"What! How is this possible? Shenluo Tianzheng!" In desperation, Tiandao used the most redundant tricks as usual.

When Zhi Nai was [-] or [-] meters away from the Heavenly Dao, he was mixed with the repulsive force of Shenluo Tianzheng, and his body flew upside down involuntarily, but his heart was full of unwillingness. The spear continued to extend, piercing Tiandao's chest.

"Ah!" Tiandao suddenly added to the output of Chakra, and the power of Shenluo Tianzheng was even stronger. Shino couldn't hold on any longer, his body rolled and flew back, and the long spear that had extended to more than 20 meters also shrank again, becoming Cheng Qiu Daoyu flies away with Zhi Nai

boom! !

With a loud noise, Zhi Nai fell from the air and made a big hole, but what is surprising is that he quickly crawled out of the big hole. Although he was a little embarrassed, he didn't suffer much damage from his appearance .

Tiandao, with a face full of surprise, this physical quality is too strong, he is very aware of the power of his Shenluo Tianzheng, since he can bear it with his body, and the opponent's attack just now is too dangerous, thanks to himself Floating in the sky all the time, making the opponent a little restrained when attacking, or else relying on the opponent's physical fitness, coupled with that weird attack method, it is really possible to be injured.

Yang Jian has nothing to say about Zhi Nai, his nephew. He has always spared no effort in teaching him, and of course he will not leave any flaws. Moreover, Yang Jian believes that the body is the foundation of everything. In order to strengthen his physical fitness, he spent a lot of money. Thoughts, although Zhi Nao looks well-proportioned and has no muscles, in fact, his physical fitness is also ranked first in the entire Konoha, even better than Xiao Li who specializes in physical skills, and is infinitely close to Maite Kai. There is a four-winged golden silkworm in his body to help him recover, so how could this kind of attack hit him.

Shino shook his head vigorously, looked at the sky floating in the sky, and looked at the surrounding battle situation. In fact, there were many ninjas who wanted to rush over, but the other ones had rejoined at this time, giving those ninjas who wanted to come to support stop.

Among them, the Animal Road once again summoned a large number of psychic beasts to besiege the tooth and the comatose Hinata. Nagato identified Hinata as the target, obviously wanting to get rid of her completely to prevent future threats to him.

It's a pity that Hinata passed out. The Golden Eagle King she had channeled before had returned to Penglai Island, and she could only be evaded by Akamaru. A group of Hyuga clansmen rushed here desperately, trying to save their daughter.

At this time, not only Hyuga Hinata, but also other Hyuga clansmen were desperate. They all saw the situation where Hinata Hinata was showing off his power before, and also saw the change in Hinata's eyes. Only then did they know that they were from the Hinata clan The white eyes can also evolve, and after evolution, they have magical powers, which are even better than the kaleidoscopes of the Uchiha clan. They already regard Hinata as the hope for the rise of the Hyuga clan.

In fact, this kind of thinking of the Hyuga clan is very normal. Hyuga and Uchiha, as the two giants of Konoha, have the same reputation as Baiyan and Sharingan.

Originally, they didn't think that their Baiyan was worse than Sharingan, maybe the ability of Sharingan was more diversified, but even if the opponent reached the level of Sangouyu, Baiyan could see through things, and the ability of long-distance exploration was not inferior to the opponent. In addition, being able to see clearly the enemy's meridians, acupuncture points, and the flow of chakra in the human body, combined with the family's soft fist, can completely rival the Uchiha clan. The Hyuga clan has always been proud of their white eyes.

But when the Kaleidoscope Sharingan appeared, the pride of their Hyuga Clan was instantly shattered. After everyone has seen the power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, they will think that Baiyan is far inferior to Sharingan, even the Hyuga Clan themselves. I think, because the Sharingan that has evolved into a kaleidoscope form is too strong.

But now they suddenly discovered that the white eyes of the Hyuga clan can also evolve, even stronger than the kaleidoscope of the Uchiha clan. safety.

