Originally, the three Hokages planned to go to the headquarters of the Ninja Allied Forces to find out more details about the situation with Tsunade. Under the leadership of Jiraiya, they galloped all the way to their destination.

On the road, Jilai also told them as much as he knew, but Sui didn't hear that Jilai also mentioned that the behind-the-scenes man who launched the Fourth Ninja World War was a man wearing a whirlpool mask and showing a The mysterious man with the kaleidoscope Sharingan immediately guessed that the other party was the one who took advantage of his wife's childbirth to destroy Konoha by pulling away from Kyuubi, that is, the murderer who killed himself and his wife.

Then Namikaze Minato thought of another thing. When he fought against the opponent, he left the flying thunder god spell on him. This kind of space spell is difficult to erase, so can he use the spell directly? How to send it to the other side?If this black hand behind the scenes is eliminated, will it be possible to end the Fourth Ninja World War directly? Even if it fails, at least it will make the opponent lose command, which is a good thing for the Ninja Alliance.

When Namakaze Minato shared his thoughts with others, the first Hokage Senju Hashimama agreed first, because he didn't have any plans in his mind, strategies and the like, and he was always a reckless word when fighting with others.

The second Hokage thought about it, asked Jiraiya some questions, and finally agreed. After all, the four of them are all strong men standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world, and they have confidence in their own strength.

Needless to say, what happened next can be guessed. Namikaze Minato used the Hiraishin technique to travel through the space with the two Hokage and Jiraiya to find Obito Uchiha, and saw the murderer who killed himself and his wife. , Namikaze Minato lost his composure and went straight up.

The two Hokages, Senshou Bashima and Senshou Fujian, saw that the water gate was opened, so they couldn't just watch, and they also shot together. As for Jiraiya, he chose to hold the line behind, put his hands together and started to activate the immortal mode.

Uchiha Obito moved one of the eyes of reincarnation at this time, and coupled with the original kaleidoscope, it was the time when he was in high spirits, even if the opponent's lower-rank Hokage was not afraid, he used psychic techniques to summon six clones, and cooperated with the outsider golem and the first generation of them Win or lose.

But there was a coincidence. At this moment, Obito received the news from Hakuzai that Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Naruto appeared on the battlefield. Now he didn't have the heart to get entangled with the three Hokages and Jiraiya, and immediately turned to Naruto. The person approached, because now the nine tails are the key, as long as you get the last tail beast, resurrecting the ten tails can solve everything.

It's a pity that Obito didn't know that Naruto actually had only half of the Kyuubi in his body, and the other half of the Kyuubi was in the body of Minato Namikaze in front of him. Because of insufficient information, he gave up the good opportunity in front of him for nothing.

In the first generation of Hokage, they finally saw the mastermind behind the scenes, how could they let them go, so they chased after them, no one chased and fled all the way, Obito's space ability is too powerful in terms of life-saving, and all kinds of attacks have been tried Yes, but at every critical moment, the opponent will blur his body, unable to hurt the opponent in the slightest, so the four of them teamed up can do nothing.

There seems to be an invisible gravitational force between Naruto and Obito, which makes them get closer and closer. When Obito came to a mountain forest, he finally stopped and stood on a big tree looking into the distance. distance.

"Hahaha... boy, why don't you run away? Could it be that you have no strength, you villain, you dare to pretend to be Madara, I'm going to beat you up!" Senju Zhuma stared fiercely at Obito and said.

Namikaze Minato, Senju Tomona and Jiraiya also tacitly moved to Obito's left and right sides and behind him respectively, and surrounded him.

"Run away? No, I didn't run away, it's just that I was in a hurry to meet someone. Now that he has come, there is no need to run away anymore."

Hearing the words, Qianshou Zhujian said inexplicably: "I am in a hurry to meet people. There seems to be no one here except us. You shouldn't fool me."

"He hasn't arrived yet, he will come later, but before that, I'll give you a gift to let you meet your old friend." Obito started to make seals with his hands after speaking, "Psychic technique!"

A coffin emerged from the ground and stood there. Originally, Obito was supposed to open the lid of the coffin and control the people inside to come out, but he didn't expect that before Obito could make a move, the coffin was thrown into the ground with a bang. The person kicked it away.

The domineering Uchiha Madara came out of the coffin and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Obito, what's going on? Why did you resurrect me in this state? Have you forgotten what I said before... um! Zhu Room! It's you!"

Uchiha Madara was only halfway through his words when he was attracted by the first Hokage in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and then a happy expression appeared on his face, "Hahaha, that's great, Hashirama, I didn't expect to see you again , come on, let's fight again, this time I will definitely not lose!."

"You..." Senju Bashirama raised his hand domineeringly, pointed at Uchiha Madara and said: "...Stay there honestly, and I will settle accounts with you later."

Uchiha Banton seemed to have been hit, his aura dissipated, and he became weak, "Sure enough, I will never be able to get along with someone like you."

On the other side, Namikaze Minato was shocked when he heard Uchiha Madara's words, turned his head in disbelief, and looked at the masked man, "Obito? You are Obito! How is this possible? Aren't you already dead? ? If you were still alive, why didn't you go back to Konoha? Why did you do that?"

