort to fish him out of the sea. Fortunately, the cells did not completely lose their activity.Finally, there is still salvation, otherwise it would be really troublesome. "

"I didn't expect you to attach so much importance to this idiot. You always beat and scolded him on weekdays, but after his accident, you were the first to rescue him. Is there any special relationship between you?"

Dashewan could naturally hear the teasing in Yang Jian's mouth, "Shut up! I'm just looking at the past friendship, and he still owes the bank so much money. If he dies, the money will fall to me, the guarantor. In fact, he stayed at the bottom of the sea for a while, and he may suffer from a lack of oxygen in his brain, so I hope he won’t lose his memory and forget to repay the loan.”

Yang Jian rolled her eyes angrily and said, "So what if you lose your memory? As long as you are still alive, you have to pay back the money honestly. You don't have to worry about that."

Sasuke watched Yang Jian and Orochimaru chatting unhurriedly there, but he was very anxious. You must know that Uchiha Itachi's life is dying now, "Can you talk about it later? Help me see it first." My brother's situation, he can't hold it anymore."

"Why are you so anxious, with me here, can people still die? It's not too late."

Yang Jian said so, but still bent down, and began to examine Zhibo Itachi, and Orochimaru also picked it up and then turned and left.

Soon Yang Jian discovered that Uchiha Itachi's condition was worse than imagined. The surface injury of the body didn't matter. The key was the internal organs, which had already begun to fail. This should be because he kept squeezing his body and consumed too much vitality. Because of this, if it's a day and a half at night, it's really hopeless. .

But fortunately, Yang Jian mastered the method of replenishing vitality, and spent most of a day treating Itachi Uchiha, and finally stabilized the condition, then directly put him into a glass container, filled it with nutrient solution, and slowly Take care of your body.

After Yang Jian finished his work, he had time to ask Sasuke what happened.

"What happened between you and Uchiha Itachi? Why is his body so bad?"

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