"Why did you come out? You also know your physical condition. It's best to cultivate for a while."

Uchiha Itachi was already awake a few days ago, but he was soaked in the nutrient solution all the time. His body was too deficient and needed long-term recuperation.

Of course, it doesn't have to be soaked in the night of nutrition and can't come out, it's just that it takes longer to recover in this way.

Itachi Uchiha smiled bitterly, and said: "I've been soaked in the nutrient solution all day, and I feel like I've become a salted fish, so I want to come out to get some air. The doctor has already checked me, and it's okay to recuperate outside. This time I'm here to find you."

"Well, you can do whatever you want. Your body is your own. Even if it breaks, it has nothing to do with me. Tell me what you want from me first."

Uchiha Itachi's face became serious, Yang Jian solemnly saluted and said: "Thank you very much for teaching Sasuke, if it weren't for you, Sasuke would have fallen into darkness, speaking of me as an older brother, I am really incompetent, I thought I had arranged everything, but I didn’t know that it was this so-called arrangement that led him to the darkness, if you need anything in the future, please feel free to ask, no matter what, we brothers will do our best to do it.”

"If that's what you want to say, then it's completely unnecessary. The reason why I help Sasuke is to study the blood of Sharingan and your Uchiha clan on the one hand. I have put in a lot of effort, I have done a lot of tasks over the years, and I can be regarded as half of Tian Zhiguo, so I should help him, but it is just some insignificant help." Yang Jian did not let Uchiha Itachi's promise too much In his heart, Yang Jian didn't think that he would use them with his current strength. If he couldn't do it himself, what would the Uchiha brothers do.

"It may be insignificant in your heart, but in my opinion, it is a great kindness. I discussed it with Sasuke, and we will stay in Tianzhi Country in the future and do our best to repay this kindness."

"Well, welcome to Tianzhiguo, I hope you will like the new environment."

"Of course I like it. In fact, Sasuke has already shown me the environment of the village. Here, ninjas and civilians really have no distinction between high and low, and peaceful coexistence. The common people have no fear of ninjas. Ninjas can put down their bodies to water and barbecue. This kind of simple thing, really achieved peaceful coexistence, maybe this is what I have always hoped to see."

"That's it, then congratulations, but I'm a little curious, when you sacrificed the Uchiha clan for the sake of the entire Konoha, do you regret it?"

"Regret?" There was a trace of confusion on Uchiha Itachi's face, and he thought for a while before saying: "I used to think that I would never regret it, but I have seen a lot outside these years, and I began to doubt what I did at the beginning. Right or wrong, father, mother, Izumi, and those innocent children, they did nothing wrong at all, but they died in my hands. I thought that after the Uchiha clan was gone, Konoha would regain Peace, but now it seems that there is no good place to go, and I don't know whether what I did was right or wrong, can you help me answer this question?"

Yang Jian thought for a while and said: "There is no right or wrong in many things, just different positions. Before answering your question, I have to ask a question first. What was the basis of your choice to sacrifice the Uchiha clan Gokonoha? made such a decision?"

"At that time, my thoughts were a bit selfish, and I couldn't bear the oppression of my father by the people in the clan. In addition, I felt that the Uchiha clan's hundreds of people were not worth mentioning compared to so many people in the village, so I chose to sacrifice a few people to protect the big family. most people."

"So that's the case. In fact, you were wrong at the beginning. This kind of thing cannot be divided by the number of people. Back then, Konoha was besieged by the Four Great Ninja Villages. Inexhaustible, more civilians were affected, and the Konoha side belonged to the sparsely populated side at that time, could it be possible to end the war by letting all the people on the Konoha side die like this?"

"This..." Uchiha Itachi was speechless for a moment, as if he understood something.

Chapter 559 Enlighten Itachi Uchiha

Yang Jian looked at Itachi Uchiha and continued: "People are selfish, and they would rather sacrifice others than themselves. A person is a hero in the eyes of some people, but a devil in the eyes of others. He is the so-called Hero, My Thief, what do you think of Hokage? What kind of person is he?"

Uchiha Itachi said without hesitation: "Fourth Hokage is Konoha's hero. He has made countless contributions to Konoha, earned the title of Golden Shining, and even sacrificed himself to protect the village during the Nine-Tails Rebellion." civilians."

