"It's all thanks to my second uncle. Without your help, I would not have the strength I have now." Zhi Nai is very clear that it is impossible to reach this level with only his own efforts. The key to today's strength is Yang Jian's help For all kinds of cheating reasons.

"It's equally important to work hard on your own. If you don't work hard, no matter how much I help you, it's useless. By the way, why didn't you see Xianglin? Isn't she going to participate in this battle?"

Shino's face turned red rarely, showing a trace of embarrassment, and after a while he said coyly, "Because... because Xianglin is pregnant again, so..."

"What! Kaorin is pregnant! Great, I'm going to be a grandmother." Uzumaki Channa cried out happily.

Yang Jian's eyes also lit up, "Not bad, boy, you really are here, keep working hard, let's set a small goal first, give birth to five children, and form a basketball team."

Zhi Nai's face twitched, and he thought to himself: Five or six, do you think this is a pig?How can it be so easy?

Seeing that Zhi Nai was speechless in embarrassment, Yang Jian was too embarrassed to continue to tease him and asked Xiang Lin how she behaved after she became pregnant.

Speaking of which, the reason why Zhi Nai and Xiang Lin came together was the result of Yang Jian's matchmaking. Yang Jian always felt worthless for Xiang Lin in the original plot. There was no result, and finally lost to Sakura.

After being taught by Yang Jian, Xiang Lin was not as obsessed with Sasuke as in the original plot, and tried to match him and Shino, but the result was not bad, and finally the two came together.

While Yang Jian was talking with Zhi Nai, more and more people rushed to the scene. First, a beam of light fell from the sky. After the beam of light dissipated, it revealed the retired fourth-generation Lei Yingai and the current fifth-generation Lei Yingda. Rui, the former Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Rabbi, in addition to three strange figures, is a genius who has appeared in Yunyin Village in recent years. After reaching the super shadow level, he obtained the qualification to use the Chakra fruit. Advanced six levels.

The masters of Yunyin Village came forward to greet the others, but when the Fourth Raikage saw Yang Jian, his complexion became very bad, and there seemed to be a kind of fear in his eyes, and he couldn't help but want to back away.

The Fourth Raikage, as a well-known muscular man, often moves faster than his brain. After he ate the chakra fruit, his strength increased greatly. He felt how awesome he was, so he wanted to find an opponent to test his strength. This simple-minded guy instinctively chose Yang Jian, who is now recognized as the number one powerhouse in the ninja world.

Needless to say, Yang Jian would not let him go, and directly punched him to the ground, making the fourth generation of Raikage doubt his life. He has already become a sixth level, and he has a speed comparable to light. , but why did they lose so badly?Can't even catch a move.

When I got it, could it be said that the Chakra fruit I ate was fake, and my strength was not strong at all. For this reason, Lei Ying specially compared it with other six-level masters. Facts have proved that his strength is very strong, definitely six Level, since I have no problem, then the problem can only be on Yang Jian, it is not that I am weak, but that the opponent is too strong, so strong that one punch can knock a six-level master to the ground.

Since then, the four generations of Raikage's fear of Yang Jian has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and they want to hide when they see it. This psychological shadow cannot be removed.

After Yunyin Village, Shayin Village, Yanyin Village, and Wuyinsao's masters also arrived one after another. The leader of Sandyin Village is the fifth Kazekage Gaara who has become more stable now, and looks much younger Chiyo, who still has the charm, and Kankuro and Ebizo.

The leader of the team at Yanyin Village is the fourth generation of Tsuchikage Kuroto, who has two charming long legs and has the title of the first beauty in Yanyin. But behind him, he also saw the retired third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki, and the current Onoki also It's no longer that old-fashioned look, it has become the appearance of a middle-aged man. Besides, there are Huang Tu and Chi Tu.

Needless to say, Kirigakure Village, the leader of the team is naturally the sixth Mizukage Chojuro, and with him are Ao and the new generation of Ninja Sword Seven.

In addition, there are some other masters of Ninja Village who came here in various ways. Some of them are far away. They can only call the Flying Thunder God Express Company and ask someone to help him with the Flying Thunder God technique. It's a bit embarrassing to buy and send it over.

After another ten minutes, the number of people gathered had exceeded 100. Yang Jian knew that he was almost done, so he slapped his hands immediately to attract everyone's attention.

"Okay, I think everyone has received the news, and you know the purpose of my calling you here. As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, we have been working hard these years, not just to fight against the Datongmu clan outside the sky. Now The enemy is coming, and it is time for us to show our talents. Behind us are our relatives, friends, and brothers. If we lose, the world will be destroyed, and everyone will die at that time, so we have no way out, only a last stand , although there are only three people from the Otsutsuki clan, who knows if there will be more after them? This is a battle that affects the future of our world, I think everyone will not back down, right?"

"Of course not. This is our homeland. Even if we die, we will never take half a step back." The fourth generation of Raikage with a fiery temper also ignored his fear of Yang Jian at this time, and immediately shouted loudly.

"That's right, what is the Otsutsuki clan? There's nothing to be afraid of. If you dare to come, then be prepared to be killed by us." Although the Fourth Tsuchikage Kuroto is a girl, she is full of arrogance, not weaker than a man .

"That's right! Come on, let's have a hard time and see who wins. Just"

"After so many years of hard training, it's finally time for us to show our talents, and it's time to show our faces."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and no one backed down, which made Yang Jian very satisfied.

