Although the three generations of Hokage were full of doubts, it was not suitable to ask these questions on the battlefield now, so I could only keep it in my heart and ask slowly later.

Three generations of Hokage didn't know that Yang Jian was not just joining Tian Zhiguo, but that the entire Tian Zhiguo was under Yang Jian's control. What kind of expression would he have when he knew the truth of the matter in the future?

Chapter 575

Obito watched quietly, but did not make a move. He secretly controlled Ten Tails to continue to evolve, wanting him to reach the next form as soon as possible.

As far as Yang Jian knows, the ten tails have many forms.The first is the skinny giant form before, the second is the half-human and half-beast form in front of you, the third is the fat animal form, and the head has turned into a flower shape, and the last is the divine tree form Of course, in addition to this, there is also a rabbit-like animal state, which appeared in the original plot when Otsutsuki Kaguya fought Naruto and Sasuke.

Naruto saw Sasuke appearing among the people who came, he couldn't help showing joy on his face, and excitedly passed through to talk to Sasuke, but Sasuke always had a cold look.

Seeing his son's performance, Minato frowned, feeling that his son seemed a little crooked, it seemed that he needed to be trained, and he still hoped that his son would carry on the family line.

Before doing anything, other people were also greeting their acquaintances, the next generation of Hokage, Tsunade and Orochimaru were talking non-stop, and the fourth generation of Raikage was teaching his younger brother Kirabi.

Yang Jian had no intention of communicating with anyone. She closed her eyes and carefully felt some of the spatial coordinates she released not long ago. After a while, she opened them again, waved her hands, and shouted: "Open!"

One after another dark portals emerged continuously, and then one after another figures came out of them, the third Dokage Ohnoki, the fifth Mizukage Terumimei, the fifth Kazekage Gaara, Konoha Yamato, Nawaki, Kakashi, Matt Kai, Akimichi Dingza, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Neji, Li Tiantian, Shino, Chojuro, Qing, Guren, Yukimaru, Darui, Dodai, Nozomi, Samui, Maki, Scorpion , Chiyo...

One after another, thousands of people walked out of the space and haze, each of them was an elite, and the lowest strength was also at the Jonin level, and some even reached the Kage level.

Obito stood on top of Juo's head, looked coldly at the crowd below, expressionless, since there were a lot of them, but he didn't take it seriously, feeling the power transmitted by Juo, he was full of confidence, as long as he became ten Tai Jinchuriki, no matter how many enemies there are, he is not afraid.

"Obito! It's you, why?" Kakashi looked at Obito standing on top of Ten-tails in disbelief, not understanding why this happened.

Obito turned to look at Kakashi, somewhat concerned about his former companion, "I don't want to answer this question anymore, I just want to create a world with Lin, you have to give way or die, there is no other choice. "

At this time, the ninjas on the battlefield were talking and communicating with each other, and soon they all knew about Obito's identity.

"Lin?" Kakashi thought of the girl who died in his hands, and his heart was full of guilt. Although he had no other choice at that time, and Lin took the initiative to bump into his hands and died, he still couldn't forgive himself.

"Obito, I..."

Minato Namikaze suddenly said, "Okay, stop trying to persuade Kakashi, some things are hard to tell who is right and who is wrong, everyone has different positions, and you can't be persuaded by words."

"Minato-sensei, you..." Kakashi looked at Mizuna Feng Minato, very surprised, not knowing why the teacher said such words.

Namikaze Minato smiled wryly, "I've already persuaded him before, Obito's intentions are very firm, no matter what you say, it's useless, he is determined to use the infinite monthly reading, and pull everyone into the fantasy world."

"Is Obito really like this?"

The leader gave a cold snort, and directly expressed his feelings with actions, and Ten Tails moved again.


Ten tails let out a roar, and the berserk aura radiated from his body, making everyone present breathless. Ten tails frantically flicked, and all four limbs moved to kill the ninja coalition forces.

Lu Jiu, who was far away at the coalition command headquarters, immediately took over the command and passed the signal, "Everyone listen to my command! The Tudun ninja makes the first move..."

The ninja who was good at earth escape among the allied forces immediately came out and started to make seals at the same time, "Earth escape Earthquake core."

boom! !

In an instant, a square pit with a side length of six to seven hundred meters suddenly appeared in front of the coalition forces.

boom! !

Ten-tails who was rushing forward couldn't be caught for a while, his feet were empty, and he fell suddenly, and fell into the deep pit.

It's just that before everyone had time to cheer, the ten tails spread out and grabbed the edge of the deep pit, trying to stabilize their body, and then using their tails and hands and feet together, they kept crawling out.

Compared with the original plot, the ten tails at this stage are stronger, because in the original plot, when Obito was in control, today it absorbed an octopus foot from the eight tails, and part of the nine tails chakra swallowed by the golden horn and the silver horn, but The current Ten-Tails not only swallowed the complete Eight-Tails, but also swallowed a small Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so the strength shown is stronger than in the original plot. At this time, half of the body has been exposed from the trap.

"Let's do it together, attack with powerful attack ninjutsu, and destroy the ground around the trap, knock it down." Lu Jiu sent another command remotely.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Earth Dungeon, Earth Cap!"

"Water Escape·Whirlpool Water Blade!"

"Wind Escape, Wind Cut Technique!"

"Lei Dun, Thunder Tiger Kill!"

"Railei Blackspot is bad!"

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

"Xianfa Super Electromagnetic Gun!"

"Xianfa·Dayu Spiral Pill!"

"Immortal Reincarnation!"


At this moment, the allied ninjas displayed their special abilities, and some of them bombarded Tenwei directly, while others destroyed the surrounding ground. Finally, Tenwei couldn't hold on anymore, and fell into the big square pit with a bang.

"Very well, let's use lime next!"

"Melting escape! Lime congealing technique!" There are not many ninjas who can use this ninjutsu. There are only more than [-] ninjas rushing to the edge of the trap and spraying downwards. Streams of lime are continuously sprayed down, and it took a lot of effort , and finally drowned the ten tails.

After Lu Jiu felt that it was almost the same, he immediately found out the new order, "Water escape ninja, it's your turn!"

The ninjas in the rear immediately acted, and they came to the edge of the trap in an instant, each forming a seal and breathing out. For a while, water bombs, water dragons, water waves, big waterfalls... all kinds of water escapes were released one by one, falling into the trap. into the pit.

Ow! !

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