Such a huge target of Qianshouduo Buddha, of course, attracted the attention of Ten Tails, and immediately opened his mouth wide, condensing small tailed beast jades and blasting towards him.

"Thousand-handed Buddha!" ​​Shengshu yelled, and the densely packed arms behind his back clenched his fists, and ruthlessly smashed towards the tailed beast jade.

Boom boom boom...

The wooden fists collided with the tailed beast jade continuously, and the flames splattered in all directions, and sawdust flew everywhere. Thousand-handed Buddha paid more than half the price of breaking his arm, and finally rushed in front of ten tails, holding ten tails forcibly with dozens of arms. It was the two huge arms at the front that grabbed his head and pressed it to the ground, "Be honest!"


With a loud noise, the huge body of Ten Tails suddenly fell to the ground. Its legs had been broken by several arms. Although it was constantly recovering, Rope Tree didn't give it a chance. Once there was a tendency to heal, it would immediately make up again. After several punches, it was determined that he could not stand up.

The ten tails roared and fought back again and again, the ten tails that turned into arms kept slamming violently, and the arm of the thousand-handed Buddha was also constantly cracking. The rope tree can only be repaired with chakra, and it feels a little unbearable due to the great consumption .

Zhishu knew that he couldn't hold it for long, so he raised his head and shouted to the crowd while he could temporarily suppress Ten Tails: "Quick! Everyone retreat immediately, I can't suppress it for long!"

"This... Nakoki, can't we kill him together?" The Third Hokage hesitated for a moment, looking at the ten tails who were pressed on the ground, and really didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity.

"No, this monster is still evolving, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger. He can't be killed at all. What a deal! I can't control it anymore."

Following the slightly panicked sound of Rope Tree, Ten Tails mutated again.

Chapter 577 The Powerful Orochimaru


A violent and ominous chakra erupted from Ten Tails, and its strength seemed to be multiplied several times. Ten Tails' injuries recovered quickly, and the effect of Qianshouduo Buddha's fist hitting him seemed to be greatly reduced.

Ten-tailed limbs exerted force, and forced himself to stand up against the densely packed big hands pressing on him, and slammed into Qianshouduo Buddha fiercely, and Qianshouduo Buddha couldn't help but backed away.

Boom boom boom...

Every time the Thousand-handed Buddha takes a step back, the ground shakes for a while, and a big hole is stepped on the ground. Before he can stand still, Ten Tails takes advantage of the victory to pursue and kill him. One tail is drawn like the top of the Thousand-handed Buddha's head. Three people on top of the rope.

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

"Boiled Escape, Skillful Mist Technique!"

"Sand Escape·Sand Spear!"

"Land Shield·Ghost Lan Dragon!"

"Thunderbolt Qiandori Sharp Spear!"

"Xianfa·Dayu Spiral Pill!"


The coalition ninjas made their moves one after another. They knew very well that at this time, only by working together can they have a chance of winning. Now only Naoki's Hand Buddha can fight against Ten Tails head-on, and there must be no mistakes.

White beams of light, black thunder dragons, high-speed spinning balls, spears made of sand, other fireballs, water dragons, wind blades, etc., all kinds of ninjutsu smashed down the sky, although they couldn't stop the ten tails , but at least it blocked his pace and bought time for the Thousand-Handed Buddha.

Under the control of the rope tree, Qianshouduofo regained his stability, and at the same time those torn arms grew out again, regrouped, and prepared to kill the ten tails again.

But at this moment, the tails behind the ten tails flicked rhythmically, and the chakras quickly gathered and compressed into extremely dense tailed beast jades. Each tail held a tailed beast jade, and each There are tens of meters in diameter.

This kind of highly compressed Tailed Beast Jade is much stronger than those made by Kyuubi, and there are a total of ten pieces. In the original plot, Shiwei did not show this ability, but it does not mean that it cannot be done. After this period of time After grinding, Obito became more comfortable controlling the ten tails, so he was able to use the tail to condense the tailed beast jade. .

