Juwei was blinded by the lime, and couldn't help roaring, his body struggled more violently, and Obito standing on top of Juwei's head also blurred his body to avoid it.

"Use Thunderbolt to paralyze the ten tails!"

"Lei Dun..."

The coalition army obeyed the command very much, and immediately a group of ninjas stepped forward, Kakashi, Sasuke, Darui and Beirui were among them, standing on the edge of the trap and releasing Thunder Dun downwards, thunderbolts of various shapes hit the ten-tailed On the body, although the ten tails could not be injured, the paralysis effect was still exerted, and the ten tails could not get out of the trap.

"Finally use fire escape!"

This time Jiraiya also rushed to the front, and directly displayed the most proud sage gate Zaemon. The two toads on the shoulders spit out oil and fire, and suddenly the pit turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The other fire escape ninjas also quickly followed. Fireballs, fire waves, and fire dragons sprayed into the trap one after another, quickly drying the newly fused cement.

Click!Click! !

The cement solidified quickly, and Ten Tails struggled vigorously, and there were bursts of huge cracks. The crackling sound was very dense at first, but as the cement solidified more and more, the sound began to gradually decrease.

After the fire escape ninja consumed most of his chakra and stopped ninjutsu, the cement inside the trap had completely solidified, trapping Ten Tails firmly inside the cement, with only one head exposed, howling and struggling continuously, although There was a slight crack, but he couldn't break free.

Obito has been standing on top of Juwei's head. Although he also received a lot of ninjutsu attacks just now, because his body was blurred and hid in the Kamui space, he did not suffer any damage.

However, Obito was also a little anxious at this time. He found that the ninja alliance was more difficult to deal with than he imagined. After all, all the people present were elites, and none of them were lower than the level of the ninja. Facing the plight of the ten tails, he was fine. The only way is to use the latest stimulation of the eyes of reincarnation to speed up the evolution of ten tails, so that ten tails can break free from the trap.

However, the coalition forces will never give ten tails a chance. After seeing ten tails trapped, the coalition ninjas couldn't help cheering, as if victory was in sight, but as the commander, Shikajiu remained calm and immediately issued an order to do whatever it takes. The order to kill the ten tails.

The next moment, the coalition ninjas jumped into the trap one after another, and began to form seals when they were in the sky. All kinds of ninjutsu were released one after another, aiming at Juwei's head, and enveloping Obito by the way.

However, Obito did not evade the attacks of the crowd, and continued to maintain a virtual state, devoting all his energy to stimulating the evolution of the ten tails.


Even ten tails would be injured in the face of such a fierce attack from the enemy. There were large and small wounds on his head, which continued to split and healed, making ten tails howl in pain, but his body was trapped, there was no trace of it at all. Without the power of resistance, he can only be beaten passively, unable to fight back.

"Great, as long as you persist, you can definitely defeat Juwei." Tsunade did not attack with everyone, because her strongest fighting method is to fight with fists, but in this situation, if she is close to Juwei, it will be very difficult. It is easy to be accidentally injured by Ninja wood of one's own.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Orochimaru who was standing next to him sneered, and couldn't help pouring cold water on him: "How can it be so easy? That's the ten tails, the monster that destroyed the world. Back then, even the Sages of the Six Paths couldn't do anything about it. Can seal, do you think these coalition ninjas can solve the ten tails?"

Orochimaru paused for a moment, and continued: "Lu Jiu is also smart all his life, he was confused for a while, his tactics are correct, if it is to deal with ordinary tailed beasts, even the strongest Nine Tails is fine, but Ten Tails is not Similarly, his strength is beyond human comprehension, and it cannot be solved by tactics at all."

Hearing this, Tsunade's expression became ugly, and he looked carefully at the battle situation in the trap, and he soon realized that something was wrong. Although Tobi screamed again and again, judging by his appearance, he was still full of energy, and his vitality had not weakened in the slightest. On the contrary, the coalition ninjas are a little out of breath because of excessive chakra consumption. If this situation continues, even if the coalition ninjas are exhausted to death, it will not help.

"Oshemaru, then what are you waiting for here? If you don't hurry up to help, you can't be talking sarcasticly here while everyone else is working hard."

