It's just that there are no ifs in this world, and the third generation is not someone who regrets easily. Since it has already happened, he won't be obsessed with it all the time. He took a deep breath, grabbed the diamond stick and rushed out again.

However, Tsunade's movements were faster than his. She stomped hard on the ground, and she stepped on the ground to create a big hole, and the spider web-like cracks spread several meters away. The master once again showed her violent side to the world.

Tsunade's situation is much better than in the original plot, because of Yang Jian's intervention, the strength of Xiaoqiang has been enhanced to varying degrees, especially Shino and Hinata, who saved part of Konoha, and fewer people were injured than in the original plot There are a lot fewer people who need Tsunade's treatment, which naturally saves a lot of Chakra. You don't have to fight Liudao with Chakra almost exhausted like in the original plot. If you can't exert her longer power at all Defeated, the performance is a bit weak.

Tiandao used the gravitational control to control the boulders and smashed them, and then cooperated with the repulsion to bombard Tsunade, and the offensive continued continuously.

And Tsunade's fighting style is always so violent and direct, whether it's repulsion or boulders, she always has only one move back and forth, punching it, completely smashing it.

However, Tsunade's fighting style also consumes a lot of Chakra, but in order to prevent Tiandao from destroying the village with Super Shenluo Tianzheng like before, Tsunade still chose this simple and direct method to let Tiandao divide If she doesn't make a move, fortunately there are three generations of support beside her to help her relieve the pressure, so she can hold on for the time being.

Yang Jian lost interest in the battle between the Three Generations and Tsunade Hokage vs. Heaven after just a few glances. Yang Jian didn't care about who won or lost, and soon turned his attention to Shino.

At this time, Zhi Nai had joined Iba and Hinata, and Hinata was still in a coma. Zhi Nao's five poisonous psychic beasts formed a circle, protecting Shino and the others in the center, struggling to resist the attack of a group of giant dogs.

Of course, those giant dogs were split from the original multi-headed dogs. At this time, there were more than 30 dogs.

Before, even a giant dog accidentally pierced through the gap, and opened its bloody mouth to bite Hinata. Fortunately, the spider king reacted in time, opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of spider webs to trap him, but he dared not continue to attack , because he was afraid that once the giant dog was attacked, the body would split again.

When Zhi Nai arrived, the giant dog trapped by the spider web almost broke free, and the teeth were so anxious that they almost cried out. Fortunately, Zhi Nai arrived at this time, and released a large number of golden parasites with a wave of his hand. Shouted loudly: "Big worm, moth-eaten!"

Seeing that giant dog suddenly howled in pain, its body was constantly swollen, and it couldn't afford big bags, and then one after another, the worms that looked abnormally fat crawled out, devouring its body continuously, and soon devoured it all. , Don't give him a chance to split at all.

This is a technique in which insects parasitize the enemy's body and eat chakra, breaking through the enemy's body.Unlike the parasite that devours the enemy to death, the parasite directly bites the opponent's chakra and flesh from the inside and grows and devours it in the body. In the original plot, Shino used this trick to solve a ten-tailed split body.

Of course, in Shino's mind, the success of parasites is not as important as his golden parasites, because parasites have many defects, such as low defense, poor adaptability, and short life cycle.

And the golden parasites are bred by absorbing a trace of the power of the four-winged golden silkworm, and then cultivated through the method of raising pots. They can survive almost any conditions, their defense is not bad, and their lifespan is longer. They can live for five years. Six years, otherwise Shino would not be able to accumulate so many golden parasites.

Seeing Zhi Nao, Fang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Shi Nai, you're finally here, if I'm one step later, I won't be able to resist, hurry up and get rid of these big dogs, it's too troublesome, once attacked, it will split , more and more, endless, so that we dare not attack, we can only passively defend, I have never suffered such a loss."

Zhi Nao was full of helplessness, "I'm afraid this won't work. I used the secret technique forcefully, and the Chakra was almost exhausted. The trick I used just now is already at the limit, and I can't use it a second time."

Not to mention how embarrassing it is, Zhi Nai rushed here to help Ya, but now it seems that it is good not to hold back.No

"What, how could this be?" Ya's face suddenly turned bitter, and he was very happy.

"Mr. Kakashi, what can you do?" Kiba saw Kakashi who came over with Shino at this time, and hope was rekindled. This is Konoha's elite jounin, and even qualified to run for Hokage , there must be a way.

"I can't do it either. When I fought against Tiandao before, I also exhausted my chakra, and I am not good at dealing with such huge psychic beasts. I am really sorry."

Kakashi's face was even more bitter. He felt that his teacher was really bad enough, but he couldn't play a role when the students needed it most. Although if he desperately refused, he could still show his divine power once, but the situation in front of him Even if a huge psychic beast attacks the opponent's eyes, it will only injure it, but cannot kill it.

"Are we really going to die here today?" Fang looked at the dozens of giant dogs around him, and some ninjas in the distance wanted to rush over to help, but they couldn't break through the defense line for a while, so they could only worry outside.

Kakashi looked at the five poisonous psychic beasts, and there were a few more wounds on their bodies, but they didn't take a step back. These five psychic beasts knew very well that Zhi Nai was someone Yang Jian cared about very much. In case of an accident, even if they died, they would not be able to resolve Yang Jian's anger.

Kakashi lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at Shino, and asked, "Shino, did you find anything special when your worm devoured that giant dog just now? The splitting ability of the other party is really weird. I figured there must be some kind of restriction."

