There is an indescribable boldness in Hanzo's laughter. At this moment, he is no longer the suspicious Hanzo who is used to acting in secret and doing whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Take a look at the once bloody and passionate Hanzo, this is the real demigod.

Chapter 570

"Mifune, be careful next time, I won't keep my hands anymore, and let the people around run away, or don't blame me if they die." Hanzo said boldly while standing on the salamander.

"Come on, let me test your true strength. As for the others, don't worry, they have the ability to protect themselves."

"Really? Then I'm not welcome, Sanjiao, poison spray!" Poison spray

Salamander had already started preparing, and upon hearing Hanzo's order, he immediately opened his mouth and sprayed a large area of ​​poisonous mist from his mouth.

This kind of poisonous mist is very strong, few people can resist this kind of poison, even Hanzo who has the poison antibody of salamander, why few people dare to provoke them when Hanzo is in charge of the rain country, even the rain Guo dared to take the initiative to go to war with other big countries because of the deterrence of the poisonous mist of Sansanjiao. Deterrence of weapons of range destruction.

"The Nameless God's Merry Mystery Suzaku!"

After Mifune was defeated by Sanshoyu Hanzo, he wanted to regain his position. In addition to his own hard work, he also inquired about Sanshoyu Hanzo's ability. With the title of demigod, a lot of his information is not secret, so he naturally understands that this poisonous mist is so powerful that it must not be allowed to disperse, otherwise almost no one around will be able to survive, so he can directly use it to reveal the Suzaku Profound Truth.

A gust of wind rolled up on the Mifune sword, wrapping himself, the gust of wind almost turned into a solid body, rubbed against the air to produce scorching air, and suddenly the sky was filled with flames, forming the appearance of a phoenix, plunged into the poisonous mist, and burned up immediately , triggered an explosion, and burned the poisonous mist.

"I didn't expect that the kendo technique can also exert the effect of fire escape!" Hanzo's pupils shrank, and the surprise on his face couldn't be hidden, but there was no good hesitation in his movements, and he controlled the salamander to slam into Mifune.

Mifune smiled, and the samurai sword in his hand shook again. After the phoenix's body collapsed, it turned into flames and burned poisonous mist. The slashes were about to disappear, but at this time, it seemed that they were summoned, and they gathered again. Turning into a vermilion bird, it flapped its wings and flew towards the salamander with a heavy heat wave.

"Although my Suzaku move doesn't have the defense of Xuanwu, the attack of the white tiger, and the agility of the Qinglong, its biggest feature is infinite resurrection. It is the legendary phoenix."


Suzaku collided with the salamander, and countless slashes erupted, and the already scarred salamander was even more injured, and these wounds carried a wave of heat, continuously burrowing into the body.

Salamander fish is very good, as the heat gets stronger and stronger, it directly cooked his internal organs

"Aw!" Finally the salamander couldn't bear it any longer, let out a fierce howl, the body kept rolling, the ground rumbled, and Hanzo was thrown flying directly.

At this time, Suzaku suddenly exploded, and the body exploded with a final slash, which landed on the Sanjiao fish, directly dissecting its body, and Suzaku completely dissipated after completing the task.

Hanzo looked at the dead salamander, with a trace of sadness on his face, but also a trace of relief, "Old man, wait for me, I'll be right there."

Hanzo turned his head, looked at Mifune and said, "Is there any more powerful mystery? Come again, give me a gorgeous funeral."

Mifune didn't talk nonsense, just nodded solemnly, and slowly raised the knife in his hand.

"The Ignorant God Merry..."

Following Sanfuan's soft chant, the form of a white tiger enveloped him, the form of a basalt shielded him, the green dragon circled around him, and he himself appeared in the form of a vermilion bird.

"...The Ultimate Profound Truth, Golden Dragon!"

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu all flew into the sky, and suddenly the wind howled, forcing the surrounding flowers, plants and trees to bow their heads, and then a golden light appeared, illuminating the entire sky.

Among the clouds, a huge golden dragon's head gradually appeared, with its teeth and claws swooping down, the target was Hanzo.

Looking at the mighty and noble golden dragon, Sanshoyu Hanzo didn't resist, he knew he couldn't resist at all, "Thank you, Mifune, I have no complaints or regrets to die under such a powerful and magnificent move, come on !"

