"What advice can I have? You ninjas are better at dealing with such weird things as Bai Jue than I am. If you have any arrangements, just ask. As long as you don't deliberately teach our samurai troops to die as cannon fodder, I will obey your orders."

Admiral Mifune felt self-defeating when he said this. It looked like Orochimaru’s eyes were indescribably complicated. Although their country of iron is still called a neutral country, in fact he knows very well that this situation can’t last long. Yes, the key is because of Tian Zhiguo's erosion of them over the past few years.

After several years of expansion, Tian Zhiguo has acquired the surrounding countries, and now borders the Iron Country. Although there is no conflict between the two countries, the Chakra weapons used by the Iron Country are provided by Tian Zhiguo. , the food and even the clothes they wear are all imported from the country of Tian. Even the Chakra transport vehicles of the country of Tian have recently appeared in the country of iron. The food, clothing, housing and transportation are all controlled by the other party. It will be a matter of time before they are annexed. .

Originally, there were a group of powerful swordsmen in the country of iron who still maintained the tradition of the country of iron, and kept vigilance against the country of Tian, ​​but they did not expect that some time ago, several books appeared in the country of Tian, ​​which recorded many things about the way of swordsmanship. For advanced knowledge, Tian Zhiguo specifically stated that these books can be opened by samurai, and almost all samurai were bought immediately.

There are many people in Tianzhiguo who asked me to merge into Tianzhiguo, especially civilians, because in this way, they can enjoy a lot of preferential treatment in Tianzhiguo, so that they can live a better life without worrying about starvation or their own health. Children can't get an excellent education, so they don't have to worry about being old and living on the streets. Now this kind of voice is getting louder and louder, and even Sanfune can't stop it. It might be okay.

Orochimaru also knew Mifune's entanglement, and nodded with a smile, "Since Admiral Mifune thinks highly of me so much, then I'm not going to be polite, and what I'm going to talk about next is the battle arrangement. The attacking ninjas strike first, disrupting their positions, and then the samurai troops take the opportunity..."

When Orochimaru was in Konoha before, he had experience in directing ninja battles many times, and the arrangement was very reasonable. The meeting lasted for more than an hour, and Orochimaru announced the end of the meeting, and let everyone arrange their respective teams.

When Orochimaru was about to go to the back camp to arrange affairs, Mifune suddenly said: "Prime Minister Orochimaru, please wait a moment, I have something I want to talk to you alone."

Dashemaru stopped when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Mifune, nodded, and then said to Beiliu, Shennong and Wuwei: "Go and arrange your own affairs first."

After Shennong and the others left, Orochimaru said: "General Sanfuan, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Mifune looked at Orochimaru with a complicated expression, and it took a while before he said: "After the battle is over, I will officially announce that the country of Iron will join the country of Tian. I hope to get a promise."

Hearing what Mifune said, Orochimaru's face was overjoyed at first, and after a lot of hard work, it was not useless, which was exactly what they wanted, but then thinking that the other party still had requests, Orochimaru calmed down again, looked at Mifune seriously and asked Said: "What condition? Let's hear it, I hope it won't be too much."

"My request is very simple. I hope that after the country of iron joins, all civilians can enjoy the same treatment as Tian Zhiguo civilians, and they cannot be discriminated against because they are outsiders." Mifune is also a decisive person. If not, then just take the initiative to join.

"Of course no problem, even if you don't say it, I will. As long as you join Tian Zhiguo, you will be a member of Tian Zhiguo, and you will not be any different from other people." Orochimaru immediately assured.

"I can rest assured that."

After receiving the guarantee letter from Orochimaru, Mifune let go of one thing, and when he was about to leave, there was a sound of footsteps outside, Shennong, Beiliuhu and Wuwei who had just left came in.

Shen Nong, who was walking in the front, stretched his hand into his bosom, as if he wanted to touch something, and said at the same time: "Commander, there is an urgent message from the reconnaissance troops just now, please take a quick look."

While Shennong was speaking, he had already pulled out a scroll from his arms and handed it to Orochimaru. Mifune who was about to leave also stopped at this time, and he also wanted to know what urgent news there was. "

"Stop, don't come over, just stand there, and the two of you are the same." At this moment, Dashewan suddenly spoke to stop Shennong.

