Time flies, and three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and earth-shaking changes have taken place on Huaguo Mountain. Under Yang Jian's guidance, many monkeys in Huaguo Mountain have turned into demons with their own efforts, and they have truly embarked on the road of cultivation. road.

There are many little monsters on the Westward Journey Road. They are all attached to some powerful demon kings and demon saints.

After Yang Jian's understanding, those powerful demon kings in the world of Journey to the West all mastered the simple attunement technique, which can simplify the wild beasts in the mountains into demons and open up simple spiritual wisdom. Usually the strength is not strong, and the intelligence is low, the potential is almost exhausted, and it is difficult to make progress in the future. Think carefully about how many little monsters encountered by Monkey King while protecting Tang Seng on the westward journey, how many were played by Monkey King, it is simply brain damage.

How could Yang Jian use such a flawed method to strengthen the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, but to teach them to be self-conscious and open up their wisdom. Although it is a bit slow, they have great potential in the future.

Of course, Yang Jian is not without tricks. It just so happens that Yang Jian has a treasure such as monkey wine in his hand, which contains pure aura, which helps to open up spiritual wisdom. The process of their release without depleting their potential.

In addition, in order to enhance the intelligence of the monkeys, Yang Jian took great pains to teach them to read and write, but he didn't teach them any advanced knowledge, just simple reading and writing.

The Yang family directly leveled a cliff and made it into a blackboard. Then they made simple chalk and wrote on it by themselves. They asked a group of monkeys to sit on the spot, piled a pile of sand in front of them, and used branches as pens. Learning to write, after all the tossing, first taught hundreds of smarter monkeys, and then let these monkeys teach other monkeys. With this rough method, 1/10 of the monkeys in Huaguoshan recently learned to write.

Don't think it's very simple, and don't think that 1/10 is a small number. You must know that there are more than 1 monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, and 10/[-] is [-], and it only took three years to achieve this level. , For the ancient world where reading and writing were extremely difficult, it is simply a miracle.

During the process of reading and writing, the monkeys called monkeys encountered a lot of difficulties. After all, monkeys are not human after all, and they are naturally jumpy. Let them calm down and read and read.

Yang Jian was really troubled by this. Fortunately, the Yang family had enough prestige in Huaguoshan, and they had been tricked countless times to read and write. With the double effect of the big stick and sweet dates, they finally gained something. .

Yang Jian counted the time, and it was not far from the return of the Monkey King. Remember what was said in the original plot, the Monkey King returned after seven years of studying abroad. Yang Jian knew very well that with his current prestige, he wanted to seize Huaguo Mountain and Jiye are easy, but Yang Jia does not want to conflict with the Monkey King. On the one hand, the Monkey King is his idol. If Yang Jian dared to act recklessly and ruined their plan, who knew if Yang Jian would be slapped to death?

On this day, Yang Jian called more than a dozen monkeys into the cave, and then said directly. "Everyone, do I have something to announce when I call you here? I will buy it, and then I will do my best and practice in seclusion. Well, I can no longer handle the food in Huaguoshan, and I will leave the future to you. If you encounter something that is difficult to solve, you can discuss it and vote through voting. Yes, take a clear one and decide through voting. Huaguo Mountain is up to you."

A snow-white old monkey heard the words, hee hee, a catty of diamonds, a string of two cents. "Second Great King, how can we lead us without you, what should I do next, in case there are other things, or go hungry and attack our cave, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, Zhihuaguo Mountain is now on the right track. It's the same for you all these years, with me or without me. These days, I go to you and mine, and everything that crosses the mountain is not all you. Are you dealing with it? Didn’t you do a good job? As for other monsters invading the wild, don’t worry about it. I will pass it. I’m just hanging on the wall, and I’m not leaving Huaguo Mountain. If you encounter danger, you can use the torrent to notify me. What's more, you download one by one, even if your downloading strength is the average of the access sisters you meet, or it may not be your opponent. After getting along with you for the past few years, I think you all know my character, er, yes I am really because what I am really pursuing is Dao, uh, what I want to pursue is Dao, er, but for my Huaguoshan money, um, I don’t have much confidence and interest, so you don’t want to keep it anymore gone."

A group of monkeys like that fell silent after finishing their teeth. Of course, they knew Sister Yang’s character. These days, Yang Jian was just giving instructions, and then only the main supervisor was in charge of the general direction. As for what to do, I left it to Superman Yixi , the other monkeys, uh, don't care much about rights.The real thing is that they want it wholeheartedly, and now they really have no reason to stop it.

"Then if we have doubts about practice, how should we solve them?"

"It's easy for me to retreat. When I retreat every day, I will trigger it every once in a while. If there are any doubts in it, I will write it down first. You can write anyway. Uh, I will go to you to solve your doubts."

A group of monkeys glanced at each other, um, after a little discussion, they finally nodded. "Okay then, the Second King will do as you say."

Chapter 602 Teaching the Brachio

In the end, Yang Jian explained again, and completely handed over the affairs of Huaguo Mountain to the monkeys, then got up and walked out of Shuilian Cave.

"Second King, please wait a moment!" At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

Yang Jian looked back, and found that the one who stopped him was actually a gibbon monkey, and it was the same gibbon monkey that ran to the back mountain for help when the Hunshi Demon King attacked Huaguo Mountain.

"Broken Ape, what's the matter?"

