Orochimaru shook his head with a smile and said: "No need, I have obtained the authority of the giant Tenseikan, and it is the kind of absolute control, you don't need to take action."

"What! It's really surprising that you succeeded. To be honest, I don't think you have any hope of success at all, but you did it. I'm curious, how did you convince those stubborn old people?" Yang Jian was very surprised. Some even wonder if Orochimaru also has the aura of the protagonist.

"Indeed, at the beginning, those old stubborn members of the Otsutsuki clan didn't recognize me at all, even though I had the blood of Otsutsuki and a perfect soul, in their eyes I was just a person who stole Otsutsuki's power." Orochimaru said here, His face was a bit ugly, obviously the attitude of communicating with the ancestors of the Otsutsuki clan in the consciousness space just now was very unfriendly.

"Then what happened then? Why did they recognize you?"

"In fact, they didn't recognize me. I was about to give up at that time. It's just that when I talked about the current situation in the ninja world, especially when Otsutsuki Kaguya might be resurrected, I accidentally activated a person who was sleeping in the deepest part of the Tenseigan space. Wie Chakra, that is the younger brother of the Sage of the Six Paths, left by Yucun, the ancestor of the Dazhimu clan on the moon.

It turns out that this giant Tenseiyan is based on Otsutsuki Hamura's Tenseiyan, which is fused with the white eyes of countless descendants. When I mentioned Otsutsuki Kaguya, it caught the attention of this Hamura Chakra, because he exists The purpose is to guard the seal and prevent Otsuki Kaguya from coming back, and the others have to stand aside. After learning about the current situation in the ninja world, without hesitation, help me suppress the consciousness of the ancestors of the Otsutsuki clan and turn the giant reincarnation The authority of the eye was handed over to me. After all, judging from the current situation, the awakened Tenseigan me is one of the absolute combat power against Kaguya. . "

Only then did Yang Jian understand what was going on, but Orochimaru's luck was really good, and the timing of its appearance was really good!That's how I really got the giant Tenseikan.

Yang Jian looked at the eyes more than ten meters high, and asked, "Then how do you plan to install this giant Tenseiyan next?"

"After I obtained the authority of the giant Tenseigan, I also controlled this space. As long as I send the Otsutsumu people on the moon away, and then close the passage, except for those who have space ninjutsu like you, everyone else will be able to do so without my permission." Unable to get here, it is theoretically very safe to stay here.

But the problem is that Kaguya is sealed in the deepest part of the moon, who knows how she will appear, and with Otsutsuki Kaguya's strength, destroying the moon is a breeze, who knows if she will attack the moon that sealed her after resurrection, So the moon is not as safe as imagined. "

"So, you are planning to bring the giant Tenseigan back to the ninja world, but I want to remind you that it is not safe to leave it in Otonin Village. You are also aware of Bai Jue's infiltration ability. There are very few secrets to speak of, maybe at some point it will become you and steal the giant Tenseikan."

In fact, Yang Jian has another thing that he didn't say.The body of ten tails is the sacred tree. Once the ten tails are resurrected and become the ultimate form, when the sacred tree world comes, the roots will spread all over the entire ninja world. It is useless to hide Tenseigan anywhere, unless it can be hidden in a god Where the roots of the tree cannot reach.

"I have already thought about this point. I must find an absolutely safe place to place the giant Tenseigan. I have already thought of it. That is the Space Fortress. After our repair, the Space Fortress has a stronger defense and has arranged various This kind of enchantment, without any plants to survive, Bai Jue would never even think about sneaking in, and when the battle starts, let the space fortress rise into the sky, and if there is an accident, it can be transferred at any time."

Yang Jian's eyes lit up, this is a good choice, even the root system of the sacred tree cannot grow to the sky, this way can ensure that the giant Tenseikan will not be snatched away, so that Orochimaru can maintain the six-level combat power , Immediately made a decision: "Let's do it!"

Yang Jian and Orochimaru teamed up to seal the giant reincarnated eye, and then returned to the ninja world through the space gate.

Without alarming anyone, they quietly came to the deepest part of the Space Fortress, and the two teamed up to open up an area, and then took out the giant Tenseigan.

Orochimaru took great pains for the safety of the giant Tenseigan, setting up multiple protections, layer after layer of barriers, no one can enter without the permission of Orochimaru, even Yang Jian is no exception.

I was relieved until I turned around and placed the Orochimaru properly, then thought of something, turned to look at Yang Jian and said jokingly: "Speaking of which, with this superstar Tenseigan, my strength has really entered the Six Paths, and It should be a delicate person in the Six Paths class, but I am very curious about the chances of winning against you with my current strength."

When Yang Jian heard what Orochimaru said, he immediately became angry. Is it because your Orochimaru is floating, or is it that I, Yang Jian, can't hold a knife anymore and dare to talk to me like that.

"What? Do you want to try it? But if I have to answer, I can only tell you that your chances of winning are zero. Even if you have the giant Tenseigan hole card, it's useless. In this world, not only you have the hole card, I haven't been idle in the past few years. Do you think I will make some killer tricks for myself? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I don't take Kaguya Otsutsuki too seriously. It is impossible to collect Qiwei beasts, and Otsutsuki Kaguya is even more impossible to resurrect."

"Is that so? No wonder I always felt something was wrong. How could Sanwei be caught by them so easily? You can completely stop it, and everything is under your control. It seems that your trump card is really not simple. I am more interested in your trump card, can you reveal a little bit?" Orochimaru licked his face and asked, his face was full of curiosity.

"Hey, to put it simply, I have a powerful psychic beast, a psychic beast whose strength is still higher than ten tails."

