Clouds of white smoke appeared one after another, and soon densely packed Naruto clones appeared on the battlefield. Two of the clones dragged vigorously under Naruto's feet. Jumped out between the fingers.

Other clones also made similar moves. A total of dozens of clones managed to escape, and then ran in different directions. The clones mixed with the main body, deliberately disturbing Obito's line of sight and creating opportunities for escape.

Even if Obito possesses reincarnation eyes and kaleidoscope, it is difficult to tell which is the main body for a while, but he also has his own method, one of the tails is raised in the air, and wooden thorns emerge, and he shouted loudly: " Wooden escape, the technique of cuttings!"

The dense wooden thorns are shot down from the sky. The wooden thorns have great penetrating power, throwing long sticks at the enemy. After the wooden branches penetrate the enemy, the branches can continue to grow in the enemy's body and branch instantly, destroying the enemy from all directions. It is a very vicious technique.

bang bang bang...

The wooden thorns were too dense, even if those avatars tried their best to avoid it, they still couldn't escape the fate of being pierced, and soon disappeared into a cloud of white smoke, leaving only the main body, and then another big hand immediately grabbed it .

At this time, it was too late for Naruto to dodge, and when he was about to be held by that big hand, suddenly, with a swipe, a golden figure appeared beside him, stretching out his hand to press Naruto's shoulder. After forming a seal, it disappeared in an instant, and the big hand suddenly fell into nothingness.

When waiting to appear, Naruto and Minato were already hundreds of meters away from the Golem of the Outer Way, but at a critical moment, Minato Namikaze reached out. It turned out that he had already left the spell of the flying thunder god on Naruto. The key moment played a role.

Seeing that the fat that was about to reach his mouth was gone, Obito was furious. Three of his tails were raised in the air, and the dense wooden thorns were projected down again, more densely, and the target was everyone. , Jiraiya, Minato, Naruto, and Kirabi can only resist as much as they can, but the opponent's attacks are too dense, leaving them no time to do extra things, and Minato even has no chance to launch the Flying Thunder God Art.

Obito directly controlled a tail to insert into the ground, and slowly approached Naruto from the ground, ready to capture Naruto in one fell swoop.

It should be fine now, right?Obito thought secretly in his heart, but he didn't have the slightest carelessness. The more critical the moment, the easier it is for something to go wrong.

"Diamond Rod, extend!"

"Strange power!"

"Legendary level Chiyo dance!"

The leader suddenly heard the voices of three people behind him. In a hurry, he could only temporarily give up on Naruto. He turned his head hastily. From the corner of his eyes, he saw an old man standing in the distance, holding a thick pillar and stabbing him towards him. , and at the same time, a man and a woman followed closely on the left and right sides, stepping on the back of the ten tails to kill. .

On the left, a woman with an unusually hot figure slammed over with violent power in her fist.

The burly and muscular man on the right swooped down with a hand knife and the incomparably condensed Lightning Escape Chakra attached to his palm.

The ones who attacked from behind were of course the newly arrived Tsunade, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Raikage.


Obito immediately controlled the retraction of the two tails. One of the tails opened its big hand to block the pillar, and at the same time blocked the fist and hand knife of Tsunade and Fourth Raikage. I want to shoot those two into meatloaf.

If they are shot, even the fourth generation of Raikage and Tsunade will definitely die, but they have already discussed the way before they do it. At this time, Tsunade and Raikage suddenly stepped back and jumped to the golden steel of the third generation of Hokage. On the stick, it shortened quickly, leading the two of them back, avoiding the slap of the big hand.

"Grandma Tsunade, grandpa of the third generation, and Uncle Raikage, you are here!" Naruto couldn't help shouting happily when he saw the three people who appeared at the critical moment.

Tsunade and the others quickly joined Naruto, nodded with a smile, and then Tsunade turned his gaze to Second Hokage.

"Second Grandpa, you're resurrected too, and there's Minato?" Then Tsunade looked at Senju Hashirama, who was fighting Uchiha Madara in the distance, "So is Grandpa, but you don't seem to be under control. what happened?"

"We were reincarnated by Orochimaru. He didn't control us and let us move freely." Although it was on the battlefield, Senshou Feima still patiently explained to his beloved granddaughter.

"Oshemaru? So that's the case. Fortunately, he has a bit of conscience, although he is still such a bastard."

When Tsunade heard that it was Orochimaru, she couldn't help cursing. Her feelings towards Orochi were very complicated. She used to like Orochimaru when she was a child, but it's a pity that Orochimaru didn't mean much to her. She was surrounded by Jiraiya, a dog licking, but she didn't call , and finally fell in love with Kato Duan, but turned out to be a short-lived ghost.

