"Brother Yang, I have an unfeeling request. I hope I can compete with you. Please don't refuse. I know that I am not your opponent, but I still want to give it a try. At least I know the difference. At least"

"Are you sure? I'm not afraid that I'll kill you by mistake." Yang Jiao looked at the Nine Demon King with a playful look and asked.

"I'm sure, losing is not terrible, and death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that I don't even have the courage to lose. Even if I lose, at least I have tried and worked hard. I know the gap. I will practice harder in the future, look for the goal, and catch up. Yes, but if you don’t even have the courage to try, then it’s a real failure.”

Yang Jian looked at Jiao Demon King seriously, felt the determination in the opponent's eyes, nodded and said: "Okay then, let's go to the beach, if we fight here, it will be bad if the beautiful scenery of Huaguo Mountain is damaged."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, she went straight out of the Water Curtain Cave, turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sea. The Monkey King and the Jiao Demon King glanced at each other, and immediately followed.

The Flood Demon King also knew that Yang Jian deliberately chose the seaside for his convenience. As the body of a dragon, he was born with the ability to control water, and he had a geographical advantage by the seaside, multiplying his strength.

Others might think that Yang Jian looked down on him, but the Jiao Demon King didn't have this kind of thought. Based on the exchange and discussion just now, the Jiao Demon King understood that Yang Jian was well-informed and his strength far surpassed his own. , and there is not much chance of winning.

When the Monkey King and Jiao Demon King rushed to the beach, Yang Jian was already standing there with his hands behind his back, looking at the tumbling sea, feeling the arrival of the two, and then turned his head.

"Okay, Brother Jiao, this place is empty and uninhabited, it is the most suitable place for us to fight, let's do it."

Jiao Demon King didn't talk nonsense, he took a deep breath, stretched out his arm, and a big gun appeared in his palm. This big gun is not a mortal thing, it is also a wishful weapon, and its power is not weaker than the monkey king's wishful golden cudgel.

"Offended!" Jiao Demon King yelled, the spear in his hand shook, and stabbed directly at Yang Jian's chest.

"Good job!" Yang Jian raised his hand, and with a raised hand, he slapped it with his palm. In an instant, the spiritual energy gathered, and a vitality palm print was formed in the air, which was several meters in size, and fell directly. .

Seeing the huge palm print hitting the air, the Jiao Demon King was startled, gritted his teeth, advanced instead of retreating, and stabbed the spear in his hand towards the palm print at a faster speed, the tip of the spear flickered indefinitely.


The spear collided with the palm print, the palm print was pierced, and then exploded with a bang, turning into spiritual energy and dissipating, stirring up sand and soil on the ground, but the force of the explosion of the dragon demon king's spiritual energy kept retreating, and he managed to stabilize himself. shape.

"Brother Yang is very capable, but I won't admit defeat so easily, let's come again."

Jiao Demon King rubbed his body again, and the shadow of a charging spear appeared in his hand, covering Yang Jian. Yang Jian only relied on a pair of fleshy palms, but the palms were covered with a layer of spiritual energy. When the spears and palms intersected, it was a fierce battle. The demon king's martial arts are very good, and all kinds of supernatural powers are also good, but Yang Jian still handles it with ease. Under the offensive of the storm, a pair of fleshy palms swung out to block the ultimate move that the dragon demon king was determined to win.

I don't know when demon kings, big and small, appeared on the seashore. They all just got the news and rushed over to watch the battle, including the Thirteen Taibao of Huashuilian Cave. They saw the aura riot on the battlefield, and the sky was swept away by black clouds. Down below, the black clouds in the sky overwhelmed the top, and countless gun shadows collided with the huge palm prints like turbulent waves, like the destruction of heaven and earth.

A group of demon kings were terrified. They could only vaguely see Yang Jian and Jiao Demon King in the battlefield, and they couldn't tell who had the upper hand.

A long-haired monkey approached the Monkey King, "My lord, I didn't expect the magic power of the second king to be so profound. The Jiao Demon King is a world-renowned monster. It is really rare that the second king can stay with his base station for such a long time. We lost in the end, and our Huaguo Mountain's prestige will be greatly increased."

The Monkey King glared at the long-haired monkey angrily, and don't talk nonsense if he doesn't understand. In this situation, Yang Jian has the upper hand, and he hasn't even put in his best efforts.

Before the Monkey King could speak, the monkey beside him snorted coldly and said, "Long Mao, it seems that your eyes are wrong. The Demon King has been suppressed by the Second Great King. It will be a matter of time before you win, so how can you lose."

The Monkey King turned his head and found that the person who spoke just now was actually the violent ape, and asked in surprise: "Broken ape, can you see the situation on the battlefield clearly?"

Baoyuan nodded and said: "Yes, but you must use the Sun and Moon True Eye. I'm just getting started. With my current law, it won't last long at all, and it will be closed soon."

Only then did the Monkey King realize that the left one of Violent Ape's eyes was emitting a fiery golden light, as if there was a big sun inside, and the right eye was shining with a cold silver light, as if it was a bright moon.

