Senshou Zhujian also left after finishing speaking, and the other people looked at each other in dismay, feeling very ashamed, Da Shemaru was there desperately, but they wanted to escape.It's really hard to justify.

"No, I want to go back. I can't just watch others fight to protect us. I don't care about it. Even if I don't have enough strength, I can at least find a chance to distract Juwei. I want to be the man of Hokage. Can you back down because of this?" Naruto suddenly yelled, and before anyone else could say anything, he turned around and ran towards the battlefield.

"I didn't expect Naruto to take the lead, how could I lose to him?" Sasuke looked at Naruto's figure in the distance and followed.

The second generation of Hokage couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect that Naruto kid taught us a lesson. We always talk about the will of fire, but how many people can really do it? Maybe this kid can really become Hokage. "

"Second Hokage is over the top." Namikaze Minato, not to mention how happy he was when he heard others praise his son, let alone the Second Hokage.

"This is not a compliment, but a fact. Then let's go together, or we won't be able to catch up."

Namikaze Minato and Senjugai are all reincarnated bodies of dirt, they can't die at all, even Naruto and Sasuke are not afraid, what else are they afraid of.

The Three Hokages, Beiruhu, Shennong, the Red Sand Scorpion, Tsunade and the others glanced at each other, then turned around and walked towards the battlefield, and then more people stood up, such as Kakashi, Mitekai, Darui, Chojuro, Dodai, Chiyo, Kimomaro, Wuwei, Wugou, etc. There are not many people, but each of them is a kage-level master, and some elites want to follow, but they are stopped. Uzumaki Kaphos, Uzumaki Chana and her daughter who were injured before continued to evacuate farther away.

On the other side, when Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara drove a junior Susan and the other defended with a wooden shield, when they rushed to the battlefield, they were also stunned by the fierce battle between Obito and Orochimaru.

Obito controlled the ten tails, spewing out the tailed beast jade continuously from his mouth, like a machine gun, one after another, the sound of explosions was continuous, this is not counting the ten tails violently lashing, and they were also inserted into the ground from time to time , attacking from behind.

And Orochimaru controls the stone statue of the ancestor of the Otsutsuki clan to go back, holding a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right, like a dexterous warrior. Breaking apart, the reflected Tailed Beast Jade would bombard Shiwei's body from time to time. Open, or cut off the ten-tailed tail, Orochimaru also tried to use the ability of the Ten-Fist Sword to seal Obito, but every time Obito would blur his body in time to avoid the attack of the Ten-Fist Sword, Obito The life-saving ability of Shenwei awakened by the kaleidoscope is too strong.

Ten tails are very afraid of the ten-fist sword, and avoid it as much as possible when attacking, but even so, their tails are often chopped off. Although it doesn't take long to recover, it still hurts to have their tails chopped off.

Because the size difference is too large, and ten tails always keep a distance, attacking with Tailed Beast Jade, Orochimaru is still unable to get close to ten tails, inflicting fatal damage. .

But Orochimaru doesn’t just take hits and doesn’t fight back. Jinlun turns around and explodes, Yinlun reincarnates and explodes, fairway jade laser, gravity, repulsion, and various reincarnation eye secrets are displayed in turn, making ten tails flustered every time, and dare not be presumptuous , and had some upper hand on the scene.

Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara really have a feeling of being old, because he found that the intensity of the battle between Orochimaru and Uchiha Obito has far surpassed their two battles in the Valley of the End. The earth roared, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, directly changing the terrain, it was a scene of the destruction of the world.

Seeing Uchiha Obito standing on the top of Ten's head, Senju Hashirama couldn't help sighing: "Madara, is that Uchiha kid your descendant? It is indeed very powerful. It seems that the apprentice who is calling In this regard, I lost and I am not as good as you."

When Uchiha Madara heard that Senju Zhuma would take the initiative to admit defeat to himself, he couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, feeling unspeakably happy in his heart.

It's a pity that Uchiha Madara's excitement was interrupted before it lasted long. At this time, a voice sounded behind them, "That's not necessarily true, the first generation!"

"Who?" x2

Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara yelled at the same time, turning their heads and looking at them, they were so surprised that someone could sneak so close behind them without being noticed, how did they do it?

When Senjujuma and Uchiha saw the person behind them clearly, they were even more surprised. The other person looked very young, but they didn't dare to underestimate it, because the other person stood there so quietly, but gave people a kind of feeling. It's a strange feeling, as if he was blending into the surrounding environment, the aftermath of Obito's battle with Orochimaru didn't have the slightest impact on him.

You must know that even Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma need to use ninjutsu to defend, and they can't do it like the other party. If there is no aura of fireworks, occasionally some boulders, trees and the like will come, and the other party just waved lightly. With one hand, those gravels and trees will automatically pass by?

"Hello, the first generation of adults, let me introduce myself, my name is Yang Jian, and I am a companion with Dashewan."

"Ah, it turned out to be Orochimaru's companion, that's great, but what did you mean just now? Could it be that Madara's heir is not strong enough?"

"No! Obito is indeed strong enough. Uchiha Madara's ability to cultivate Obito is really remarkable, but the reason why Obito can have today's strength is that Guan Jian used ten tails and used a tricky method, and Orochimaru Relying on yourself, he obtained his current strength through research, and he is the apprentice of the third Hokage, and he is your disciple according to seniority, so you are no worse than Uchiha Madara in terms of successors." Yang Jian explained with a smile .

