Dangdang! !

With two crisp sounds, Hui Ye's co-killing ashes were cut off directly. Only then did Hui Ye notice Yang Jian's arrival, and his expression changed drastically.

"How is it possible? Why can you enter my Heavenly Palace?" Originally, Kaguya wanted to take advantage of the uniqueness of the Heavenly Palace and take advantage of geographical advantages to defeat each of them, but now Yang Jian and the others directly broke in. I'm afraid the previous calculations To fail.

The two discs flew back into their hands and turned back into the Taoist Jade, Yang Jian said: "It's very simple, space ninjutsu is just a piece of cake for me, I left space coordinates on them, if you want to come in again It's easy, but well, do you have any other tricks? Go ahead and use it, or you won't have a chance."

The Immortal of the Six Paths understood the current situation. He was very clear that his mother was doomed, so he couldn't help persuading: "Mother, stop, you have no chance of winning, as long as..."

Seeing the Sage of the Six Paths, Kaguya suddenly burst into anger, "Shut up, you rebellious son! Don't think that you are guaranteed to win, this is my territory, and I decide everything. All the chakras belong to Aijia! I will Take it back!"

Otsutsuki Kaguya said, and finally roared out directly, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, the surrounding snow, the snow-covered icebergs suddenly disappeared, and turned into a volcano covering the sky, here is a fiery red The world in this world is extremely hot, the air is full of pungent sulfur smell, the volcano is violently active, there is steam from time to time, crystal chips and lava are ejected from the crater, and hot and viscous molten material overflows from the crater, slowly Flowing and cooling into hard rock, volcanic ash floated in the sky, turning into black clouds and covering the whole world.

There are a total of six small worlds in Heavenly Palace, and the rest are Lava Hell, Frozen Mountains, Sea of ​​Sulfuric Acid, Boundless Desert, Supergravity Space, and there is also a first ball space, which is the most important world as a transfer station. , Kaguya uses it as the center, can enter and exit several other worlds at will, and can also pull other people into it, instantly changing the world.

Before, everyone was in the frozen mountain range, but now it was replaced by the lava prison. Yang Jia, after they came here, their bodies fell down involuntarily, and they were about to sink into the magma.


Yang Jian suddenly opened his hand and snapped his fingers, and the falling man suddenly seemed to lose weight and floated in the air, making Hui Ye who was flying in the sky stunned for a while.

Yang Jian raised his head, looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki in the sky, and said helplessly, "Okay, beauty, don't use such a small trick to shame people."

Otsutsuki Hui Yehen's teeth were itching. He could see that Yang Jian directly manipulated the gravity to let everyone fly in the sky. In this way, not only the lava hell, but also the sea of ​​sulfuric acid and the endless desert would not work. Think about it Once again, activate the pupil technique to change the world.

The weird alien space, the air is inexplicably heavy, and the earth is covered with raised crystal blocks, which contain the extreme gravity of terror. Everyone is affected by this gravity, and Kaguya is also dragged to the ground.

Hypergravity space!

The three Naruto reincarnated Hokage were under the increased gravity and directly half-kneeled on the ground. Their bodies collapsed and recovered continuously. Naruto, Sasuke, Obito, and Orochimaru also collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

But what left Hui Ye speechless was that Yang Jian and the Immortal of the Six Paths didn't seem to be affected at all, they still stood there, looking like they were watching a good show.

Chapter 590 Illusion Space

Otsutsuki Kaguya was full of doubts. It is not surprising that the Sage of the Six Paths is not affected by the super-heavy space, because he is now a wisp of chakra and has no real body at all, but why is Yang Jian not affected?

With a smile on Yang Jian's face, she said in a teasing tone: "I said beauty, you are too polite, why are you kneeling down, please forgive me, I don't have lucky money for you."

Otsutsuki Huiye was so sad and indignant that he wanted to rush up and bite Yang Jian, but he finally resisted the urge and just stared at Yang Jian with hatred.

"What? Do you need me to help you up? It's hypocritical. Let me tell you, don't try to touch porcelain. We are not casual people. I am the most honest person. I am called the little prince of sincerity..." Yang Jian seemed to be deliberately Stimulating Kaguya to chatter non-stop.

"Shut up! You...why aren't you affected by gravity?" Kaguya gritted his teeth.

"You said this, it's very simple. In the past, in order to exercise my body, I specially created a space where gravity can be adjusted. In that state, I can practice with half the effort. Even under 100 times the gravity, I can still move freely."

