After the rise of Tian Zhiguo, with its powerful force to deter other countries, various products are sold all over the country. This is his advantage, but it also has disadvantages, that is, it is too easy to be besieged by other countries. Now Tian Zhiguo's divination map It has expanded several times, and the surrounding lands, including the country of Tang, have been merged into the country of Tian. The expansion of power is more likely to arouse the fear of other countries. Over the years, the surrounding countries have not used less conspiracy. If it were not for Yang Jian , Orochimaru’s deterrence of these high-level combat powers may have been wiped out long ago. Who knows if the countries will take this opportunity to deliberately suppress Tian Zhiguo this time, and let Tian Zhiguo and the Akatsuki organization fight for both sides.

The Red Sand Scorpion thought for a while, "We now have 5000 standing military ninjas in Tianzhi Country. Although they are not as good as the Five Great Ninja Villages in terms of quality and quantity, but counting Chakra guns, Chakra guns and other combat tools, Power is far superior to them.

Even if we don't have a few advanced combat powers from us, we can completely defeat Konoha in a frontal battle, and at the same time remain undefeated against two of the five great ninja villages.

Moreover, the military and politics of Tianzhi Kingdom are unified, and the potential for war is greater. The longer the delay, the greater the chance of winning. If the Baijue army gathers here and confronts them head-on, we will be able to block them for a while.

However, Bai Jue's weird stealth ability and transformation ability are really hard to guard against. No matter how long the defense is, it can break through from the inside. If they become some people in our army and kill and create panic, we don't need the enemy to take action. Don't fight and collapse. "

At this time, Uzumaki Chanel took the initiative to stand up and said: "Leave this to me. I can perceive the enemy's malice. If those Baijue dare to sneak in, I promise to make them come and go."

The Red Sand Scorpion's expression suddenly became much lighter, "Then I almost forgot about you Uzumaki clan. This ability is really enviable, but it's still not enough in terms of military strength. What can you do?"

Uzumaki Channai continued: "We can carry out national conscription. After the development of our Tianzhi Country in the past few years, some guys who are tired of ninja life choose to come to our Tianzhi Country to hide their names and seek life. My perception has long been discovered. It’s all on record, and after enjoying such a peaceful life for so long, it’s up to them to contribute.”

There is a saying that masters are among the people, which is perfect for Tianzhiguo. Because of the lack of population in Tianzhiguo, Yang Jian recruited a large number of people through the Earth Chamber of Commerce, including some ninjas. For these powerful people, They are also given generous treatment, and they are not required to do anything, as long as they do not commit crimes and abide by the laws of Tian Zhiguo. A large part of these people choose to work as ordinary people, perhaps a street sweeper Yes, a certain barbecue guy used to be a ninja with a little reputation.

Yang Jian thought about it for a while, and thought it was a good idea, but he didn't want to force those masters hidden among the civilians too much, and added: "Conscription is indeed needed, but we can't force others. After all, although those ninjas are begging for life in our Tian Zhiguo, they are not Did not do anything against the law, and paid taxes on time, which has promoted the economic development of our country, when the time comes to explain the details, if they really don’t want to join the war, let them do it.”

Hearing what Yang Jian said, Uzumaki Kannai was a little bit unwilling, but she would not object, she sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, then I can only make them cheaper."

Chapter 560 The Otsutsuki Clan

Soon Tian Zhiguo started a large-scale conscription campaign. Loud calls came from the loudspeakers in various villages and towns. It's like a brainwashing magic sound that drills into the ears of people.

Of course, Tian Zhiguo didn't mean to hide the fact that the Fourth Ninja World War is about to start. He said it clearly and let everyone know that Tian Zhiguo is likely to become the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja World War. the point.

Afterwards, various strange scenes appeared in Tian Zhiguo. After learning that Tian Zhiguo was facing a crisis, a chef who was making a barbecue threw away the animal's kitchen knife, and a powerful aura erupted from his body, "It's him, I managed to live a peaceful life for two days, and someone dared to destroy it again, Xiao organization, right, I will fight with you!"

A man who was spitting water out of his mouth and was pouring water into the ground, the migrant worker heard the sound from the loudspeaker, his movements stopped suddenly, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, and then he strode towards the conscription office outside the village, "

An extremely strong man walked out of the mountain forest with a wild boar that had just arrived, and walked to the village. When he heard what was said on the loudspeaker, he threw the wild boar away, turned around and left.


Similar scenes occurred in many places in Tianzhi Country. Ordinary civilians who usually behaved suddenly erupted with powerful strength, and then came to the recruitment registration office aggressively, and the murderous intent on their faces could not be hidden.

Tian Zhiguo was very busy all of a sudden, and this conscription really gained a lot. There are many strong men among them, and they must be arranged according to their strengths to maximize their combat power.

And when Tian Zhiguo was busy and dizzy, Orochimaru, who was the prime minister, and Yang Jian, who was behind the scenes, disappeared.

Of course, the only ones who know about this matter are Beiliuhu, the Scorpion of Red Sand, Uzumaki Kannai and a few other high-level officials in Tanokuni. with their own affairs.

So where did Orochimaru and Yang Jian go?

The surface of the moon is full of potholes, extremely desolate, there is no air here, life cannot survive, so no one will come, but today two special guests came.

A dark space door suddenly appeared hundreds of meters above the surface of the moon, and then two figures came out, one with golden wings growing from the back, and nine black fairway jade floating out of the other, slowly descending from the air. It was Orochimaru and Yang Jian who fell down.

"Fortunately, the calculated distance doesn't have too much gap, otherwise we have to do it again." Yang Jian retracted the wings behind his back and closed the space door before saying.