Chapter 551 Shino vs Tiandao

Seeing that Ya and Hinata were in a critical situation, Zhi Nai immediately asked the psychic beast he had summoned earlier to help. Immediately, five figures of spider king, scorpion king, centipede king, boa constrictor king, and toad king rushed over, fighting with the animal way. All the psychic beasts stood together, but they were hit by Shenluo Tianzheng before. Although they didn't die, they all suffered serious injuries. Facing the siege of a group of psychic beasts under the animal Taoist, they were a little powerless.

However, Shino didn't expect them to defeat each other, he just wanted to delay for a while, and when Konoha's people broke through the other five blockades, he planned to release the psychic spell, and let them go back to Penglai. After all, it was his psychic beast. Can't let them really fall here.

Don't worry about Kiba and Hinata for the time being, Shino looked at Kakashi again, before he wondered why Mr. Kakashi didn't help, but when he saw Kakashi, he found that Kakashi's situation is not much better, help It turned out that he had just sucked that boulder into a different space with divine power, and had already exhausted his chakra. He was strong-willed before he passed out. In this way, not only did he have no helpers, but more Chi Nao couldn't help but feel pain in his heart because of a burden.

"When the little ghost was fighting with me, he still had the mind to care about other people." Tiandao said condescendingly, looking at Zhi Nai.

"They are my companions. As long as I am still alive, I will never let them be harmed." Zhi Nao explained in a rare way with firm eyes.

"This is an enviable friendship, but it's a pity that you are all going to die here today."

"It's not certain who will live and who will die." After Zhi Nai finished speaking, he rushed out again, Qiu Daoyu transformed into a javelin, ready to sneak out at any time.

Boom boom boom...

Tiandao shot out repeatedly with both hands, sending out wave after wave of repulsion. Zhi Nai controlled the javelin transformed by Qiudao jade with one left hand, and the other hand clenched a fist and blasted out again and again, directly hitting the repulsion force. slowed down.

Tiandao said coldly: "Hmph, do you think the same move is still useful? Although I don't know where you got this weird energy, but I have already discovered your flaws. Your control of the black ball has a distance limit. It will never exceed 50 meters at most, otherwise when you attacked me just now, you could have projected the standard length out, but in fact it didn't. When you were hit by my Shenluo Tianzheng, the spear turned into a ball and returned to you. Because once you go beyond the distance, you will lose control, as long as you keep the distance, you can't hurt me at all."

Zhi Nai's complexion sank, he didn't expect this shortcoming of his own to be discovered by the other party, indeed, after all, the Qiudao jade was not condensed by himself, but given by Yang Jian, he didn't have the body of the Otsutsuki clan, and it was impossible to control the ball. possible.

The reason why Zhi Nai was able to achieve this step was because Yang Jian's consciousness contained in Qiu Dao Jade, and this consciousness was set to obey Zhi Nai's orders, so he was able to barely control Qiu Dao Yu. Give Zhi Nao a life-saving hole card. If there is a life-and-death crisis, use the Qiudao jade to transform into a sphere and cover him in it. Basically, few people can cause him harm.

I just didn't expect that something unexpected happened later. In the spare time of Zhi Nai's practice for the past three years, Zhi Nai has been trying to communicate with Qiu Dao Yu's inner consciousness.

Tiandao continued to increase the repulsive force, blocked Zhi Nai, and then controlled boulders to smash over, forcing Zhi Nai to dodge in embarrassment.

However, Zhi Nao is not such a person who gives up easily, at this time he softly shouted: "Secret Technique·Insect Tornado!"

Immediately dense swarms of parasites crawled out of the ground and rushed towards the heavens. This is a method that uses the parasites ambushing around the enemy to create a whirlwind to surround the enemy and devour the trapped enemies without leaving any traces. In the previous fight, Zhi Nai would secretly let some parasites escape from the body along the legs, burrow into the ground and hide, ready to look for an opportunity to attack.

