
Point the strongest spear on the palm of that hand, then press that hand and hit Junmalu on the head

Jun Malu felt dizzy for a while, but at this time there was no fear in his heart, only the surprise of escaping from death, and then the whole person flew up, was thrown more than ten meters away, fell heavily on the ground, and rolled several times , stirring up dust.dusty.

Jun Malu suffered a lot this time, but with the enhanced recovery ability of the Kaguya clan, it was nothing at all. He stood up quickly and looked at the figure who was confronting the third generation of Raikage, with white hair and a handsome face. , and short in stature, he looked like a child, but no one dared to underestimate him, just standing there quietly, but it gave people a sense of security, because his name was Belyuhu.

Jun Malu came to Beiliuhu with a face of respect and said: "Master Beiliuhu, thank you very much for your life-saving grace. If it is a little later, I will really die here."

Beiliuhu nodded at Jun Malu and said: "Boy, in fact, your performance is already very good, but you lack a little experience and luck. This time it can be regarded as a lesson. Pay attention in the future."

"Thank you for being taught by Mr. Beiliuhu, I will remember it."

"Ah! Ah! It's a pity, I almost killed the kid of the Huiye clan. I didn't expect to be destroyed by you at this critical moment, but it's right to think about it, only you who have mastered the speedy escape can He was rescued at such a critical moment." Third Raikage looked at Junma Lu and Bei Liuhu, talking trash, this tone obviously did not belong to Third Raikage, but Bai Ze who controlled him.

In the original plot, all the reincarnated powerhouses in the dirty soil are controlled by Yaoshidou, but there is only one person in Yaoshidou, how can it be so easy to control so many people reincarnated in the dirty soil, the energy is too scattered, kind of careless Regardless of the feeling of the buttocks.

But Bai Jue didn't have any estimates in this regard because he had too many physical clones, and he could completely hand over the command to the physical clones. Although he still couldn't exert the original strength of the reincarnated powerhouse, it was better than pharmacist controlling it alone. Those who reincarnated with a lot of filth are much better.

Bei Liuhu glared at the third generation of Raikage, and shook his hand vigorously. Just now, he pushed the steel tunnel with all his strength, and condensed it on the palm of that hand, making the palm harden several times more than steel, but even so, it was still painful to be pricked by the opponent's finger , not only secretly sighed in his heart: The strongest spear really deserves its reputation!

"Huh, the guy who hides his head and shows his tail can only play these tricks. If this body is controlled by the third generation of Raikage, I will be a little bit afraid, but if you replace it with white monsters like you, I don't pay attention at all. Jun Ma Lu Leave it to me, you go to other places to help, I want to see how powerful the strongest spear and strongest shield mastered by the third generation of Raikage are left."

Hearing what Beiliuhu said, Jun Malu didn't continue to be brave, turned around and left, and went to other battlefields to fight. He knew very well that with Beiliuhu's strength, he could deal with a man who was not in his prime and was reincarnated by the third generation of Raikage. is a breeze.

The third generation of Raikage didn't do it immediately, but stared at "Bei Liuhu" and said: "Bei Liuhu, one of the four giants of Tian Zhiguo, has won many awards from Tian Zhiguo, and developed the technique of Oni Rama, The ability to plunder other people's bloodstains, there are a total of five blood successors, who once fought against the five kage-level powerhouses of the five great ninja villages with their own strength, and..."

"Okay! Okay! Shut up, this is all old stuff, don't need to mention it again, and I don't want to immerse myself in the glory of the past, you're just trying to delay time by talking nonsense, I won't let you It’s done, so let’s do it directly.”

Beiliuhu still shook his head impatiently, then made a move directly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Swift Escape·Extreme Speed!"

Beiliuhu's figure disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared, he had already come behind the third generation of Raikage.Metallic luster.


A huge thunder chakra appeared on the "Three Raikage", and he used the thunder shield to carry it hard. This is also a helpless thing, because his reaction is a little slow, and there is no time to dodge.

If it is a real third-generation Raikage, you can dodge it based on your own feeling. After the body has undergone a lot of practice, it will have an intuition. It's Bai Jue, who doesn't have the instinct to dodge at all, so he can only choose this way of carrying it hard.

boom! ! !

Beiliuhu hit the opponent's back with a punch, and lightning flashed all over the place. The lightning shield seemed to be a little weaker, and it wobbled as if it might break at any time, but in the end he persisted, and the third Raikage's body couldn't help flew out.

A fierce light flashed in Beiliuhu's eyes, and he immediately chased after him. Before the opponent landed, he kicked out again, and the figure of the third Raikage flying forward changed into flying backwards.

This is just the beginning, and then Hilyuhu shot again and again, the third generation of Raikage was beaten and flew around, and it didn't land for a whole minute, it was just like Xiao Li hanging and beating Gaara during the Zhongnin exam in the original plot Enhanced version of .