"Spiritual beast? Are you talking about Ghidorah? No! No, it's definitely not Ghidorah. Although I haven't seen a complete ten-tailed beast, as a fusion of nine-tailed beasts, I can guess it just by imagining it." How powerful the ten tails are, it is definitely not something that Ghidorah can deal with."

"Of course it's not Ghidorah. It's a psychic beast you've never seen before. Its name is Star-Forging Dragon King. Don't worry. If there are no accidents, you will be able to see him soon. I hope you won't be too surprised by then."

Yang Jian had a confident smile on his face, and a figure of a dragon over [-] feet long in the chaotic space appeared in his mind. Who would have thought that the dragon veins obtained from the Naruto World could grow to such a degree.

Due to the different world rules, Yang Jian did not dare to transfer the dragon veins to other worlds, because his strength would be suppressed by the rules of the world where he lived. Ten percent of his strength could be exerted at most [-] to [-] percent. .

But Naruto World is the only exception, because the Star Casting Dragon King was originally evolved from the dragon veins of Naruto World. If you come to Naruto World, because the original source fits with this world, although there will be some influence, it is not big.

"Is it the Dragon King of Casting Stars? You can imagine its power just by hearing its name, and seeing your confident appearance makes me even more curious. I hope to see it soon. Let me see who makes you Such a highly respected existence.”

"Yes, and I will definitely not disappoint you." Yang Jian immediately promised.

Yang Jian and Orochimaru left quietly and returned quietly. Except for a few high-level officials in Tian Zhiguo, few people knew about it, but those who knew about it were very curious about where Orochimaru and Yang Jian went and what they did.

In order to satisfy their curiosity, and to show off, Orochimaru brought the Red Sand Scorpion, Beiliuhu, Shennong and others to the bottom of the Space Fortress, took them to visit the giant Tenseigan, and also showed the giant Tenseigan's ability shocked everyone, and they congratulated Orochimaru one by one. They looked at the giant Tenseigan with envy, and at the same time they were full of confidence in the upcoming war.

Time passed unknowingly and the whole ninja world was preparing for the battle. Naruto still went to Turtle Island to receive Kirabi's training as in the original plot, learning to perfectly control the power of the nine tails.

Because the Box of Bliss was acquired by Yang Jian early on, using the zero tail to fuse the power of fear inside to form a brand new tailed beast Feathered Serpent, which was sealed into Wugou's body to create a perfect human column force, naturally there will be no inaction in order to save Go back to your own son, let people pretend to be Naruto's assassination of the fourth generation of Raikage, because there is no need for it.

Because everyone is busy, there is an eerie peace, but everyone knows that this is the calm before the storm.

On the same day, the news came that the Baijue army was found, and the fourth Ninja World War officially kicked off!

Wind, fire, earth, thunder, water, and the ninjas of the six major kingdoms of music as the main force, plus the warriors of the iron country and the scattered small ninja villages in the ninja world, almost include all the forces of the ninja world. A coalition of ninjas with hundreds of thousands of people was formed.

The specific number of people may be a little watery, but it must be said to the outside world, because the intelligence shows that the number of the Baijue army is around [-]. If the ninja coalition army that has assembled the entire ninja world is not as strong as the opponent in terms of numbers, it will be too hurt. Morale up.

But fortunately, it's not a deceit. Although it's more or less a sham, there are still a large number of ninjas who have been promoted urgently, but after all, they have undergone professional training and are already considered regular ninjas.

Chapter 563 Bai Jue Assassination

According to the intelligence of the reconnaissance team, the [-] Baijue army is mainly concentrated between the Fire Country and the Thunder Country, that is, the Tian Country and the Tang Country.

As Yang Jian and the others expected at the beginning, it was the worst situation. The flames of the Fourth Ninja World War burned to the territory of Tian Zhiguo,

The small combat units of perception, reconnaissance, and intelligence rushed to the battlefield. The six joint forces in charge of the main battlefield slowly advanced towards the same destination. They marched and deployed with the most cautious attitude to ensure the correct execution of the strategy. Some of them There has been a contact battle, and both Baijue and Ninja's armies have suffered damage. The enemy has appeared a reincarnated strong man from the dirt, which proves the previous guess.

Orochimaru is in charge.The ninja troop of Tianzhi Kingdom and the samurai troop of Iron Kingdom have Shennong, Beiliuhu, General Mifune and other elites under their command.

As for the red sand scorpion being transferred to Kazekage Gaara, because scorpion's grandma Chiyo was also there, the grandfather and grandson took this opportunity to meet and fight side by side for the last time.

Originally, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion was a traitor, once it met the people in Hidden Sand Village, it was basically immortal, and there was no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

But this time the ninja coalition is fighting differently. The previous wars were all about land and resources. It was a war between countries, and every inch of land was preserved.

But the mass-produced Baijue army in charge of Obito is different. They don't care about the land at all. If they lose their positions, they will lose them.

Yang Jian was also hiding in this team, but he didn't show up. He just stayed in the dark and observed secretly.

At night, Oshemaru was anxious to hold a meeting in the tent with the high-level personnel of the troops. As the commander, Orochimaru sat on the main seat, and on the left was General Mifune, who looked wretched, but no one dared to Xiaoshi, in the plot, he defeated Sanshoyu Hanzo, who is known as a demigod, and now because of Yang Jian's intervention, there are many more kendo practices in the world of Naruto. As a country of warriors, the country of iron has benefited the most. His strength has reached the level of a Juggernaut, and even the shadows of the Five Great Ninja Villages have little chance of winning against him, not to mention that he has two guards of the same level by his side.

"Admiral Mifune, I think you are clear about the current situation. Do you have any suggestions for the next war?" Orochimaru asked first, giving Mifune a lot of face, and his tone was very gentle.

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