Boom boom boom...

Tiandao has already noticed the strength of Zhi Nao's body, and he can guess that the opponent's melee ability will be strong. Coupled with the threat of fairway jade, he dare not let him get close, and he controls boulders to smash randomly. The indiscriminate bombardment assisted by others made Zhi Nai unable to deal with it. He scattered his body again and again to avoid, but every time he caused serious damage to himself.

"What a tenacious guy, I admit that you are indeed qualified to let me remember you, and now report your name."

Tiandao looked aloof, as if it was a gift and an honor for Zhi Nai to report his name.

It's a pity that Tiandao's words didn't cause any fluctuations in Zhi Nai at all. Zhi Nai was usually taciturn, with a very low sense of presence, and he rarely talked nonsense to the enemy, and he didn't mean to answer the hot weather at all, which made Tian Dao very embarrassed. The winking eyes for the blind man immediately annoyed Tiandao, and the attack became more violent.

Yang Jian is still paying attention to Shino's situation through the crystal ball, and I have to say that Ichiraku Ramen has always been lucky. Before Tiandao's super-Shinra Tianzheng was partially blocked by Hinata's silver wheel reincarnation blast, and Konoha was able to save a piece of it. A safe area, and Yile Ramen is just within this range.

At this time Yang Jian was also caught in a dilemma, watching Zhi Nai desperately rushing towards the heaven, being repelled time and time again, he didn't know whether he should make a move.

Yang Jian could tell that Zhi Nao's chakra had been exhausted at this time, and he was supported by the four-winged golden silkworm's constant injection of chakra.

I am gratified because Shino has really grown up and has become a man, shouldering his own responsibilities. Under such an extremely unfavorable situation, he still did not give up his efforts and tried his best to protect his companions and Konoha. It was because Zhi Nai's combat method caused great damage to the body and would seriously reduce lifespan. If Yang Jian hadn't had a way to replenish his vitality and could make up for it afterwards, he would have been unable to resist killing Tiandao long ago.

Soon Yang Jian didn't have to be embarrassed, because the two figures finally broke through the line of defense and rushed to the battlefield between Shino and Tiandao. They were Tsunade and Sandai.

Tsunade reached out to catch Shino who was blown away by Tiandao, and there was a violent wave in front of him and her. Feeling the amazing touch, Shino blushed slightly, but fortunately, the oil girl clan always wears masks and Sunglasses, no one noticed Zhi Nao's abnormality.

Nato took Shino aside and said, "Okay, Shino, you have performed very well, leave it to us, and you take Kakashi away."

"Hokage-sama, Sandai-sama, I can still..." Shino seemed unwilling to give up and wanted to fight again, but when he met Tsunade's serious eyes, he couldn't say the following words, so he had to be honest Stepped aside, helped Kakashi up, and said, "Okay Hokage-sama, I understand, you have to be careful."

Tsunade tore off the imperial robe on his body and threw it aside. The green shirt with the gambler on it, held his head high, and said righteously: "I will not let anyone who destroys Konoha be. , betting the name of Hokage, today you must kill you here."

The third generation has been standing behind Tsunade. After all, Tsunade is the current Hokage, and the necessary face must be given. Seeing Tsunade's actions, he also took off the clothes on his body, revealing a black outfit. The arrogance remains the same as before.

Tiandao looked at Tsunade and Midai coldly, "The so-called name of Hokage is just a joke in front of gods. This world respects strength, and everything will be wiped out in front of absolute strength."

At this time, the three generations had already psychic out the ape demon, transformed into a Ruyi stick and carried it on his shoulders. Hearing what Tiandao said, he couldn't help saying, "Absolute strength? Do you think you can defeat everyone? Then Tian Zhi What about the one in the country? The mysterious man who frightened the coalition forces of the five major ninja villages with just one move, do you think you can defeat him? Nagato, you want to frighten everyone with absolute strength, make them afraid of war and bring peace .But if you can't beat everyone, how can this ideal be realized?"

The Dao of Heaven faltered suddenly, not only because the third generation revealed his identity, but more importantly, the third generation mentioned the people Nagato deliberately ignored, because Nagato knew very well that he was not Yang Jian's opponent, so he could only rely on the fact that the other party would not It would be a shame for Nagato to intervene.

After all, Nagato is a man with a firm mind. The wavering in his heart was only momentary, but he soon calmed down, "So what? I am no match for him now, but soon I will gain the power to defeat him. No one can stop me. "

"Are you collecting tailed beasts to gain the power to defeat that person? But, are you sure you can succeed? Nagato, Jirai also said that you are the child of destiny, and you will change the ninja world and bring peace to the ninja world. But you have chosen a wrong path, don't continue to go wrong, you will destroy the entire ninja world if you continue to walk like this."

Different from the original plot, Konoha got some news about the Akatsuki organization from Orochimaru. In addition, if Jiraiya was brought back before his death, the third generation and the others had more information about Nagato, so the third generation Prescribe the right medicine and try to convince Nagato.

"Child of Destiny? I am not. The real Child of Destiny is Yahiko, but he was killed by you Konoha. If the ninja world is really destroyed, it is also your Konoha's fault."

