Kaguya looked down at the wound on his chest, feeling ashamed and annoyed, although he quickly recovered, this part, this kind of wound, was simply a great shame to him.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's face was constantly changing, and tears almost fell out. She is the ancestor of Chakra, and she is aloof. When did she suffer such a big loss?

"I'll fight with you!" Otsutsuki Kaguya protruded from the palm of a gray bone blade, roaring like Yang Jian came to kill him, it looked like he wanted to fight melee.

Otsuki Kaguya's combat experience is almost zero, and melee combat is even worse. This approach is really unwise, but if you look carefully, you will find that there seems to be a hint of conspiracy in the depths of Otsuki Kaguya's resentful eyes The meaning of success.

In fact, although Kaguya Otsutsuki was angry, but with Heijue reminding him, he would not completely lose his mind. In fact, the reason why Kaguya did this was Heijue's idea to him and her.

Now that the situation has become clear, Hui Ye is not Yang Jian's opponent at all, and if he wants to win, he has to use a strange trick, put him to death and survive.

Because Otsutsuki Kaguya has used all the methods available, but there is nothing Yang Jian can do about it. Kaguya's most lethal move is this kind of joint killing of ashes. In her mind, as long as Yang Jian is injured by the joint killing of ashes , even if it scratches the skin a little, the corrosive chakra will destroy it like crazy, killing Yang Jian.

To be honest, Otsutsuki Kaguya really doesn't know how to play tricks, let alone act, her expression almost hangs on her face, Yang Jian soon noticed the abnormality, her thoughts changed, and she immediately understood Otsutsuki Kaguya's He planned, with a sneer in his eyes, he greeted him without questioning, and even voluntarily gave up the double knives in his hands, since you want to die, I will fulfill you!


The ashes bone in Otsutsuki Kaguya's hand instantly pierced Yang Jian's chest, but Yang Jian's palm also pressed on Otsutsuki Kaguya's forehead.

Otsutsuki Kaguya first showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly, but he soon realized that something was wrong. It stands to reason that after being hit by her co-ashes bone spur, his body would soon be eroded by corrupting power and his body collapsed , but Yang Jian didn't show the slightest strangeness, and looked at her indifferently.

Otsutsuki Kaguya felt bad, and instinctively wanted to retreat, but at this moment she discovered something that terrified her, Kaguya found that she had lost the ability to move.

Suddenly, an outer circle and inner triangle appeared on the back of Yang Jian's hand, with many patterns of runes, as if it had come to life, it quickly moved along Yang Jian's palm to Hui Ye's body, and then began to absorb Hui Ye's chakra, a transformed Two, two became four...more and more.

"No! Damn it, what is this? It's actually absorbing my chakra? Let me go!"

Now Kaguya was completely panicked and struggled vigorously, but her body became more and more stiff, and with more and more magic circles, it finally covered her body and completely lost her ability to move.

Hei Jue, who had been hiding in Hui Ye's sleeve for a long time, immediately got out of it, trying to escape, but at this time Yang Jian stretched out his other hand and tapped lightly, Hei Jue let out a scream, and then the strange The rune magic circle also covered his body, chakra was continuously sucked away, and soon, this thousand-year-old dutiful son fell to the ground weakly.

After completely restraining Datong Mu Huiye, Yang Jian let go, took a few steps back, and pulled out the bone blade that pierced his body. Feeling the withered and corrosive energy of the wound, he immediately used the venom to engulf the wound. The corrupted cells were expelled from the body, a mass of golden substance wriggled around the wound, and the wound quickly disappeared.


Because Tianzhi Yuzhong lost the support of Otsutsuki Kaguya's power and immediately began to collapse, Yang Jian quickly waved his hand to open the space door and said: "Okay, we should leave, or we will all die when this place collapses later."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he directly mentioned Datong Mu Huiye, who was imprisoned, and strode into the space door. The others glanced at each other, followed immediately, and soon came outside, where they left before.

