"Quick! Go and report to the king!" A group of little demons couldn't stand still for a while and almost fell down. Just stood quietly outside the cave and waited.

Not long after, a burly figure came out, wearing a black iron armor, a black gold helmet, a robe, pleated boots, a waist of ten feet, and a height of three feet. He was holding a big knife in his hand. He looked fierce. Weihehe, it's just that Yang Jian knew that this guy was a fancy but useless guy. In the original plot, he was given a second by Monkey King.

The demon king swung the big knife in his hand and shouted angrily: "Who are you? You dare to come to my cave to make trouble, I'm really impatient."

Yang Jian sneered, and mocked: "It's true that dogs don't know shame, and horses don't know face. You just occupied the cave of our ape clan, and you immediately claimed that it was yours, and you were so confident, I... Forget it, tell me!" Monsters like you have nothing to say, let’s see the real chapter, our monster race has always respected the strong, and the truth is big fists."

"You are short and thin, you have little flesh, and you dare to speak big words in front of me. If you want to die, I will fulfill you. Look at the knife!

The Demon King of Confusion roared, grabbed the big knife with both hands, and slashed at Yang Jian's head fiercely.

Chapter 601 Development of Huaguo Mountain

Facing the slash that came down head-on, Yang Jian didn't panic, raised his hands, and two groups of energy appeared in the palms of both palms, just like the appearance of the tyrant in the wind and cloud when he cast the three-point return to vitality, and then put his hands together , Hold the big knife in the middle.


The Confused Demon King exerted his strength several times in a row, and found that the knife in his hand could no longer move forward a single bit, and then drew back, but found that it seemed to be fixed there, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless.

Now the Demon King of Confusion knew that he had encountered a hard stubble, and panicked in his heart. He glanced at the two balls of energy in Yang Jian's hands, and there were all kinds of strange scenes, including flowers, birds, fish and insects, sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, etc. , as if seeing a world.

The Demon King of Confusion felt that his soul was going to be sucked in, and he forgot to resist. Seeing this scene, Yang Jian smiled slightly. This is Yang Jian's evolution of the way of the world. Although he is not strong enough now, the prototype of simulating a world is still OK.


With a little force, Yang Jian snatched the big knife from the hands of the Demon King of Confusion, then clenched his fist, and smashed it slowly and lightly. The Demon King of Confusion immediately flew out and landed on the ground, filled with smoke and dust.

The Hunshi Demon King felt like his whole body was falling apart, struggling to get up, but failed several times. If it wasn't for the strong vitality of the monster's unique gun to hang him, he might have died.

Yang Jian looked around, grabbed a few handfuls of grass from the side, and wove them into a grass ring. With both hands, he drew in emptiness, and runes appeared one by one, blending into the grass ring, and turned into a simple magic weapon. As soon as it was thrown, the grass ring quickly became bigger, and it was put on the neck of the Hunshi Demon King, and then began to shrink.

clack clack...

Yang Jian patted the Hunshi Demon King a few times and made a strange noise. The Hunshi Demon King immediately recovered his ability to move, jumped up from the ground, stepped back quickly, and stared at Yang Jian with a wary face.

"I have placed a restriction on you. For a period of time in the future, you will honestly guard the cave here and the monkey tribe on Huaguo Mountain. If you slack off in the slightest, you will not be able to survive or die."

The Demon King of Confusion was obviously not happy when he heard this, he clearly wanted to enslave himself, so he immediately yelled, "Bastard, don't let me... ouch!"

It's a pity that the Confused Demon King started screaming after speaking half a sentence. The grass ring around his neck began to shrink rapidly, as if it had taken root and penetrated into his flesh and blood. Wisps of blood red appeared on the original green grass ring.

The Confused Demon King only felt pain all over his body, as if something had sucked his vitality away. He grabbed the grass ring with both hands and tore it vigorously, making the flesh and blood he grabbed, but even so, it couldn't cause the slightest damage to the grass ring.

The Confused Demon King persisted for a while, but finally couldn't hold it anymore, "Stop, stop quickly, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to guard Huaguo Mountain to atone for my sins, please don't torture me anymore."

"If I had known this before, why did I do it in the first place?" Yang Jian sighed, and finally stopped casting spells, and the grass ring quickly returned to its original state.

The Confused Demon King gasped violently for a while, and reached out to touch the grass ring on his neck, still feeling lingering fear. The grass ring seemed weak, but he tried it just now, and it was even tougher than steel, with his strength he couldn't stop pulling it.

Forcibly comforting the Hunshimowang is equivalent to finding a bodyguard for the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, which also increases a bit of safety.

Yang Jian led the Demon King and Violent Ape into the Water Curtain Cave, only to see a group of enslaved monkeys, including several monkey corpses, Yang Jian's face turned cold.