Yang Jian deliberately jumped twice while speaking, feeling the gravity of this space, and said: "Calculating according to the gravity of this space, doubling the gravity will probably limit my actions, how about you try Give it a try?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya was so angry that he almost vomited blood, doubled the gravity of this space, and even she would be crushed to death by this gravity.

Otsutsuki Kaguya activated the pupil technique again, preparing to escape, and the space began to change, but just as she made a movement, Yang Jian stared at her eyes, which turned into blood-red eyes of the nine-hook jade moon, and a wave of space fluctuations connected to Huiye. On his body, when Otsutsuki Kaguya shuttled to the Shiqiu space, he found that Yang Jian and the others had also followed.

"How is it possible? Why did you guys get here too?" When Otsutsuki Kaguya yelled in disbelief, Tianzhi Yuzhong was completely under her control, she obviously didn't want to bring other people here, why did it happen?

"Don't be surprised, I just distorted the space to form a distortion, and then the space fluctuations chasing you came together, and this connection has continued. For a while, no matter where you go, I can keep up with you." , how? Now you can't run away."

"Don't be complacent, it's not certain who will win in the end." Otsutsuki Kaguya gritted his teeth and said, and then he punched down in the air, and countless huge fist shadows appeared in the air suddenly.

Eighty Gods Air Strike!

Huge shadows of fists strike overwhelmingly, carrying overwhelming power, the fists that destroy everything are several times more powerful than when they were dealing with Sasuke and Naruto before.

Yang Jian chuckled, and punched out the same punch, with the same dense fist shadows, exactly the same move. Yang Jian had carefully observed it when Otsutsuki Kaguya dealt with Sasuke and Naruto before, and it was completely okay to watch it with Yang Jian's ability. learn.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, two huge chakras crossed layers of space and collided with the monstrous power. The shadow of the fist shook and roared, everything in the world disappeared, and only the shadow of the fist was magnified several times. Then, The broken chakras came one after another, erupting from the center, spreading boundless power in all directions.

Numerous cracks appeared in the space of the first ball, blasting one terrifying deep pit after another, but this space is very strange, and it quickly recovered after being destroyed.

With the continuous staggering of the fist shadows, the lines of cracks gradually expanded, and there were more and more. This space seemed to be unable to support it, and it might collapse at any time, which made people feel creepy.


In the end Yang Jian came out on top, and the last shadow of his fist pressed down on Kaguya Otsutsuki, making intimate contact with her pretty face.

Kaguya's face sank, his neck bent at an exaggerated angle, his body gradually leaned back, and the huge impact made him fly upside down.

boom! !

Kaguya fell to the ground like a cannonball, smashing a human-shaped pit, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and almost fainted.

Otsutsuki Kaguya stood up enduring the pain, looked at Yang Jian and said in disbelief: "Impossible, it's an attack like Aijia's! Who did you learn from?"

"Do you still need to learn this kind of thing deliberately? Just read it once. You used it when you fought against Sasuke and Naruto before. Isn't it normal for me to learn it?" Yang Jian didn't care on the surface, but in fact Don't mention how proud you are, use the pirated version to defeat the genuine one, directly step on the other party's pride, and see what you have to say.

"No, I don't believe it. You lied to me. You must have learned it before."

Hui Ye yelled, raising his hands to point at Yang Jian, "How dare you tease Ai Jia, go to hell!"

Gray bones stabbed out from the palm of Otsutsuki Kaguya, aiming at the bottom, and this time the ashes were killed one after another, and the arrows were shot densely, fast and in large numbers, making people look at the scalp hair Ma, kill ashes and scorpion together!

"Well done, watch me chop bullets!"

Yang Jian rushed up excitedly, holding two black knives transformed from Taoist Jade in his hand, he danced wildly, airtight, and accurately knocked the ashes of the dead bones flying one by one, jingling The sound of the moment, sparks splashed everywhere, which makes people think of the situation where Deadpool is splitting bullets. Although it is not a bullet now, it is more powerful than the bullet to kill the ashes.

While Yang Jian sent the ashes of the co-killers away, he kept approaching Otsutsuki Kaguya. When the distance was still more than ten meters away, he suddenly accelerated, and the two black knives in his hand crossed and struck on Otsutsuki Kaguya's chest. Slashed across, leaving two intersecting wounds. 5

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