I have to say that Minato Namikaze is a natural leader. In Naruto's eyes, Minato handles a headache job with ease. Even Minato still has time to study and simplify the technique of flying thunder god with the second generation of Hokage, and cultivate a group of people , created the Flying Thunder Express, earned a lot of money, and had money to give his grandson valuable gifts.

As for the second generation of Hokage, although he also participated and earned a lot of money, he used most of the money to pay off the gambling debts of his elder brother and granddaughter. It is really sad to have two prodigals in the family.

The Ninja United Nations can be described as thriving and peaceful.However, when it was first established, it was rejected by many people, especially the daimyos of powerful countries, because they would lose a lot of power in their hands. However, Yang Jian couldn't help it, so he just took out a few chakra fruits and didn't use Yang Jian. When Jane made a move, the ninja villages of various countries directly mobilized their troops, wiped out their own daimyo, and then directly controlled the country's political power, and declared to join the United Nations. The temptation of warehouse.


On this day, three figures appeared in outer space, and they were flying towards the ninja world at a high speed. Without any equipment protection, they can directly cross the universe with their physical bodies. One can imagine how powerful they are.

One of the three was unusually tall.Long gray hair, no eyebrows, a hard horn upturned to the upper left corner on the head, white eyes, wearing white clothes, the clothes cover the right side of the face, and the thick hands and feet like trees have overwhelming strength.

On his shoulders sat another with the same pale skin and long gray hair, with two dots on his forehead.The man with two forward-bent rabbit-ear-shaped hard horns and white eyes is a master and servant in the big tube peach style and the golden style.

Along with the two, there is another person with two protective horns on his head, wearing white clothes, carrying a red-light fishing rod on his back, and holding a red-light fishing rod. Naturally, he is Pu Shi.

When they were getting closer and closer to the software and they were about to enter the atmosphere, a strange feeling suddenly arose in Datong Mutaoshi's heart, and he couldn't help being stunned for a while, looking around constantly, with a hint of doubt on his face .

Jin Shi, who was carrying the big wooden peach shi, noticed his master's abnormal movement, and quickly stopped and asked, "Master, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Pu Shi Shi was attracted, looked at Datong Mutao Shi, and waited for his answer.

The big tube wooden peach pose didn't notice anything unusual, and after a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't know if it's my illusion, just now I felt like someone was peeping."

"How is it possible! There is no one here except us. Could it be that someone in the world ahead can observe us from such a long distance? So, are you thinking too much and scaring yourself? If you are scared, you might as well stay here, and I will go by myself." There was a trace of mockery in Pu Shi's tone.

Although they belong to the Otsutsuki family, the relationship between Momoshiki and Urashiki is not good, and conflicts arise from time to time. Sitting on Jinshi’s body to save energy, Pushi wanted to sit on Jinshi’s other shoulder, but Momoshiki refused without hesitation, Mokura could only move on his own, feeling a little unbalanced in his heart, and was forced by Datong. Mutao's sarcasm, saying that he doesn't even have a servant, is embarrassing to their Datongmu clan.

Tao Shi gave Pu Shi a hard look, and almost couldn't help but explode, but thinking that the most important thing in front of him was to get the Chakra Fruit, he finally held back, "Maybe I'm overthinking, let's continue on our way."

The three continued to walk towards the house, but they didn't know that someone had already found their tracks at this time.

Ninja World United Nations Ministry of National Defense, Uzumakana, as the minister, ordered someone to send an emergency signal without hesitation, and it didn't take long for Kimaro and Sasuke to rush in.

Jun Ma Lu immediately stepped forward and asked: "Master Channa, what happened? You were able to send such an urgent signal."

Uzumaki Kanai said with a serious face: "The warning barrier in outer space was touched just now, and I felt three huge chakra heels. It is very likely that people from the Otsutsuki family descended. I have mobilized satellites to detect, and it should be very fast." There will be results soon."

In the meeting room, a huge screen flickered continuously, and the picture changed again and again. Sure enough, three figures appeared on the screen after a while. The gray skin, white hair, and horns on the head fully showed that Their identities, the Tianwai Datongmu clan, have arrived!

