Chiyo nodded when she heard the words, and agreed: "Indeed, if you think about it carefully, the three of them, Konoha Bashi, are well-known figures, but in the end, Orochimaru defected Tsunade and Jiraiya also left Konoha. Not going back for a few years, Konoha Bashi, Bai Fang committed suicide, Namikaze Minato died in battle, and the others are not much better, but few of these geniuses can end well."

Fifth Mizukage Terumimei also interjected at this time: "This should be a good thing for us."

"Yes, otherwise, how can our villages survive? If Orochimaru is still in Konoha, with the advantages of the Fire Country and the powerful power of Orochimaru, it is enough to unify the entire ninja world."

After Orochimaru broke the destructive attack of the ten tails, the Qiudao jade returned, a total of 12, floating behind him, and slowly flew towards Obito.

Originally, when Orochimaru first awakened Tenseigan, he could barely condense nine Dao Orbs, but later he got the giant Tensei Eye on the moon, and with the blessing of the pupil power, the number of Dao Orbs increased again, reaching twelve to the extent of grains.

Orochimaru stopped tens of meters away from Obito, just looked at Obito coldly, and Obito felt palpitations from the inadvertent aura on his body.

"What's the matter with your eyes? Why do you have such powerful power?" Obito forced himself to calm down, staring at Orochimaru with piercing eyes and asked.

Originally, Obito didn't expect Orochimaru to answer this, after all, no one would easily divulge his information, but he didn't expect Orochimaru to let him speak after a moment of silence.

"My eyes are called Tenseikan. They are the evolution of White Eyes. They are at the same level as Samsarayan. As for my current strength, I obtained it through research."

Obito was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Obtained by research? Is this possible? How is it possible? Can research make people gain power comparable to gods?"

"Why is it impossible? In fact, what I really pursue is not power, but immortality. Power is just a by-product of the process of pursuing immortality. At first, I just wanted to build an immortal body, so I tried to use my own cells as the model. , and then integrated into the genes of Senshou, Uchiha, Uzumaki Kaguya, and Hyuga, and finally have the perfect me, eternal life, and powerful power, this feeling is so wonderful." Orochimaru said, spreading his hands, A look of embracing the world, full of fanaticism.

The coalition ninjas around fell silent when they heard Orochimaru's words, especially the shadows of the villages. Through research, they can gain powerful power and immortality. Perhaps the village should increase research efforts in this area after returning this time.

Obito looked at Orochimaru with a look of surprise, "You just told your secret like this, and in front of so many people, aren't you afraid of being known and used?","

Orochimaru smiled indifferently, "Why are you afraid? I hope that more people will do research together. After all, no matter how smart a person is, he can't compare to the wisdom of a group. To be honest, I feel a little tired recently, and I have too many research projects. , Even with my energy, I can’t take care of it, I’m already a little bit powerless, if more people study the mysteries of this world together, study the truth of this world, it’s a good thing for me.”

Immediately, everyone couldn't help admiring Orochimaru's mind.This is a true researcher, a seeker of truth.

"You want more people to do research with you. Do you want to pass on your research results to others?" Obito was surprised. Orochimaru gained such a powerful power through research, so can other people do the same? Woolen cloth?Will more Orochimaru be made?

Orochimaru shook his head and denied: "That's not true. What I have researched by myself will only be passed on to my recognized heirs. Now I choose Yaoshidou. As for others, I will at most pass on some simple basic knowledge. They have to do research by themselves. After all, if they only learn my knowledge, they can’t go out of their own way, and they can never surpass me. I hope they can research new things by themselves, which will have infinite possibilities, although Most will fail but there will always be people who succeed, even if they fail in the end, I can also get inspiration from them."

Obito breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "You said that your body has gathered the advantages of the Senju, Uchiha, Uzumaki, Hyuga, and Kaguya clans, so why only the Hyuga clan has supercilious eyes, but not the Uchiha clan? Wheel eyes? How about the power of other races?"

"Who said no, the biggest feature of the Uzumaki clan is the huge Chakra, do you think I don't have much Chakra?" Orochimaru shrugged, raised his hand, and let Obito see the burning Chakra on his body.

"The recovery ability of the Kaguya clan and the blood inheritance limit of bone control." Orochimaru raised his palm, a bone popped out from the palm, and then retracted.

"Wood Dun of the Thousand Hands Clan!" A trace of green shoots appeared from Dashewan's fingertips, and it grew faster and faster and turned into a vine.

"And...the eyes of the Uchiha clan should be said to be the ultimate evolution of the eyes of the moon." Finally, Orochimaru stretched out his finger, tapped his forehead, and it split open suddenly, revealing a blood-red eye with nine hook jade reincarnation eye.

When the eye on Orochimaru's forehead was exposed, everyone was shocked. The eye was exactly the same as Juwei's eye except for its size.