Orochimaru shrugged helplessly and said: "Using ordinary ninjutsu is simply to tickle the municipal committee. If I use a killer mace, I'm afraid I will kill my own people first. If there are no other people here to hinder me, I can still try it, even if it can't be done completely." To deal with the ten tails can at least injure him severely, making it unable to recover in a short time, but now we have to take care of our own people, so there is no way."

Orochimaru has already estimated in his heart just now, if he uses the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion or the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, there is a high degree of confidence that it will be regarded as a serious injury, but this kind of attack is too strong, the aftermath alone is not the same as those ordinary people I can bear it, if I really do it, most of the people here will be killed by mistake, but Orochimaru is not easy to say clearly, otherwise, most of the ninjas will think that they are bragging and deliberately insult them, so Orochimaru simply does not speak.

Tsunade also looked at Orochimaru curiously. Hearing what Orochimaru said just now, his current strength has also reached an unimaginable level. In his eyes, the ninjas present are basically dragging their feet. If it is When other people say these words, Tsunade will probably think it is a joke, but the woman's intuition tells Tsunade that Orochimaru is not lying.

At this time, the ten tails in the trap finally had a new movement and started to fight back. Although he hadn't evolved yet, he had mastered new skills.

Ten tails suddenly opened its big mouth almost at a 90° angle, chakras quickly gathered, and a small black tailed beast jade took shape.

Of course, all the smallness here is only in relative terms. Compared with the huge body of ten tails, it is indeed small enough, but its diameter is more than ten meters, which is much larger than the tailed beast jade of ordinary tailed beasts.

"Attack with all your strength, don't let it shoot out the tailed beast jade." Third Hokage shouted immediately when he saw this scene.

Once the tailed beast jade in Shiwei's mouth erupts, it will definitely cause heavy losses to the coalition forces. A kind of ninja is desperate, and all kinds of ninjutsu hit it.people

But the Tailed Beast Jade condensed by Ten Tails was beyond imagination, and those ninjutsu smashed on it were directly smashed apart without any effect.


Ten Tails' Tailed Beast Jade quickly condensed into shape and sprayed out immediately, but the target was not the Ninja Allied Forces, but the lime solidified ground.

Boom! !

The tailed beast jade landed, and the teacher exploded. The force of the explosion covered a radius of [-] meters and raised a mushroom cloud. Most of the ninjas avoided in time. Only a few unlucky ones were caught in it. The damage was not serious, but the lime solidified Cracks appeared on the ground.

Now everyone understood the purpose of the ten tails, which was to destroy the solidified lime so as to escape, and everyone quickly accelerated the attack.

It's just that Shiwei didn't care at all, and more tailed beast jade condensed in his mouth, one after another, spitting out desperately, with more and more cracks, and finally with a bang, Shiwei forcibly broke through the limestone ground and rushed out. Totally out.

Chapter 576

Ten Tails roared, opened its giant mouth, and gathered black chakras. The next moment, a black tailed beast jade in the shape of a bullet head was ejected by Ten Tails. Look at that head, it was even bigger than the Tailed Beast.

"Not good." Namakaze Minato screamed, his hands together quickly sealed the seal, and the tail beast jade that was approaching everyone's side disappeared in an instant, and was transferred out with the flying thunder god technique.


Several kilometers behind Shiwei, a dazzling explosion light suddenly appeared. Needless to say, the Tailed Beast Jade was naturally transferred there.


Before the flames over there disappeared, a second tailed beast jade condensed from the mouth of Ten Tails, and it was about to be sprayed. However, at this time, Minato's chakra had not recovered. The total amount is limited, and it will take some time for Chakra to recover, so the second Tailed Beast Jade will definitely not be able to be removed in a short time.

"I'm coming!" At this moment, Sasuke stood up, his eyes changed into the form of eternal kaleidoscopes, his complete body appeared, a bow appeared in his hand, and a sharp arrow formed by the condensed black Amaterasu fire appeared.

"Indra's Arrow!" With Sasuke's shout, Li Ya flew out.


At this time, the tailed beast jade in Shiwei's mouth hadn't had time to spray out, but it was shot by a sharp arrow and exploded instantly, the violent power blurred Shiwei's face.


Totoo let out a scream, his face was blown pitted, if it were an ordinary person, it would be absolutely disfigured, but it was nothing to him, the wound healed quickly and returned to normal in less than five seconds, and The tailed beast jade began to condense in the mouth again, and this time he specially used a few tails to protect his body to prevent the previous situation from happening again.

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