The third generation choked suddenly, unable to speak, scolded Danzo again and again in his heart, look at what you did, it turns out that the other party is Jiraiya's apprentice, and Konoha is a natural ally , if you guide them, even if you can't join Konoha, you can still borrow the power of the other party. With the help of the eyes of reincarnation, Konoha will definitely increase in strength, and even unify the entire ninja world. The owner is forced to become an enemy, is there anyone as deceptive as you?

Chapter 552

Because Yahiko's Nagato disliked Konoha's personality, especially Konoha's high-level executives, being able to talk so much to the third generation and the others, his patience was exhausted, and he no longer had the desire to continue talking, so he directly shot.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Gravity appeared and enveloped Tsunade and Sandai. The two floated up involuntarily, and were sucked by Nagato, because people couldn't use their strength in the air, and they couldn't resist for a while. .

Although the incident happened suddenly, it was nothing to the experienced old fox of the third generation. As soon as he turned his eyes, he thought of a way. He grabbed the diamond stick for a round with both hands, pointed one end at the way of heaven, and shouted: "The diamond stick ,elongation!"

The vajra rod with a diameter of 30 centimeters quickly extended and stabbed fiercely towards the sky.

Tiandao was taken aback. Being stabbed by such a thick stick, he would be crippled even if he didn't die. As soon as his gesture changed, he immediately changed the gravitational force to the repulsive force, and because of the fear of Hokage in his heart, he directly enhanced the repulsive force to the maximum, and the third Hokage immediately moved forward. It turned into a retreat, and the body was thrown up involuntarily, and Tsunade did the same.

However, the experienced third generation continued to hold the Vajra Rod with one hand while retreating, and grabbed Tsunade with the other hand, and threw her out, letting the master fall on his Vajra Rod. .

Tsunade immediately understood what his teacher meant, stepped on the vajra rod and rushed forward, clenched his palms tightly, and smashed out with all his strength, "Weird power!"

bang bang bang...

The first palm followed by the second palm and the third punch... The most talked about point of Tsunade lies in her powerful strange power, extremely powerful power, which directly blasts the enemy. At this time, Tsunade used The strange power fist directly blasted away the repulsive force of Tiandao, and the Vajra Holder took the opportunity to extend forward, holding Tsunade and quickly approaching Tiandao.

Tiandao also had a headache when he saw this scene. Shino had used the same method before, but Tsunade's fists seemed to be stronger, and he felt ruthless in his heart. He slapped his hands one after another, like a wave. , the repulsive force is getting stronger and stronger.

When Tsunade was still more than ten meters away from Tiandao, she couldn't move forward anymore, because the too much power emitted by Tiandao was already so strong that even her strange power fist couldn't break it, which made her feel a little embarrassed. Being able to get close to the way of heaven and threaten the way of heaven, but as Hokage, I can only do this.

At this time, Tsunade suddenly felt empty under his feet, looked down, and found that the Vajra Rod had disappeared, Tsunade lost the place to use his strength, and his body flew out involuntarily.

Tsunade flipped in the air, and when he was about to hit the ground, he punched suddenly, and a big hole was smashed into the ground, but it also eased the force of the fall, quickly stabilized his body, and landed safely.

Tsunade was about to question why Sandai suddenly withdrew the golden steel rod, but found that Sandai took the opportunity to rush to the heavens at this time, and had already exhibited the shadow clone technique. Two Sandai appeared in the field, performing ninjutsu at the same time

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

"Lei Dun, go!"

A stream of water spewed out from the mouth of the third generation, which instantly turned into a huge wave, whistling and smashing towards the sky. At the same time, the power of the thunder tunnel was mixed into the water. chance of attack.

Facing the three generations of combined ninjutsu, Tiandao didn't panic at all, just quietly floating at a height of only two or three meters from the ground, without even doing any defense.

Just when Sandai and Tsunade wondered why the way of heaven was like this, a somewhat obese figure appeared in front of them, stretched out a hand, and when it came into contact with the monstrous water wave, the water wave and the electric current mixed in it disappeared instantly No, it was directly absorbed by him.

"Absorbing the ability of ninja is the way of hungry ghosts!"

When Tsunade saw the big fat man's figure, he immediately recognized the other party's identity, but didn't Hungry Ghost Road prevent other Konoha ninjas from rushing over to support him?Why is it here?

Tsunade looked around in a hurry, and found that Liudao had rushed over, and they had given up the idea of ​​preventing Konoha Ninja from supporting.

In fact, it is right to think about it. The original purpose of Penn Liudao was to kill Hinata, lest the other party grow up in the future and threaten him, but now that Hinata has been rescued, Liudao should have given up intercepting Konoha Ninja earlier. Konoha Ninja, just because Zhi Nai's performance was beyond his expectation, felt that Zhi Nai was also a threat, and planned to stop him for a while, let alone kill Zhi Nao, but unexpectedly failed.

The six realms gathered together, Hell Dao was the first to psychic out of Hades, swallowed Shura Dao, chewed it in his mouth for a while, and when he spat it out, the big hole in Shura Dao's chest had disappeared, perfect as before, and then he and the other Konohas who rushed over Ninjas stand together.

The third generation couldn't help but secretly thought that it was a pity, if he could transfer and seal Shura Dao's body, the other party would not be able to recover.

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