All the people present were silent, they forgot to attack for a while, ten huge tailed beast jades exploded at the same time, probably few people present could survive.


The ten tailed beast jades were flung out by the ten tails, and the target was directed at the Senjuduo Buddha, to be precise, the rope tree standing on it, Yamato and Tsunade planned to deal with the most difficult enemy first, although Ten tailed beast jades attack at once, which feels a bit like hitting mosquitoes with cannons, but who made the ten tailed chakras more, rich is self-willed.

At this time, the three of Tsunade were already full of despair. Facing this kind of attack, ten tailed beast jades couldn't stop them even if they tried their best!If they had a choice, they hoped that Minato or the Second Hokage would use the Flying Thunder God technique to take them away, but once they escaped, what would the other coalition ninjas do? Watch them die?

Motoki, Tsunade, and Yamato glanced at each other and were about to risk their lives. When they fought desperately, suddenly, a figure flew from below and stood in front of them, "Okay, leave it to me next." .”

"Oshemaru! Don't leave quickly! You're going to die." Tsunade couldn't help screaming, he didn't expect to appear here at this critical moment, although he heard some unclear words from Orochimaru before, and knew that Orochi Maru's strength is definitely not what it used to be, but don't you think it can block the ten tailed beast jade?

Just when Tsunade was anxious, he saw a strange change in Orochimaru. The originally black and soft long hair turned white, and his skin became extraordinarily white. The huge chakra overflowed. Unfortunately, Orochimaru now Maru turned his back to Tsunade, otherwise Tsunade would find that his eyes were emitting royal blue light, but he had already entered Tenseiyan Chakra mode.

As soon as Orochimaru raised his hand, Tao-seeking jades popped out of his palm, they quickly condensed together into a ball, and then were continuously compressed by an invisible force, and then rose suddenly, and a golden light shot out, It turned into a thousand-meter-long sword with golden light, like a sharp sword that opened up the world.

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

Under the precise control of Orochimaru, the huge golden sword cut open the frontmost Qiuwei Beast Jade, and it exploded with a bang, but the power was not great, and then the second, third, and fourth...

Just like that, the tailed beast jades dissipated away, and the golden sword continued to cut towards the ten tails, cutting off one of his tails before dissipating.

"How is this possible?" Obito stood on top of Ten's head, shouting in disbelief.

Not only Obito, but also all the ninjas. I didn’t expect Orochimaru to be so powerful. He could cut ten tailed beast jades and hurt ten tails. But why did he become like this? Although his face is similar to that of Orochi Pill is seven or eight points similar, but with white hair and white skin, the whole person feels different.

Tsunade standing behind Orochimaru asked stupidly: "What kind of technique Orochimaru used just now, is that a sword?"

"Are you kidding? How could there be a sword thousands of meters long!" Shengshu scratched his scalp, looking unacceptable.

"Ahem, Hokage-sama, no matter what, Orochimaru-sama is always on our side. It's a good thing. Everything else is trivial, so don't worry about it."

"That's the way it is, but Orochimaru's situation is too strange, and the black sphere he used should be the Taoist jade. When Nagato invaded Konoha last time, Shino used the same thing. ? What's the relationship between them?"

There are too many doubts in Tsunade's heart and he wants to ask Orochimaru to clarify, but now it is on the battlefield, it is really not a good opportunity.

On Konoha’s side, the ninjas who experienced the great battle that Tendopei invaded back then, looked at Orochimaru, and then at Hinata Hinata, especially the ninjas of the Hyuga clan. The advanced form is exactly the same.

"I didn't expect Orochimaru to hide such a hole card. Konoha is such a genius, it's really enviable." Third Tsuchikage looked at Orochimaru and said with a sigh.

Fourth Raikage nodded at first, and then said gloatingly: "That was before, and now they must regret it very much. Orochimaru no longer belongs to Konoha. I have to say that Konoha is very strange. While cultivating geniuses, he also A genius who destroys, adding chaos to himself."

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