"How is this possible?" Obito said this sentence again.

"Everything is possible. This is the power of science. It's just a pity that this eye is too powerful when you think about it. If you want to use it, you need to consume a lot of chakra. Even I can't support it," Orochimaru said, The eyes on the forehead have been closed again, leaving only a faint vertical mark.

The people present were numb from the shock. Orochimaru, a pervert, was able to do this. Everyone in Konoha regretted it in their hearts!Especially for the third Hokage, it would be great if Orochimaru was still a member of their village. If Orochimaru hadn't been forced away at the beginning, Konoha would have developed.

One side of Konoha regrets, but the others are lucky to be wrong. Fortunately, Orochimaru has left Konoha. Otherwise, there is still a way for them to survive. Just wait for death. So, go on, drive all your geniuses away, preferably to our village.

Orochimaru floated quietly in the air, watching everyone's performance, I felt an indescribable joy in my heart, when Orochimaru was doing human experiments, didn't the third Hokage really know?If it weren't for his acquiescence, how could such an advanced laboratory be built? In the final analysis, it was just that the third Hokage also wanted to reproduce Mudun, and pretended to be confused so as not to expose it.

As for Danzo, it's not that Orochimaru looks down on him. The head of the group has been hiding in the dark all year round. He only engages in conspiracies and tricks. He has long been fascinated by power. How can he fight for three generations?

Now Orochimaru has proved himself to the world, and made the three generations regret their original choice. What could be more enjoyable than this?

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Orochimaru, his body is actually closer to Kaguya Otsutsuki, even more pure than Sage of the Six Paths and his younger brother. On his forehead, there is a moon eye of Jiugouyu, a pair of white eyes , the ability to control bones, and his white eyes can also evolve into reincarnation eyes, which is a fake version of the ancestor of Chakra.

Chapter 578 Ten Tails and the Ancestral Stone Statue

Obito listened to Orochimaru's words, stunned for a while, looked at Orochimaru carefully, made sure he was not joking, then nodded and said: "I admire your intention to pursue the truth, but it's a pity, we are not the same people, we are destined to only be able to stand on opposing sides.”

"Then it can only be said that you are unlucky, because your plan is doomed to fail, and I will stop you."

"Hmph, anyone can say big things, but I want to see how you can stop me."

Obito once again controlled the ten tails to launch an attack, and the ten tails danced wildly and slapped Orochimaru from top to bottom.

Orochimaru's extremely flexible body shuttled between the tails to avoid, and he was always able to avoid it in an emergency. After a while, he seemed a little impatient, opened a distance, and began to seal with his hands, "Psychic art! "


After the white smoke cleared, a huge stone statue appeared in front of everyone, and Heijue who was hiding in the dark was shocked, because the stone statue was clearly in the shape of Otsutsuki Yucun.

That's right, what Orochimaru channeled was the ancestor stone statue of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon. Since Orochimaru has mastered the giant Tenseigan, he also took the ancestor stone statue as his own. They are temporarily imprisoned, and they are going to be released after the war is over.

It's just that the stone statue of the ancestor is a giant to ordinary people, but it is still not enough for the hundreds of feet tall of the ten tails, as if it could be smashed with a slap.

Obito didn't care much at first, seeing Orochimaru psychic out the ancestor stone statue, not only did not worry, but was a little happy. Before, Orochimaru flew around like a bug and couldn't hit it no matter what. Now standing on the stone statue, directly It was enough to smash him and the stone statue together, so without any hesitation, he slapped him directly.

Orochimaru looked calm, without the slightest worry, and saw the stone statue of the ancestor flipped his hands, and a gourd and a round mirror appeared. The mirror was tens of meters in diameter, like a shield, and the gourd shot out a beam from its mouth. The red light beam directly turned into a sword.

"Yakata Mirror! Ten Fist Sword! Why are these two treasures in your hands?" Seeing the two treasures in the hands of the ancient statue of the ancestor, Obito couldn't help but scream.

These two treasures originally belonged to Uchiha Itachi, but because Uchiha Itachi's body hadn't recovered and he couldn't go to the battlefield, he gave these two treasures to Orochimaru.

You must know that Orochimaru has been greedy for Shiquanjian, a sword with natural sealing ability, for a long time. In the original plot, he spent a lot of time looking for it, and later he himself was sealed by Shiquanjian.

Originally, if you want to use these two treasures, you need to use kaleidoscope-level pupil power to refine them. Orochimaru just took the attitude of trying, and wanted to use Tenseigan pupil power to refine them. Unexpectedly, it really succeeded. .

Seeing the huge slap falling from the sky, Orochimaru's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and saw that the ten-fist sword in the hand of the ancestor stone statue suddenly soared, reaching a length of several hundred meters.


Ten tails let out a painful roar, and more tails twitched. At the same time, the severed tail began to grow, and it would not take long for it to return to its original state.

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