Sasuke.Naruto and the others looked at each other, but they didn't know how to describe their feelings. It seemed that they hadn't been of any help from the beginning to the end, almost becoming soy saucers.

Immortal of the Six Paths looked at his mother at this time, and then asked Yang Jian, "What are you going to do with my mother? You said before that you would let her live."

"Don't worry, I mean what I say, and I will never break my promise. Since I promised to let her go, I will naturally protect her life, and I still need her for something."

Yang Jian put Otsutsuki Kaguya on the stump of the sacred tree, and then slapped it hard, Otsutsuki Kaguya's body began to swell, and countless branches pierced her body, growing taller and soon turning into a tree The towering tree, connected with the stump, is the complete sacred tree.

Numerous rune circles also appeared on the trunk and branches of Who Tree, and together with the root system, they emitted white light, illuminating the whole world, and it was beautiful.

"Everyone, come on, let's go to Wuyinyue Reading Space together, I have something to announce now."

Yang Jian walked to the side of the sacred tree, stretched out his hand to press on the trunk, and slowly closed his eyes, his consciousness had already entered the Yueyue space.

At this time, Yang Jian had almost no ability to resist. If other people had bad intentions and took the opportunity to attack, they might be able to kill Yang Jian.

Although the people present had different thoughts, they did not attack Yang Jian in the end. On the one hand, Yang Jian could be said to have saved everyone. The Star Dragon King is watching them covetously behind them. If they really dare to do it, even if they succeed, they will most likely be killed by the tail of the Cast Star Dragon King in the end.

Although hesitant, Naruto finally pressed their palms on the tree trunk. In fact, they also understood that with Yang Jian's current strength, no matter what they wanted to do, they couldn't stop them at all. They could only choose to trust Yang Jian. There are two ways to go.

Everyone only felt that the scene in front of them was constantly changing, and in a blink of an eye, they would have come to a mysterious space, the surroundings were gray, and they could barely see the freshness within hundreds of meters.

Yang Jian stood in the very center of this gray space, glanced at Dashewan and the others, "First of all, let's meet some old acquaintances.

Yang Jian snapped his fingers and several figures appeared around him, Kaguya, Hei Ze and Uchiha Madara.

"What's going on here? Am I dead? Why are you here? Hashirama, you are here too. Is this the underworld?" Uchiha Madara was extremely confused by the situation in front of him. On the scene, he immediately asked his good friend.

Qianshou Zhujian smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer, turned to look at Yang Jian.

"Bastard, let me go quickly." Hui Ye yelled, clenched his fist and threw it at Yang Jian.


Yang Jian stretched out a hand, lightly blocked Hui Ye's fist, then flicked a finger lightly, and Hui Ye flew backwards.

"Beauty, I hope you can understand that this is an illusion space, and everything is under my control. As long as I move my mind, I can change everything here at will. I am an omnipotent god here, so please be honest. .”

"Mom, are you okay?" Hei Jue hurriedly ran over to help Hui Ye up, and asked nervously.

"It's okay, don't worry!" Hui Ye suffered a loss once, and after being honest, he stopped making noise.

"Very well, next are some other friends."

Snapped!ho ho ho ho...

Another snap of the fingers, nine huge figures appeared around, and a series of beast roars came.

A fox with nine tails, a bull ghost with eight tentacles, six wings, a big worm with one tail, a slug with six tails, a white horse with five tails, a dolphin-headed monkey, a monkey with four tails, a turtle with two tails, The cat with one tail and the civet cat with one tail are the famous Nine Tailed Beasts.

Chapter 591 The Divine Tree Network

"What's going on here? Where are we?"

"Didn't I get swallowed by the ten tails?"

"Are we dead? No! We tail beasts are immortal, and even if we die, we won't be here."

"Hey, it turned out to be Shuhe, you bastard. I feel bad when I see you."

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