Shennong looked confused and asked, "Oshewan, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm in good health, but you are the ones who have the most problems. Although you pretend to look alike, you can't hide it from my eyes. Let's go back to your original appearance."

At this time, Mifune also realized that something was wrong, and pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, as if he was about to make a move at any time.

"Commander, I don't understand what you mean!" Shennong still denied it, and even took a few steps forward while speaking.

"Forget it, since you guys want to be tough to the end, then I have no choice but to come by myself."

As Orochimaru said, his eyes suddenly turned sapphire blue, and he raised his left hand to grab the void, and suddenly a suction force created the three fakes Shennong, Beiliuhu and Wuwei into the air and fixed them there, then gently a grip.


Three shrill screams came at the same time, and the invisible force squeezed the three impostors who were fixed in the air. Their figures began to change, and they soon turned into three white humanoid monsters. Bai Jue clone.

General Sanfuan saw this scene, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, he dared to sneak into the headquarters of the ninja coalition army to assassinate, it was simply audacious.


Mifune drew out the saber in an instant, and in a flash, he had already come to the side of the three monsters, Bai Jue's avatar, and slashed down with the saber in his hand.

Dashewan looked at this scene and quickly stopped: "Wait a minute, don't kill them, it's still useful to keep them."

At this time, the blade in Mifune's hand was less than half an inch from the neck of the closest Baijue clone, and as long as he stepped forward a little, that Baijue clone's head would fall off.

Sanfuan took the knife back, snorted coldly, and asked, "What are you keeping these three monsters for? Do you want to get information from them?"

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "Of course not, these white monsters are just physical avatars of Bai Jue. Their memories are controlled by the main body, and they are not afraid of death at all. Don't try to get useful information from their minds, but they are very good as sacrifices." Appropriate, I can... Huh! There is actually one more, I almost missed it."

After Orochimaru has opened Tenseikan, his insight is extraordinarily powerful, and he has all the abilities of Baiyan, 360° without blind angles. At this time, he found that there is another Baijue clone hiding underground, slowly sneaking over from behind, ready to Launch an attack on Orochimaru.

"Since you're here, let me treat you well." Dashemaru said as he stretched out his other hand and scratched towards the ground.


The earth was forcibly torn apart, and suddenly rocks flew, and another Baijue clone was grabbed from the ground by Orochimaru.


At the same time, the door of the command room was kicked away, Shennong, Beiliuhu, Wuwei, and a dozen other figures came in behind them, including Junmalu, Yaoshidou, Sasuke, etc. It was the movement here that finally caught their attention.

Seeing the four monsters fixed in the air by Orochimaru, everyone immediately understood what was going on. Someone wanted to assassinate their commander.

"Master Commander, General of the Three Ships, are you alright?"

Orochimaru waved his hand, and said indifferently: "It's nothing, just because these guys can't hurt me, you can use these white clones to do something."

Then Orochimaru took control of the four Baijue clones with ease, placed them neatly on the ground, and kept fiddling with them.

Mifune looked at Orochimaru curiously and asked: "What are you going to do? I said before that they would be used as sacrifices. Are you going to use the technique of reincarnation?"

It has to be said that the art of reincarnation in the dirty soil is now famous in the ninja world, and everyone knows that although this art was created by the second generation of Hokage, it was perfected by Orochimaru, so when I heard Orochimaru talk about sacrifices, instinct I thought of the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

Orochimaru didn't deny it either, and nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, the Akatsuki organization gave me such a big gift, of course I have to thank them well."

As Orochimaru said, he took out three seal scrolls from his bosom, two of which were written "first" and "two" respectively, but the last scroll only had mysterious lines. Orochimaru opened the last scroll first, and a white ball popped out Smoke, and a ghost mask appears.

Orochimaru called Sasuke over, then pointed to one of the white clones and said, "Sasuke, use illusion to control it, then let him wear this mask and cut his stomach open."

Sasuke didn't hesitate, the three hooked jades in his eyes quickly spun and turned into an eternal kaleidoscope, instantly controlling the white clone.

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