"Yes, he is a hero. He is respected by countless people in Konoha, but in other ninja villages, he is like a scourge of evil spirits, because there are too many ninjas killed by the fourth generation of Naruto. Their wives, children became helpless, and they hated the Fourth Hokage because of this. Could it be said that the Fourth Hokage did something wrong? No, he also did everything the Fourth Hokage did to protect his own villagers, but he died in his hands Are those people wrong? They are also fighting for their own existence, so he is the hero of Konoha but not the hero of other villages.

Where there is light, there will be darkness. Uzumaki Naruto, as the son of the fourth generation, was rejected by people since he was a child, because those who did not know the truth regarded Naruto as the incarnation of a demon fox, and he was rejected by people since he was a child. How much has it been hurt, and why do you think it is?Why can't he enjoy the treatment of the son of a hero?

At the beginning you chose to sacrifice the Uchiha clan to protect Konoha, but you were designated as a traitor. Although this is your own choice, is it really right?You are a sinner of the Uchiha clan. It doesn’t matter if there are people with estimates, but what about others, especially those children who have not yet grown up, do you think you can face them if you go to hell?Not to mention your parents and that silly girl Quanmei. "

Uchiha Itachi's body shook violently, and his face instantly became extremely pale. Yang Jian's words were like a knife piercing into his heart, and the bloody facts made him almost collapse, "I see, I chose the wrong position at the beginning, and I I used the wrong method, and sure enough, I am a sinner of the Uchiha clan, bearing a sin that cannot be repaid."

Seeing Uchiha Itachi's pale appearance, Sasuke felt distressed, and immediately said: "Brother, don't worry, I have already thought of a way to help you redeem your sins. Although there are only a few people left in the Uchiha clan, as long as we work hard, we will still be able to save you." The Uchiha family can be strengthened, and we can create this family according to our own wishes and make it what we want. The most important thing now is to solve the population problem, so brother, let’s have more children. I found more than a dozen beautiful girls for you, they are all my future sister-in-laws, you have to work harder to pay for your sins."

Uchiha Itachi almost vomited blood when he heard Sasuke's words, what do you mean, is this trying to treat me as a boar?I wanted to refute, but when Sasuke said the last sentence, Uchiha Itachi fell silent again, and was hit badly.

Yes!This is his sin!

Uchiha Itachi seems to have seen his own tragic future. Although many people envy this kind of thing, it is not what Itachi wants.

However, Uchiha Sasuke looked very excited, and kept introducing him to the so-called future sister-in-law. Sasuke spent all the savings from doing tasks over the years for this.

The only good thing about Itachi is that he is still in the recuperation period. Even if he wants to implement the human creation plan, he has to wait for him to recover, and there is still a buffer period of almost a year. At this moment, Uchiha Itachi has a body that will always be Resist the urge to recover.

After Itachi and Sasuke brothers left, Yang Jian sat in the office thinking about a problem.Uchiha Obito still announced the opening of the Fourth Ninja World War as swaggeringly as in the original plot, but what gave him such confidence?

Different from the original plot, now there is an extremely powerful Tian Zhiguo, who used his own strength to fight against the coalition forces of the major ninja villages, and finally won the battle, not to mention Yang Jian, the mastermind behind the scenes, Uchiha Obito Knowing Yang Jian's existence, the neutron star explosion almost wiped out the entire ninja alliance at the beginning, showing incomparable strength.

It stands to reason that Obito should be able to understand Yang Jian's strength, and he has no chance of winning against Yang Jian. Under normal circumstances, he should be cautious, so what gave Obito such confidence?Unless he felt that he already had the strength to fight Yang Jian.

If Obito gained the power to fight against Yang Jian, then the most likely thing would be Ten Tails, let him become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, but the problem is that if you want to revive Ten Tails, you must collect all nine tailed beasts and become Ten Tails Jinchuriki power, but the nine tails are still missing.

Then Yang Jian thought that the resurrection of the ten tails does not necessarily require the complete tail beast, if there is a chakra of the corresponding tail beast. Nine-Tails Chakra instead, allowing Ten-Tails to be resurrected incompletely.

"Could it be that he has obtained the chakras of the golden horn and the silver horn? Or is there another way to obtain the chakra of the nine tails, now that the nine tails are divided into two, the yang attribute is sealed in Naruto's body, and the yin attribute is sealed in Naruto's body. The part of her is sealed in Namikaze Minato's soul, the golden horn and silver horn can only be regarded as substitutes, what else is there? Wait! I seem to have overlooked someone."