Obito didn't expect Uchiha Madara to call out his name as soon as he appeared on the stage, exposing his identity, but now it doesn't matter if he is exposed or not. Now that he has been exposed, there is no need to continue to hide.

Obito reached out and took off the mask, revealing a strange face, half of which was that of an ordinary person, and the other half was abnormally white, which was abnormal at first glance, because it was the missing body part that Bai Jue made up for him.

"Minister Minato, it's been a long time. Indeed, I'm still alive. I was buried alive at the beginning. It's just that I was lucky and was rescued by Madara. As for why you didn't go back to Konoha, why did you do this? It's very simple, because you didn't If you can protect Lin, let her die."


Namikaze Minato immediately understood Obito's thoughts. Minato has always known that Obito liked Lin very much, and was even willing to give everything. If Obito did something unreasonable because of Lin's death, no matter what it was, Minato would not You will be surprised, so it all makes sense.

"So that's the case. Speaking of it, it's my fault as a teacher. I failed? It's my responsibility to be a teacher, but what's the point of doing all this? Lin is dead. Don't you want to live in the regret and regret of the past?" In pain?."

"No, I won't live in pain, so I want to implement the Moon Eye Project, I want to create a world with Lin, not only me, but everyone can realize it in the illusion, I will be the savior of this world. "Obito Uchiha said this, with a trace of fanaticism in his eyes,

"Living in the illusion is just escaping. It doesn't make any sense at all. It's just a deception. Take the soil and turn around, don't make mistakes." Namikaze Minato still feels guilty about his apprentice, hoping to persuade him to let go.

"Teacher, since I have made a decision, I will not look back, and it is too late for you to say this now, my wish will come true soon, because he has come." Obito said and looked up into the distance.

Namikaze Minato immediately fell asleep, Obito looked over, and at the same time, the first generation, the second generation Hokage, and Jiraiya also made the same movements. They wanted to know who Obito was looking forward to.

Soon, two figures appeared in the distance from far to near, the person in front was shining with golden brilliance, like a small sun, it was Naruto, followed by Kirabi.

Chapter 572 The Battle of Fate

Naruto and Kirabi rushed to the scene and just saw the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara who were confronting each other. Naruto was attracted by his father at first glance.

"Father!" Naruto couldn't help but exclaimed.

After Naruto mastered the power of Nine-Tails, his perception ability greatly increased. Although Obito did not really fight against the first generation of Hokage, he just used his space ability to hide and escape along the way, but Naruto still sensed the Chakra on the opponent. That's why I chased after him in a hurry, but I didn't expect that there was a surprise, and I saw my father again here.

"Are you Naruto?" Although the clone left by Namikaze Minato met Naruto in the sealed space, he was still in the belly of the god of death at that time, and did not receive the relevant memories. Strictly speaking, this is It was Naruto who should witness the meeting with his father after he grew up, but the blood relationship between father and son, Namikaze Minato still recognized his son at a glance.

Seeing Naruto's golden look, Minato knew that he had completely controlled the power of Kyuubi, and also met his mother, and was happy for his son, so he couldn't help but walk over to hug his own son,

"Come on, Dad was also reincarnated by the filthy soil, so I need to kill Dad? And the lecherous fairy, we have to get rid of it too." Naruto's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations, and he said something stupid.

Minato twitched his face, and his raised hands froze there. Those seemed to have just experienced the baptism of a violent storm. How could I have such a stupid son?If you get it, won't you observe the situation in front of you?In the current confrontation between the two sides, even the most stupid person should be able to see the problem.


Jiraiya was so angry that he couldn't help but rushed to Naruto's side, and gave him a chestnut fiercely. Perhaps because Jiraiya didn't have any malice in his heart, Naruto actually forgot to dodge.

"Bastard! Let me tell you how many times I've told you, don't call me a lecherous fairy, you should call me a toad fairy. Also, show me clearly that I am not a reincarnated body of filth, I am still alive and well."

Naruto blinked stupidly, stared at Jiraiya, looked again and again, and found that there was no crack on the other person's face, and touched it with his hands, making sure it was a flesh and blood body, so he was sure that what Jiraiya said was true .

"Immortal Immortal, it turns out that you are still alive, that's great, then why don't you go back to Konoha? Grandma Tsunade and three generations of grandpa, they are very sad because of your death, what is going on?"

Jiraiya was so angry that he jumped up, "It's the Toad Immortal, the Toad Immortal, the reason why I can live is thanks to Orochimaru, he saved me, as for why I didn't go back to Konoha, there is no way, even though I survived , but was seriously injured, and has been in a coma for this period of time, and he just woke up recently, and he hasn't had time to report his safety. In addition, although your father was reincarnated in the dirt, he was not controlled when he was reincarnated, so you don't have to worry about making him an enemy. "

"So that's how it is, that's great!" Naruto jumped up happily, what he was most worried about would not happen.

The Second Hokage looked at Naruto's stupid look, couldn't help but sighed and said, "Is this little golden retriever the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of this generation? He really looks like Big Brother."

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