As for the third Kazekage, seeing that the red sand scorpion was also in the coalition army, he didn't need to be controlled by Bai Jue, and killed it directly. Back then, the third generation of Kazekage was killed by the red sand scorpion. , all kinds of powerful magnetic escape ninjutsu were performed one by one, and he looked for the red sand scorpion.

But the Scarlet Sand Scorpion would not be afraid of him. Now the strength of the scorpion is definitely the top among the Kage class. With the killer, it can even reach the Super Kage class. The third generation of Kazekage was suppressed from the beginning, not to mention how aggrieved.

But what is it, I just write that facing the three generations of Kazekage who was killed by him at the beginning, I feel a little bit guilty.

Because the reason why Zhuixie hated the third generation of Kazekage at the beginning was because he forced his parents to the battlefield, and it was the most dangerous place, and he died at the hands of Konoha Baiya. From Kazekage's point of view, his There is nothing wrong with doing it, it is war after all.

It's just that at that time, Scorpion was completely paranoid because of his parents' affairs, and blamed all the faults on Sandai Kazekage and Konoha's Bai Fang, so he killed Sandai Kazekage for revenge. Originally, he wanted to attack Bai Fang, but he didn't expect Before he could make a move, Bai Fang was already dead, and he was forced to commit suicide for a ridiculous reason. In the final analysis, it was caused by the power struggle inside Konoha.

After being resurrected by his parents, Scorpio has completely untied the knot in his heart. Because of the trace of guilt in his heart, he decided to give Sandai Kazekage a face, and pretended to be in a stalemate with him for a while.Then he used his own big move, using hundreds of puppets plus sand gold and iron sand to assemble a puppet giant nearly [-] meters high, completely defeating the sandbag Kazekage.

Until the end, Scorpion's grandma Chiyo said sorry for Scorpion when the third Kazekage was sealed, because Scorpion would never say such words.

As for the second generation Dokagemu, it is natural that Onoki is evenly matched, but Onoki is old after all, and his back hurts at every turn, and his call is at a disadvantage. Fortunately, Gaara was sealed by his father in time, and then came to help. Under the joint efforts of the two, even the second generation of Tukage could only drink their hatred on the spot, and could not avoid being sealed.

As for the other ninja troop headed by Kakashi, they encountered seven ninja swordsmen from Wuyin Village, and the former genius, the ghost full moon who can master all ninja swords, directly channeled five ninja swords , Kakashi and others suffered a lot in the original plot.

But this time is different, because the ninja coalition forces have a few more powerful helpers, all supported by Yinnin Village.

The ice shield of the Minazuki clan appeared on the battlefield, and a direct move to the Ice Age froze a lot of enemies. There was also the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and it was at the level of a kaleidoscope. People understand why Uchiha Madara was able to rule the world back then, and there are monsters with a natural immortal physique. Although they can't fully control them, they can already distinguish between the enemy and us. There is also the Vajra chain from the Uzumaki family. The reincarnated body will also lose the ability to resist.

In addition, there are several small powerhouses from Konoha, including Yume Shino who is also here, and his performance is even more amazing. Using a Taoist jade to transform into a sword, even if the reincarnated body of the filthy soil is injured, it will not be able to Recovery is the only one on the battlefield who can directly kill the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

Kakashi, the strongest [-]/[-], basically didn't make any moves from the beginning to the end. He just solved some cannon fodder-level white zealots, and the rest were covered by others.

Finally, there is the seaside battlefield. The team leader here is Darui from Yunyinpu. The tricky characters are Golden Horn, Silver Horn, and several angles. The ninja alliance caused a lot of damage, but this time, he could only be hanged and beaten, holding his head and yelling.

Because at this time, there are tailed beasts that are more ferocious than them and ninjas who specialize in restraining them, Wugou and Yamato, on the battlefield by the sea.

