"Sanjiao Hanzo? That's right, he was a corpse that was ridiculed and not killed. The corpse naturally fell into the hands of the Akatsuki organization. It is normal to be reincarnated from the filth, but it seems that Mifune has some grudges with him. He killed Hanzo in a hurry as soon as he saw him. past."

The two who fought there were none other than the former demigod Sansho Hanzo, and his opponent was Mifune Admiral.

Of course, Orochimaru was deeply impressed by Hanzo, the strong man named demigod. At the beginning, he, Jiraiya, and Tsunade were still defeated by the opponent. The strength kills them together.

However, that battle was also a turning point for Orochimaru and the others. They gained the title of Sannin and at the same time realized their own lack of strength. Also reached the movie level.

Sanshoyu Hanzo and Mifune continued to exchange weapons, and from time to time they used powerful moves, sending out bursts of roar.

Because Hanzo did not act with the third Raikage and the others, but appeared later and was controlled by Bai Ze. Originally, he planned to use the salamander poison to deal with the coalition ninjas. Fortunately, Orochimaru's Tenseigan discovered it in time and shot him Dragging out from the shaded corner, Mifune saw Hanzo appearing, and before Orochimaru could open his mouth, he rushed up screaming.

During the Second Ninja World War, Ugakushi declared war on the Iron Country, Konoha, and Sagakure in order to expand the territory. Run, only Mifune chose to stay, standing in front of Hanzo with a samurai sword in his hand, Hanzo was seriously injured in the end, despite Mifune's wretched appearance, but his conviction was firm, Mifune wanted to exchange his own death for Hanzo's promise not to kill his companions, Hanzo appreciated Mifune's spirit of sacrificing himself to protect his companions, so he let him go and gave him the antidote.

After that incident, Hanzo has expressed Mifune's obsession and started a hard practice. He has always wanted to fight Hanzo again and defeat him with his own hands. Unfortunately, when Mifune felt that he had the strength to fight Hanzo, he refused. When the news of Hanzang's death came, he was very disappointed for a while. When he thought his wish could not be realized, he did not expect another turning point. Hanzo was reincarnated from the filth. How could Mifune not seize this opportunity?


Hanzo used the sickle in his hand to block Mifune's samurai sword, but was knocked back by a huge force. Before he landed in the air, Mifune attacked again.

Hanzo stabilized his body in mid-air, swung the chain connected to the sickle, and wound it towards Mifune, while holding the sickle ready to be displayed at any time.

This move of Yamahanzo is called the chain and sickle two-step strike. First, the chain on the hand is used to wrap the opponent's weapon, and then the sickle is used to slash the opponent from top to bottom. The sickle is coated with poison. If you do, you will immediately lose the ability to resist.

It's just that today's Sanfuan is not what it used to be, how could it be hurt by this kind of move?

"Definitely cut!"

Mifune swung a knife mixed with Chakra's slash. After hitting the chain, he could slash it back, and then continued to move forward. In a hurry, Hanzo swung the sickle in his hand, and the slash instantly hit the On the sickle, Sansho Hanzo took several steps back before stopping.

Hanzo was panting violently, and the mask on his face trembled twice. As a reincarnated body of filth, he didn't need to breathe, but the fight just now was too thrilling, and Hanzo just acted instinctively.

Hanzo reached out and touched his gas mask, making sure it didn't fall off, showing a trace of relief.

Hanzo’s experience can be regarded as a legend. In the village where he was born, there was a black salamander that was highly poisonous. Whenever he breathes, people around him will inhale the poisonous gas he exhaled, and they may die if they are not careful. People around are afraid of the young Hanzo.

In order not to affect others, Hanzo was forced to wear a mask and switched to breathing through his mouth, so he couldn't take off the mask easily.

"Mifune, I really didn't expect you to grow to such a degree. I never knew that you can show the strength of a shadow when you practice the sword to the extreme."

Mifune temporarily stopped attacking, "If a samurai can exert the power of the sword to the limit, it is not weaker than the ninjutsu of the ninja, and the sword master is not weaker than the shadow. I even think that if the onmyoji, mage, and witch exist here, they have their uniqueness. Otherwise, in the ancient times, I would not keep pace with the warriors. It’s just that many kendo practice methods have been lost, but our luck is not bad. Someone discovered the ancient kendo practice methods, so I can have today’s Strength."

Hanzo's eyes lit up immediately, "Is it the way of practicing swordsmanship in ancient times? Hearing what you said, I am interested and want to see it."