Looking at the arm-armed ape, Yang Jian couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He still has some fate with this monkey. Speaking of which, it was Yang Jian who chose the name Violent Ape.

Because compared with ordinary monkeys, gibbon monkeys are taller and taller, and they are even more powerful after practicing. Once Yang Jian saw this gibbon monkey pick up a huge stone and throw it out, smashing a tiger Turned into a meat paste, and then slapped his chest and roared. Yang Jian was very interested in that violent appearance, so he casually named him Violent Ape.

As the first ape with his own name on Huaguo Mountain, Bao Yuan respected Yang Jian, the second great king, and usually followed Yang Jian's lead, but this time he obviously had something in mind.

"Second Great King, please allow the little one to follow you and listen to your teachings." Bao Yuan plopped down on his knees and begged.

Regarding the request made by the violent monkey, Yang Jian was slightly stunned. You must know that the violent monkey is also among the best among tens of thousands of monkeys in terms of strength. It can definitely be ranked in the top three. Give up your position to follow yourself.

"Why are you like this? Now that Huaguo Mountain is booming, wouldn't it be fun for you and a few old monkeys to lead the monkey grandson to smash the mountain forest and be carefree? Why do you want to follow me back to the cave and endure the loneliness?"

"Second Great King, the younger one wants to practice with you and learn combat skills, so I implore the Second Great King to agree." Bao Yuan touched his head to the ground, as if he would not get up if he didn't agree.

"Are you sure? If you make a decision, you can't regret it. I hate the kind of people who give up halfway. If you regret it halfway through learning and want to give up, I will kill you directly." Yang Jian Of course It was a lie to him, just to test it.

"Young one, I'm very sure, please let the second king do it."

Yang Jian thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Well, you come with me, you want to practice with me, but it's not that simple, I'm very strict, I hope you can persevere."

Yang Jian turned around and left. Violent Ape immediately followed, his eyes were full of excitement. He had the most contact with Yang Jian, and he saw a lot of unbelievable things about Yang Jian. He could have an intuition that as long as he followed Yang Jian, He will definitely become stronger, so when the opportunity came, he made a choice without hesitation.

Yang Jian walked unhurriedly, feeling a little tired in his heart, because Yang Jian thought of a question. If he guessed correctly, this arm-armed ape named Violent Ape should be one of the four most powerful generals under the Monkey King in the future. One, according to the book, the Monkey King has horses under his command, Marshal Liu Er, General Beng and Ba Er, and Er General Beng Ba are two gibbon monkeys. Can the Monkey King still gather four masters?

Yang Jian thought about it for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that there must be no problem. Not only can he gather four masters, six masters, eight masters, and even more, because because of Yang Jian's teaching, the strength of the group of monkeys in Huaguoshan is really stronger than that of the monkeys. In the original plot, there were too many powerful ones, and even a lot of geniuses emerged. Yang Jian's taking away a gibbon monkey would not have much impact.

Soon Yang Jian brought the violent ape to the valley where he practiced, and directly asked him to sit cross-legged on a flat grass field, and then began to teach the law roughly.


As Yang Jian pointed at the violent ape's forehead, the violent ape let out a scream and fell to the ground, his body twitched from time to time, so it is certain that he is enduring the pain of not being able to miss you.

Yang Jian withdrew his fingers a little embarrassed, "Is it too much to teach at once? It should be no problem, there are only two secret methods of cultivation, but there are more insights than them, so it's no problem."

After about a stick of incense, Bao Yuan regained his strength, rubbed his head with a splitting headache, and suddenly froze. He felt that there was a lot of strange knowledge in his mind. absorb.

"Thank you, the Second Great King, for imparting the magical skills! I was so addicted for a while, that I actually forgot the Second Great King, damn it!" When Bao Yuan came back to his senses, he found that Yang Jian was still standing beside him, and quickly got up, banging There were three beeps.

"Don't worry, after receiving so much knowledge, it is inevitable that you will be a little lost. Let me first introduce the two secret methods I taught you."

Yang Jian took a deep breath and continued: "The first method of practice is called Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound, which is dedicated to exercising the body. This practice method is very simple. By exercising muscles, bones, skin and flesh, the body can reach its limit, and then use Tiger Leopard Thunder The sound oscillates the bones, and the marrow is exchanged for blood, allowing the body to evolve.

This practice method is simple and easy to learn, and it is not very clever, but it has an advantage that other exercises cannot match, that is, there is no end. After your body has evolved, you can continue to practice it for the second time, exercising your muscles, bones, skin, and muscles. Continue to change blood with Yi Sui, each cycle can improve your body to a higher level, as long as you don't die, your strength can continue to increase. "

"Is there no limit? It sounds good, Second King, can you tell me how strong I can be?"

"I don't know exactly what it can achieve. The key depends on your own efforts. Anyway, this kind of exercise is simple and easy to learn. It's just pure exercise, and there is no danger of becoming enchanted. It's just that the tiger, leopard, and leiyin are easy to learn and difficult to master. The key is Can you hold on.

"I understand, Second King, I will work hard and not let you down."

"It doesn't matter if I forget, the key is that you don't give up. If one day you really choose to give up, the only one who suffers in the end will be yourself. There is no loss for me.

Alright, let's not talk about this, next I will tell you about another kind of exercise, called Star Refining Soul Art.

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