It stands to reason that it would be best to wait for Tiandao to fall to the ground to make a move. Unfortunately, Tiandao didn't give him this chance at all, and he was floating in the air from the beginning to the end. Although now is not the best time to make a move, Zhi Nao can't care less .

"Hmph, you bugs are really troublesome, but as long as you are prepared, you can't hurt me! Shenluo Tianzheng!" Tiandao said, using repulsive force to repel those parasites again.

Zhi Nao was also pressured by this reprimand, but Zhi Nao was already prepared, crossed his hands and used his body to carry it hard, and his feet drew two grooves in the ground.

If it was the beginning, Zhi Nai would never have dared to use his body to resist Shen Luo Tianzheng, but Tian Dao had used a big move before, coupled with the continuous fierce battle, the Chakra consumption was extremely high, Zhi Nai had already discovered before that Tian Dao Shen Luotian's power is obviously not as good as before, so he tried to resist with his body, and he really resisted.

Zhi Nai did not hesitate after stabilizing his figure, and immediately rushed towards Tiandao. After fighting for so long, he also found that Tiandao would have a five-second buffer every time he used Shenluo Tianzheng, which was the best chance to defeat him.

The distance between Zhi Nai and Tiandao was close to [-] meters, but Zhi Nai only took three seconds to cross this distance, clenched his fists, and punched with all his strength.

Seeing that Tiandao was about to be hit, and when the faces of the people watching the situation showed joy, they heard a bang, and a tall figure was held in front of Zhi Nao. It was indeed Shura Dao among the six realms. Sharp knives met Zhi Nao one by one. If Zhi Nao didn't stop, his body would be pierced by these sharp knives.

"Secret Art Bug Armor!" But to everyone's surprise, Zhi Nao didn't back down, but dense parasites emerged from his body, forming a layer of golden armor on his body surface, and his fists condensed Chances are that it weighs more and is about the size of a casserole.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! ! !boom! !

Shura Dao's sharp blade pierced Zhi Zhi's body, but unexpectedly, it failed to pierce the armor made of insects on Zhi Nao's body. There was a big hole, and then Shura Dao fell straight on the ground.

After Zhi Nai solved Shura Dao, he continued to rush towards Tian Dao, but after such a resistance, five seconds had expired, and Tian Dao blasted out another sentence of Shen Luo Tian Zheng.

"Ah!" Zhi Nai roared angrily, and crossed his hands to resist as before, but this time he was much closer to the way of heaven than before. The closer the move of Shen Luo Tianzheng is to the center, the more powerful it is. This time, Zhi Nai couldn't resist. The body rolled back and forth.

At this time, Shura Dao who was lying on the ground also moved. Although his body was pierced by Shino's fist, he did not die. He immediately seized the opportunity and shot rockets to lock on Shino.

Zhi Nairen was in mid-air, with no place to hide. Seeing that the rocket was about to hit him, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Secret Technique·Scattered Body!"

Suddenly, Zhi Nao's body shattered and turned into countless golden parasites, flying around and dodging.

Boom boom boom...

The rocket immediately lost its target, passed through the insect swarm and landed on the ground, sending out a series of explosions, and then the flying insect swarm gathered together again, and soon manifested Chino's appearance, but he seemed a little panting. It consumes a lot of energy on yourself, you will consume part of your vitality once you use it, if you are not forced to rush, Zhi Nai will not use this move at all.

Not far from the battlefield, Kakashi wanted to step forward to help several times, but the sense of powerlessness in his body made him worth giving up. At this moment, Kakashi had a slug lying on his shoulder, helping him He has recovered a little chakra, but it is far from enough to intervene in the battle between Tiandao and Shino, so he can only stare at a Sharingan to find an opportunity. If he desperately wants to die, he can still show his divine power once, of course. As before, you only need to suck a boulder more than ten meters high into the different space, but smaller things are still possible. If you use it well, you still have a chance to solve the heavens.

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