"I didn't expect you to visualize it. Keep it up. This Sun and Moon True Eye is very miraculous. It is your good fortune to be able to get started." Of course the Monkey King knows the Sun and Moon True Eye, because he also holds the method of cultivation in his hands. , but the path he chooses is different from that of Violent Ape. One is to practice the Star Jue, using the stars to gather the power of the sun and the moon. Although this method is simple to get started, it takes countless years of hard work to achieve great success. A tricky approach, one step in place.

"My lord, do you mean that the strength of the Second Great King is still higher than that of the Flood Demon King? But didn't you say that you are not sure about defeating that Flood Demon King? Could it be that the Second Great King's cultivation level is still higher than yours?"

The Monkey King glared at the long-haired monkey, but turned his head and continued to watch the battle without saying a word.

The Flood Demon King displayed all his fighting skills, exerted 12 points of strength, and fought for less than half an hour, but Yang Jian was still in that unhurried manner. The Flood Demon King was exhausted, and the situation gradually became worse , Feeling anxious in my heart, I saw an opportunity, swung the spear in my hand, and there was a bang on the surface of the sea, and a huge water dragon hundreds of feet long rose up, biting Yang Jian with its teeth and claws.

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and pressed one palm against the void, and a huge handprint suddenly appeared above the water dragon, and he slapped it hard.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the water dragon was directly scattered, turned into a stream of water, and fell back into the sea again.

Although the water dragons were scattered, the Flood Demon was not disappointed at all. He swung the spear in his hand again, and water dragons rose again from the sea. This time there were as many as nine water dragons.

This is not over yet, the Jiao Demon King suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a cold orb. Nine water dragons danced around the orb continuously. The cold air froze and instantly turned into nine ice dragons.

"I see. No wonder you took the risk to go to the land of the Underworld to condense Snow Soul Orbs, which match your physique and can increase your supernatural powers several times. But even so, it's useless to me."

Yang Jian pushed forward suddenly with both hands, and the nine ice dragons immediately encountered an invisible barrier and were blocked. Then Yang Jian turned his hands, the space seemed to be imprisoned, and then was stirred up, and the nine ice dragons were forcibly Compressed into a ball, Yang Jian clasped his hands together, only to hear a crash, the ice dragon exploded, and countless ice cubes splashed in all directions.

Flood Demon King's body trembled violently, he only felt his Qi and blood surging, he nearly spat out a mouthful of blood up his throat, but fortunately he suppressed it back in time.

Demon King Jiao knew that he was defeated and was about to admit defeat, but at this moment, the Monkey King suddenly yelled, "I'm coming too, Yang Jian, I have to force out all your strength today, Brother Jiao, we Go up both together."

The Monkey King descended from the sky and smashed down with a stick. The shadows of the sticks filled the sky like a violent storm. The howling wind filled the entire battlefield in an instant.

The Flood Demon King was overjoyed, and quickly cooperated with the Monkey King to stab out the long spear in his hand, and at the same time let out a roar, a phantom of a nine-clawed dragon hovered over his body, attached to the scales of the mound, and the ferocious dragon's head spewed smoke from time to time , hiding the figure of the Jiao Demon King between the clouds and mist, mysterious and unpredictable.

bang bang bang...

Yang Jian's hands kept colliding with the spear and the golden cudgel, facing the siege of the two, he also fell into a disadvantage for a while.

All the demon kings and monkeys watching were dumbfounded. Why did my own king and outsiders besiege the second king? Did the two of my own kings have conflicts?

The Jiao Demon King won't let anyone down, his long spear is like a gust of wind and as fast as lightning. The Monkey King's stick is heavy and heavy, and he is a bit embarrassed for a while, and he is at a disadvantage.

Although Yang Jian's realm was high enough, he was indeed on the same level as the Monkey King and Jiao Demon King in terms of mana, both at the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he was a little flustered when he was besieged by the two.

But for Yang Jian, as long as the difference in strength is not too far, relying on the realm far surpassing the two of them, he can completely turn the four situations, so although Yang Jian is at a disadvantage, he is not in a hurry. , gradually stabilized the situation.

The Monkey King and the Flood Demon King became anxious immediately. They knew very well that once Yang Jian was slowed down, it would be their turn to be unlucky, and they continued to strengthen their offensive.The Jiao Demon King and the Monkey King looked at each other and moved, transforming into countless figures, launching a more intense siege.

It's a pity that no matter how hard they tried, they still couldn't get close to Yang Jian. Yang Jian stood still from the beginning to the end, his movements were a little slow, and an abstract yin and yang pattern emerged on the ground. This feeling made them so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

Of course, Yang Jian used Tai Chi, which was popular in later generations, and it was an improved version. Using Tai Chi Yin and Yang to evolve all things, cooperate with his own world way, and form a self-defense world. How can today's Monkey King and Jiao Demon King be able to break it.

Of course, Yang Jian didn't just get beaten and didn't fight back. He was also slowly accumulating strength while defending. I saw the aura gathering in front of Yang Jian, condensing a huge palm print. This time it was not as illusory as before, but a black air current Turning around, a shocking big hand exuding an obscure aura had formed. Following Yang Jian's movements, he patted the Monkey King and the Flood Demon King with an incomparably terrifying aura.

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