Originally, Tsunade's feelings for Orochimaru had completely let go, but he didn't expect Orochimaru to revive his younger brother Nawaki three years ago. Although Orochimaru said it was easy, Tsunade was sure that things were definitely not as simple as imagined. Otherwise, Orochimaru would not have revived Natoki, and never resurrected other people. Tsunade guessed that Orochimaru must have paid a price. This moved Tsunade very much, and he felt a revival of old feelings for Orochimaru.

Jiraiya next to him could naturally hear the emotional tone in Tsunade's tone, tears streaming down his face, feeling like the goddess was about to leave him, even though the goddess never belonged to him.

"I said, everyone, I'm an old friend after all. I've been standing here for so long, haven't you noticed? It's too embarrassing."

At this time, a voice sounded not far from Naruto and the others, but it was not Obito's voice, and everyone was startled immediately. When they turned their heads and saw the appearance of the coming person, they breathed a sigh of relief.

White hair, short stature, and a handsome face, he looks like a boy in his teens, but whether it is the third generation of Raikage, Tsunade, the third generation of Hokage, or Naruto and Kirabi Don't dare to underestimate him.

"Hiruko, you're here! I didn't notice it, but we can't blame us, who made you so short, your goal is too small." As old classmates, Tsunade and Hilouchu spoke recklessly.

Beiliuhu suddenly had a black line, "What is the goal is too small, I am young, forever sixteen years old."

"Young ass! You're still in your fifties and sixties!"

"You are not the same, you are not qualified to say me."

"My mother is a woman. It's normal to take care of yourself and make yourself younger. You are a big man, what's the matter with pretending to be younger than me?"

"Don't men need to take care of themselves? I... Forget it, I don't care about it with you, it's important."

"Cut! It's not interesting. Speaking of which, when did you arrive?"

"I arrived almost at the same time as you, and I planned to discuss with you and attack from behind, but I didn't expect you to do it before I opened my mouth. I wanted to give him a hard time, but in the end A good opportunity was lost for nothing." Bei Liuhu said dissatisfiedly and gave Tsunade a look.

"Then who can be blamed, who knows that it made you unhappy? This place is very close to your country of Tian, ​​but we rushed to it first. Your fast escape is not good."

Beiliuhu suddenly had nothing to say, full of depression, in fact, this matter is really no wonder Beiliuhu, he has already exerted his speed to the limit and rushed over with all his strength, but who made him leave late.

In comparison, although Tsunade and the others are far away, the initial order came from their side, and they left first, and because Tanokuni developed various technological products, including airships, and opened up For sale, many people ordered it from Tanokuni in order to try the feeling of flying. As the fourth generation of Raikage, they also have their own flying dreams. There is also a private airship that is not equipped with any weapons, but only with enhanced speed. The three of them took the airship to catch up. Come over, there is no delay along the way, so it is one step faster than Beiliuhu.

Tsunade saw Beiruhu being speechless by himself, and smiled with satisfaction, "You are here, what about the others? Where is Orochimaru now? When will you arrive?"

"Don't worry, it will be soon, faster than you imagined." Belyuhu said, taking out a bottle of kunai from his bosom and inserting it on the ground, stretching out a finger and pointing it, inputting a wisp of chakra, kunai The last strange mark lit up, and Minato and the Second Hokage could feel a wave of space chakra in it.

A dark portal appeared above Kunai, and a snow-white figure came out first, it was Orochimaru, looking at the surrounding situation, first nodded to Tsunade with a smile, then stepped aside, and then walked out from inside More people are coming, Shennong, Wuwei, Chanel, Sasuke, Junmaro, Yakushido...

Those who walked out were all experts from Tian Zhiguo, but the last one surprised the Third Hokage, because Yang Jian didn't pretend this time, and just used his true colors.

The Three Generations of Hokage was very impressed with Yang Jian. At the beginning, Yang Jian showed his hand in Konoha and synthesized all the blood inheritance boundaries at will. If he was not afraid of Yang Jian's strength at that time, he even had the guts to arrest Yang Jian for you, and then The urge to force him to help study the boundaries of the bloodstains.

But fortunately, the last three generations of Hokage held back. He knew that since Yang Jian dared to expose, he was naturally confident in dealing with all threats, so he didn't take any action. He just asked people to find a way to build a good relationship with Yang Jian, hoping to get Because of Yang Jian's guidance, Konoha's Twelve Little Powers benefited the most. Under Yang Jian's guidance, each one's strength improved by leaps and bounds, especially Zhi Nao, Hinata, Ya and others, it can be said that they made a lot of money.

For this result, the three generations of Hokage are already very satisfied. He knows that Yang Jian doesn't have much affection for Konoha. The village, wandering outside, didn't even know whether it was life or death. If it wasn't for returning to Konoha later, showing great strength, and giving the scroll of the psychic contract of Penglai Island to Zhi Nao, he would have died. I forgot about this person, but left Konoha soon after, and then disappeared. The third Hokage sent people to investigate secretly, but there was no clue. Now that I am with Orochimaru, has he joined Tian Zhiguo?

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