In addition, compared to Yang Jian, he prefers to practice in the mortal world. You must know that if you go to heaven for a year, if you go to heaven, the time will pass without knowing it. enhance one's own strength.

When it comes to this, Yang Jian can't help complaining, no matter in which novel, the protagonist will try every means to extend the time when he is practicing, and the magic weapon to get the time adjustment is that the external time is short or the time is long, there are more Time to practice.

But the Heavenly Court did the opposite, and adjusted the flow of time to one day in the sky and one year in the underground. Was it because he was afraid that he would not die fast enough?But when it comes to Journey to the West, what if a peerless genius who hates Tianting appears one day and specifically opposes Tianting, and Tianting is procrastinating because of the problem of time flow, so give the pig's feet enough time to cultivate into an earth-shattering supernatural power , and then go directly to the heavens and kill those gods who are high above, and there will be no place to cry when the time comes.

4 Since you can’t go to heaven directly, then find a way to get some benefits from the Monkey King. You must explain it clearly to the Monkey King. Of course, Yang Jian didn’t take the initiative to say it, otherwise it would be too obvious. If you guessed right, the Monkey King is going to heaven Will definitely be here before.

"Yang Jian, Yang Jian! Have you left the customs? I have something to tell you." Sure enough, some people just couldn't bear to talk about it. Just as Yang Jian made up his mind, the Monkey King came to find him.

Looking at the Monkey King rushing in, Yang Jian pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What's the matter? Brother, aren't you going to be an official in the Heavenly Court? Why did you come to me?"

The Monkey King scratched his head in embarrassment, "You know all about it."

"Nonsense, the movement is so loud, can I not understand?"

"In that case, I'll just say it straight. I've heard that the Heavenly Court manages the Three Realms before. It's so majestic. I've always wanted to see it. It's a rare opportunity. I really don't want to give up. But we brothers are blessed to share, I want to ask, Do you want to come with me?"

The Monkey King looked excited. Although he was very smart, he was still too young to see clearly the ways and means of the inside of the Heavenly Court. Because of his great ability and reputation, he thought it was a very prestigious thing, and never thought that it was a farce.

"Heavenly Court? Forget it, you know, I like quiet and don't like noisy places, but if you go to Heavenly Court, I would like to ask you to do me a little favor."

"If you have anything to say, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse." The Monkey King almost slapped his chest loudly.

Yang Jian thought for a while, and took out a stone plate with a diameter of about three feet. It looked like an ordinary stone on the surface, but if you looked carefully, you would find a formation engraved on it, which was very mysterious.

"If you go to Tianting, find an opportunity to go to Tianhe, find a secret place and place this disk in Tianhe. Find a hidden place in Tianhe, remember to avoid everyone's eyes, don't be discovered .”

"Hey, what's this? What's it for?" The Monkey King held the array plate and touched it around, with a curious expression on his face.

"This kind of array can gather the essence of water. The spirit water I used to brew monkey wine was extracted from the sea with this array. The water of the river itself is the source of all water. With this array It should be able to condense higher-level spirit water, which can be used to brew monkey wine, which will definitely be more delicious."

The Monkey King suddenly realized, thinking that Yang Jian was really just planning to use it to make wine, "I see, you want to use it to make monkey wine, don't worry, leave it to me, but when the monkey wine is brewed, you have to pay more for it." I'll keep some."

Yang Jian said angrily: "I just know how to drink, that's all, I can't do without you. In addition, there are a few spiritual roots in the heaven, a laurel tree on the lunar star, and a peach garden in the Queen Mother. If you have a chance, you can help me break a section of it." Yazhi, of course, there is no need to force this matter, it doesn't matter if you succeed or not."

"The twigs of the laurel and pan peach trees? I remember, but the laurel trees are easy to find on the moon, but I don't know where the pan peach orchard is."

"You don't need to look for it deliberately. This kind of thing is about fate. If you don't come across it, it means you have no fate."

Finally, Yang Jian thought of something else, took out a magic talisman and a jade bottle and handed them to the Monkey King, "There are 3600 flat peach trees in the flat peach garden, and there should be a mother tree among them, preferably the twigs on the mother tree. It's hard to see, you need to use the magic talisman to find it, once you get close, the magic talisman will glow, in addition, no matter if you break a laurel tree or a flat peach tree, you must remember to water it with the spiritual water in the jade bottle to repay the cause and effect."

"Does it need to be so troublesome? It's just a few twigs, maybe there are still people... Okay, okay, I remember, I won't forget, is there anything else?" The Monkey King said halfway, Seeing Yang Jian's serious gaze, he quickly changed his words.

"If it's possible in the sky, inquire about the whereabouts of Fusang Village in the legend, and you'd better get me a twig. It is said that it originally grew on the sun star, but it disappeared later."

"Is it a hibiscus tree? Hey, I've heard of it before, okay, I know."

As the Monkey King said, he put all the disks, jade bottles, and talismans into an animal skin bag that he carried with him. It was a simple magic weapon of space. Yang Jian made a lot of it, and later made it The method has been passed on, and the monkeys who have successfully cultivated on the mountain will find a way to refine it by themselves. Everyone has the demon king in the seventy-two caves, but the size of the internal space is different. It all depends on the skill of the refining weapon. The one in hand was refined by Yang Jian himself, so it is naturally a high-quality product, and the interior space is close to the size of a basketball court.