As Mifune's blade slashed down, the golden dragon in the sky uttered a loud and clear dragon chant, rushed down with an indomitable momentum, and bumped into where Hanzo was standing.

boom! !A gorgeous explosion erupted on the ground, shining golden rays of light, and the tyrannical energy wave swept across the four directions, turning everything around into ashes, and the sky clouds were pushed away horizontally. At this moment, the brilliance of the sun was also covered !

The earth-shattering explosion ended, and it took a while to calm down. In the most central position, countless debris is slowly gathering, and the outline of Hanzo has faintly appeared.

But how could Mifune make him recover? With a flash of his body, he came to Hanzo in an instant and stabbed the knife in his hand into his body, preventing Hanzo from recovering. Soon a ninja stepped forward to start the sealing work.

After a while, Mifune looked at the big cocoon wrapped tightly in bandages, and said: "Hanzo, go all the way!"

"Hanzo, go all the way!" Orochimaru standing on the hillside far away said the same thing. He didn't have any hatred for Sanshoyu Hanzo, even though there was a life-and-death battle back then, but it was just the two sides The position is different.

Seeing Orochimaru's appearance, Yang Jian couldn't help but said: "What? Do you still want to catch up with Hanzo? If you really have this kind of thought, you can release him and say what you have to say After finishing and sealing it up, it is easy for you to do this kind of thing."

Orochimaru glared at Yang Jian angrily, "I'm not as boring as you, but now I'm on the battlefield, business is important, personal matters aside, I don't know how other battlefields are going."

Yang Jian snorted coldly, expressing dissatisfaction for the other party's lack of face, no longer looking at Orochimaru, but staring at Sansan Chuan, ignorant and romantic?It's quite suitable for him, I don't know if it will create a ghost-eyed maniac from the Naruto world.


At this time, the other battlefields are coming to an end, but compared to this side, the other battlefields are obviously much more tragic, and the number of people lost is several times that of this side.

The troops led by Gaara and Sandai Tsuchikage confronted the Hakujue army. Surprisingly, Tayuya, Kidomaru, Jirobo, and Sakin Youkin from the artist village performed the most brilliantly.

To be honest, the aptitude of the four people is limited. Compared with Guren, Kimomaro, and Minazukishiro, they are more than one level behind. They can only reach the level of jonin because of the curse seal given to them by Orochimaru, but The elite jounin is already at the limit, and it is impossible to reach the kage rank.

However, with the development of Yitian Kingdom's technology, Yang Jian thought of a combined ninjutsu that the four of them could perform together.

Yaojia specially asked the four people to form a weird band, and made a super loudspeaker, and then asked the four people to learn the magic of sound illusion, and also wrote a special tune to make the enemy fall into the illusion through sound .

In this way, the famous four-member band came into being. Tayuya and the others played together. Yang Jian also wrote a piece of music for them, and when it was used suddenly, it could produce unexpected effects.

When the battle started, the four of them were the first to strike, Tayuya played the clarinet, Kidomaru played the organ with spider silk stretched straight, Ci Langfang played the drums, and the two heads near the left and right played the trumpets.

The four of them started a shocking performance. Under the effect of the special speaker, the sound can be transmitted to far away places. The coalition ninjas had prepared in advance and prepared the earplugs so that they would not be affected, but Bai Jue's army was miserable. Thousands of Bai Jue fell into a deep sleep with strange smiles on their faces after hearing the sound, and never woke up again.

The record among the four is strong, but the price is that the chakra in the whole body is exhausted, and they are almost unable to stand still. No one will think that they have a big spectrum, this is the treatment they deserve.

The four of them got off to a good start, and the morale of the allied ninjas was greatly boosted. They fought fiercely with the Bai Jue army, and the more they fought, the more brave they became, until the appearance of the strong man from the dirt.

The powerhouses reincarnated from the filth here include the third Kazekage, the fourth Kazekage, and the second Dokage. The body of the third Kazekage had already been made into a puppet by the red sand scorpion, but the excess body parts were discarded. Let Heijue get it and summon him out.

The fourth generation of Kazekage was naturally stopped by Gaara, and a contest between father and son came. Because of Yang Jian's training at the beginning, Gaara knew that the sand chakra that has been protecting her came from her mother, and she untied her heart. Knot, realized the power of maternal love, decided to protect the village with his own life, and began to practice hard, and his strength grew by leaps and bounds, stronger than in the original plot.

In addition, the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa used all kinds of water on his son, and was easily defeated by Gaara.

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