"Shut up! Nine Lamas, I should have said that."

"Okay, Shouhe, don't make noise for now, the most important thing now is to figure out what's going on in front of you."

"Hmph, Jiu Lama, for Ji Fu's sake, I won't argue with you, let you this time first."

"Who wants you to let me go? I will beat you to the ground with one hand! How dare a guy with one tail dare to act presumptuously in front of my eyes?"


The nine tailed beasts were noisy and chaotic for a while, the Sage of the Six Paths looked at these nine huge figures, but they were full of emotions. In the eyes of others, the tailed beasts were monsters of destruction and killing, but in the eyes of the Sages of the Six Paths , more like his child.

It was the Sage of the Six Paths who separated the Nine Tailed Beasts back then, and he taught them with him since he was a child. He really loves father and son. When the Sage of the Six Paths fell, the Nine Tailed Beasts cried so sadly.

"Long time no see, Nine Lamas, Shouhe, Niugui Chongming..." The Immortal of the Six Paths looked at the nine tailed beasts and called out their names one by one.

"Old man! Why are you here?"

Perhaps it was because the target was too small in the eyes of the tailed beasts, until then they realized that the Sage of the Six Paths was actually there, and couldn't help but exclaim.

There were tears in the eyes of the nine tailed beasts. After a thousand years, they finally saw the old man again. All the tailed beasts were very excited about this old man who took care of them like a father.

"I'm so relieved to see you again, old man. You've all grown up." At first, the nine-tailed beasts were not as huge as this. When they were just separated from the ten-tailed beasts, they were less than one-tenth of their current size. , looks cute.

"It's been 1000 years. Of course we will grow up. By the way, old man, where is this place? Why are you here?" The eight-tailed bull ghost was relatively stable among the tailed beasts, and he was the first to calm down and ask what was going on.

"This is a fantasy space, is it still inside Ten Tails?"

"Well, then how did you come in, did you come to see us?"

At this time, Yang Jian took the initiative to stand up and said, "Okay, let me explain next."

All the tailed beasts immediately turned their gazes to Yang Jian, and now Sanwei was excited, "Boss, you finally appeared, do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time, looking forward to you coming to save me, why did I wait so long?" long time?"

"Sorry, I made you suffer because of the need of the plan, and I will make up for it in the future."

"Boss, this is what you said, I want a raise, I want to eat takoyaki, I want to drink..."

Sanwei was chattering non-stop there, but the other tailed beasts noticed that standing not far from Yang Jian, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Obito Yihuiye and others were frightened all over their bodies. trembling.

No way, these are big bosses, any one of them is the existence of a one-handed tailed beast, Otsutsuki Kaguya is the incarnation of ten tails, can devour them, and the Mutun in Senshouzhujian can absorb their chakra, Once tied up by Mutun, only being beaten, Uchiha Madara and Obito's Kaleidoscope Sharingan can control them and directly turn them into combat pets, all of them can't be provoked!

Yang Jian promised Sanwei a lot of benefits, calmed him down, and then said to the group of tailed beasts: "First of all, I want to tell you a bad news, you have been swallowed by the ten tails, and you have turned into a sacred tree, and I need to use Shencun to make a tree." Some things are an indispensable part of the sacred tree, so I can't let you go.

But you don’t have to worry, I used the sacred tree as a carrier to build a sacred tree online world, you can move freely in this world, and there will be many people in this world in the future, you will not feel lonely, how do you want to play? Just how to play, if, of course, if you have to go back to the real world, it is not impossible, but you can only separate a part of the chakra condensed clone, and then project the consciousness there. If you die in the outside world, the consciousness will return to here. . "

"What!? Are you trying to trap us here forever?"

"No, I don't want to stay with this stinky fox."

"Shut up, you think I like being with you civet cat?"

"No, it's too boring here, I don't want to be in such a dark place anymore."

All of a sudden, the nine tailed beasts started making noise again.

"Don't be noisy, don't be noisy... I've said it before, you won't be bored, there will be many people with you, now let you meet your future friends."

clap clap clap! ! !

Yang Jian suddenly raised his hand and patted it three times. The gray space suddenly expanded rapidly, and at the same time, unknown lights spread all over, illuminating the space.Soon there were figures around.

Beiruhu, Shennong, Red Sand Scorpion, Jiraiya, Sandai, Gokage, Mifune, Kimomaro, Amoyame Shino, Hinata Hinata, Chiyo, Uzumaki Karin, Dodai, Chiyo, Kankuro, Darui , Chojuro, Qing, Yamato, Black Earth, Yellow Earth... ninjas, commoners, from daimyo to ordinary people, everything is there.

Just now appearing in an unfamiliar environment, these people are still a little unresponsive. You must know that they were in the infinite moon reading space just now, and their long-awaited wish came true. No, the mood gap is so great that they are full of emptiness in their hearts.

"Okay, everyone, no matter what you have experienced before, I am very sorry to tell you now that everything is fake, it is just a dream, and now the dream should wake up, now please listen to me."

Yang Jian directly elevated his position to form a high platform, and Dashewan and the others stood behind him.

There are countless people present, and your entire ninja world is concentrated here, densely packed, but even so, the farthest ones are more than ten kilometers away. The strange thing is that everyone can see Yang Jian clearly. It was clear, and the voice could be heard clearly, because Yang Jian directly transmitted his image and voice to their minds.

"Who are you? What's going on here? What's your purpose?" Many of the people present were big names, nobles, and leaders from all over the world. How many people know, many people do not buy it.

"I know that many people don't know me and think of me as a clown, but it's okay, now let me introduce a few celebrities to you, with their support, I believe you will not object to my arrangement."

Yang Jian first called the Sage of the Six Paths to the front, and then introduced, "This is the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, the founder of the Ninja sect. Of course, you may not know him. You think I will find someone to fool you, so next I'm going to introduce two people you know to testify on my behalf."

"Dangdangdangdang...Let us warmly welcome the three Hokages of Konoha Village. First of all, standing in the front is the original Hokage Senjubashirama, the founder of Konoha, who ended the era of war and made great achievements..."

Yang Jian's series of introductions amazed everyone, not to mention the people from Konoha, even other countries, as long as they have been to Konoha, they can see the most prominent Hokage Rock, and of course they can recognize the original Hokage.

"Next is the Second Hokage, the smartest Hokage in the past, who created many forbidden techniques..."

"The third place is the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, the most handsome Hokage and the fastest Hokage, as warm as the sun..."

Listening to Yang Jian's introduction, the faces of the three Hokages turned red, but they did not deny it, and they cooperated very well. With the three of them as witnesses, no one dared to doubt Yang Jian's words.

But Yang Jian didn't seem to think it was enough, so he decided to intimidate and introduce Uchiha Madara, Obito and Kaguya together, which shocked everyone. These three are super villains, If he accidentally offended him, he might be slapped to death anytime soon.

It's just that when Kaguya Otsuki was introduced, some of them behaved strangely, especially some strong women, and even shouted excitedly.

"Oh my god, it's really Kaguya-sama!"

"Master Kaguya, we know about you and your grievances, please cheer up."

"That's right, the emperor of Zu Zhiguo, that's a bastard, a scumbag, kick him, we women can live well on our own."

"Master Kaguya, although you are very sad to be sealed by your own son, please don't give up hope, there are still beautiful things in this world."

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