Orochimaru was slapped in the face before he finished speaking, because he found that the scattered stones seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, slowly floating up, as if under orders, they turned into a stream of light and quickly Flying over, they gathered together again, first the head, then the body, and limbs appeared one by one, and it didn't take long for the complete stone statue to reappear in front of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's mouth twitched, "Okay, I have to admit, you Otsutsuki clan do have some dry goods, it's unbelievable, it's all broken like this, but it can still be restored, how did you do it?"

"Hahaha... This stone statue was left by our ancestors. It took countless thoughts to find out. It will never be destroyed, and it will never die. Even if you return it, it will be useless no matter how many times. Wait until you exhaust it. Carat is your time of death, you should surrender obediently."

"Immortality?" Orochimaru sneered when he heard this, "There is no absolute immortality in this world. If you can't kill it, you can only say that you didn't find the right way. I have the right to speak on this point, and such a big stone statue has been restored. Come here, you should consume a lot of Chakra, this is the law of energy conservation, it stands to reason that your Chakra can't hold it at all, and my eyes can see clearly, so where did these Chakra come from?"

Orochimaru widened his eyes, took a closer look, and soon there was a hint of surprise on his face, "So that's the case, is it the remote transmission function of Chakra? According to the direction from Chakra, it should be over there, I feel more If you're interested, let me see what it is."

Orochimaru flew up immediately after finishing speaking, and against the backdrop of the nine Taoist jades behind him, it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the direction from Chakra, and the Patriarch Otsuki left it alone.

Patriarch Otsutsuki was shocked when he saw the direction Orochimaru was flying to, because that was the shrine where they enshrined the giant Tenseigan. If he got close to the giant Tenseigan, with the eyes of the other party, it was very possible to seize the giant Tenseigan Eye authority, when the time comes to lose the giant Tenseigan, his own strength will inevitably drop, and the other party will be unimaginably powerful with the blessing of the giant Tenseigan, and it will be over by then. Not only will he die, but he will die. The few remaining members of the Datongmu clan and his son will also suffer disaster.

"Bastard, stop there, don't go there." Patriarch Datongmu stretched out his hand to grab the void, and a gravitational force was born out of thin air. This time he really tried his best. With the blessing of Tenseiyan, the gravitational force was opened to The biggest, I want to drag Orochimaru back.

"Samsara Ruyi!" This time it was Orochimaru's turn to attack with repulsion, and he didn't intend to hurt the opponent, just to get away.

Attraction and repulsion cancel each other out, Orochimaru suddenly speeds up, looks for the direction, and continues to fly over, with an impatient look on his face, the more the patriarch Otsutsuki stops, it means that there is something crucial hidden there.

"Stop, stop!"

While shouting, Patriarch Datongmu controlled the "ancestral stone statue" to chase after him. The huge stone statue ran and made rumbling noises, which could be described as shaking the earth, but the problem was that no matter how fast he ran Not as fast as Orochimaru, seeing Orochimaru getting farther and farther away, the patriarch Otsutsuki finally couldn't help it, and directly gave up on the "ancestor stone statue", and flew up to chase after it.

Before the patriarch Otsutsuki refused to give up the "Ancestral Stone Statue" because he knew very well that he was definitely not Orochimaru's opponent. Only with the help of the "Ancestor Stone Statue" could he have a slight chance of winning, so he must not follow the "Ancestor Stone Statue" unless it is absolutely necessary. But now that the giant Tenseigan is about to be snatched away by the other party, how can he care so much?

After Dashewan and Datongmu patriarch left, only Yang Jian, Sheren and a few remaining Datongmu clan members were left in place. They instinctively rushed towards the temple, but they were stopped by Yang Jian.

"Sorry, this road is blocked, you guys should stay here honestly, don't force me to do it, or you will die miserably."

"Don't think about it, you nasty guys, if you break into our Datongmu's residence privately, and even rob our treasures, even if you die, you won't let you succeed."

Although Otsutsuki Sheren still feels sad for his father's actions, he can still distinguish the priorities. The most important thing now is to drive away the intruders like Yang Jian and Dashemaru, so he immediately led the remaining Datongmu The tribe came to kill Yang Jian. Although they felt that being with the guy who left just now was probably not weak, they would always be a little lucky, and they only hoped that the opponent in front of them was a weak chicken.

"It's really asking for trouble, so you can't blame me." Yang Jian said, and his figure flickered, and his figure disappeared instantly.

bang bang bang! ! !

Yang Jian flickered, and passed behind several Datongmu tribesmen one after another. Those Datongmu tribesmen only felt a pain in the back of their heads, and then lost consciousness and passed out. They were all thrown to the ground in less than a second.

Yang Jian seemed to have done an insignificant thing, spread out a pair of golden wings behind his back, flapped it lightly, turned into a golden light, and chased in the direction where Orochimaru left.

But Orochimaru flew all the way in the determined direction, and when he came to a hall, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if something was calling him.

Following that feeling, he walked all the way without taking any detours, and soon Orochimaru saw something that made him feel, a giant Tenseiyan that radiated light, and Orochimaru couldn't help but reveal the fascination in his eyes. color.

"It's so beautiful. This is what Yang Jianjun said. Can I really get the treasure of six-level power? Indeed, I can feel the huge power in it. If I completely control it, my strength can be increased by at least ten times , can definitely reach the Six Paths level."

Orochimaru couldn't help his heart beating faster, stretched out his hand, and slowly touched the giant Tensei Eye.

"Stop, don't touch it! That's the treasure of our Otsutsuki clan, get your dirty hands away." At this time, the Otsutsuki clan leader finally arrived, seeing that he was about to touch the giant Tenseigan's Orochimaru, he couldn't help but I screamed and stopped.