"Very well, I can feel everyone's thoughts, and I am very pleased. Although we have learned as much as possible about the Otsutsuki Clan, we know everything we need to know, but let's confirm it again."

Yang Jian glanced at more than a hundred people in front of him. Among these people, each of them was a six-level master, and nearly one-third of them had white hair. sharp corners.

Otsuki Kaguya gave birth to Hagoromo and Amamura, and the two of them reproduced offspring. The blood has been passed down for more than a thousand years, so some people in the ninja world have very thin Otsuki blood.

Originally, these thin bloodlines were useless, but after having the Chakra fruit, it was different. Under the influence of my huge energy, their bloodlines began to return to their ancestors, showing the characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan. Of course, these people usually It is because the control over one's own body is relatively poor, and the huge chakra energy is freely exerted in the body, allowing the body to evolve.

On the contrary, those who have a strong control over energy can let these energies evolve according to their own wishes, and their appearance will not change. For example, Sasuke and Naruto in the original plot have obtained the power of six paths, but their appearance has not changed.

On the other hand, those who do not have the blood of Datongmu, those who are forcibly catalyzed by the chakra fruit to reach the sixth level, often show some special abilities, especially in the eyes. There are several evolved abilities that make Yang Jian feel It was unusually familiar, and it even felt like I went to the wrong set.

For example, if you see a dead line like a crack on the surface of an object, if you cut it along the line, it will cause irresistible and irreparable damage to the object.

For example, a kind of eye supporter that can control time, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the eye of the clock in Date A Live.

There is another kind that will start to go berserk due to severe mental stimulation due to violent emotional fluctuations, destroying all existence around it regardless of enemy or friend, it is simply copying eyes.

There are other kinds of weird eyes. Yang Jian is also very curious about why this happens. After researching, he suddenly realized that these people without Otsutsuki’s bloodline, their bodies are due to strong changes in the process of evolution. Their emotions cause the eyes to mutate, or it is because of their inner desire, under the guidance of this spirit, the eyes have mutated, maybe not the strongest, but it is definitely the most suitable eyes for them.

Shino has also evolved a kind of eye, which he calls the "eye of insects", which can change into the eyes of various insects, and observe the world with the eyes of insects. For this reason, he has also researched many magical secrets of insect repelling.

Yang Jian's gaze stayed on the three figures, and he waved his hands. The three figures immediately stood up. All three of them had white hair and horns on their heads.

Two of them have the Moon Eye of Jiugouyu on their foreheads, which are obvious characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan, indeed, Otsutsuki Kaguya and the mother and daughter of the Sage of the Six Paths.

As for the other one with only one long horn on his head, wearing an elegant and slim white long-sleeved tailcoat and a pair of black pants, his right eye has a black wheel-shaped pattern with eight spokes in the center, and his left eye is a white eye. Everyone knows his identity, Otsutsuki Ichishiki.

Sage of the Six Paths and Kaguya can still talk about the past. With the current power of the ninja world, Otsuki Kaguya can't make any waves at all, and it's normal to let him out, but why does NPC Ichishiki appear here?

Yang Jian has always known that Datongmu Yishi is hidden in a different space in Sisi, and the entrance is in Muye Village, but he cannot enter the different space because the entrance to the space is blocked. It took Yang Jian several years to find a way to break it directly. Open the entrance of the space, and then directly surrounded Otsutsuki Yishi with a dozen six-level powerhouses. At that time, Yishi was injured by Otsuki Kaguya and had not recovered. Dou, was captured alive.

Datsuki himself and his ten tails became Yang Jian's trophies and were sent to Dashewan for research. Dashewan was already able to artificially manipulate the bodies of the Datsuki clan. There were almost no obstacles in the research, and Datsuki was easily obtained All the data of Yishi's body has been thoroughly researched, so that Datongmu Yishi's effect will not be great, and there are only two options left, either kill it or find a way to subdue it.

Yang Jian directly told Yishi these two choices, and let him make his own decision. Needless to say, although Yishi was quite old, he was not old for him who had almost infinite life, and he hadn't lived enough. He didn't want to die, so he chose to surrender.

In order to prevent him from betraying, Yang Jian separated a part of the offspring of Venom into his body. After many evolutions, Venom has more magical abilities and can completely master life and death in one style. Time swallowed him up.

Although Otsutsuki Ichishiki was very reluctant at the beginning, but after completing the task assigned by Yang Jian, he was actually rewarded with a chakra fruit, which not only restored his injuries, but also restored his ten-tailed dog. Here it is, and all reluctance is gone, at least on the surface.

In fact, Yang Jian knew that Datong Mu Yishi had tried many times to get rid of the venom offspring in his body, but they all failed. Since Yang Jian dared to let him stay by his side, how could he be defenseless? Even stronger, and even connected to the soul of Datongmu Yishi, without Yang Jian's consent, he would never be able to get rid of it.

Chapter 596

"Actually, I have already said everything I know, but these are all information from thousands of years ago. I don't know if Urashiki and Momoshiki have become stronger now. I can only repeat what I know. .” Datsuki Yishiki said in a helpless tone.Repeat what has been said many times before.

"Just say it." Yang Jian has more information than Otsutsuki Ichishiki, but there are some things that he doesn't want to say too clearly. Anyway, with the current strength of the ninja world, just three people from the Otsutsuki clan can't do it at all. What kind of waves, let Yishi repeat it again, it is specifically for those people with simple minds and well-developed limbs, such as the fourth generation of Raikage, Maitekai and others.

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