"Actually, you don't have to be too angry. It's not wrong to say that the clan is exterminated. There is still one person alive in your ghost lamp clan, and he is now my subordinate. In addition, I also saved the blood of Kaguya and the Minazuki clan. Maybe there will be a rise." opportunity."

"Is there any remaining blood? I finally heard good news. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I can't help but destroy Wuyin Village. Who made the village like this?" Guideng Huanyue took a deep breath, Seriously looked at what Orochimaru said, "You saved the blood of my ghost lamp clan, but logically speaking, I should thank you, but now I can't do anything at all, and even my body is about to lose control, so I'm sorry."

The second Mizukage finished speaking.He raised his hand and began to seal, and the battle was imminent.

Orochimaru didn't intend to do anything, took a step back, and said to a handsome guy behind him: "Sasuke, I'll give this guy to you. The second Mizukage is very good at illusion, and you must have a lot of common language."

Sasuke, who had been standing behind Orochimaru, immediately stood up when he heard the words. When he heard that the other party was good at drawing trees, he immediately became interested. Looking at the second generation of Mizukage, he said proudly: "In terms of illusion, our Uchiha clan will always be the leader. The strongest."

"Hey, hello! Orochimaru, don't you plan to do it yourself, and you actually send a kid here to look down on me? We should have a king against king."

Orochimaru said indifferently: "I have powerful subordinates, why do I have to do it myself? As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, of course, he will die and let his subordinates go. Use your subordinates to test it out first, wait until you find useful information, and then make a move if you are sure."

The corner of Mizukage's mouth twitched: "Sure enough, those of you who are in command have a dark heart. Let your subordinates die and take the credit for yourself. It's the first time I've seen someone more shameless than me." Guideng Huanyue stroked his mustache, as if he had met someone he knew.

But Sasuke rolled his eyes. He didn't think that Orochimaru didn't make a move because he was unsure. Now that Sasuke has joined Tanokuni and has become a core member, he naturally knows something about Orochimaru. Not only did he see the giant Tenseigan with his own eyes, but also Having seen Orochimaru's true strength with his own eyes, he might be comparable to the legendary Sage of the Six Paths when he exploded with all his strength. The real reason for not making a move is probably that he didn't pay attention to the ghost lantern and magic moon at all.

"Let's talk nonsense, the second Mizukage, right? Let's have a competition today to see who has the stronger speech skills. I don't believe that anyone can surpass our Uchiha clan in terms of speech skills." Sasuke said and opened his eyes , turned blood red, and the three jade hooks slowly turned.

"Wait! Uchiha Sato help me to be your opponent." At this moment, Didara's voice suddenly came.

Chapter 568 Sasuke VS Second Mizukage

A giant white clay bird flew over from the sky, and Didara jumped down, staring at Uchiha Sasuke viciously, people who didn't know thought there was some deep hatred between the two.

"Who are you? I don't seem to know you, but you look like you hate me very much." I was also a little baffled.

"Of course you don't know me, and I don't know you either, but I know your brother Uchiha Itachi. I suffered a big loss at the hands of your brother. What I hate the most is the Uchiha clan, especially your writing. Wheel eyes, but it doesn't matter, Uchiha Itachi died in my hands, and you will also die in my hands, and you will all bow down under my ultimate art." At this time, Didara couldn't bear it any longer , he wants to take this opportunity to vent.

Sasuke's face turned cold, and he scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about, my brother is alive and well, where did he die?"

Didaraton was dazed, with a silly taste. "What, Uchiha Itachi is still alive, this is impossible, did my ultimate art fail? Didn't he die?"

"Is your ultimate art the self-destructive guy my brother mentioned? Then I regret to tell you that although your self-destructive power is great, it can't break through the defense of our Uchiha clan's artifact Yata mirror, so My brother is still alive and well."

Deidara looked deeply shocked, "How could this be! My ultimate art failed, no! I'm not reconciled, I want to kill you to prove that my ultimate art is invincible, my art... ..."

Deidara seemed eager to prove himself, and rushed towards Sasuke before he finished speaking. He had made up his mind to kill Sasuke first, and then go to Uchiha Itachi.

It's a pity that Didara was blocked by a woman with red head and long hair just after rushing out, "Your opponent is me. You threw the bomb very happily just now, and my old lady was covered in dirt by you. Today I have to Teach you not to."

"Woman get out of the way, go home honestly and take the children here, or don't blame me for being rude." Didara cursed a little angrily.

"You're welcome! Okay, you're welcome to show me, I can't beat you to death."

"Okay, since you're looking for death, you can't blame me." Didara threw a few clay birds and flew towards the red-haired woman as he said, "Go to hell, woman, art is an explosion, drink!"

"Just because you want to kill me too, you'd better go home and eat milk, diamond chains!"


