
The ground cracked.A long-nosed wooden dragon came out of the ground, first its head, then its body, with its teeth and claws, hundreds of meters long, opened its mouth to bite the beast.

Although Mutun has been awakened, Naoshu doesn't have many chakras at this time. After all, he is too young. Even Senju Hashirama is not much stronger at this age. There is no seal in his body. Kyuubi is not Asura, or the reincarnation of Indra.

With the rapid consumption of chakra, Naoki felt a little dizzy, but with the support of the power of hatred, he forcibly endured it. Now he only has one idea, to kill the beast and avenge Kakashi.

"Naoki, don't mess around, come back quickly!" Shino and Kiba screamed at the same time, trying to dissuade Naoki, but unfortunately, Naoki, who had been burned by anger and almost lost his mind, would not listen to them.

Seeing the wooden dragon rushing towards him, Animal Road did not choose to fight head-on, but leaped vigorously into the air, and a strange bird flew down from the sky to catch him, and then climbed rapidly.

The wooden dragon kept chasing after it, its body kept rising, and it wanted to swallow the strange bird with its mouth wide open, but the strange bird was very flexible, flying along a strange route, at a fast speed, rising higher and higher, and In a very impactful manner, balls were ejected and exploded, and soon the wooden dragon's slender body was bombed with pits and hollows.

At this time, the wooden dragon finally stopped chasing, because it could no longer be pulled up, and the rope could only watch the strange bird hunch its way like a beast, which was less than a hundred meters away from him, but there was nothing it could do.

Shengshu was so focused on chasing the beast that he ignored the situation on the ground. At this moment, a rhinoceros tens of meters high rushed out and hit the wooden dragon hard with its sharp horns.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the wooden dragon was shaken, and even the rope tree standing on the wooden dragon's head was thrown out.

Shengshu hastily controlled the wooden dragon to twist its body, intending to catch him, but at this time three huge centipedes crawled over, two of which entangled the wooden dragon. Although the centipedes were far worse than the wooden dragon in terms of size, they were desperate One of them entangled the wooden dragon and stopped it temporarily, while the other centipede snake opened its mouth in a daze, and was about to swallow the rope tree.

"Shadow stab!"

"Partial doubling technique, hand!"

At this critical moment, three figures finally arrived, and one of them condensed his own shadow into a spike, straightened and stretched continuously, stabbing out more than a dozen times in an instant, and the centipede suddenly became Sieve died tragically on the spot.

And another figure made the palm several meters wide, but did not attack, but caught the rope tree that fell from the air, and gently put it aside, and then the palm returned to normal.

The last blond girl supported Naoshu, and persuaded: "Shaoshu, calm down, we know you are very angry and want to avenge Kakashi-sensei, but the more calm you are at this time, or you will just lose yourself in vain In this way, Mr. Kakashi's efforts will be in vain. Only by ensuring your own safety can you avenge Mr. Kakashi."

Needless to say, it was of course Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji's new-generation Ikacho trio who saved Nakoki at the critical moment. With his high IQ, Shikamaru chose a shortcut and rushed over.

Zhishu couldn't help feeling a little ashamed when he thought of what he had done before. This performance was really bad. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "I'm sorry for making you worry. Don't worry, I won't be impulsive again."

After Shengshu calmed down, he controlled the wooden dragon to fight with other psychic beasts, and with the powerful strength of the wooden dragon, they were all blocked.

At this time, Shino and Kiba also rushed over, followed by Akamaru who was holding Hinata. Hearing what Nawaki said, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Mu Dunxueji, if something unexpected happens, they don't know how to explain it to Tsunade.

Shino and the others were all attracted by the rope tree, and they didn't notice a white head popping up from the big tree not far from them, staring at the comatose Hinata with piercing eyes.

"Hey, that's Baijue's avatar!" Yang Jian looked at the picture in the crystal ball with a trace of surprise in his eyes, and then suddenly said to himself: "By the way, Jue has been secretly monitoring Nagato and attacking Konoha to arrest him." The matter of Kyuubi is very important, he must be hiding nearby, but it seems that his target should be Hinata, that is to say, Helen is eyeing Tenseigan, this is not acceptable, if you snatch Tenseigan away , plus the reincarnation eye, who knows what will happen when the two are combined? It will be bad if things are out of my control, and Hinata is the future princess, so I can't let you hurt .”

At this time, the white figure moved, and approached Hinata with the help of the surrounding trees, looking at the sneaky Bai Jue avatar Well, Yang Jian thought for a while, with a sinister smile on his face.

At this time, Bai Jue's avatar had no idea that someone was plotting against him. According to the order from the main body, he secretly approached Hinata, ready to find an opportunity to dig out her reincarnated eyes. Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, the other party did not have the slightest hint. Noticing it, I was secretly happy in my heart, and success was just around the corner.

At this time, Heijue was also full of excitement. As the son of Otsutsuki Kaguya, of course he knew the power of Tenseigan, and he was a little worried that the appearance of a pair of Tenseigan at this time would affect his plan, so he decided to take a risk and snatch it.

