Immediately, the demon soldiers and generals in the mansion lined up and opened the array. The Monkey King went first, and Yang Jian was slightly behind. Twelve monkeys who had achieved success in cultivation, and the rest of the demon kings followed closely and walked forward.

After leaving the gate of the water curtain cave, passing through the waterfall, and stepping on the iron bridge, all the monsters looked up, and there was just such a majestic figure, wearing fish scale armor, light blue warrior robe, and combat boots. A spirit of gas, indeed a handsome guy.

"Brother Jiao, haha, you are finally here." The Monkey King hurried forward a few steps, came to the Demon King Jiao, and said with a smile on his face?

The Jiao Demon King looked at the Monkey King carefully for a while, and said frankly: "Brother invited me, how can I not come, it's just that it took some time to refine the Snow Soul Orb, I hope you don't take offense."

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's good if you can come. By the way, let me introduce to you. This is the second king of my Huaguo Mountain. The mana is still on my side. His name is Yang Jian. You guys We need to communicate more."

"What!? Yang Jian!" The Flood Demon Kings couldn't help shouting out. Needless to say, the name must have caused a misunderstanding, and they took it as the Erlang God Yang Jian.

Yang Jian shook his head helplessly, stood up and explained: "Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with Erlang God Yang Jian, but the pronunciation is the same. My name Yang Jian is simple Jane."

"So that's how it was, I was shocked." The Jiao Demon King couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat. In fact, in terms of mana cultivation, he didn't think he was under the Erlang God Yang Jian, but the Erlang God Yang Jian was famous in the three worlds. Confused.

"I knew it would cause misunderstandings. Unfortunately, I didn't expect this to happen when I first named it. It was too late to change my name later." If so, I really don't want to change it.

"In this case, brother Yang, you have to be careful. When you meet that Erlang God Yang Jian in the future, I'm afraid that you will probably have disputes over your names, and it will be another trouble at that time."

"It's okay, Erlang God's mana is powerful, but I'm not afraid of him, and everyone will see the truth." Yang Jian is confident that he can definitely defeat Yang Jian with his current strength.

Originally, the Jiao Demon King wanted to remind a few words, but seeing Yang Jian's confident look, he thought about it, and finally swallowed the words that came to his mouth. The Jiao Demon King is not the straightforward temperament of the Monkey King, he is more She was tactful, worried that if she continued talking, Yang Jian would think that she looked down on him.

The Monkey King was very happy for the arrival of the Jiao Demon King, and his face was full of laughter, "This is not a place to talk, let's talk in the cave, come, come, Brother Jiao, let me introduce to you first, this is my Huaguo Mountain. Seventy-two Cave Demon King, this is..."

The monkey king let out all the demon kings behind him, and introduced them to the demon king one by one. After a while, the demon king greeted them one by one, giving them enough face, and made the demon king feel better The great monster of Beihai, his soldiers and generals are no less than the Monkey King, and he knows how to control his subordinates.

It's just that the Jiao Demon King was secretly surprised, because he found that the dozen or so monkeys behind the Monkey King had all achieved immortality and were full of energy. Coupled with the Seventy-two Cave Demon King, their power was stronger than that of the monkeys who had worked hard in Beihai for many years. The power is more than that.

After introducing all the demons, Monkey King pulled Yang Jian over and said to the Seventy-two Cave Demon King: "Some of you may already know each other, but most of you probably don't know that this is the second king of our Huaguo Mountain. My good brother, he has been devoting himself to cultivation on weekdays, rarely shows up, and his supernatural powers are not inferior to mine, you must respect him in the future, and don't be negligent, otherwise I will definitely not forgive you."

The group of cave demons were a little dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to refute the Monkey King, and obediently agreed, but what they thought in their hearts is unknown. Yang Jian naturally knew that they were thinking but didn't care.

After the frolicking, the Water Curtain Cave held a big banquet, and the group of monsters feasted together. The Monkey King generously took out monkey wine to entertain the Jiao Demon King, and the other cave monsters also rarely got a cup, feeling very satisfied.