At this time, Yang Jian suddenly thought of a special existence, the little Nine-Tails Jinzhuri Akong. This is when his father collected the Nine-Tails Chakra and sealed it into his son Akong when the Nine-Tails Night broke out. It is the future that will find an opportunity to use this power to destroy Konoha, and then let all the power be concentrated on the daimyo. In his opinion, only by combining military and political power can the country truly become strong. This idea is not bad. , unfortunately failed in the end.

If Obito catches Akon, and then seals the little Nine Tails into the body of Ten Tails, the effect may be better than Golden Horn and Silver Horn.

Yang Jian immediately got up and went to the back of the office, and found a lot of information to check. Yang Jian checked the news with the help of the Earth Chamber of Commerce, and his vision spread all over the entire ninja world. Some important people have related records. in.The relevant information was quickly found.

After a while, Yang Jian put down the information in his hands, with a smile in his eyes, "Sure enough, the little Nine-Tails Jinchuriki suddenly disappeared half a month ago. According to the information obtained, the last village where Akong appeared There are some traces of battle nearby, it seems that Obito has fallen into the hands.

No wonder Obito is so confident, even unscrupulous. With this hole card, he can revive the ten tails when necessary and become ten tails Jinchuriki. Although it is not complete, but with his strength at that time, there are indeed few opponents.

However, Obito still chose to go to war and snatch Kyuubi. It seems that he still hopes that Tenwei can be resurrected in the most perfect state, which will save me trouble. Obito, work hard, I am waiting for your good news. "

After the Six Kages Conference ended, Orochimaru returned and immediately announced several orders, and the entire Tian Zhiguo began to mobilize to prepare for the next Fourth Ninja World War, as did other countries.

But a few days later, Orochimaru suddenly received a letter of accountability from other ninja villages. The content of the letter was very simple. There was a large-scale theft of corpses in their village. Many people suspected him. After all, Orochi Maru masters the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil, and likes to play with corpses the most, which can be described as notorious.

Orochimaru didn't panic about this at all, and directly replied to them with a message about Bai Jue organized by Akatsuki, especially explaining that Bai Jue has a strong stealth ability.By merging with plants, you can sneak into any place, and you can create physical clones of Baijue. Now the number is tens of thousands, and you can steal the corpses of the powerful Ninja Village in such a short period of time. Except Baijue No one else can do it.

Yang Jian had told Dashewan about the information about Bai Jue a long time ago, and Dashewan had also studied it early, and he knew his abilities very well, such as simple wood escape, perfect transformation ability, memory sharing, and high strength. There are low and strong ones who can reach the level of ninja, and those who are weaker can at least be ninja. As for the kage level, there are only Baijue and Ah Fei, who are perfect tools.

After receiving the letter from Orochimaru, the five great ninja villages exploded on the spot. At least tens of thousands of Baijue, with wooden escape, can transform into the opponent's appearance as long as they absorb the enemy's chakra, and this transformation is perfect. Where do you want to go? Just go, there is no place they can't sneak in, that is to say, the secret techniques of each ninja village may have been stolen by them long ago, and they must have mastered the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil. Combined with the situation where the corpse was stolen, I don't understand What's going on, they are likely to encounter the strong man who died in their own village, this time appearing as an enemy.

Now the senior management of the Five Great Ninja Villages couldn't sit still, and they took action one after another. In the original plot, only the Five Great Ninja Villages fought against the Xiao organization, but now they found that the situation was much more serious than expected, and they might really fail. , In this case, they need to call up more manpower, so all kinds of means are used, and other small ninja villages are threatened and lured to join in. The number of ninja coalition forces has increased from the original [-] to more than a hundred thousand. Against the Akatsuki organization.

Yinnin Village meeting room, Yang Jian, Orochimaru, Beiruhu, Shennong, Akasara Scorpion, Uzumaki Kannai, Uchiha brothers, Wuwei, Wugou father and son, Junmaro, Yakushidou... the high level of the Kingdom of Heaven almost Everyone was present, and everyone had a document in their hands. Everyone looked at the document with a hint of worry in their eyes.

"The situation is not good," Dashewan put down the information in his hand and said.

Yang Jian also nodded, "Yes, according to the current situation, the Baijue army is converging towards our country of Tian, ​​and our place is likely to become a battlefield, but this is also normal, the geographical location of our country of Tian is close to The center of the mainland, and what follows is a big battle that the entire ninja world cannot escape, and the opponent wants to determine the outcome in one round, so it is normal to start at the center of the mainland."

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