The Baijue avatar stood up dumbly, and went forward to pick up the ghost mask and put it on his face. At this time, a strange chakra erupted, and Sasuke's eternal kaleidoscope seemed to see a phantom of death behind Baixue. Sasuke Feeling that Bai Jue's avatar seemed to be breaking free from his control, he was startled, and quickly increased his control, so that he didn't break free.

At this moment, Orochimaru handed a knife to Bai Jue's avatar, and the other party immediately took it, and swiped it towards his stomach, and the phantom of the god of death behind him also made the same movement.

After the God of Death's stomach was cut open, a soul flew out from it. Orochimaru immediately grabbed the soul and forcibly threw it into another intact Baijue clone, and then quickly unsealed the other two scrolls, and appeared What he got was two pieces of flesh and blood, and he threw them directly on the ground, pressed his hands together, and shouted loudly: "The dirt is reincarnated!"

Dense ghost papers appeared, wrapping the three Baijue clones inside, and a series of shrill screams came, but they disappeared soon. After a while, the ghost papers spread apart, revealing three figures.

"Hello everyone! The first generation, the second generation, and... Minato!" Orochimaru greeted the three reincarnated by him with a smile.

Needless to say, these three people are of course the second generation of the first generation and the three hokages of the fourth generation. At this time, they just woke up, and they are still a little unclear, looking at the situation around them.

"Hey, am I resurrected? It's amazing!" The first generation didn't seem to care about his state at all. He reached out to touch himself, as if it wasn't enough, and touched his brother Qianshoufeijian.

"Idiot! Shut up!" The second generation couldn't stand his brother's stupid look, and immediately cursed.

Click!The first generation suddenly petrified, looking at his younger brother with aggrieved face, "You yell at me! You also call me an idiot."

The hearts of everyone present were greatly impacted, and they only had one thought in their hearts: This guy is the first generation of Hokage, the god of ninjas!No mistake, no matter how you look at it, you look like an idiot. Shouldn't you be cold, mighty, and domineering when you get the God of Ninja? Return my God of Ninja!

Chapter 564

At this time, Minato asked hesitantly: "You are Oshemaru senior, it seems that there is something different, whether it is the appearance or the inside, and our current state should be the technique of reincarnation?"

"As expected of Minato, I figured it out so quickly. That's right, it's me. The reason why you feel different is because I have been reborn. I have fulfilled my long-cherished wish and truly achieved eternal life." Orochimaru said with his last breath It is inevitable that there will be a little more pride in his heart, after all, this is what he has been pursuing all along, and of course he has to show off when he sees acquaintances.

Hearing Orochimaru say that he really gained eternal life, Minato was also surprised, but then thought that now is not the time to care about these things, "Then Senior Orochimaru, why did you call us out? The first generation, the second generation and I happen to be The three Hokages, do you want us to deal with Konoha?"

"Hey, are you Hokage too? You look very young, by the way, how did you die?" The first Hokage interjected ignorantly, completely ignoring the situation.

Minato smiled awkwardly, "I am the fourth generation, and I died to seal Kyuubi."

"Seal Nine-Tails? Is there a mistake, will sealing that thing kill Hokage?"

Now Minato is even more embarrassing. What can he say? You must know that the first generation of Hokage was able to play Kyuubi with one hand and keep Kyuubi as a pet. Space ninjutsu is really not good at dealing with things like tailed beasts, so in the end they can only choose to risk their lives to seal them.

The Second Hokage can understand Minato's embarrassment, in fact he is not good at dealing with tailed beasts, otherwise he would not have been forced to die by the golden horn and silver horn in the first place.

"Okay, brother, now is not the time to talk about this." Second Hokage turned his head to look at Orochimaru and said, "Then why did you summon us out? Do you want to do something bad?"

"Doing bad things? No, no, to be honest, there are not many things that interest me in this world. If it is not necessary, I would rather stay in the laboratory and do research, but there is no way, someone refuses to let me As I wished, now the Fourth Ninja World War has begun. All ninjas unite to fight against powerful enemies. Now is the time when you are needed. I think you should notice that I did not use spells to control your bodies, that is to say , you are completely free, you can act at will, do whatever you want, as long as you are careful not to be sealed, you are almost immortal."

Minato exclaimed involuntarily: "The Fourth Ninja World War! The entire Ninja World is united! Who is the enemy?"

"It's the Akatsuki organization, and their leader is a man who calls himself Uchiha Madara."

"What? Madara! He's still alive!" Now it was the first Hokage's turn to be surprised. Hearing the news of his good friend, he suddenly regained his energy.

"No! I think the real Uchiha Madara is dead. That person should only act in Madara's name. Of course, but according to the clues I have now, that person is likely to be Hachi's heir, and I suspect that Madara After all, it is very likely that he will be resurrected. After all, the other party has the eyes of reincarnation. There have been cases of using the eyes of reincarnation to revive others before, so Madara should have a high chance of resurrection, and it is likely that he is in full bloom. How? Like? The first generation of adults, are you interested in fighting Madara again?"