"Hey, it turns out that he is the apprentice of the old monkey. Yes, I am very satisfied to be able to hand over such a talented apprentice for a few times. I will reward him well in the future, Madara. It seems that I am no worse than you in terms of successors." "Sometimes Qianshou Zhujian's brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people, and he is already dead, so he rewards a fart!

Qianshou Zhujian didn't doubt Yang Jian from the beginning to the end, he rubbed his head with a silly look.

Seeing Senjujuma's stupid look, Uchiha Madara couldn't help feeling angry, "Why are you happy? Orochimaru is indeed a genius, but what does it have to do with you? You didn't teach it yourself."

"But he was taught by my apprentice, and my apprentice's apprentice can defeat the successor you carefully trained, which shows that I am better than you. I am happy thinking of this."

"Happy fart, your grandson is indeed a genius, but it's a pity that Konoha doesn't know how to cherish it at all. He was framed by your two apprentices, Lao Houzi and Danzo, forcing him to defect."

"What! Defected! Why did this happen?" Senju Zhuma almost jumped up when he heard the words. With Orochimaru's current strength, if he was really forced to defect, it would definitely be a huge loss for Konoha. And who knows if he will resent Konoha because of this, what should he do if he troubles Konoha?

Senshou Zhuma turned to look at Yang Jian and asked, "Is what he said just now true? Orochimaru really became a traitor? What's the reason?"

"That's true. As for the reason for Orochimaru's defection, it was because of illegal human experimentation, but in fact, the human experiment was done by Orochimaru at the request of Danzo, and the third Hokage also knew it. After all, it required various experimental equipment. Yes, how could it be possible to get it just by relying on Orochimaru, and how could it be possible to hide the purchase of these experimental equipment for three generations? It’s just that the third generation pretended not to know. How could the equipment be hidden for three generations? But the human experiment later was inexplicable When the news got out, all the scapegoats were pinned on Orochimaru, and in this case, he could only defect."

Although Senshou Zhujian's brain is not good, but he has an instinctive intuition, he can judge whether what others say is true or not, and directly tells him that Yang Jian is not lying. The urge to fight, look what you have done.

Chapter 580: Attack of the Psychic Beast

Even if Senjujuma is always in the dark, but no matter how hard he is, he still understands the meaning of a genius like Orochimaru to Konoha. With research to obtain such a powerful power, no matter which village he is in, he must use it as his own. The ancestors confessed, but my two stupid apprentices are good. You push this kind of genius out and force Orochimaru away abruptly. Can he not be angry?

It was hard for Senju Bashirama to suppress the anger in his heart. After all, he is already a dead person, so it is not easy to interfere with the affairs of the living. Besides, the ninja world is facing a life-and-death crisis, so it is better to solve the immediate problem first.

"Anyway, Orochimaru is on my side now, and I'll talk about it later, Madara. Judging from the current situation, the little guy named Uchiha Obito seems to be at a disadvantage. No matter what you want to do, once If Obito is defeated, your activation will also fail."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, "You underestimate the power of ten tails too much. Although Obito is temporarily at a disadvantage, as long as it can't get rid of ten tails at once, its strength will become stronger and stronger. Immortals can't be killed, they can only be sealed, with the help of ten tails, Obito's power will become stronger and stronger, and Orochimaru alone can't be the opponent of Obito and ten tails."

"Then what about us?" A voice suddenly came from behind, and Madara Uchiha looked back, only to see Naruto, Sasuke, Gokage Hiruho, Shennong, Scorpion and the other two under the leadership of Senju Banma. Thirty kage-level masters rushed over aggressively, and soon came to Uchiha Madara, looking like they were about to fight if they disagreed.

Many people also saw Yang Jian present, such as Beiliuhu and Shennong, who knew Yang Jian and knew his real identity, thought that Yang Jian had some schemes and it was not easy to greet him, but people like Sandai Hokage, Shino, and Naruto knew Yang Jian. But Yang Jian doesn't know what's inside. You can't say anything in this situation. Those who don't know Yang Jian see that Yang Jian is closer to Qianshouzhu, and instinctively think that he is one of them. No one asked about Yang Jian. Case.

Uchiha Madara folded his hands on his chest, with a casual expression on his face, "It doesn't matter how many people there are, it's just a group of remnants and defeated generals, a group of ants."

"Even ants, as long as there are enough of them, can devour elephants. What's more, they and we are not ants, but real elite soldiers. Madara Uchiha, you're doomed." Thousand Hands shouted sharply.

"Really? Then I want to see, what is the strength of your so-called elite soldiers?"

As Uchiha Madara said, he took a step forward, and a powerful momentum erupted from his body, which almost made the others breathless.

As soon as Uchiha Madara made a move, Senju Hashirama immediately stopped him, "Madara, with me here, you have no chance to attack them. The two of us are at most not evenly divided. You still have to fight with them." I'll just stay here and watch."

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Bashirama, and understood that what the other party said was correct, "Forget it, if that's the case, let me see what skills you have and how you can deal with Juwei."

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, he jumped back to the side of the cliff, and sat directly on the boulder, followed by Senshou Bashirama. At this time, Yang Jian suddenly thought of something and followed him. There were some things he wanted Let's talk to Uchiha Madara. .

Seeing Uchiha Madara get out of the way, a group of kage-level masters no longer hesitated. Under the command of the Second Hokage, they immediately shouted and killed Ten Tails.

Obito naturally discovered the actions of the second generation of Hokage and the others, and he could also feel that the aura of each of these people was of Kage level. The controlled ancestor stone statue took a few steps back.

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