Listening to the Monkey King complaining, Yang Jian said angrily, "Okay, you don't have to talk to me so politely, just casually."

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! After staying in the sky these days, I was infected by those guys." The monkey king was a little embarrassed, "The old man of the Jade Emperor doesn't know what to do, so if he has a chance in the future, he must teach him a lesson and beat him up." of!"

"It's normal. You can't play around in places like Tianting. If you are not careful, you will be tricked. You are not bad, at least you haven't been blamed. But if you play Tianting directly, you won't give jade at all. For the emperor's sake, I'm afraid the Jade Emperor won't let it go, let's get ready, I'm afraid there will be heavenly soldiers and generals coming to punish him soon."

"Come on, I'm holding back my anger, just to vent it." But then the Monkey King softened his tone and asked, "How many heavenly soldiers and generals are there sent by the Heavenly Court? Are there any ruthless characters?"

"There's no need to worry about that. Heavenly Court won't make a big fuss over this trivial matter. If my calculations are correct, you can handle it with your strength."

"Then I don't worry. I'll go back and prepare first. I will fight with the heavenly soldiers and generals, and let those guys know my skills."

Yang Jian watched the Monkey King leave, and sighed helplessly. The Monkey King was already in deep trouble and couldn't get out. Unfortunately, with his current strength, he couldn't help at all.

The Monkey King returned to Huaguo Mountain, set up his banner as a demon again, and attracted more monsters with great momentum. The first two one-horned ghost kings drove the demon wind and landed at the foot of Huaguo Mountain, and then walked up Huaguo Mountain step by step. In order to show respect to the Monkey King, these monsters walked as far as possible on Huaguo Mountain.

The two unicorn ghost kings were on their way while secretly communicating. One of the unicorn ghost kings said: "Second brother, this time things are not good. The reputation of that Monkey King is spread all over the world. We are so handsome to him. Well, if it doesn’t work, it’s definitely a dead end.”

The one-horned ghost king who is called the second child also said: "This is not the most serious one. The most serious one is the second king in Huaguo Mountain. This monster is extremely mysterious and powerful. It is even higher than Monkey King. I have successfully calculated Sun Wukong, I am afraid that the second king of Huaguo Mountain will not let my brother go, this mission may be more or less dangerous."

These two one-horned ghost kings are pawns arranged by the Heavenly Court. Well-informed is a must. Although all the demon kings try their best to conceal things about Yang Jian, they still know something about these well-informed monsters. of.

The boss of the one-horned ghost king sighed, his face was worried, and he pondered for a while before he said: "What do you think the third prince ordered us to do? Is it just to make him holy? I'm afraid it will not be so simple, the water inside may be very deep what!"

"Perhaps Heavenly Court wants to send troops to exterminate that Sun Wukong, but it's not right. It's just an excuse. Is it necessary to be so troublesome? Then Sun Wukong actually set up a flag in the lower realm as a demon. It is normal for Heavenly Court to send troops to conquer, and Qi Tianda The title of Holy...could there be a deeper conspiracy in it." The face of the second son of the one-horned ghost king darkened, as if he had thought of something, and it was even uglier.

"I'm afraid that's the case. You and I are really unlucky this time. I guess nothing will get better." The one-horned ghost king shook his huge head with a sad expression on his face.

"Brother, why don't we escape, this is simply a mission to die."

"Escape! Where are you going to run away! My second child, in fact, when we chose to join the Heavenly Court, we had no way out. You thought the Heavenly Court was kind enough to teach us the method of cultivation. If we dare to escape, it will take only a few days. We are traitors from the Yaozu. The matter will spread to three things, and the Heavenly Court will definitely arrest us at that time. Think about those demon kings who were betrayed by us before. It's better not to ask for a dead end." The one-horned ghost king's brother, the boss, categorically rejected the proposal.

"Then what do you think we should do? Is it just going to Huaguo Mountain to die?"