When Senju Zhuma heard the news about Uchiha Madara, he couldn't react for a while, and was in a daze, but Second Hokage said with a serious face: "If Madara is really resurrected, it will definitely be a crisis for the ninja world."

"That's true. In fact, the ninja world is now facing a life-and-death crisis. Otherwise, the entire ninja world will not unite, because the Akatsuki organization has collected eight tailed beasts, and now they are only short of nine tails. The purpose of their war It is to capture the nine tails in Naruto's body, then resurrect the legendary monster ten tails, execute the moon eye plan, and pull everyone into the illusion space."

"Naruto!" Minato heard that the other party's target was his son, and immediately became anxious, "How is Naruto now? Is he okay?""

"Don't worry, at least it's still safe for now. All the ninjas unite to join this war. The purpose is to protect him and prevent Kyuubi from being acquired by the Akatsuki organization, otherwise everything will be over."

Following Orochimaru's story, the three Hokages gradually understood the current situation, and it was indeed an unprecedented crisis, but the second generation of Hokage seemed to be a little worried about Orochimaru, "Did you really call us out to save the ninja world? Don't you have your own calculations?"

"I know you don't believe me, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, you are free now. I won't stop you from doing whatever you want. Just do whatever you want. Of course, I can still prove myself a little bit. Now you are most concerned about It should be the case of Konoha and Naruto, but now that wars are going on everywhere, it may not be so easy to find Naruto and Konoha's ninjas, so I decided to find a guide for you, I think Minato will like it."

"Who is the guide you are talking about?" Seeing Orochimaru's confident look, Minato couldn't help being curious about the so-called guide.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Orochimaru smiled mysteriously, turned around and gave Junmaro a few words quietly, and Junmaro left immediately. Minato didn't know what Orochimaru was doing, but he didn't ask much, just waited quietly.

A few minutes away came an annoyed voice, "Hey, you white-haired brat, do you know how to be polite? About to write a great book? Do you know how heinous it is to interrupt the train of thought of a great writer? I have an old friendship with your Prime Minister Orochimaru. Believe it or not, I will ask him to give you little shoes to wear .”

When Minato heard this voice, his face showed surprise, the tone of his voice was so familiar, sure enough, a figure appeared in his eyes after a while, and Minato couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Jiraiya! "

Ji Laiye, who had been dragged by Jun Malu and walked forward with a face of reluctance, suddenly froze, raised his head mechanically, looked at the familiar blonde figure with red eyes, "Water... Minato, am I dreaming?"

"Of course it's not a dream. Teacher Ziraiya, it's really me."

"That's great, Minato, I didn't expect to see you in my lifetime."

Jiraiya has always felt guilty about Minato. When Minato needed him most, he didn't stay with his apprentice and let Minato die to seal Kyuubi.

Then Naruto became an orphan, and Jiraiya originally wanted to take care of Naruto and make up for it, but because of Naruto's status as Jinchuriki, he received the attention of all parties, and coupled with the confrontation between Konoha's internal powers, even if it was Jirai didn't dare to approach me easily, and as a result, Naruto didn't visit me for more than ten years in Konoha. He is really incompetent as a teacher.

Orochimaru looked at the affectionate Minato and Jiraiya master and apprentice, and asked: "How is it? Is the guide Minato satisfied? Although this guy is a bit lustful and unreliable, he is still very useful at critical moments .”

"Hey! Orochimaru, what do you mean, what is a lecherous person, what is an unreliable person, I am the Toad Immortal Jiraiya, one of the majestic Sannin, the leading writer in the ninja world, you actually..."

"Shut up, I suffered such a serious injury before, I almost lost my life, and now I just recovered, and I ran to peep again, and you are really brave enough to go to the female ninja, Those women, there are many ruthless characters among them, if they are not careful, they will be killed, they really can't change and eat shit."

"What! Teacher Jiraiya, you were injured and almost died, who did it?" Minato was of course angry when he heard that his teacher was injured.

Jilai was also suddenly embarrassed, what did he say, the person who hit him was Nagato, could it be that Jilai also said: The one who hurt me was your senior brother, my other apprentice, you killed your senior brother , to avenge me.

"This... is all accidents, accidents, anyway, the person who hurt me is dead, and I have forgiven him, don't worry about it, the matter is over, the immediate matter is more important." Zilai didn't want to continue talking about these things Things, deliberately change the subject.

"Okay, don't waste time, Jiraiya, you take the three of them and set off, we have enough troops here, we should need your help in other places, by the way, I have been talking about you not dead. I didn't tell anyone else, so take this opportunity to meet with the third generation teacher and Tsunade, because they have been sad for a long time because of your death."

"That's it, then okay, I'll leave now." Jiraiya discussed with the first generation, the second generation, and Minato, and then left directly. During the recent war, time is life.

After Jiraiya and the others left, Orochimaru let the others go about their own affairs, but when everyone left, the weirdness on their faces never disappeared. Today they met the legendary ninja god Senju Hashirama , but what they had imagined was too different, it was ruining the three views, they had to calm down.

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