"Then I'm leaving, and Huaguo Mountain will be entrusted to you to take care of it."

"Don't worry, I'm safe in Huaguo Mountain!"

Chapter 607 Monkey King

Since the Monkey King is an official in the sky, there are naturally fewer monster kings coming to Huaguo Mountain. Except for the Jiao Demon King who comes here occasionally to compete with Yang Jian, the other Bull Demon Kings, Lion Camel Kings, and Peng Demon Kings stay away, for fear of accidentally offending them. It would be embarrassing for Yang Jian to be taught a lesson.

Ten years later, Huaguo Mountain became more and more prosperous, and at this time the Monkey King in the sky was going crazy, staring at his subordinates and asking: "Come here, I have something to ask you, I, Bi Mawen What kind of official title is it, and what rank is it?"

The people below looked at each other in blank dismay, and then someone came out more and more, saying: "The official name is the official position, and this official is an official with no rank."

The Monkey King's face immediately changed, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart. He grinned and took a step forward, pulled the man in front of him, and asked, "There is no grade, but it's so big?"

"No quality means that you are extremely small, which means that you have not entered the stream." The official who raised the horse was trembling with fright, and said bravely.

Although he had already expected it in his heart, he still had hope, and couldn't believe that the Jade Emperor would give him such a small official after he was dragged to the heavenly court.

"What a Jade Emperor old man, to be such a scoundrel, to despise my grandson, is too much! Thinking that when I was in Huaguo Mountain, I was called the king and the ancestor, who dares to say no? How dare you coax me to raise him? Horse? Forget it, since you are not benevolent, don’t blame me for being unrighteous, so I’ll go and go back to Huaguo Mountain.”

The Monkey King got angry, took out the golden cudgel from his ear, shook it, the bowl was as thick as it was, and he rode the auspicious clouds, and went straight to the Nantianmen. shivering.

The Monkey King soon hit the Nantian Gate, Zengzhang Tianwang was patrolling in front of the gate, without saying a word, he raised his stick, and beat out, all the heavenly soldiers did not dare to stop him, so they let him go out of the Nantian Gate, the figure of Monkey King quickly appeared disappear in the sky.

Not long after the Monkey King left, a figure shrouded in a black robe avoided everyone's eyes and ears, and also went out of the Nantian Gate, and came to a demon king's cave in the mortal world. come here.

"The villain pays homage to the third prince!" The two one-horned ghost kings kowtowed in unison.

At this time, the figure unbuttoned the robe on his body, revealing his true face, with a handsome face, it was the third prince Nezha, a well-known warrior in the Heavenly Court.

Nezha handed a yellow robe to the two one-horned ghost kings and said: "You two go to Huaguo Mountain immediately, lean against the Monkey King, present this yellow robe to him as a gift, and find a way to make him have the same title." Holy Spirit."

The two one-horned ghost kings glanced at each other, their hearts filled with bitterness, but they didn't dare to resist.One of the ghost kings stepped forward and took the yellow robe with both hands, "Don't worry, third prince, we will do our best to complete the task."

"Very well, let's go down."

The two one-horned ghost kings retreated respectfully on the surface, and did not return to the cave, and directly set up the demon wind and flew towards Huaguo Mountain.

Nezha stood where he was, and waited for the two ghost kings to disappear. He looked towards Huaguo Mountain and murmured, "I'm sorry, monkey. If possible, I would like to be friends with you. Unfortunately, I can't help myself, and I will apologize to you again if I have a chance in the future."

With complicated emotions, Nezha returned to the heaven through the clouds and fog, and never used his signature magic weapon, the Hot Wheels, from the beginning to the end.

In fact, Nezha has a good impression of the Monkey King. Due to the influence of Yang Jian, although the Monkey King is still a little arrogant, he has a kind of respect for life in his bones. For example, his monkey grandson, Seventy-two, is not like other Those big monsters beat and scolded at every turn, and even some cruel big monsters used the little monsters torn up by their hands as food, eating them alive, and sometimes the monkey king even treated those subordinates as friends as equals.

This is really rare for a big monster. In addition, the Monkey King attaches great importance to love and righteousness, so he is respected by all the monsters. Chu really doesn't want to be an enemy of the Monkey King, but unfortunately many things are beyond Nezha's control, so he can only obey orders and be a mastermind behind the scenes.

The Monkey King made a somersault for thousands of miles, and soon returned to Huaguo Mountain, and went directly to the valley of the back mountain to meet Yang Jian.

Coincidentally, during this period of time, Yang Jian did not retreat, but still received the Monkey King happily, and when he met Monkey King, he poured out bitterness, "Yang Jian, this time going to heaven is really embarrassing, okay, my old grandson is so capable, but he was killed by that jade king." Emperor Li deceived him into raising horses, and lost all face, because the time was too short, and he didn't have time to help you find the laurel branches, so he took the opportunity of releasing the horses and put the array into Tianhe."

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