Orochimaru stood on the surface of the moon, chopped it lightly twice, looked at the barren moon, and said curiously: "I didn't expect to feel this way standing on the surface of the moon. It's amazing. This is a brand new experience. Gravity can only About 1/6 of the ninja world, it feels light when walking."

"Sages of the Six Paths created the moon with a trick of Earthburst. Essentially, a singular point forms gravity, which absorbs nearby objects to form. The farther away from the center point, the greater the gravity. There is a space inside the moon, where Closer to the center, the gravitational force is similar to that of the ninja world. The descendants of Otsutsuki Yumura, the younger brother of the Sage of the Six Paths, lived there. Originally, their purpose of existence was to guard the seal, but later there was a conflict between the main family and the branch family, and they died after a big battle. It's almost the same, only two or three big cats and kittens from the separated family."

When Dashewan heard this, a smile appeared on his face, "You know it very well, it seems that you have been plotting against them for a long time."

"Of course, these Datongmu people have been separated from the people all the year round, and each of them has been out of order for a long time. They regard themselves as gods, but in fact they are a group of psychopaths. The created world is already filthy. We want to destroy it, and then regenerate it in the destruction. I don’t know when to do mindless things, such as throwing a meteorite over it, or simply controlling the moon to smash it over. Of course Take precautions."

"Okay, didn't you say that there is a treasure that is very important to me here, which can allow me to obtain six-level strength. The purpose of our coming this time is to snatch it..."

"Wrong!" Yang Jian suddenly interrupted Orochimaru's words, and said righteously: "It's not snatching, but confiscating. That treasure is left in the hands of a group of psychopaths. It's too dangerous. In order to protect the safety of the ninja world, we need It is in our hands, for the good of all mankind."

The Yang family put themselves in the position of justice, and what they said was so noble, those who didn't know really thought that Yang Jian was such an upright person.

"Yes, yes, yes! It's confiscated, don't dawdle now, go find it quickly."

Yang Jian and Orochimaru began to explore on the moon. There is no air here, but this is nothing to Yang Jian and Orochimaru. Survival, even crossing the universe with a physical body, walking on the surface of the moon is nothing at all.

As for Yang Jian, there is no problem. He also studied the bodies of the Otsutsuki clan. Although he did not modify his own body, he did understand the mystery of the bodies of the Otsutsuki clan. In the final analysis, he used chakra to provide energy for the body. Jane can learn from it, it can be done completely, and there is no problem not breathing.

It took more than half an hour for Yang Jian to activate his mental power before he detected a space protected by an enchantment inside the moon. Without any nonsense, he directly opened the space door and got in together with Orochimaru.

Through space, came to a new environment, Orochimaru, as a scientist's instinct, immediately observed, "There is an artificial sun here, it really is a magical space, a unique circulatory system has been formed, or a Small world, let this world... Hey! Who is that person? No, it’s not a person, they don’t have life in them, are they puppets?”

"That's right, it's a puppet. Many years ago, there was a big battle between the main family and the branch family of the Otsutsuki clan. All the main family died in the battle, and only a few members of the branch family were left. Because of the lack of manpower, those corpses were made into puppets. But these puppets are still very competent as servants, we just wait here, they should have found us, and as masters, they will find us soon."

Although they were made into puppets, they had some ability to make judgments. One of the puppets saw Yang Jian and Dashewan, the two uninvited guests, immediately understood that this was an invasion, and turned around to report.

Yang Jian and Dashen waited quietly while playing, and not long after, four or five figures rushed over from a distance.

The Patriarch Datongmu was in a hurry at this moment. He didn't expect that someone could break into this place. This is a matter of life and death, so he rushed here immediately to find out the situation, but his son Datongmu Sheren insisted on following him. He had time to stop him, and rushed over with the only three remaining clansmen and his son. When he saw the two figures clearly, his face showed horror, and he exclaimed: "It's you! How did you come to the moon?"

"How did you come here? Of course you used space ninjutsu to cross over here. You obviously recognize us from your appearance, but I'm sure I haven't seen you. In this way, you were the one who hit us with a meteorite, right? It’s time to settle the accounts, let’s say, if you want money, you still need... No! It should be said that you can’t make up how to compensate us, lose money or lose eyes?”

"Presumptuous, do you know who you're talking to? I'm the god of Otsutsuki Yu Village, our god living in the sky, kneel down!" Hearing Yang Jian's unscrupulous words, the patriarch of Datongmu was furious.

"You're the only one who is crazy, right? Otherwise, why would you want to destroy the ninja world? Those of you who are separated from the family have eyes that grow to the top of your head. When you rebelled, you killed all the members of the clan. , and gouged out their eyes, but the result? No one can awaken the Tenseigan, but there is no magic weapon like a giant Tenseigan, but it can’t exert the power it should have, and your sins will never be washed away.”

"Nonsense! We didn't do that kind of thing." Otsutsuki Sheren immediately retorted. He is still too young to know what happened between the Otsutsuki clan and the branch family back then.

Yang Jian looked at the white-haired brat who was speaking, and based on his calculations, he should be the future Otsuki Sheren. Judging from the plot, Otsutsuki Sheren's heart is not bad, but he was taught by his elders It looks crooked.

"Little guy, it seems that your father didn't tell you the truth of the matter. Why don't you take this opportunity to ask clearly? But the truth is often difficult to accept. Are you ready?"

Seeing Yang Jian's confident look, Datong Musheren couldn't help feeling suspicious, turned to look at his father and asked, "Father, is what he said true? Could it be that we really hurt the members of the Zong family? And gouged out their eyes, if this is really the case, then we..."

Before his son could finish his words, Patriarch Datongmu immediately interrupted angrily: "Enough! Sheren, don't listen to his nonsense, we..."

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