"The big-tube wooden peach pose has a pair of white eyes, and there is a reincarnation eye in the palm of each hand, both of which are red in color.

The reincarnation eye in the right hand can absorb all ninjutsu and chakra. The captured jutsu and chakra can be used to restore one's own strength, and can also release the black stick from a long distance to block the opponent's actions and chakra.

The reincarnation eye in the left hand can amplify the power of the absorbed spell, and then counterattack back. If he dies in battle, he can attach to other people in the form of a wedge, and he can be resurrected when he has a chance.

In addition, his servant Datong Mujinshi can actually be regarded as his reserve chakra energy, which can devour the Jinshi when necessary. At that time, his strength will increase greatly, and some kind of new evolution will occur in his body, but This is only a tactic he will use when he has to. I don't know exactly what it will look like or how strong it is. "

"Devour your own men! How is that possible! This is too cruel, and won't that Jin Shiki resist?" Tsunade said a little inconceivably.

Otsutsuki Kaguya said with a flat face: "It's normal, Momoshiki belongs to the clan. In their eyes, other people are just servants, just slaves. As long as it is beneficial to themselves, they can do anything. As for resistance, it is impossible, because People like Jin Shi have been brainwashed since childhood, everything exists for the master, and there is no thought of resistance at all. My situation was similar at the beginning, or even worse. It’s just that I have been in this world for a long time. Awakened self-awareness, had the concept of freedom, that's why I chose to rebel against the sect."

There was a hint of surprise on everyone's faces. This situation is like those dead warriors trained by daimyo. They were taught to do everything for their masters since they were young, and they hardly took life seriously.

After Yang Jian waited for everyone to digest what he just said, he said, "Okay, you can continue."

"As for Pu Shi, his eyes are also white in normal state, but they can be transformed into blue six-hook jade reincarnation eyes, which have the two abilities of time regression and thousand paper cranes, and can also be transformed into red reincarnation eyes. It can quickly turn on and off the space ninjutsu of Huangquan Biliangsaka, but now the timeline of the ninja world is locked by Mr. Yang Jian, and his time retrospective may not be available. The most worrying thing is whether he will use Huangquan Biliangpo escape."

"Don't worry about this, I can also block the space." Yang Jian directly gave everyone a reassurance.

"Then there's no problem. With Lord Yang Jian around, Tao Shi and Pu Shi can't escape even if they have great abilities."

"Okay, everyone heard what I said just now. In fact, most of you have understood these things. Now that you know their abilities, you must be careful yourself. It's almost time. Let's go and welcome our guests together. ! Try to set the battlefield in space, and don’t fall to the ground, so as not to hurt innocent people, do you hear me clearly?”

"Understood!" Everyone shouted almost in unison.

At this time, the Red Sand Scorpion took the initiative to stand up and said: "Although everyone has the ability to fly, it's better to save a little energy. It just so happens that the spaceship researched has made a new breakthrough, so let me give you a ride, psychic!" technique!"


After a burst of white smoke, a sci-fi spaceship with a length of nearly [-] meters appeared in the field.

Without the order from the red sand scorpion, the spaceship started to operate automatically, and several suspended magnetic puppets flew out of it, inviting everyone to enter, but some of them chose to jump directly to the top of the spaceship, without worrying about the force throwing them out during flight .


After the spacecraft was started, flames were ejected from the tail, and the nearly [-]-meter-long spacecraft soared into the sky. At the same time, a clear and gentle female voice came from inside, "Welcome to the Explorer [-] spacecraft, we will meet the enemy in three minutes , everyone, please get ready."

At this time, the three challengers who had already entered the atmosphere were condescending, looking at the Ninja World under their feet with puzzled faces. The strong Chakra energy floating in the air made them a little inconceivable.

"How is this possible? What's going on with that woman, Kaguya? To let the sacred tree expand so unscrupulously, aren't you afraid to swallow up the energy of this world? Even if we want to swallow it up, we have to wait until we leave. This is too impatient."

Pu Shi observed carefully for a while, and his face suddenly changed, "No, the situation is very abnormal, then you say that an ordinary world can't bear the unscrupulous growth of the sacred tree, it should have been dilapidated long ago, but in fact The life energy in this world is still very strong, and the chakra in the air is even richer than the planet we live in. I suspect that just absorbing the chakra in the air can produce several divine fruits, which is consistent with our original information. It's completely different. Didn't the initial investigation say that only two or three can be received at most? Where does this world come from so much energy?"

The big tube wooden peach pose also looked confused, and then suddenly changed, "But what's going on in front of me? Unless..."

Tao Shi's face changed when he heard the word unless, and he immediately took over, "Unless we missed something at the beginning, maybe you hide a huge energy source deep in this world, but it has never been discovered. Transformed into Chakra, if this is the case, our harvest will be great, this is a treasure house."

Tao Shi and Pu Shi glanced at each other, and they showed a hint of greed at the same time. They were ordered by the clan to take back the sacred tree and the chakra fruit. The energy can only cultivate two or three fruits, so they only need to hand in the three subjects, and they can hide the excess, and no one will know anyway.