"If you don't go, you can't do it. There may be a sliver of life if you don't go. If you don't go, you will definitely die. Moreover, you are still the common enemy of the Heavenly Court and the Yaozu, so you can only go one way to the dark. I hope that Monkey King can be a little stupid. Otherwise, once exposed , Maybe they beat us to death with one blow."

The two one-horned ghost kings hurried all the way with anxiety, and soon met a group of monkeys patrolling the mountain. After telling them what they wanted to seek refuge in, one monkey went to report immediately, and the rest of the monkeys were divided into two groups. Two teams, one team continued to patrol, and the other team took the two ghost kings to Shuilian Cave.

Sun Wukong on Huaguo Mountain has been back for many days, and he is having a drink with the group of monkeys at this moment, because he has not been home for many days, and he is not in a hurry to go out for a walk, not to mention the rebellion against the heaven, although Yang Jian said that there is no serious problem, but There was some worry in my heart, and I was secretly preparing.

When he heard that two one-horned ghost kings had come to seek refuge and brought treasures, the monkey king immediately became interested and immediately asked his monkeys to bring the two ghost kings up.

When the elder brother of the one-horned ghost king saw the monkey king, he knelt down immediately and said, "I have heard that the king is recruiting talents for a long time, and I can't help but see him. Now that the king has granted the record of heaven, he returned home proudly. I specially present a yellow robe to celebrate with the king." , willing not to abandon the lowly, accepting the villain, also has to do the work of a dog and a horse."

The Monkey King was a little uncomfortable when he heard the ghost king Wen Zou Zou, but seeing that the yellow robe was actually flashing with aura, it was indeed a treasure, and he was very interested. , Immediately said: "The two of you have made great contributions in presenting the robes, and you should be rewarded heavily. From today on, you two will be the vanguard officials of my Huaguo Mountain."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. The two brothers of mine will do our best to serve Huaguo Mountain." Then the ghost king asked again, "Your Majesty has been in the sky for a long time, but what position do you entrust?"

Thinking of his experience in the Heavenly Court, the Monkey King's face darkened again. Baineng wanted to hide it, but then he thought that this matter would get out sooner or later, hiding it would only make people laugh, so it's better to say it open He came out and said: "The old Jade Emperor doesn't know the talents, so he made me a horse breeder, what kind of a gentleman should I be!"

The second son of the one-horned ghost king seemed to be filled with righteous indignation: "The Jade Emperor doesn't know people, it's really abominable, the king has great powers, how can he raise horses with him, it's better to be a great sage equal to the sky."

The Monkey King turned cold, and looked at the One-horned Ghost King with a hint of coldness in his eyes. After Yang Jian's training, the Monkey King today is not as uneducated as in the original plot. He knows very well that the four characters Monkey King represent What are you looking for, level with the sky, where is the Jade Emperor? This is obviously to put him on the fire, and the yellow robes that the two one-horned ghost kings took out are not simple. Yellow represents nobility, but the emperor Special, these two ghost kings have no good intentions, and I'm afraid they have other identities.

Sun Wukong was planning to find a reason to reject the title of Monkey King, but he didn't expect the long-haired red monkey beside him to hear the title, his eyes lit up immediately, and he shouted: "Yes, only this Qi Only the title of the Great Sage of Heaven can be worthy of the name of the Great King, and from today on the Great King should be called the Great Sage Equaling Heaven."

"Monkey King!"

"Monkey King!"

"Monkey King!"


One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and soon all the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain were shouting wildly. The Monkey King looked at the long-haired horse monkey with a speechless face, and secretly scolded the pig teammate in his heart. Unfortunately, it is impossible to push him away now. I could only grit my teeth and admit it.

The monkey king turned his head and looked at the two one-horned ghost kings, with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes. The cold feeling made the two one-horned ghost kings shudder and groan inwardly. You probably guessed that their identities might have been exposed. Next But it is dangerous.