Behind the red-haired woman came a few chakra-condensed chains, which were constantly swinging, and directly flew a few clay birds and landed on the ground, and a series of explosions sounded.

Needless to say, this red-haired woman is naturally Uzumaki Channa, and now she is a well-known figure in the country of Sorata, her status is only below the four giants of the country of Tian Zhiguo. In addition to the various abilities of the Uzumaki clan awakened by Uzumaki, no one would dare to underestimate him as a proper national treasure.

Didara still didn't give up, and planned to go around Uzumaki Chanel to attack Sasuke, but those diamond chains were too flexible and danced airtightly. Didara was accidentally drawn several times and was almost entangled. Not daring to underestimate this woman anymore, he quickly rode on the giant clay bird and flew into the sky, ready to distance himself from it and attack from a distance.

"Do you think you are the only one who can fly? I can too!"

Uzumaki Chanel sneered, took out a scroll and opened it, and with a bang, after the white smoke dissipated, a strange flying tower was revealed. Uzumaki Chanel stood on it, and flames spewed out from the rear of the airship. It is recommended to start it, carrying Uzumaki Chanel soared into the sky, chasing Didara without letting go.

Yang Jian has also considered the flying advantage of ninjas in battle. Although Tian Zhiguo has developed an airship, but for the battle of the shadow-level powerhouse, the ordinary type of airship still lacks flexibility, so he specially designed a kind of airship with the scorpion. The new flying equipment is specially made for each Kage-level powerhouse. It uses precious chakra metals. The flying speed is fast and the control is flexible. Of course, Uzumaki Chanel is also one of the beneficiaries.

The two figures are chasing each other in the sky, constantly confronting each other. From a distance, it looks like Uzumaki Chanel, waving chains. It looks like a tentacle monster, chasing Didara and beating hard. At first, Didara He was suppressed and had no choice but to run around, in a terrible embarrassment.

Without Deidara's troubles, Sasuke soon had a battle with Ghost Lantern and Huanyue.

"Water Escape·Water Blade!"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue didn't use his best illusion technique when he came up, but he used the most authentic water escape in Wuyin Village to attack, forming seals at an extremely fast speed, rushing to Sasuke, and there was an extra magic weapon in his right hand. A long knife made of water escape chakra, the water line of the blade cuts through the air and makes a buzzing sound, and the high-pressure water line vibrates at a super frequency, forming a terrifying cutting force, which is the ultimate embodiment of chakra's nature and form changes.

The second generation of Mizukage is a battle maniac who enjoys war very much, but it is undeniable that he is a genius, proficient in various water escape ninjutsu, and usually has a cheerful and bold personality, but he will become ruthless in battle. If you get passionate, you will become desperate.

The second generation Mizukage's most proud thing is the technique of steaming danger developed by him. The second generation Tukage possesses the blood-stained elimination that is said to exceed the limit of blood successors.But the second generation of Mizukage refused to accept it, and ran to fight with him, and directly used the steam of steaming dangerous explosives to burn the skin of the second generation of Tuokage's whole body, so the second generation of Tuokage's whole body was wrapped in bandages.

Sasuke also had his own pride, and when he saw Mizukage Mizukage attacking in close quarters, he also drew out his Cao Zhijian and rushed forward.

"Thunder Dungeon Thousand Bird Blade!"

The grass cone sword in the assistant is infused with thunder-like chakra, and the blue light of the sword flashes to enhance the lethality of the weapon. The opponent who is stabbed will be paralyzed and unable to move.

Cao Zhijian was already extremely sharp, but with the addition of the power of Thunder Tunnel, it was even more powerful. There was a sound of water blade colliding with the sword, and there was a slight stalemate. In the end, Cao Zhijian was even better. Cut the opponent's water blade into two pieces, and then continue to cut towards Ghost Lantern Huanyue's chest.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue twisted his body to avoid the blade, but Sasuke was already prepared to fly out and kicked him hard in the abdomen.

With a clatter, the water splashed on the abdomen of Ghost Lantern Huanyue. This is the ability of the Minazuki clan, which can hydrate the body, but his upper body still maintains a human shape. He clenched his fist and slammed it hard on Sasuke's head.

"Thunder Dungeon Thousand Bird Flow!"

A large number of lightning and lightning shields erupted from Sasuke's body. People within a certain range can be used as attack targets, but this time he is mainly used for defense.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue's fist touched a trace of lightning, and his arm went numb. The Ghost Lantern clan's resistance to Thunder Dun was too weak, so they had to give up this attack.

"Water Escape·Water Instant Body!"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue formed a seal, leaving a cloud of water in an instant, and reappeared at a distance of more than ten meters from Sasuke. One hand gestured in the shape of a pistol, "The Art of Water Iron Cannon!"

From the tip of the index finger shoots a liquid drop like a bullet.

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