"Who killed it, stand up!"

A group of little demons who came with the devil incarnate trembled in fright, and even the devil in incarnation was so frightened that his legs went weak. It was Yang Jian's inadvertent aura, which was terrifying.

"You don't talk, do you? Then go to hell!" Yang Jian flicked his fingers, and little sparks flew out and landed on those little monsters. Those little monsters immediately burned up and disappeared in an instant, leaving only a demon king in the world.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life!" The Hunshi Demon King knelt on the ground with a plop, and knocked his head bouncingly. He was really frightened.

"For the sake of your ability, I will save your life and work hard to make amends in the future."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!" The Hunshi Demon King, who was lucky enough to escape his life, finally relaxed.

Yang Jian turned to look at a monkey grandson again, and said gently: "Okay, don't be afraid, the monsters have been defeated by me, how did you live before, and what will happen in the future, with me around, no one can bully you .”


"Second King, we are miserable!"

"Long live the second king!"

It wasn't until this time that the group of monkeys came to their senses. Thinking of the miserable life of the past few days and their dead companions, some monkeys couldn't help crying.

In Yang Jian's mind, only the next kind of monkeys began to save lives and heal the wounded. Of course, it was basically Yang Jian who did the work. Most monkeys didn't understand anything, and they might not help.

It took a long time for Yang Jian to finish his work. With Yang Jian as the pillar, the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain gradually settled down. After this incident, Yang Jian felt that he should teach these monkeys to practice, at least let them have a little Self-protection ability, such a small character as the devil in the world can bully Huaguoshan so badly, let alone those big monsters in the future.

In the next period of time, under the arrangement of Yang Jian, the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain became busy. Yang Jian sorted out a set of cultivation methods by researching other new knowledge. Although it is not very clever, it is very suitable for this group of monkeys Practice, and Yang Jian taught them in an easy-to-understand way as much as possible, let them practice, from the simplest push-ups, running, sit-ups to exercise, to absorb nutrition through food, until later absorbing spiritual energy, building a foundation, casting As long as there is enough time to practice Jindan and condense the primordial spirit, it is enough to go up level by level. Even a fool can learn it, but it is very difficult to reach a high level.

After experiencing the tragedy of the Hunshi Demon King, the monkeys in Huaguoshan truly realized the importance of strength, and they did not reject Yang Jian's teachings in the slightest. The biggest advantage is that the aura is strong. One is serious about teaching and the other is serious about learning. In just a few months, this group of monkeys has undergone earth-shaking changes. One by one becomes stronger and stronger, chasing the nearby tigers, leopards and wolves. Run around.

Yang Jian selected some more flexible minds from them, and taught them to march and deploy and manage the monkey group. He didn't expect them to become qualified generals. At least they could be effectively organized in future crises to temporarily resist the enemy. .

In addition, Yang Jian felt that a group of monkeys only collected the fruits from Huaguo Mountain and ate them all. It would be a waste to throw away the uneatable ones, so he asked them to collect the spirit fruits and brew monkey wine according to Yang Jian's method.

According to legend, the monkeys in the mountains gather all kinds of fruits in a hole to store grain for wintering. But if there is no shortage of food for wintering in the current season, the monkeys will forget that they have stored all kinds of fruits in one hole, and then this hole will gradually become more and more popular. Fermented, and then brewed into a hole mincemeat wine.

This kind of wild wine is really a coincidence. The real monkey wine is worth a thousand dollars, and this world is full of aura. After several improvements, Yang Jian made the monkey wine full of aura. Drinking it can strengthen the body and enhance mana .

There is a saying that there is great power in numbers. In the past, Yang Jian only collected the fruits he picked, and the amount of monkey wine he brewed was limited. At most, he just enjoyed himself, but now he has gathered all the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain.The collected fruits piled up into a hill, and the monkey wine brewed in a few months filled a pool several meters square.

Some of the high-quality monkey wine is brewed by Yang Jian who selected spirit fruits that are more than a thousand years old, and added more than a dozen processes to cooperate with the method of gathering spirits. It's just that the quantity is limited, and Yang Jian can only enjoy it privately. If other monkeys drink it, they may not be able to withstand the aura in it and explode to death.

It took Yang Jian a year to get Huaguo Mountain into a normal state, and those monkeys would be fine without his supervision. He originally planned to continue to go back to the cave to practice in seclusion, but these days he found that it is not a good thing to continue to practice in seclusion. If you stretch yourself too tightly, it will be even more disadvantageous, and you must combine work and rest in practice.

Although he has not practiced for a year and his mana has not increased, Yang Jian found that he has become more proficient in controlling physical power and mana, and it is more pure. Coupled with the retention of a group of monkeys, he simply gave up the retreat and continued to stay in the Water Curtain Cave Teach them.

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