Oshemaru temporarily stopped what he was doing, turned around, looked at Patriarch Otsutsuki with a half-smile and said, "Do you think you can still stop me now?"

Patriarch Datongmu struggled in his eyes, "I admit that your strength is superior to mine, but don't forget that the authority of Tenseigan is still in my hands. If I am in a hurry, I will risk my life not to forcibly activate the giant Tenseigan With the strength of the power, there is every chance to die with you.

Your purpose is to obtain the power of the giant Tenseigan, but if you want to do this, you must be recognized by the ancestors of our Otsutsuki clan. This giant Tenseiyan is formed by the fusion of countless supercilious eyes. Chakra is also among them, with their consciousness, if you want to gain control of the giant Tenseigan, you must accept their test, and when your consciousness enters it, your body will lose the ability to resist at that time, and I can do it kill you. "

Dashemaru could only stop after hearing what the patriarch Otsutsuki said. As the other party said, if he lost the ability to resist, he might really be killed.

Patriarch Datongmu finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of joy in his eyes, but the joy soon disappeared because a voice drove him into the abyss.

"With me here, do you think you have a chance to hurt my companion? Orochimaru, what do you want to do, just do it well, and leave the rest to me. I promise that no one will disturb you. In addition, you don't have to worry about it." He detonated the giant Tenseigan, he was able to borrow the power of the giant Tenseigan, but it is wishful thinking to destroy it, without awakening the Tenseigan, there is no control over the giant Tenseigan."

Yang Jian had just arrived, just in time to listen to the words of Patriarch Datongmu, and of course he would not let him get what he wanted, so he took the initiative to speak, dispelling Dashewan's worries.

Orochimaru showed a smile on his face. At this time, it reflected the benefits of having a good teammate. He was reliable at critical moments. He no longer hesitated, and directly pressed his hand on the giant Tenseiyan. His eyes gradually lost focus, and his consciousness had entered one another. space.

Chapter 562 The Fourth Battle Begins


The Patriarch Datongmu shouted in despair, and rushed towards Dashewan recklessly, but just as he moved, he felt a figure flicker in front of him, and Yang Jian stopped him.

"Sorry, this way is blocked." A Taoist Jade appeared in Yang Jian's hand, as if he was about to strike at any time.

"Get out of the way!" Patriarch Otsutsuki clenched his fist and smashed it. At this time, he had lost control of the giant Tenseikan, because the giant Tenseikan has its own consciousness, and it is testing Orochimaru in the consciousness space. There was no time to pay attention to him, so the Patriarch Datongmu could only attack Yang Jian with physical skills.

Without the blessing of the giant Tenseigan, the patriarch Otsutsuki is just an ordinary kage-level master. How could Yang Jian care? One hand reached out like lightning, grabbed the patriarch Otsutsuki's wrist, and followed the other party's interests. With a flick, it hit the ground with a bang.

"Damn filthy human beings, I won't let you go." At this time, Patriarch Datongmu still had his eyes above his head, which made people want to beat him up.

"What an arrogant guy. I should have killed you, but after all, I robbed you of your belongings. It would be unreasonable to kill someone, so I'd better send you to a quiet place to calm down."

As Yang Jian spoke, he opened a space door that connected him to a desolate place in the Snow Country of the Ninja World, then kicked the patriarch Otsutsuki in, and finally closed the space door. As for whether he can return to the moon, that is It depends on his own ability.

After Patriarch Otsutsuki was thrown into the ninja world, the "ancestor stone statue" that was galloping here lost control, stopped, and stood motionless on the spot. Orochimaru's consciousness entered the Tenseigan space, his eyes were dull, while the rest of Otsutsuki The Mu people were knocked out, and Yang Jian was the only one who remained awake on the entire solar sphere, and looked extraordinarily quiet.

Yang Jian was bored, carefully looked at the giant Tenshogan in front of him, and found that the light of the giant Tenshogan flickered from time to time, exuding a strange fluctuation, which echoed with the chakra on Orochimaru.

Yang Jian knew that Orochimaru must be communicating with the ancestors of the Otsutsuki clan at this time, because this giant reincarnation eye is formed by the fusion of countless white eyes, and each white eye contains the chakra and pupil power of Otsutsuki ancestors , there will naturally be the consciousness of these people. If they cannot get their approval, Orochimaru will not be able to completely control the giant Tenseikan.

However, the people of the Otsutsuki clan are old and stubborn, and it is not that simple to get their approval. Although Orochimaru has been reincarnated, this body has pure Otsutsuki blood, and is even infinitely close to Datong Muyu Village, Brother Yuyi, but he is Those obtained by special means are not the Datongmu people in the true sense. It is impossible to lie in the exchange of consciousness, and it is difficult to deceive the group of stubborn old people.

So Yang Jian is not optimistic about Orochimaru, but it doesn't matter, Yang Jian still uses a backup plan. If Orochimaru fails this time, Yang Jian will directly erase the consciousness of the ancestors of Otsutsuki in the eyes of the giant reincarnation.Turning this giant Tenseigan into a pure tool to amplify Orochimaru's Tenseigan, although the power will inevitably drop a lot, it can also make Orochimaru reach the sixth level.

I don't know how long it took, but the flashing speed of the giant reincarnation eye suddenly accelerated, and the unique pulse was like a heartbeat. Yang Jian suddenly opened his eyes and watched carefully. It didn't take long for the flashing speed to start again. It slowed down and returned to normal, and Orochimaru slowly opened his eyes.

"How? Have you obtained the authority of the giant Tenseigan? If not, you can only use my method. Although it will cause some damage to the giant Tenseigan, it will definitely allow you to completely control it."

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