After the banquet, a group of demon kings Sanchang, Yang Jian, Sun Wukong and a demon king got together to talk about their own practice experience, especially in combat, and each shared their own insights.

This kind of situation is said in the world of Journey to the West, that is, discussing the Tao. At the beginning, the three people came and went, and there were even a few disputes mixed in, but later, it became Yang Jian's one-man show, because Yang Jian's realm They are much higher than them, and often a few words can make Monkey King and Jiao Demon King feel greatly.

In the end, the Monkey King and the Jiao Demon King almost became primary school students attending classes, asking some questions from time to time, and Yang Jian answered them in detail.

The Jiao Demon King and the Beautiful Monkey King slowly began to realize that something was wrong. Why did they always have a feeling of looking up to Yang Jian? , After all, they also want face, being so trained by others, they really don't know where to put their face.

The Monkey King talked about his seventy-two transformations, Dapin Tianxianjue, somersaulting clouds, etc., and the Demon King talked about the core skills of the dragon clan, the Canglong Change, the Dragon Transformation Jue, and the magical power of water control, etc., which made Yang Jian very excited. Gained.

The monkey king’s great celestial art, somersaulting clouds is nothing, the key is the seventy-two transformations, this is the magic art of protecting religion called in the west, the art of sanctifying the body, and the dragon art of the dragon demon king also let Yang Jane was surprised, because Yang Jian found out that it was an authentic dragon technique, and it was extremely mysterious. After deduction, Yang Jian discovered that it could evolve to the level of a nine-clawed dragon through practice, and it was probably passed down from the ancestor dragon. Gongfa.

Yang Jian paid attention to the two people's exercises, discarded the bad ones, kept the essence, took the essence from the two people's workshops, and deduced a more profound practice method.

Originally, the Monkey King and Jiao Demon King thought that they would be able to turn the situation back by telling some of their core exercises, but they didn't expect that Yang Jian's realm was far beyond what they could imagine. They understood their exercises in a short period of time, and even Conversely, pointing them out, even if it wasn't detailed enough, could still point them in the right direction, which hit the Monkey King and the Flood Demon King hard.

This "discussion" lasted for three days before it ended. The Monkey King and the Flood Demon King seemed listless. They had gained a lot, but why couldn't they be happy.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Yang Jian finally showed kindness, stopped his eloquent preaching, and then looked at Jiao Demon King and asked: "Brother Jiao, I found that what you practice is the authentic mysterious method of the Dragon Clan. , Even the orthodox blood of the Dragon King of the Four Seas may not be able to learn it, why do you have it? Could it be that you are a descendant of the orthodox dragon clan, but if you are an orthodox dragon clan, why did you become a demon king? It is the body of a dragon, which is really hard to understand."

"This..." Flood Demon King hesitated for a while, and finally said with a sigh: "This is my personal privacy, and I didn't want to explain it to outsiders, but since Brother Yang asked, then I will talk about it."

Yang Jian quickly sat up straight, this was what he had always wanted to know.

"Actually, my biological father is the Dragon King of the North Sea, but he doesn't admit it, because my mother is a ten thousand-year-old snake demon who attained enlightenment, and I was born with the body of a dragon. , but still not recognized by the dragon clan, and when I was born, my mother died because of my dystocia.

I have worked hard on my own for many years, and finally laid a foundation in Beihai. As for the exercises I practice, they are inherited from the blood of the dragon clan. Among them is the Dragon Transformation Art created by Zulong. The Dragon King also wanted me to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors, but I was completely disappointed in him by the events of that year, so I rejected his proposal and did not interfere with the North Sea Dragon Clan. "

The Monkey King immediately said angrily when he heard the words: "I didn't expect this North Sea Dragon King to be so vicious. If I knew it, when I saw him last time, I should give him a good beating. Otherwise, let's go to the North Sea Dragon King now and give him a slap in the face." A lesson."

"Impossible!" The Flood Demon King screamed and hurriedly stopped him.

