Yang Jian couldn't tell the Monkey King that these were red blood cells, so he tried to explain everything in terms he understood.

"Is this something in our blood? It's like a round cake, the number is too much."

Normally, it is impossible to see the cells in the blood with just a few water mirrors. To reach the level of a microscope, a lot of auxiliary equipment is needed. However, Journey to the West is a world that cannot be measured by common sense. It is not difficult for the Yang family to use some tricks to let the Monkey King see the cells.

"These little guys are part of our blood. There are so many little guys in a drop of blood. Then think about it, how much blood is there in the whole body? Each of them is alive, and each has life. Flows through our bodies all the time."

Yang Jian flicked his finger, made a mark on the drop of blood, then controlled the blood, and drilled back into the body from the wound. With a light swipe of his finger, the wound healed instantly.

A little spiritual light started to flicker from the wound, flowing continuously along the blood vessels, and quickly approached the heart. Because of the constant flickering, the Monkey King could clearly see where the blood was.

Yang Jian reached out and clicked again, and a human body image appeared out of thin air, with the same location of the drop of blood.

"Look, now that drop of blood flows here, and then continues forward, and then here, until the heart, I didn't zoom in on the picture."

Soon the densely packed little guys appeared again on the screen, "When we breathe, oxygen... aura enters the body, and then passes through the lungs, and the aura is left in the body, and then sucked by these little guys, through the flow of blood Delivered to every part of the body, the provider, the needs of our body, they are like industrious porters, from birth to death, have been working non-stop, although weak and insignificant, but their hardworking spirit makes us People admire."

There is no such thing as oxygen in this world, Yang Jianyang can only talk about aura, as long as you understand what he means.

The Monkey King's eyes were shining brightly. Everything that Yang Jian showed him seemed to open the door to a new world, allowing him to see the other side of this world. He couldn't help but want to explore the mysteries, but then the Monkey King Feeling a bit wrong again, he asked strangely: "But what does this have to do with what you said before, you have to take heaven and earth as your teacher, and practice?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly, you will understand soon." Yang Jian continued after appeasing the Monkey King: "For us, these little guys are just like a speck of dust. If they are conscious, have a mind of their own, and know of our existence, what will he think of us? Will he see us as a superior, omnipotent god?"

The Monkey King thought for a moment and nodded, "Indeed, they think so."

"Then let's think about it the other way around. The world is so vast and the world is so endless. Compared with this world, are we like a speck of dust? This world contains all things and gives us life. If it has life, how does it look at us? Is it the same as we look at those little red guys? Those little guys flow in our body and are working every moment. Should we also do something for this world? What? We have received too much favor from this world, but we have not been able to repay him, so I hope to use my own strength to try my best to do something for this world. I want to learn from this world. , to practice."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he stood up and strode forward. The Monkey King hurriedly followed. He wanted to see what Yang Jian was doing.

Soon Yang Jian came to a cut-off stream, pointed to a small grass by the river under the stone and said: "Look at this small grass, it is so delicate, but it can withstand the water that is bigger than it. It grows under the pressure of more than ten times that of the stone, and even pushes the stone up, the vitality is so tenacious."

Then Yang Jian pointed to a stone that had been dripped into a small pit, "The power of water is not strong, but the stone is very hard, but look, that stone was washed like this by the current. A drop of water is very weak. But when countless drops of water add up, this is a string of water dripping on stones.”

"Look at the grass that looks like sawtooth, but it can cut off branches thicker than him. Look at these leaves, they look the same from a distance, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is no complete tree in this world. The same two leaves, the ebb and flow of the sea, what power guides... Isn’t this world amazing? There are so many mysteries, we have to understand these secrets, learn what is useful to us, and use heaven and earth as our teacher , Turning these powers into use, can one day become extremely powerful?"

The Monkey King was silent, and everything Yang Jian said shocked him deeply. He had never thought about these things, but now that they were pointed out, he felt so unpredictable, and he also had a desire to understand , to observe, to explore the idea of ​​the mysteries of the world.

After a while, the Monkey King came back to his senses and found that Yang Jian was no longer there, so he immediately ran towards the cave, but as soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he found Yang Jian walking out with an animal skin bag.

"Red Monkey, what's in your bag? Where are you going?"

Yang Jian shook the animal skin bag in his hand and said: "Some time ago, a thunderbolt fell on a hillside twenty miles to the east, and it caused a fire. It was burned bare. I collected some fruit tree seeds. , I plan to plant it, so that it will grow out soon. After two years, fruit trees will grow, and we can pick them and eat them. Although we are weak, we can't do too many things that are beneficial to the world, and we can't repay the world. There are too many, but within the scope of one's ability, let's do something for the world as much as possible."

Yang Jian's words shook the Monkey King's heart like Hong Zhong Dalu, as if he had received some shock, he murmured: "Repay the world within the scope of his ability? That's how it is, I understand! I understand! Red Monkey, I will go with you."