You must know that Yang Jian passed on the news about the Tianwai Otsutsuki clan early on, to let everyone know that the ninja world is not safe, and there will be many crises in the future, so he tried every means to strengthen the strength of everyone, and even sent a lot of chakra fruits. Isn't it just for today?

Looking at the three people on the screen, Uzumaki Kanna showed a look that was so true on her face. As a high-level executive of Zeng Tianzhi, she is now the minister of the United Nations Ministry of Defense. She is also assigned a chakra fruit. After going down, he not only obtained Xueji Snare, but also increased his unique perception ability dozens of times. As long as he is willing, the perception range can be extended to the entire ninja world. He has been in charge of vigilance all these years, just to be able to find out in advance when the Otsutsuki clan comes. , now finally did not disappoint Yang Jian and the others.

Sasuke's face turned cold, "It really is the Otsutsuki clan, these guys finally came,,."

Now one of Sasuke's two eyes still maintains the original eternal kaleidoscope, while the other has become a nine-pointed jade, three more than before, but it is not red, but still maintains the reincarnation eye purple.

Sasuke joined Tian Zhiguo before the Ninja United Nations was established, and has been doing his best to serve Tian Zhiguo. For this reason, he also got a chakra fruit. After eating it, his strength strengthened again. He used his eyes to resurrect A part of the tribe was recruited, and the Uchiha clan was built, but the number was about fifty or sixty, which was one-tenth of the number of Uchiha in the heyday, and more than twenty of these people were children of Uchiha Itachi, In order to keep his brother alive, Uchiha Sasuke also tried his best to find a reason for him to keep having children and expand the population of the Uchiha clan. The effect is still very good.

In fact, with Sasuke's current strength, it's okay to resurrect more clansmen, but Sasuke is also dissatisfied with many people in his clan, especially a few high-ranking elders whose personalities are almost distorted. He was uncomfortable, so Sasuke only resurrected his parents and relatively mild-mannered clansmen.

Unlike Sasuke and Kanna's cautiousness, Junmaro was full of excitement, "It's just in time, I haven't been able to have a good fight in these years, it's almost driving me crazy, let me meet today Meet these so-called Datongmu clan, and see what they are capable of?"

Jun Malu said that a gray-white bone blade had emerged from his palm, and then a black fairway jade appeared to cover the bone blade.

Sasuke and Kanna glanced at each other, remembering Kimaro's fighting style, they gave a wry smile.

As the last blood of the Huiye clan, Jun Malu inherited the family's militant character. They are notoriously reckless when fighting. After all, the body's recovery ability is too strong, even if the heart is pierced, it can recover quickly.

However, since Jun Malu ate the chakra fruit, his strength has reached the sixth level. Not only has he completely controlled the total killing bones, but he has also condensed the jade of seeking Tao. In terms of pure combat power, he is also a delicate person in the sixth level.

But the problem is that the destructive power of the six-level powerhouse is too great, and it can easily destroy a town with one blow. If it is fully exerted, it will be a disaster for others. In order to ensure the safety of the ninja world, I had to control the sacred tree and allocate part of the energy to strengthen the earth. The further down, the harder the ground became. When it reached the rock formation thousands of meters underground, the hardness even surpassed that of steel. In this way, if there is a six-path level powerhouse messing around, it will still be a disaster.

So Yang Jian could only forbid Jun Malu to fight with others. Although Jun Malu could vent in the Shenshu cyberspace, this kind of false battle could never satisfy him.

Under such circumstances, Jun Malu was almost driven crazy, and now that he finally had an opponent who could fight to the death, he couldn't mention how happy he was.

"Okay, no matter what, let's inform other people first. Although we only found three Datsutsuki clansmen, who knows if there will be more in the future." Chanel picked up the phone and dialed out .

Soon all the six-level powerhouses in the ninja world received the same message, and their faces became extremely serious. They used their own methods to go towards the coordinates, where the three Otsutsuki calculated by Uzumaki Kannai place of descent.