The Monkey King said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you so nervous, haven't you already severed the relationship? Why don't you still have any hope for the Dragon King of the North Sea?"

Jiao Demon King sighed and said: "The dragon clan is not as simple as you imagined. You must know that since the dragon clan rules the world, the rivers, lakes and seas of the four major continents are also occupied by the dragon clan. The kings of all countries respect dragons. If there is not enough With the strength, do you think the Dragon Clan can keep their current territory?"

The Monkey King was immediately asked about these things. After being taught by Yang Jian, he was not as stupid as he was in the original plot. He didn't think about these things before, but now that he was pointed out by the Demon King, he immediately noticed one of them. field.

"Could it be that the strength displayed on the surface of the Dragon Clan is only used to confuse others, and there are stronger existences behind the scenes."

Flood Demon King showed a tangled look on his face, he didn't know whether to continue talking, if he continued, it would inevitably involve the secrets of the dragon clan, once the dragon clan knew about it, there would be no good fruit for him, but if he didn't say it, it would seem Some feel sorry.

Of course, Yang Jian couldn't let the Jiao Demon King back down. It took so much effort to get to the point. If he didn't get anything in the end, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage?

With a wave of Yang Jian's hand, the surrounding space was immediately imprisoned, separating this area, "Okay, you can say anything now, no matter what you say here, no one will sense it. And no matter what we heard or said afterwards, we will always keep it in our hearts, and no one is allowed to spread it outside."

The Jiao Demon King was relieved, and continued: "On the surface, the Dragon Clan is ruled by the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and is the strongest of the Dragon Clan, but in fact it is not the case.

In the prehistoric period, the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans fought against each other. The ancestor dragon fell, and the dragon clan also fell into a slump. However, it was one of the strongest races in the past. There was also an ancestor of the candle dragon who stayed behind. After the three clan wars, the dragon clan His vitality was seriously injured, and he had already lost the opportunity to compete for the protagonist of the Heavenly Emperor, so he has been very low-key for many years. The ancestor of the candle dragon hid behind the scenes, and later a green dragon appeared in the dragon clan, guarding the four poles of the world. Because there are no fewer than ten fingers above me, that's why the Dragon Clan can rule the world and the rivers, lakes and seas. "

The Monkey King was shocked, but he knew that the Jiao Demon King was already in the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he had recently refined the Snow Soul Orb. With the help of the orb, even against the peak Taiyi Golden Immortal, he was very sure of winning. Wouldn't it be Da Luo Jinxian who could beat him?There are actually more than a dozen strong people above the Da Luo Jinxian of the Dragon Clan.

"It's just a dragon clan, but there are so many strong people? Then why did it go so smoothly when I went to the East China Sea to get the golden cudgel last time? They should be fully capable of stopping me."

Jiao Demon King gave the Monkey King a weird look, "I don't know about this, but I suspect that there should be someone behind you to support you, and it is definitely a rare power in the Three Realms. The reason why I dared to bring This is also the reason why you went to the Northern Netherland to search for the Soul of Ice, and to refine the Snow Soul Orb. Otherwise, if you offend an expert in the Northern Netherland, you will definitely die without a place to die. I still want to ask you Who can support you?"

"Someone is backing me up? How come I don't know." The Monkey King looked puzzled, wondering if the Flood Demon King was thinking too much.

"Okay, since you can't figure it out, don't think about it. It's a good thing. Who is behind you will find out one day." Of course Yang Jian knew the power behind the monkey, and it wasn't just one or two people. Simple, but the entire Buddhist sect, and possibly even Nuwa, can walk sideways.

Chapter 605 Fighting the Two Demon Kings Alone

After this discussion, no matter how he feels, at least everyone has gained something. Originally, Yang Jian planned to go back to the cave as soon as possible to sort out his exhausted income and practice hard, especially the Dragon Clan cultivation method and the seventy-two transformations he just got. Unexpectedly, the Flood Demon King made an unexpected request at this time.

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