Mu Dun's restraint on the tailed beast is too great, Yamato directly uses the tree world to descend, directly growing dense trees on the sea, and then entangles the golden horn tightly, and can also absorb its chakra. It grows, and soon loses the ability to resist. Some creatures are blessed with armor, and Yamato's Wooden Dungeon is a pleasure to use. He even feels that he will dare to charge up even if he encounters Kyuubi.

Yinjiao was not restrained by the Mudun ninja, but his situation was even worse. Wugou directly transformed into a tailed beast and turned into a zero-tailed feather snake. The combination of two super existences became an existence that was not weaker than Nine Tails.

As for Silver Horn, it only absorbed part of the Nine-Tails Chakra. The Feathered Serpent yanked its tail and blinded it when it arrived. The emotion of fear was immediately sensed by Feathered Snake.

Needless to say, because of Feathered Serpent's ability to perceive fear, it can always predict the opponent's attack in advance, and Silver Horn's methods are all used, but none of them can touch Feathered Serpent in the slightest.

This was definitely the most embarrassing battle between Jinjiao and Yinjiao. In the end, they voluntarily asked to be sealed up, never wanting to face Wugou and Dahe's perverts, and even lost several artifacts inherited from the Sages of the Six Paths.

In addition, there is also Ghost Lantern Water Moon here, and the hydration ability of the Minazuki clan was restrained by Thunder Dun and Ice Dun.It's just that after the training of Yang Jian and Dashewan, Shuiyue understands that if he can reach the level of pure water, he can get rid of these restrictions, do not conduct electricity, and do not freeze. Now he can do this completely, so that Completely indulged, the seaside is his home field, frantically rolling up the waves, crushing Bai Jue into meatloaf, more Bai Jue died in his hands than Commander Darui killed.

In addition, Red Lotus's crystal shield has a strong restraint on the reincarnation of the dirty soil. After all, even Chakra can evolve, and can directly seal the opponent into the crystal, and even the horns are sealed by Red Lotus.

The progress of the battlefields on all sides is gratifying, and it is gradually coming to an end. Bai Jue has suffered heavy casualties, and most of the strong reincarnated from the dirty soil have been sealed. Victory is a matter of time.

But the strange thing is that the masked man who was behind the scenes never showed up, which made everyone feel extremely strange. It stands to reason that if the situation on the battlefield is found to be unfavorable, changes should be made immediately, but in fact there is no change at all, and Since he never showed up, where is he?

Chapter 571 Encounter

"The guy who calls himself Uchiha Madara hasn't shown up yet? What the hell is he doing?" Fourth Raikage stared at his chocolate secretary Mabui with a serious face at the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance.

Because Orochimaru gave the Ninja Alliance some information that was not in the original plot, they have determined that the mysterious masked man is not Uchiha Madara, but they don't know his specific identity, so they can only call him that.

The sexy black beauty Azabui said apologetically, "Sorry, I don't have any news."

Mabuyi also had a look of confusion on his face. The current situation of the battle is clear. Although it is not completely over, it is nearing the end. There are not many strong men left in the dirt, and Bai Jue's army is about to be killed. The opponent's situation is precarious. If you don't make any changes, it's like sending the dispatch to die.

I don't know what the black hand behind the scenes thinks. Although the situation is favorable to them, as long as they don't understand the other party's conspiracy, they will always be unable to let go of it.

"Damn it, how can that bastard endure that he dares to treat my father like this. When he shows up, I must teach him a good lesson!"

boom!Thinking of his father being reincarnated from the filth, who couldn't help but fight with the ninja allied forces, the grumpy Fourth Raikage couldn't bear to punch down hard, directly smashing the table to pieces.

Because of the butterfly effect caused by Yang Jian, Sasuke did not go straight to the venue of the Six Kages Conference like in the original plot. Naturally, the fourth generation of Raikage would not be burned by Sasuke's Amaterasu fire and lose an arm, and both hands are fine.

"Raikage, bear with me, the Baijue army will be wiped out anyway, I don't believe he won't show up by then." Tsunade, who is the Fifth Hokage, hastily stood up to persuade him.

