After everyone left, there was only Orochimaru left in the command room. At this time, Yang Jian came out from behind. So many people present, including the third Hokage, did not notice Yang Jian's existence.

"Why, why don't you use the reincarnation of the dirty soil to summon more people, it seems that three Hokages are not enough..."

Orochimaru glared at Yang Jian angrily, "You think I don't want to? Isn't that true? I regret now why I didn't dig up more corpses. Unfortunately, I was distracted by the God-making plan, and the original plan to steal all kinds of corpses The plan of the strong man in Da Nin Village was simply abandoned, and the Akatsuki organization was in vain as a result."

Yang Jian suddenly realized, no wonder Orochimaru didn't use the dirty soil reincarnation to summon more strong men, it turned out that he didn't have the corresponding resources at all. As for the first and second Hokage, they got it from Danzo when they were still in Konoha. here.

"Hey, who would have thought that this would happen? No matter what, the most important thing is to win the battle in front of you. Are you sure?"

"Win is certain. Either of our two tentacles can kill Bai Jue's army. As for the strong reincarnated from the dirty soil, our Taoist Jade can directly injure the soul, or completely wipe them out, but the problem is, This is not what we want. The most important thing is to take this opportunity to train the army of the Tianzhi Kingdom. We can’t always rely on us to support it. It’s just that the army of the Frontier Kingdom will inevitably be damaged in this way. We must master it. With this level of strength, death is inevitable, but it must be reduced to a minimum, and they must be allowed to accumulate experience and grow up."

"Yeah, the key is to grasp this speed. You are better than me in this area. You have many times of commanding war experience, so you can only rely on you."

"It's really rare, and you will admit that you are not as good as me."

"Why don't you admit that it's not as good as it is? It has strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. It's not terrible to lose. If you lose, you have to be serious. The terrible thing is that you can't afford to lose." .”

"Is there some strength and some weakness?" Orochimaru fell into deep thought for a moment.

"Okay, don't think about it. You will continue to carry out the mission tomorrow. Bai Jue may also engage in assassinations, and you don't know that there will be a strong man reincarnated from the dirt. You should take a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's big battle." Yang Jian After speaking, he turned and left.

Because of Bai Jue's assassination, there was some chaos in the camp, not only Orochimaru, but other places were also assassinated here, but Beiliuhu and the others had known Bai Jue's ability for a long time, and they were prepared in advance, and immediately used iron blood Suppressed by means, and then sent Uzumaki Channai to investigate in the camp. She has the ability of malicious perception, separated a dozen clones, and quickly found dozens of disguised Bai Jue.The restless ninjas soon settled down and returned to their respective camps in an orderly manner.

In fact, Bai Jue's disguised assassination can't kill a few people at all, but the key is to confuse the ninja alliance internally and put psychological pressure on the ninjas. Turned into a tragedy of cannibalism.

Facing this kind of enemy who is good at hiding, if there is no way to deal with it, it is very dangerous. Fortunately, they have Uzumaki Kanna, but it is a pity that Kanna does not have a Kyuubi as a power bank, and she does not dare to use multiple images recklessly. The technique of avatar, because this technique is listed as a forbidden technique for a reason, if it is used too much, it is easy to cause schizophrenia.

Of course, Prince Ming is special, because he is too simple, his mind is empty, and he never thinks about complicated things, because he doesn't like to use his brain, and even has a situation where his body competes with the main body for the toilet. It is naturally not easy for such a simple person There is schizophrenia.

In addition, Uzumaki Xianglin has the ability to perceive maliciousness. After all, in Tian Zhiguo, she has a minister's mother who can obtain massive resources. Coupled with Yang Jian's scientific training, her strength is much stronger than in the original plot. The abilities that are not awakened in the plot are also awakened, and this malicious perception ability is one of them.

However, Uzumaki Xianglin was seconded to other troops. After all, you can't just care about yourself. Other troops also need to guard against Bai Jue's assassination. Anyway, with Uzumaki Xianglin's current strength, it is more than enough to protect itself. With the existence of Bai Jue, the Ninja Allied Forces Baby is still too late, and will definitely protect her at all costs to ensure her safety.

Chapter 565 The Barbecue Boss' Secret Practice

After a night of recuperation, all the ninjas regained their energy. What happened last night can only be regarded as a small episode, which has no effect on the Fourth Ninja World War.

In the early morning of the next day, Orochimaru led the troops to move forward slowly according to the command of the coalition headquarters, occupying a strategic location. There is a tendency to encircle. As the attacking party, it seems to have an active advantage, but in fact, the situation is not as good as imagined.

