Tsunade opened his eyes and saw Orochimaru's five fingers forming claws, maintaining a posture of grasping the void, and he was the one who sucked the three of them over.

"Okay, the next battle is not for you to intervene, take the other ninjas and leave, go as far as you can." Orochimaru finished speaking, and before Tsunade opened his mouth, he flicked his hand, and the suction changed to repulsion. The three of Tsunade were sent to the rear.

After the three of Tsunade landed on the ground, they looked up at Orochimaru, not to mention how complicated their mood was. In terms of strength, they are all delicate people in the kage class. When did they become a drag?Can't even get involved in the fight.

Obito saw the three of Tsunade leaving, his anger rose, and he rushed towards Orochimaru angrily. Orochimaru did not show any weakness, and controlled the ancestor stone statue to meet him. not weak.

Boom! !bang bang! !

The ten tails spit out the tailed beast jade, and the ten tails behind them wreaked havoc, and the offensive continued. Don't fall behind.


In a blink of an eye, the earth trembled, the sand and stones flew, and the whole earth trembled!

The aftermath of the battle between the two monsters directly shattered the coalition ninja's cohesive earth escape defense, and dozens of ninjas were thrown out.

"No, you can't stay here anymore, retreat immediately, or you will all die here." Second Hokage shouted, and immediately passed on the order.

These ninjas were all elites, they moved quickly, and quickly began to carry out orders. They took the initiative to lift the injured people up, supported each other, turned around and ran away from the battlefield.

Everyone ran for several kilometers before stopping. Looking back at the energy storm on the battlefield, they still had lingering fears. It was really terrifying. If they were unlucky just now, they would have lost their lives. If they just died like this, that would be too much. Not worth it.

Naruto, Sasuke, Shennong, Hiryuhu, Namakaze Minato, Senju Kaima, Red Sand Scorpion, Gokage and others have the worst complexions, and their eyes are full of unwillingness. They are all figures standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world. But now they can only run away, and they are not even qualified to participate in this level of battle. This kind of psychological gap makes them very uncomfortable.

Of course, there are many shadow-level powerhouses present, each with their own cards, if they insist on joining, they can get in, but they don't know if their behavior will be a disservice, just like Rope Tree before, But don't be helpless, but it will be a hindrance. What Shengshu did before is a lesson from the past.

In order to prevent people from being stabbed, it's better to be quiet. Of course, if there is a chance, they will definitely help out, and they won't just watch, provided they are sure enough.

Chapter 579 Yang Jian meets the first generation, Madara

In a potholed battlefield, Uchiha Madara and Senjujuta also temporarily stopped fighting, and at the same time looked at the direction of Obito and Orochimaru's battle, the movement over there was too much, even if they were more than ten miles away, they could still clearly see each other. Perceived clearly.

"Damn it, who is it? Can actually fight ten tails!" Uchiha Madara's face was very ugly, and the development of the matter was beyond his expectation.

However, Qianshou Zhujian had a smile on his face, "It seems that the juniors are more capable than we imagined, and they have already surpassed us old guys."

"Hmph, don't be complacent, do you think Ten-Tails is that simple? He hasn't shown his true strength yet, he can become stronger, and soon you will see the real terrifying side of Ten-Tails. "

Senju Zhuma asked with doubts: "Is there any secret for Tobi?"

"Hmph, you'll know soon."

At this time, a black shadow emerged from the ground, it was Hei Ze, looked at Uchiha Madara and said: "Mara, the enemy is stronger than we imagined, that guy from Orochimaru actually obtained a skill that can rival ten tails through research. Obito is in a hard fight, but don’t worry, the ten tails will upgrade again soon, and enter the next stage, and then we will definitely be able to defeat Orochimaru.”

"Are you going to enter the next stage soon? That's good, tell Obito to undo that Orochimaru as soon as possible, I don't want to have any more accidents."

"Obey, I'll go right away." Hei Jue said and immediately burrowed into the ground.

"Madara, tell me clearly, what is the next stage of the ten tails that you said?"