"Wait!" Datong Mokposhi suddenly thought of something and his face changed again.

"Is there any problem?" Tao Shi asked with rare concern.

"I suddenly thought, if this world really has so much energy and produces a lot of chakra fruits, will Kaguya, who is in charge of guarding the sacred tree, feel greedy? If she can't stand the temptation and eat enough chakra fruits What level of strength will the carat fruit reach? If we come to the door so brazenly, if she turns around and kills us, what chance do we have of winning?"

"This...it shouldn't be possible, can she dare to betray the clan?" Tao Shi said a little unconfidently.

Pu Shi immediately asked back, "If it were you, what would you do?"

Needless to say, of course he ate the Chakra fruit, as long as he was strong enough, no matter what kind of clan he was divided into, Tao Shi kept rolling his eyes, suddenly laughed, and looked at Pu Shi with a weird look.

Pu Shi's scalp was numb from the provocative gaze, "What... what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this? We are..."

"Don't talk nonsense, the two of us have known each other for so long, I don't know you yet, I know what you are thinking now, you must be planning to use the time flow to go back in time, and find a way to compete for the chakra fruit, and with your personality, I must be thinking about how to get rid of me and enjoy it alone, I will not give you this chance, so I will not let you out of my sight in the future, unless I have a winner with me first, "

When Tao Shi was talking, he secretly made a gesture, and was immediately surrounded from the side, and Tao Shi surrounded Pu Shi together. It means to make a move.

Pu Shi's face was ugly, he knew very well that once he showed any intention of running away, Tao Shi and Jin Shi would inevitably receive a fatal blow. For their Otsutsuki clan, there was not much family affection, friendship at all, only Benefit, I feel a little regretful, I shouldn’t have talked so much just now, if I figured out the key to the matter earlier, I would leave secretly by myself, find a chance to go back to the past, and then enjoy the chakra fruit alone, wouldn’t it be good?

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now, Pu Shi could only sigh, "Okay, I'll take you with me, and the Chakra fruits I get will be shared equally between the two of us except for the ones handed over to the Zong family."

Only then did Tao Shi nodded in satisfaction, "No problem, don't delay, let's act quickly, I don't want to cause trouble, the longer it delays, the worse it will be for us."

"Okay, I'm ready now, as long as... wait, what's going on? I can't reverse the time of this world." Otsuki Mokura's eyes turned red, and he planned to observe the timeline of this world first. But soon found a very surprising thing, the time in this world seems to be constant by some force, his ability can't be affected.

Datong Mutaoshi thought that Pu Shi deliberately used this excuse to deceive himself, and he didn't want to take him to travel through time and space, his face suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "Pu Shi, don't be shameless, you actually used such a poor Do you think I will believe you to lie to me with this excuse? Don't play tricks, or don't blame me for being rude. "

Pu Shi knows his own suffering, and he also understands why Tao Shi doubts himself and compares his heart with his heart. If he stood in his position, he would have such doubts, but the key is that he did not lie, everything is true .

Pu Shi could only try to explain, "I didn't lie to you, if I wanted to lie to you, do you think I would use such a poor excuse? I really... wait, someone is coming over there, the situation is not right, we Might have fallen into a trap."

"Enough, don't take me for a fool, you think I... hey! There are really people." At this time, Momoshi also discovered the spaceship flying towards him like lightning.

The Tao-style three, because the speed of the spaceship is too fast, at least much faster than them, almost in the blink of an eye, before they could react, they had already arrived in front of them, and slowly stopped at a distance of hundreds of meters .

All the people present are six-level masters, and most of them have magical pupil skills. The distance of hundreds of meters is nothing at all. They can see each other clearly. The ninja master standing on the top of the spaceship looked at Otsuki At the same time as the three of them, the three of them were also looking at them.

Taoshi and the others quickly found two familiar faces in the crowd. Although Huiye's appearance changed after eating the carat fruit, they still recognized them. , Yishi, why are you here, and you are still together with these lowly people, have you betrayed our Datongmu clan?"

Huiye and Yishi glanced at Yang Jian, seeing that he didn't express anything, they immediately walked out of the crowd and looked at the three Taoshi with complicated expressions.

Kaguya's mood is the most complicated, these people used to be his nightmare, in order to protect herself, she even created an army of Bai Jue, just to seek that sense of security, and hoped that when they came, she would have the strength to resist, but now But it's funny, can they be more scary than Yang Jian?In front of Yang Jian, they were just a few jumping clowns.

Hui Ye looked at them with pity and said: "Tao Shi, Pu Shi, I advise you, hurry up and catch them, at least it will make you feel better."

Momoshiki was furious, "Bastard, what are you talking about, you hateful woman, to make the noble Otsutsuki surrender! It seems that you have completely betrayed us, and the face of the Otsutsuki clan has been completely lost by you. I want Punish you with my own hands, deal with you with the cruelest punishment in this world, and make you regret coming to this world..."

"Enough, Tao Shi!" Hearing Tao Shi talking too much, Yi Shi finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Don't be ignorant of good people, Kaguya is doing this for your own good, you don't know the horror of this world at all."

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