On a plain in the Land of Fire, a black space door opened, Yang Jian came out first, followed by Orochimaru, Beiliuhu, Shennong, and the Red Sand Scorpion...

More than [-] people walked out of the space gate and stopped, each of them exuded a powerful aura, and they all reached the sixth level. Most of them were from the original Tian Zhiguo, but there was one surprising The figure turned out to be Mizukage Terumimei from the former Kirigakure Village, but now she has retired, and she is getting together with Beiliuhu at this time.

No one thought that Terumi Mei would actually make a pair with Bei Liuhu, and it was Terumi Mei who took the initiative to pursue it. Bei Liuhu, the incomprehensible guy, just accepted it passively. The two in the middle even had children, so they could only It is said that stupid people have stupid blessings.

Yang Jian also felt inexplicably strange about this, and asked Terumi Mei specifically why he fell in love with Bei Liuhu, but Terumi Mei confided in his heart that when he captured Sanwei, it was the first time he met Bei Liuhu, under his command After a fiasco, Terumi Mei wanted revenge wholeheartedly, all he could think about was humility, and as time went on, different feelings developed. Later, everyone turned enemies into friends, but Terumi Mei couldn't get married due to various reasons, and in the end Focus on Beryuhu.

Terumi Mei was a little embarrassed at first, because Bei Liuhu had a handsome face, and he looked like a teenager. Terumi Mei himself had the feeling of an old cow eating young grass, but later learned that Bei Liuhu They were actually at the same time as Sannin and the others. Now they let go completely. It is easier for a woman to chase a man. In the end, Bei Liuhu was captured. For this reason, the eyes of the whole place were banned. It was surprising to see them together. For a while, when the two walked together, they thought they were mother and son. For this reason, Beiliuhu had to let him adjust his body to look older, so as to avoid everyone's strange eyes. .

Chapter 595 Six Dao Level Over Hundred

The arrival of Yang Jian and the others was just the beginning, and then several figures appeared out of thin air, and they held hands with each other.Standing in the center is indeed Minato Namikaze, who directly used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport the sixth-level powerhouse from Konoha Village.

The first generation and the second generation have two Hokages among them, both of them have been resurrected, and the third generation of Hokage is no longer the image of the old man before, but has returned to his youthful appearance, looking at most thirty years old, and his own Come on, also regain youth, as for Tsunade, she will always be an eighteen-year-old beautiful girl.

Konoha can be said to be the village with the most geniuses. In addition to those seniors who came out, Kakashi and Mitekai were also fortunate to be rewarded with chakra fruits, Shino, Hinata, Kiba, Choji, Shikamaru, etc. Xiaoqiang has also grown up, and everyone can get a chakra fruit to try.

Of course, there are levels for them to eat chakra fruits. The best ones are of course reserved for their own people. For example, Shino, he got the best chakra fruits, and there are more than one. Now he has cultivated Insects that can devour the jade of seeking Taoism, and the six-winged golden silkworm that has been cultivated for life and death have reached a terrifying level. It can almost devour everything and even tear the space. A free space legend is possible. 60 Jin San has even been achieved, but Zhi Nai only told the Yang family about this matter, and no one else knew about it. As a secret card, in terms of real combat power, Zhi Nai may already be second only to Yang Jian. Others can only be hanged and beaten.

In addition, Yang Jian's cheap elder brother Zhiwei is still just an ordinary film master on the surface. He is in charge of the family on weekdays, and no one takes him seriously. If you make trouble, you will definitely die miserably.

"Second Uncle!" Seeing Yang Jian, Zhi Nai immediately stepped forward to greet him.

The others also turned their heads to look at Yang Jian. Konoha's people were in a very complicated mood. This should belong to Konoha's genius, but in the end they couldn't keep it. If he had treated Yang Jian better at the beginning, maybe Konoha would have ruled the world.

Yang Jian saw that Zhi Nai was in a good mood, and he always took good care of his nephew, "Look at you, you are very energetic. You have been doing well recently. Your strength has increased again. I feel that your bugs have appeared again. New changes."

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