Originally, Hei Ze didn't have much confidence at all, because Nagato's super Shenluo Tianzheng destroyed most of the Konoha, he couldn't use plants to hide, although he could drill in the soil, he could approach silently, after all Now there are quite a few members of the Hyuga clan on the battlefield, and their white eyes can completely spot themselves hiding in the soil.

But Heijue didn't expect that when luck came, he couldn't stop it. Suddenly, a tree world descended on Zhishu, creating a large number of trees, giving him a chance, and he could be perfectly integrated. .

Because the rope tree attracted everyone's attention, Baijue's avatar was getting closer and closer to Hinata under the cover of the tree, and when he slowly stretched out his hand from behind to prepare to dig out the eye, the fairway that had been floating beside Shino Yu suddenly mutated, turned into a spear and shot out in an instant, stabbing Bai Jue's avatar right in the chest.


The Baijue clone was pierced through the body, barely let out a scream and then fell silent.


The trio of Shino, Kiba, Natoki and Ikabuta realized something unusual, turned their heads and saw Bai Jue's avatar slowly falling down while maintaining the posture of digging out eyes, and immediately understood the other party's purpose, it was obviously a rush It came with Hinata's eyes.

At this time, a few white figures collided in the ground again, just like the previous Baijue avatar, rushing towards Hinata aggressively, since he has been discovered, then grab it directly, the reincarnated eye is too important, even if you know there is little hope, I also want to take a gamble to see if I can get it.

"Secret Technique·Insect Jade!" Zhi Nao waved his hand, and the dense parasites devoured two of the Baijue clones.

"The technique of partial doubling!" Akidao Dingci's two ring heads became bigger, and they blasted out suddenly, smashing the remaining clones directly into the ground, and soon there was no sound.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this? How dare you attack Hinata?" Fang couldn't help cursing.

"Although this kind of monster is in the form of a human, its structure is obviously different from that of a human. Now it is staring at Hinata's eyes. It failed this time, and I am afraid there will be another time. Fortunately, Shino, you discovered it in time, otherwise Hinata would have been killed." It's dangerous." Shikamaru stepped forward to inspect the corpse and said.

"Me! No, I didn't notice these monsters before." Zhi Nai was a little baffled. If the other party hadn't screamed, he wouldn't have known that someone was going to attack Hinata.

"Not you, who else, the monster at the beginning was pierced by the spear that your black ball turned into, is there anyone else who can control it?" Shino rolled his teeth and said angrily.

Zhi Nai froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Qiu Daoyu seemed to have suddenly lost control. Without his own control, he transformed into a spear and pierced the body of the white monster. No wonder other people thought that he had discovered the other party in advance, but The problem is that I really didn't do it myself, so why did Qiudaoyu produce such a change? Besides myself, who else can control it?Could it be that……

Zhi Nai immediately thought of his second uncle, because the seeking jade was given to him by Yang Jian, and it also contained Yang Jian's consciousness in it, so he could naturally control the fairway jade. Could it be that the second uncle was nearby, Zhi Nai couldn't help turning his head to look around After a while, but didn't find the slightest thing, I could only put it down temporarily.

Shikamaru seemed to have sensed something, and he was a bit open-minded, but Shino didn't say anything, everyone protected Hinata together, joined the Hyuga clan, handed Hinata to them, and said that there was a white monster who wanted to attack Hinata The matter of Tian seizing the eyes is a special reminder to the other party that he has a strong hiding ability and needs to strengthen the protection of Hinata.

The members of the Hyuga clan immediately swore that they would protect their young lady even if they risked their lives. After all, Hinata is the hope of their Hyuga clan's rise.

"Damn it, just a little bit, just a little bit, I can get Tenseikan, I didn't expect to be destroyed by that bug-playing kid at a critical moment, it's really unlucky."

On a big tree outside Muye Village, a strange man with a yin and yang face wrapped in pitcher plants, the black half of which was cursing crazily there.

"Tensuken, what is that thing? Why haven't I heard of it, Hei Jue, is there something you are hiding from me?" The other half, Bai Jue, did not understand Hei Jue's words, and immediately asked

"Shut up, these things are not what you should know. You just need to be honest and obedient. I must find a way to save my mother."

Bai Jue had no choice but to shut up. Although Bai Jue and Hei Jue each had their own consciousness, Hei Jue occupied the dominant position. If there was a disagreement between the two, Hei Jue would ultimately make the decision, because Hei Jue has Kaguya Chakra, And Jue was made by the heretic golem, which is the body of the ten tails, it can also be said to be made by Kaguya. As Kaguya's will, Heijue is equivalent to Kaguya's spokesperson, so he can order Baijue.

But at this time, Bai Jue obviously had doubts in his heart. He knew that Kurojue was the embodiment of will left by Uchiha Madara. He witnessed the birth of Heijue with his own eyes. The two of them have been together all these years. so strange?

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