"That's right, the more calm we need at this time, the enemy will be in the dark tomorrow. If we lose our calm and give wrong instructions, it will be easy for the enemy to catch us." Surprisingly, the Third Hokage was also present. .

After all, the third generation is getting old, and has already retired from the position of Hokage. Everyone was embarrassed to let him go to the battlefield to fight his life, so they left him in the headquarters. As the saying goes, an old man is like a treasure. Rich, can also be said to be cunning and cunning, can check for leaks and fill in gaps for them, and really provide them with a lot of advice.

Fourth Raikage barely suppressed his violent temper, "But in this situation, how can you let me calm down! Is there nothing I can do?"

The third generation pondered for a while, and said: "That's not true, although we don't know what kind of conspiracy he has, but if he wants to carry out his Moon Eye plan, then Naruto is indispensable, or Naruto's body The Kyuubi is his target, as long as you keep an eye on Naruto, there will always be a black hand behind the scenes."

Fourth Raikage heard what Third Generation said, and immediately turned to Mabui, "Where is Naruto now?"

Mabui immediately replied: "Naruto's former mayor used the multiple shadow clone technique. Thousands of clones were active inside the ninja coalition army, looking for Bai Jue who was hiding in the army. It seemed that he had sensed something before, and now the main body is moving towards Tianzhi. Going in the direction of the country, Kirabi is with him."

Still like in the original plot, Naruto has mastered the ability of malicious perception to distinguish Baijue. Although the mother and daughter Uzumaki Kaphos and Uzumaki Kanna can also do this, they don’t have a Nine-Tails power bank. Moreover, the technique of multiple shadow clones is prone to schizophrenia if used too much. Forty or fifty is their limit, and the efficiency is too low. In the end, it is up to Naruto to make a move.

The Third Hokage raised his head and looked in a certain direction, "Is it the direction of Tian Zhiguo? Orochimaru is also there. Could it be that Naruto sensed something? If this is the case, we might as well gather the masters of the coalition forces and move closer to Naruto's direction." Anyway, now that the war has come to an end, as long as enough people are left, the Baijue army will not be able to make any waves. In addition, we will inform Orochimaru to be ready. As soon as the black hand behind the scenes appears, we will rush up and take him down together. "

The Fourth Raikage's eyes lit up when he heard the third generation's suggestion, "It's a good idea, why don't we go there together, anyway, judging from the current situation, there is no problem without our command, and the remaining things can be done freely by the troops." Can."

"Good idea!" Before the third generation could speak, Tsunade slapped his hands and stood up to express his agreement. In fact, Tsunade is also a violent person. It is good to be able to endure until now. He didn't speak before because there was no good way. Now there is a new one. Strategy, of course, will not sit here and continue to wait.

"That guy pretending to be Uchiha Madara, I want to break his mask with my own hands and see who it is."

Now that Tsunade has agreed, the third generation is naturally not good, so he had to nod. In addition, he was also very curious about who the guy who called himself Uchiha Madara was. Anyway, this should be his last battle. After it's over, even if he's still alive, he should go home to take care of himself. It's better to meet the mastermind behind the scenes. It's best to find out the identity of the other party and solve a doubt.

Tsunade and the others didn't know that the masked man they were thinking of, that is, Obito Uchiha, was fleeing desperately.

With Obito's current strength, there are very few ninjas in the entire ninja world who can beat him, and even fewer who can force him to flee in embarrassment. If someone dares to stab him, they will kill him without saying a word.

But the problem is, it also depends on who it is. For example, the few who are chasing him now are Senju Hashirama, the god of the first generation of Naruto, and Senju Tobama, the second generation of Naruto, who has the title of water god and has developed countless taboo techniques. , the fastest Hokage Namikaze Minato, plus Jiraiya, who can stand up to it, the opponent is too strong.

To say why Obito was chased and beaten by the three Hokages plus Jiraiya, we have to start from the beginning.

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