"Okay, I just happen to be too busy to do it alone." Of course Yang Jian would not refuse.

The two monkeys shuttled constantly on the tree, swinging from time to time by grabbing vines, and soon came to a small hillside more than ten kilometers away. After being burned by the fire, the two monkeys Digging the soil, planting the seeds, it took a whole day to plant all the seeds collected before.

"Okay, Stone Monkey, let's call it a day."

"Thank you, Red Monkey, you made me understand a lot of things, I seem to know what to do in the future."

"Do we still need to be so polite between us? And the key is your own understanding."

"But without your teaching, it would be difficult for me to comprehend these things."

"Well, you can say whatever you want, but now you should go back, you are the Monkey King, and those monkey grandchildren are waiting for you."

"Okay, I'm leaving." The Monkey King turned and left, it seemed that he had really realized something, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Yang Jian just stood there, watching the figure of the Monkey King completely disappear, and said in his heart: "As expected, it was transformed by the five-colored stone. Condensed endless aura, as long as you practice a little and guide the aura out of your body, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and you will have merits and virtues in your body, so you don't have to worry about generating demons.

It’s no wonder that in the original plot, after practicing for such a short time, the strength can be comparable to those of the Bull Demon King and Jiao Demon King. You must know that each of these old monsters has practiced for thousands of years, or even longer. The aptitude is too strong, and it is too enviable to be one of the four monkeys in the chaotic world.

That’s not right, I don’t seem to be qualified to envy others, we also have cheats, and we directly give you the cultivation level of the quasi-sage. Speaking of which, it is ten times more difficult to improve the realm than to increase the magic power. Isn’t it a bit strange to say that You don't know your blessings when you are in the blessings, so let's practice hard when we get there. "

Yang Jian returned to his cave, thought about it, and carved a few words outside the cave, specifically explaining that he will practice in seclusion next, and no one is allowed to disturb him, and then directly closed the entrance of the cave.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, the years do not know the years, and the time passes unknowingly. In just three years, because Yang Jian has the foundation of the quasi-sage realm, he absorbs spiritual energy unscrupulously, and his strength advances by leaps and bounds. Taiyi Jinxian.

Normally, after a realm breakthrough, because he can't control his own power for a while, it may cause the spiritual power in his body to explode, causing the world to change color and be discovered by others, but this is not a problem for Yang Jian at all, because the realm is too high , can easily control the power in his body without the slightest leak, and naturally he will not be noticed by others. No one would have thought that a strong man would appear in Huaguo Mountain.

Now that Yang Jian's strength has entered the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it should be no worse than when Monkey King made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and he has initially possessed the ability to protect himself.

Originally, Yang Jian planned to stay in seclusion, at least until he completely entered Da Luo and truly became a powerful person before officially leaving the closed door, and then tried to find out the exact news of this world, especially the information about Sanqing and Tathagata.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, but a series of cries for help came from outside the cave this day, forcing Yang Jian to stop the retreat.

When Yang Jian came to the outside of the cave, he found that there was an unusually strong monkey covered in scars kneeling there, constantly calling for help, "Second King, please help me."

"Are you a violent monkey?" Yang Jian took a closer look and recognized the other party's identity. Although Yang Jian did not live with those monkeys, he still knew something about the powerful monkeys around the Monkey King. , this straight violent ape is one of the Monkey King's cronies.

"It's the little one, Second Great King!"

"Then why do you call me the Second Great King? And what happened in the cave? Why are you in such a mess?"

"Your Majesty went out to learn art from a teacher. Before he left, he told me to wait. When he is no longer in the cave, Huaguoshan, you will be respected. Let me wait for you to be addressed as your Majesty. But after all, there are first and last, and I After discussing it, I decided to call you the Second Great King. I didn't dare to disturb the Second Great King's retreat and practice, but a demon suddenly came to the cave a few days ago, claiming to be the Demon King of Confusion, and he ravaged and killed. The cave was also taken by him, and my injury was given by that demon king. Now, he has captured countless monkeys and grandchildren, and the daily labor in the cave is unbearable. I sacrificed my life and killed them. I have come here to seek help from the Second Great King..."

"The Demon King of Confusion? Lead the way ahead, wait for me to meet him for a while." Yang Jian suddenly realized that this Demon King of Confusion should be the first monster killed by Monkey King.He didn't expect the original plot to come at this time, so it was his bad luck.

Violent Ape was overjoyed and immediately led the way. Yang Jian did not use his power to fly in order to take care of his injuries, and followed him leisurely.

Soon, Yang Jian came to the water curtain cave, and saw a group of little demons patrolling outside from a distance, Yang Jian stepped forward and shouted: "Let the devil of the world come to see me, but to see what kind of character he is, has he eaten a bear?" Heart leopard, dare to run wild in Huaguo Mountain."

boom! !

In order to increase deterrence, Yang Jian stomped his foot, and the mountain shook for a while, as if the entire Huaguo Mountain had collapsed.

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