Shino thought for a while, then shook his head, "I don't have any special feeling, but I think the key to the split of this psychic beast is Chakra, everything is based on Chakra, if there is a way to make the Chakra in its body Suck it away, I think it should be impossible to split."

"Suck away the Chakra from them? How is that possible? In the ninja world, there is a kind of blood inheritance ability that can absorb Chakra, but it must be in close contact. With the size of the opponent, even if there is no Chakra, you can still slap it." Shoot people to death, unless you can imprison them there, and then..." Kakashi was stunned in the middle of his words, because he suddenly found that there really seemed to be someone who could do it, and he just wanted to implement this plan. Tsunade's consent is required.

Kakashi thought for a while, and finally made up his mind. He said a few words to the little slug lying on his shoulder, asking him to help contact the Fifth Hokage Tsunade,

Tsunade, who was fighting against Tiandao, was in a bad mood at this time. She had seen Shino fighting Tiandao for so long by herself, and if she and the third generation teamed up, even if they couldn't win the opponent, they could at least hold him back, but wait It was only after a real fight that I realized how difficult Tiandao is, and I was suppressed within a few minutes of the fight. The defeat is a matter of time, and the mood was already bad enough, but when I received the news from Kakashi, my mood became even worse. Worse, I instinctively wanted to reject Kakashi's proposal, but seeing the shattered Konoha, Tsunade gritted his teeth and agreed, and an order was passed on through the slug. .

After receiving Tsunade's reply, Kakashi showed a relaxed expression on his face, waiting quietly.

"Wood escape, the tree world is coming!" After only a few minutes, Kakashi, Shino and Kiba heard a slightly immature voice from outside the encirclement, and then the saplings emerged from the ground and grew rapidly. Standing up, it turned into a towering tree in a blink of an eye, with countless vines scattered everywhere, as if they came to life, entangled the giant dogs, and began to crazily absorb the chakra on their bodies, growing even faster.

Sure enough, after the chakra was sucked away, the giant dog's ability to split was no longer displayed. It could only struggle hard and let out waves of wailing, but unfortunately, its movements became weaker and weaker.

"Hahaha... Sure enough, I have to take action at the critical moment, scumbags, in front of the future Sixth Hokage, all enemies are paper tigers, all of them lie down!" A young man appeared on the big tree, very impressed Er's laughed, it was Tsunade's younger brother Nawaki.

Kakashi's people have black lines on their faces. In fact, they still like Naruto very much, but there is one thing wrong. They look a little silly. The face of the Sixth Hokage War is red.

Without the siege of those giant dogs, the remaining psychic beasts would be much easier to deal with. Zhi Nai breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the psychic technique, and let the already scarred five poisonous beasts return to Penglai Island to recuperate.

Chapter 553: Bai Jue's Doubt

In any case, it was Nakoki who saved them this time, and normal people should be grateful. Just when Shino and the others were about to speak, their eyes couldn't help but look behind Naoki, with frightened expressions on their faces, almost At the same time, he rushed out and rushed towards the rope tree.

"Rope tree, be careful behind!" Tooth couldn't help but yelled.

"Behind?" Sheng Shu looked back in a hurry for some inexplicable reason, but saw a figure in a black robe and red cloud less than ten meters away, holding a black stick in his hand and stabbing towards him, but it was the animal way among the six realms.

Encountering a sudden crisis, Nasoki panicked for a moment, and even forgot to dodge. It was only because Tsunade and Sandai protected him so well, and his combat experience was so pitiful that he was about to be pierced.

"Kamui!" At the critical moment, Kakashi disregarded his own physical condition to squeeze his potential, and the three goblins in his eyes spun wildly, turning into the shape of a big windmill, using Kakashi's power.

Animal Dao suddenly felt that the space in front of him was distorted, forming a vortex, one arm had been sucked in, and her body was next. If there were no accidents, she would be sucked into a different space immediately.

But at this moment, a giant dog bound by a tree vine below suddenly opened its mouth and bit off a branch, shook its head vigorously and threw it out, flying past the animal's feet. The animal immediately seized the opportunity and put its feet firmly on the branch With one step, he used this force to forcefully break free from the vortex, but one arm was completely broken and was sucked away by the different space.

Kakashi saw the animal escape, and finally sighed helplessly, only a little bit, then slowly closed his eyes, and the breath of life began to dissipate quickly.

"Mr. Kakashi!" Shino's body has been strengthened by the life energy swallowed by the four-winged golden silkworm for the past few years. At that time, Kakashi was completely dead, fell down weakly, and gave his life to save the rope tree.

At this time, Naoshu finally reacted.Jumping down from the tree, he ran to Kakashi's side, holding Kakashi's body, weeping, and at the same time full of shame, if it wasn't for himself, Kakashi wouldn't have died at all.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi-sensei, woo woo woo... It's all my fault!"

Naoki burst into tears, at this moment he hated himself so much, why didn't he insist on his own ideas, do one more task, and increase his combat experience, so that he wouldn't be unable to react like today and hurt Kakashi-sensei.

When Shengshu, Zhi Nai and Ya were sad, Animal Dao didn't take the opportunity to help, not because she was so kind, but because Hell Dao had rushed over at this time, and the psychic came out of Hades, and Animal Dao took the initiative to get into Hades' mouth , After being chewed for a while, the broken arm spit out again has grown back.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to avenge Kakashi-sensei!" After a while Naoki stood up again, looked at the beast and said, his eyes were full of anger, and his hands began to seal, "Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Art !"

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