The Baijue avatar also tried to control the body of the third Raikage to fight back, but unfortunately, Bei Liuhu's speed was too fast, and his reaction speed was always a bit short. Without the fighting consciousness of the third Raikage, he couldn't perform as he should Shishi didn't touch Beiliuhu's body at all, so he could only constantly restore chakra, strengthen the lightning shield defense, and honestly make sandbags.

However, the third generation of Raikage also has an advantage, that is, the recovery speed of Chakra is fast enough, as long as the shield is not broken by a blow, he can recover after a little time, and the third generation of Raikage's lightning shield is indeed the strongest The title of shield has been constantly destroyed and repaired, and it has been carried down.

Boom! !

Beiliuhu's last blow, with both hands together, knocked down, and the third Raikage fell from the sky, smashing a hill directly, but soon the third Raikage stood up again, without any damage to his body.

"Third Raikage" looked at Beiliuhu carelessly and said, "Ah! Aah! It was really dangerous just now, you almost broke the shield, but it's always close, as long as you can't break my shield, No matter how much you attack, it’s useless, now I’m a reincarnated body of filth, my chakra is endless, and you are always a body of flesh and blood, chakra will always be exhausted, if you continue like this, you will lose in the end.”

Beiliuhu didn't deny it, nodded and said: "Indeed, the reincarnated body of the dirty soil is immortal, coupled with endless chakra, if I continue to use the previous fighting method, I really have no chance of winning, but now that I know this , how can you foolishly waste time with you? I have already thought of a way to deal with you, and then you can honestly accept the fate of being sealed."

As Beiliuhu spoke again, the "Three Raikages" suddenly became nervous. He felt that Beiliuhu was not talking big, and he might really be sealed. .

It's a pity that "Three generations of Raikage" was useless no matter how prepared he was, before he could react, Beiliuhu appeared beside him in an instant, first stretched out his left hand and pressed it, and the spell on the palm of his hand lit up.

"Hellshield Suction Hole!"

Seeing that the lightning shield on the third Raikage's body began to dissipate instantly, Chakra was directly absorbed by Bei Liuhu.

Seeing the disappearance of the lightning shield, Beiliuhu showed a fierce look on his face, and put his fingers together on the other hand, exuding a metallic luster again. After strengthening it with Tsunade, he viciously inserted it into the third Raikage's chest.

la la! !

Although there was some resistance, the palm still pierced into the third Raikage's chest, directly opening a big hole.

The reincarnated body of the dirty soil will automatically repair after being damaged, but during the repair process, the body will lose its ability to move and cannot resist at all. Bei Liuhu took advantage of the recovery of the other party, opened the Sharingan, and the three hook jades spun at high speed, " Illusion, fantasy space!"

The third Raikage's eyes became dull, he put his hands down, and stood there quietly, and remained so after the wound recovered.

Swish swish! ! !

A few Baijue suddenly appeared from the ground, like Beiliuhu coming to kill them. Needless to say, their purpose must be to snatch the third generation of Raikage, but Beiliuhu will not do what they wish, and his hands began to seal: "Lan Dun· Thunder cloud chamber wave!"

A large number of cumulonimbus clouds were summoned to fly into the sky, and thunderbolts descended one after another, attacking all Bai Jue with extremely fast speed, killing them all in an instant.

There is Bei Liuhu guarding here, and it is a dream to take away the third generation of Raikage because of Bai Jue. Soon the ninjas from the sealing class will rush over and pack the third generation of Raikage, so there is no need to worry.

Just when Junmalu and Beiliuhu fought against the third generation of Raikage successively, the other second generations of Mizukage Ghost Lantern and Didala also met their own opponents.

Moving forward a bit in time, after Ghost Lantern Huanyue and Didala Dirty soil were reincarnated, they were directly controlled to kill the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance Army, obviously planning to perform a beheading operation to attack Orochimaru.

How could Orochimaru be afraid of them, not only did not back down, but instead took the initiative to stand in front of them.

"Oshemaru, right? I recognize you, tell me how is the situation in Wuyin Village now?" Surprisingly, after the second generation of Mizukage Ghost Lantern Huanyue killed Orochimaru.But he didn't do it right away, but first asked about the situation in his own village.

"Wuyin Village? To be honest, it's terrible. The fourth generation of Mizukage in your village was controlled by someone using a kaleidoscope to write Sharingan, that is, to control your organization now. As a result, a blood mist policy was implemented. Wuyin Those elite ninjas in the village suffered heavy casualties, and in addition to the rebellion of the three major families of Minazuki, Kaguya, and Ghost Lamp, no! It should be said that they were forced to rebel against nowhere, and were directly exterminated. As a result, Wuyin Village almost fell out of the Five Great Ninja Village The ranks can be described as horrible." Dashemaru was worried for them when he thought of the current situation of Wuyin Village.

The second Mizukage heard Orochimaru's words and almost ran away in anger, "Bastard! Bastard, who is the fourth Mizukage, and the dignified Mizukage is controlled by someone? Such a shameful thing, why are you still alive? And our ghost lamp clan, You actually betrayed? You were exterminated, what are you doing?"

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