-Mifune smiled slightly, "You will see, what I practice is one of the swordsmanship, although it is only a few years, but I have more or less mastered some of the mysteries."

"Then what are you waiting for, come on, let me experience the profound art of swordsmanship in ancient times."

"as you wish!"

Mifune took a deep breath, put the knife in his hand in front of his face, wiped two fingers towards the blade, and miraculously began to emit a ball of golden light, then held the knife with both hands, raised it above his head, and chopped it out with all his strength.

"The God of Ignorance, the Profound Truth of Elegance, Azure Dragon!!"

The blade slashed, bringing with it a gust of wind, and the wind swept up the moisture left in the air. When Mifune swung the samurai sword, a water dragon burst out, roaring and rushing towards Hanzo.

"Secret Sword Flash!"

Hanzo roared and slashed out with the scythe in his hand at a high speed. In the past, he used this move to pierce through the enemy. It was an instant decisive move. The last time Mifune fought with him, he defeated him instantly with this move, but this time Hanzo But it was used against a water dragon.


When the sickle collided with the dragon, the water dragon's head was sunken, but it didn't collapse. It twisted and twisted its body vividly, and the force of the wind made the water feel sharp, ready to cut the opponent's body.

"Shui Dun, Shui Shun!" Hanzo formed a seal with one hand and disappeared in place in an instant. He avoided the blow by moving at high speed, but a claw mark was clearly left on his chest.

Mifune looked at the claw marks on Hanzo's chest, recovered in a blink of an eye, and couldn't help sighing, "Sure enough, ninjas are strong in escaping abilities, it seems that you must first restrict your actions, then look at my move. Xuanwu!"

Swish swish! ! !

Mifune blasted out dozens of knives in an instant, and there seemed to be a pattern of a turtle shell appearing around Hanzo's body.

Hanzo instinctively felt that this was not a good thing, and he was about to break open the turtle shell with a sickle in his hand, but at this moment, a coiled boa constrictor phantom appeared on the turtle shell, wrapped around his body, and imprisoned him. He got up, but with Hanzo's ability, he couldn't break free.

Xuanwu's move can be used to defend against the enemy's attack, but it can also be used to trap the enemy.

Taking advantage of Hanzo being trapped, Mifune continued to wipe the samurai sword with his fingers, and used the third mystery.

"Ignorance God's Merry Mystery · White Tiger!"

Seeing the knife from Mifune, Hanzo Bailing felt that this move was more dangerous than the previous Xuanwu. He gritted his teeth and mutilated his arms, then used the immortality of the reincarnated body to recover, and forcibly broke free from the shackles of the python on his body. His figure retreated sharply, but soon he found that he could not get out of the range covered by the tortoise shell at all. The sickle in his hand slashed down, but there was only a slight ripple.

"It's useless, the 'Xuanwu' secret is a defensive move, both inside and outside are solid, and can restrict people's movements. In this case, you can only choose to resist my 'White Tiger' secret."

Sanchuan's slash turned into the shape of a huge white tiger, miraculously rushing directly into the Xuanwu turtle shell defense, and even condensed into a basalt slash that merged with the white tiger, adding a bit of power.

The white tiger roared at Hanzo, and swung its claws vigorously to shoot it. This is a tactic that abandons everything else and uses all its strength on the attack. Once Hanzo is shot, his body will definitely be smashed to pieces. The reincarnated body made him immortal, but during the recovery of his body, it was enough for others to seal him.

Hanzo waved the sickle in his hand vigorously, and he blocked part of the slash that formed the white tiger. The white tiger shrunk significantly, but the remaining slashes were enough to tear his body to pieces.

Just when Hanzo thought he was about to end, suddenly there was a violent vibration from the ground, and a huge salamander rushed out, blocking Hanzo.

"Aw!" Sansho fish let out a shrill scream. There were dense wounds on its body, and the skin and flesh were rolled up. , but it will not kill it.

"Sanjiao fish!" Hanzo couldn't help but screamed when he saw his old buddy was so seriously injured, and his heart was full of grief. As a ninja, the psychic beast is definitely their life and death partner, except of course, ten thousand snakes, That is a kind of anti-bone snake at all.

Hanzo instinctively wanted to undo the psychic spell and send his old buddy back, but at this time the salamander turned his head and gave him a fixed look. Hanzo instantly understood what his old buddy meant, and wanted to be with his old buddy in the end. He fought side by side once, because the lifespan of the salamander was about to reach its limit, and he didn't want to die silently.

"Hahaha...Okay! Old man, let us relive the years of fighting side by side!"

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