Under the control of Orochimaru, the seemingly clumsy stone statue of the ancestors showed extraordinary flexibility, avoiding one tail after another, and if they couldn't dodge it, they used the Yata mirror to carry it hard to reflect the opponent's attack back After a while, he chopped off three of the ten tails.

Now the ten tails didn't dare to attack unscrupulously anymore, and slowly retracted their tails directly.

Obito looked at the two treasures in Orochimaru's hands, and was very angry. This should belong to their Uchiha clan, "Hmph, I didn't expect these two treasures to fall into your hands, but don't think that it's over, then Let's see how you take my trick."

Obito Masaka's kaleidoscope suddenly lit up, his hands formed seals, and at the same time a huge illusory figure appeared on his body, it was Obito's Susano?But it's not a complete body, and the same seal as Obito was formed on both hands, "Heaven hinders Zhenxing!"

Normally, a kaleidoscope alone cannot open Susanoo, but with the support of ten chakras, it will be different.

As long as you know the principle of the technique of Tianzhang Zhenxing, plus the blessing of ten tails, it can be done with the ability of Obito.

The meteorite summoned by Obito was not just one, but dozens of large and small ones. The dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, and the meteorites fell down like meteors. .

"Is this still ninjutsu? It's simply the power of a god."

"It's over, it's really hopeless!"

"What should I do? It seems that I will die here today."


Allied ninjas have lost their will to fight. They can't see any hope. The soil is too ruthless. They plan to use a map cannon to attack and clear the field. Even if they drill into the ground, they will be shocked to death, and the meteorite It landed too fast, even the Flying Thunder God Technique couldn't transfer a few people.

"Enough, let's see how each of you looks, now is not the time to despair, shut up all of you! Come closer to me now." Orochimaru looked at the desperate look of the coalition ninja, with a look of hatred, shouted loudly,

Orochimaru raised his head after cursing, watching the meteorites getting closer and closer, slowly raised his hands, and a huge chakra erupted all over his body.

Although they were scolded by Orochimaru, the ninjas were not only not angry, but there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes, because they heard a different meaning from Orochimaru's tone, maybe there is still hope.

"Spin as you wish!"

When the meteorite was still thousands of meters away from the ground, Orochimaru gave a loud shout, made a gesture of raising his hands to the sky, and sent out a powerful rebuke to the sky.

The group of meteorites falling at a high speed suddenly paused, as if being stopped by an invisible force, the speed of falling immediately slowed down. The speed of the distant meteorite did not weaken in the slightest, and continued to fall.


The sky and the earth roared, dazzling white light erupted, one after another, causing a terrifying explosion, like meteors falling, making the earth vibrate crazily

The violent energy waves surged and spread out like waves. In a blink of an eye, the earth was devastated, with craters of various sizes criss-crossing and black smoke rising.

Even though Orochimaru blocked most of the meteorites, the shock waves caused by the explosion of a small number of other meteorites caused huge damage when they fell. hurt.The medical ninja troops were weak. They were scarce in number, and some were injured in the explosion. The shortage of manpower could not treat many wounded patients.

Sakura hurriedly psychic out slugs, this kind of psychic beast is really suitable to be a nanny on the battlefield, but the summoned slugs can't save so many people, so the only way to heal the most seriously injured group first is to wait. rescue.

Obito saw that the trick he was supposed to use to clear the field was blocked by Orochimaru, and his eyes became more murderous, so he must get rid of this tricky guy, otherwise it will definitely become the biggest obstacle for him to achieve his goal.


Ten tails roared and rushed towards Orochimaru, intending to drop him when Orochimaru was holding the meteorite and it was difficult to move.

It's just that Orochimaru will do as he wished, "I'll give it back to you."

Orochimaru twisted his body, put on a shot put posture, and suddenly exerted force, those meteorites floating in mid-air immediately turned into arrows that flew off the string, and directly smashed towards the Juwei Municipal Committee.

Obito was startled, these meteorites fell on his body, even Juwei would be seriously injured, he quickly controlled Shiwei to spray out the tailed beast jade, blasting out one after another.

Boom boom boom...

The speed at which the ten tails condensed the tailed beast jade was extremely fast, and the meteorites were crushed one after another. When the last meteorite dissipated, Orochimaru had already prepared another ninjutsu.

The 12 seeking Tao jade gathered in front of Dashewan, forming a circle, and as Dashewan's hands turned, they immediately spun at high speed, forming a horizontal tornado storm.

"The silver wheel is reborn!"

A layer of green chakra appeared on the surface of the Qiudao jade, spinning at a high speed to form a green circle of light, and then a huge tornado was emitted from the circle of light, hitting Juwei's chest heavily.


Ten Tails screamed, his body was knocked flying, and a long ditch nearly [-] meters deep was plowed on the ground.

"good chance!"

Seeing Juwei who was lying on the ground and couldn't stand up for a while, Rosuke's eyes lit up, and he immediately controlled the Thousand-Handed Buddha to rush over.

Sheng Shu shouted at Orochimaru: "Quick! Brother Orochimaru, I have him under control, kill him."

But he didn't know that Orochimaru's face was black at this time, and now Naoki was just in front of him, otherwise he could have taken the opportunity to make another Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, even if he couldn't kill Ten Tails, he could still seriously injure him, what a pity Happened to meet a pig teammate.

Orochimaru sighed helplessly, and said: "You are blocking there, how can I make a move."

Nasuki was stunned for a moment, and didn't realize it for a moment. This was a problem of inexperience, but Tsunade and Taiga immediately knew that they had made a fool of themselves.

"Roar!" At this time, Ten Tails had already regained strength, and the body injured by the Yinlun Reincarnation Blast had also recovered. With all four limbs exerting force, he insisted on standing up against the suppression of the Thousand-Handed Buddha, and his mouth was already condensed. A tailed beast jade shot directly at Thousand-Handed Buddha's chest.

Because the distance is too close, with thousands of hands, the Buddha has no time to dodge and hits the target.

boom! !

A big hole was blown out of Qianshouduo Buddha's chest, and most of the wooden arms on his back were exercised, so he couldn't even stand still.

As for Shiwei, even though his face was blurred by the aftermath of the explosion, it was nothing to him at all. Two front paws grabbed the big hole in Thousand-handed Buddha's chest and pulled hard, a series of clicking sounds came, and Qianjuduo The Buddha could no longer hold on, and the whole thing began to crumble.

Taiga and Tsunade hurriedly grabbed one of Nawaki's arms, turned around and fled, but at this time, one of Juo's tails had already been slapped from above, and a huge slap fell down.

My life is over!

At this time, the others were too far away, and there was no time to rescue Seductive. When the three of Tsunade closed their eyes and waited to die, they suddenly felt a suction pulling them away forcibly, avoiding Jubi's slap.

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