"Want to know? Then come with me." Uchiha Madara turned around and left, running to the other side of the battlefield. Senjujuma followed immediately without hesitation


Another violent storm swept from the battlefield, and ten tailed beast jades spewed out from the mouth of the ten tails and blasted towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's full-strength 'Luanzhuan Ruyi' is shaking head-on!The tailed beast jade was blocked by the invisible repulsion force, and they exploded one after another.

The destructive power produced by the explosion of more than a dozen tailed beast jades at the same time was beyond imagination, and the space seemed to be distorted. Let go.

"Drink!" Orochimaru roared angrily, and suddenly increased his strength, the repulsive force generated by Lunzhuan Ruyi exploded again, and finally pushed back the force of the explosion of the Tailed Beast Jade.

Wherever the shock wave went, whether it was trees or rocks, they were all erased without resistance, like plain strokes smeared with an eraser, and spread to the ninja coalition several kilometers away.

"No, it's not safe here, everyone take precautions." The second generation of Tukage looked at the shock wave coming from Malt from a distance, his face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly.

Seeing this scene, Uzumaki Channa hurriedly shouted: "Everyone come here, Xianglin, the two of us will fight together to block this shock wave."

"Got it, Mom!"

Whoa, whoa!

Behind Uzumaki Channai and Uzumaki Kaphos mother and daughter, chakra chains suddenly appeared one after another, and quickly spread, forming a hemispherical barrier, protecting everyone inside.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the shock wave hit the enchantment under the chakra chain, and the enchantment fluctuated violently, swirling Chanel, and the mother and daughter of Xianglin shook violently at the same time, and opened their mouths to spit out a mouthful of blood, but at last they The enchantment is strong enough, and the raging shock waves pass from both sides.

The coalition ninjas looked at the disfigured ground destroyed by the shock wave, and felt a strong sense of powerlessness in their hearts. Originally, these people were all elites in the ninja world, and the lowest strength was also the top ninja. A strong man at the peak of the ninja world, but now he can't even bear the aftermath of the battle.

"Quick! Continue to retreat and leave here. The next time such a powerful shock wave appears, we may not be able to resist it." Uzumaki Chana said immediately after recovering.

A group of ninjas forcibly cheered up and continued to retreat. The third Hokage couldn't help but look at Uzumaki Kannai and Karin's mother and daughter.

"Uzumaki Clan! I wonder if they will agree to my invitation to the Konoha Meeting? It stands to reason that the relationship between the Uzumaki Kingdom and Konoha should be very happy, but because of the events of the year, they were left outside. , I'm afraid there will be resentment in my heart, what should I do?"

The fleeing coalition forces met two people head-on, but they were Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. Senju Hashirama saw the figure of the ninja coalition army from a distance, fearing that they would conflict with Uchiha Madara, they hurriedly speeded up to take the lead One step ahead, hedging the front door of the second generation of Hokage Senshou asked: "What's going on with you? You are so embarrassed!"

The Second Hokage was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. In the end, the Third Hokage took the initiative to explain with a wry smile: "Teacher, I'm sorry to disappoint you. We really can't help it. The battle over there was too fierce. Just the aftermath of the battle We couldn't take it anymore and had to retreat."

"It's really useless, Hashirama, it seems that the heir you chose is not good." Before Senju Hashirama could speak, Uchiha Madara next to him spoke sarcastically.

The Second Hokage glanced at J Uchiha Madara and said: "Brother! Don't blame the monkey this time. The situation is indeed a bit unexpected. The strength of the ten tails is beyond imagination. That guy named Orochimaru is not easy. Even if it is me It is not so easy to block the aftermath of their battle, the shadow-level powerhouse can barely protect himself, as for the others, if they continue to stay, I am afraid they will have to explain where they are."

"Oshemaru, what an interesting guy, I have heard his name many times, I just took this opportunity to have a look, what is so special about him?" Uchiha Madara said directly from the ninja The coalition forces skipped aside and rushed towards the battlefield.

"This..." Senshou Zhujian hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Retreat first, rest in a safe place, I'll go over and have a look."

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