Because of the speed of time between the Heavenly Court and the mortal world, the Heavenly Court was extremely procrastinated in dealing with matters. It had been a while since the Monkey King returned to Huaguo Mountain, but it was only half an hour before the Heavenly Court began to discuss the matter of the Monkey King.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Zhang Tianshi, among the officials, was seen leading the supervisor of the Yuma Supervisor, and the deputy supervisor said: "Long live, the new Bi Mawen Sun Wukong, because he thought the official was small, he left the Yuma Supervisor privately while the officials of the Yuma Supervisor were away. The horse supervisor has gone to the Heavenly Palace at this moment, please forgive your majesty."

A smile appeared on the corner of the Jade Emperor's mouth. As the Supreme Ruler of the Three Realms, his strength is definitely not as simple as that shown in Journey to the West, and even what happened in the entire Heavenly Court cannot be hidden from him, but he also knows that the Monkey King is related to the great cause of Buddhist scriptures. , her fate has long been doomed, and she doesn't want to change, so she pretends to cooperate with everyone in acting.

A group of immortals heard the monkey king leave the heaven and whispered to each other. Some of them also knew the inside story and sneered in their hearts.

The gods talked a lot, and saw Zengchang Tianwang leading all the heavenly soldiers and generals, came to play and said: "Long live, Bi Mawen went all the way out of the Nantian Gate for some reason. I thought it was sent by His Majesty, so I didn't stop him, but when I arrived Today, there is still no official document to convey, but this time I came here to seek confirmation."

The Jade Emperor saw that the fire was almost ready, so he pretended to say: "Please, two immortals, this matter is not up to you, it is all due to the monkey head's recklessness and ignorance, and violated the rules of heaven. Come on, relieve my worries, arrest this monkey and bring it to justice, and punish it severely, so as to uphold the rules of heaven?"

Chapter 608 Battle of Huaguoshan

The Jade Emperor glanced over the crowd of immortals below, but in fact he had already made plans in his heart, and he was always staring at Li Jing, the King of Tota.

Li Jing secretly groaned in his heart. As a disciple of the Burning Lamp Buddha, he is the traitor arranged by Buddhism in the heavenly court. Naturally, he also knows that the Monkey King is a vital chess piece of Buddhism. It is definitely a thankless task to conquer the Monkey King. matter.

But looking at Yushi like this, it is clear that he has already identified himself. Whether he wants to or not, this job will still fall on him in the end. I am a humble minister, but I am willing to ask for an order to capture the monster monkey, so as to rectify the rules of heaven."

Only then did the Jade Emperor nod his head in satisfaction. Li Jing took refuge in Buddhism, but at least he made no mistakes on the surface. He, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, couldn't directly trouble him, so he could only use this opportunity to beat him up.

The emperor issued an order: "Since the king of heaven has this ambition, I will make you the Grand Marshal of Conquering Demons, and the Third Prince Nezha as the Great God of the Three Altars of the Sea Society. You will immediately raise troops and join the Great God of the Three Altars of the Sea Society to exorcise demons from the lower realms together. "

"The minister obeys the order!"

Li Tianwang ordered his own soldiers, and then went to the Tiangong barracks to order [-] soldiers and horses to form the three armies. He personally commanded the leaders, took the giant spirit god as the vanguard, and called Shang Nezha, and they went out of the Nantianmen together.

Tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals rode the wild clouds, soaring through the clouds and riding the mists to Huaguo Mountain, without saying a word all the way, when they reached the sky above Huaguo Mountain, Li Tianwang ordered people to set up camp and set up a cloud platform in the air. In the clouds, vigorous soldiers and horses set up a large network of heaven and earth.

Some patrolling monkeys in Huaguo Mountain found the soldiers in the sky. Although the enemy was numerous, they did not panic. Pairs of monkeys quickly assembled and arranged in a certain direction. The flow quickly condenses together, and then small formations form large formations one by one, and the evil spirit rises, confronting the heavenly soldiers and generals tit for tat.

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