In fact, the ninja coalition has a huge disadvantage, that is, Hou Le. The reason why the ninja coalition chooses to attack actively and surround Bai Jue's army. During the period, they have to face various traps set by Bai Jue, because they cannot fight a protracted war.

Bai Jue's army is a unique creature. It doesn't need special food preparation, it can just eat soil, and it doesn't need supplies from the logistics line. It's no problem to stay underground for three to five years.

But the ninja alliance is not good. If it really takes three to five years, all the countries in the ninja world will be dragged down, with hundreds of thousands of people!Can't afford such a big consumption at all.

Bai Ze's army did not have these worries. Uchiha Obito not only sent Bai Ze to carry out assassinations.The strategy formulated is also that a small group of Baijue will transform and assassinate, cut off the supply line of food and grass, kill the morale of the ninja coalition forces, and force the coalition forces to attack frantically.

The coalition command also noticed this and sought victory steadily.As a premise, command the army to shrink the front, surround the Bai Jue army, and then start a decisive battle.

Finally, a few days later, the ninja coalition forces collided head-on with the Baijue army, and the overwhelming Baijue launched a charge. Orochimaru sneered, the attack formation of the Baijue army was very loose, it was a suicide attack, he liked it the most.

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Wind Escape Tornado Hurricane!"

"Lei Dun Thunder Legend!"

"Wind Escape · Snare Net!"

"Tu Dun · Earth Flowing River!"


Taking advantage of the fact that the armies of the two sides were not entangled, there was no need to worry about accidentally injuring their own people, and powerful ninjas launched their strongest ninjutsu attacks one after another.

All of a sudden, violent thunder and lightning, rushing water waves, strong hurricanes, scattered gravel, and rising flames intertwined together. Surging chakras circulated in everyone, directly killing Bai Jue within a radius of several kilometers. Killing everything is completely a map gun-level attack.

The one who was left to stand behind, but seeing the situation on the battlefield, couldn't help feeling a little itchy, especially after seeing the water and fire ninjas release ninjutsu, a large amount of water vapor rose to the sky, forming a dark cloud, Beiliuhu felt that this was a good time for him to make a move.

Beliuhu's figure flickered and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the front of the battlefield, his hands began to form seals, and a black cloud appeared around him, which rose to the sky and stirred up, merging with the clouds in the sky. By using chakra to collect cumulonimbus clouds, a huge thundercloud vortex is formed in the sky, and strands of lightning continue to emerge, making rumbling noises. What is shocking is that the lightning in the sky is bursting with strands of purple.

The bewitching purple lightning flashes with splendid arcs, refracting colorful rays of light in the thunderclouds, reflecting the entire battlefield like a dream, and those purple lightnings gather together to form a [-]-meter-long ferocious beast. Flickering among the thunderclouds.

"Immortal method, Lan Dun, purple ghost dragon!"

After Beiliuhu completed the seal, he clenched his fists and waved towards the place where Bai Jue was densest.


A dragon made of purple lightning appeared in the sky. It seemed to come alive at this moment, and let out a roar like thunder!Everything it passed when it jumped down from the air was destroyed by it, and the space was wrinkled, and finally the purple dragon hit the ground.


An incomparably dazzling bright light flashed, shining brighter than the sun, dispelling all the darkness in an instant, making people unable to open their eyes, but it disappeared soon, the speed of light was faster than the speed of sound, so what followed was It was a deafening roar!

Amidst the deafening roar, the tyrannical power of thunder and thunder rolled backwards and vented to the surroundings, as violent and violent as a flood peak breaking an embankment!

All the ninja coalition forces on the battlefield were astonished when they saw this scene, and even forgot to charge. They just stared blankly at the countless white kites that were like unthreaded kites, and were blown upside down by the raging storm. go out!Fortunately, the location attacked by Liuhu was far enough away from the ninja coalition forces. Although it was shaken by the strong wind, there were no casualties.

To say the least, thousands of Bai Jue died under Beiliuhu's powerful blow, and a big hole appeared in the ground, making people have to marvel at the power of that blow just now.

"Wow! It seems that I used too much force. Be careful next time. Okay, everyone, don't be in a daze, and continue to do your own thing." Bei Liuhu looked at Bai Jue and the Ninja Alliance who were startled by him, I was very proud of myself, and deliberately pretended to be plain and said.

After a short period of calm, the Renzhi coalition forces whispered to each other, and looked at Beiliuhu who was standing there in awe. Although Beiliuhu looked like a small gentleman with a short stature, but at this moment he was extremely tall in their eyes .

In the world of ninjas, the strong are respected, Beiliuhu won the respect of the ninjas present with only one ninjutsu, and his prestige value was soaring.

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