Chapter 609 Seven Great Sages

"The monkey has grown up." Yang Jian, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help sighing when he saw the Monkey King's performance.

The monkey in the original plot will definitely use dazzling tricks to win, such as overpowering, magic, avatar, etc. Although these clever tricks cannot be said to be useless, they can even be said to be powerful magical powers, but such a Later, the Monkey King also lost a chance to hone.

Yang Jian has always believed that it is best to use simple and effective methods to win, and the third prince Nezha is a good opponent. The Monkey King can withstand the pressure and take this opportunity to hone his martial arts and enhance his strength. This is a good start, this is a mature and stable performance, and a few more battles like this will definitely greatly improve the Monkey King's strength.

Yang Jian looked up at the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky, and then at the direction of the Nantian Gate, thinking, everyone's eyes will be attracted by the Monkey King, should he take this opportunity to sneak into the heavenly court to steal some good things, such as the laurel tree But then Yang Jian shook his head, dispelling this dangerous thought.

Don't look at the previous film and television plots, many demons and ghosts can sneak into the heavens at will, and they can hide from the sky by changing their appearance at will, such as Bai Suzhen, Chen Xiang, and even the original plot of Journey to the West. His defense is simply a sieve, full of loopholes, but is this really the case?

If the Heavenly Court was so simple, how could it rule the Three Realms? If the gods in the Heavenly Court hadn't released the water, how could those people come and go at will?

Thinking about it carefully, the Monkey King came out of the Bagua Furnace, his strength greatly increased, and he rushed all the way to the Lingxiao Palace, but was stopped by an unknown Wang Lingguan at the door.

Think again about the yellow-robed monster that the Monkey King encountered on the Westward Journey. One of the constellations.

Through the simple things these few days, you can imagine how deep the water in the heavenly court is. With Yang Jian's current strength, even if he faces Da Luo Jinxian, he is sure to retreat completely, but whenever the idea of ​​sneaking into the heavenly court arises in his heart, he always There will be an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Yang Jian can be sure that there are definitely existences in today's court who can kill him instantly, especially the Jade Emperor. , After such a long time, even a pig may have supernatural powers, not to mention the Jade Emperor, how can it be easy to be the number one person in the heaven.

After dispelling the dangerous thoughts in his heart, Yang Jian continued to watch the play. Anyway, this first conquest of Huaguo Mountain was just for show, and the appetizer before the big play would just end up being nothing. Yang Jian was not worried, they just made trouble up.

It’s just that accidents are the most common thing in this world. Originally, Yang Jian thought that after the third prince Nezha’s defeat in the martial arts competition, he should retreat immediately as in the original plot, but this time he was defeated by the Monkey King so easily, no magical powers were useless. It feels a bit embarrassing to rely on only one stick, so I want to get back the field.

Nezha's face was pale, and in anger, he touched the treasure bag from his bosom, sacrificed the magic weapon in the shape of a mask, and threw it into the sky after reciting the mantra, and the sky was filled with flames.

The Monkey King wanted to dodge, but the magic weapon came too fast, and before he could act, he was covered by the divine fire cover, and a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and he was in the boundless sea of ​​flames.

Nezha slapped his hands together, activated the divine fire cover, and immediately nine fire dragons circled around, flew up and down, and blazing flames spewed out.

Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover!Yang Jia was startled, and instinctively wanted to save people. The Monkey King's current strength might not be able to resist the Nine Dragons God Fire Shield. He didn't take it back, and left it directly to Nezha.

Yang Jian was about to make a move, but suddenly thought of something again, and stopped. Nezha had a magic weapon that did not appear in the original plot, but the Monkey King also changed!It is no longer the monkey king in the original plot who has no other treasures except the golden cudgel. Now he happens to have a treasure in his hand that can be used to resist the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield.

Seeing the scorching flames rushing towards his face, the Monkey King immediately felt the crisis and was startled, but at this moment, a cool air came from his body, and with a thought, he opened his mouth, and a crystal clear bead shone with blue light Flying out, it emitted a strong cold air, blocking the nine fire dragons.

Heavenly Soldiers and Generals couldn't see what was going on inside, but saw the nine fire dragons churning inside the divine fire hood, and the Monkey King was in a state of confusion, thinking it was being burned by the Kowloon, and the drums were beating to cheer Nezha again.

But he didn't know that Nezha was bitter in his heart. He didn't intend to kill the Monkey King, but he lost too badly just now, and felt ashamed. He taught the Monkey King a lesson and let the other party understand what there are people outside people, and there is a sky outside the sky, but he didn't expect He used all his favorite magic weapons, but he still failed to achieve the desired results, and he didn't know where the monkey got a precious orb, and Piao Piao just restrained his Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield.

"Should I just give up? No, if I stop like this, how the Three Realms will treat me, I must teach him a lesson."

Nezha gritted his teeth and mobilized Fa Jue again and again. The fire inside the divine fire cover became more fierce and burned everything. Nine dragons coiled up and down, each of which was extremely huge. The Monkey King was surrounded by nine pillars of fire. .

The Monkey King knew that he couldn't go on like this, otherwise his Snow Pods might be burnt. After all, the opponent's nine fire dragons could breathe fire endlessly, but his own Snow Pods had a limit. smash.

The Monkey King soon had an idea, and smashed the golden cudgel in his hand to the ground, and it immediately began to grow bigger, piercing the sky, and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover was stretched, and it also became bigger and bigger, and even a few cracks appeared.

Nezha was startled, his face turned pale, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and quickly stretched out his hand, the light of the divine fire cover dimmed, and returned to Nezha's hand.

"You monstrous monkey have such supernatural powers? I lost today, so I will naturally report your request to the Jade Emperor, but Monkey King is not so easy to do."

After Nezha finished speaking, he stepped on the Hot Wheels and returned to the camp. Although he was defeated, he said he was defeated. After Nezha left, the Monkey King secretly wiped a cold sweat. It was really dangerous just now. Time, he may really not be able to hold on.

Then the Monkey King thought of a question, Yang Jian said before that he had a calamity of fire, could it be this time, but then the Monkey King shook his head to the right, rejecting this idea, if it was so easy to get through, it would not be a calamity of fire.

Seeing that the Monkey King was safe, Yang Jian also heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, there was no danger. She kept telling herself not to be careless, because many changes had taken place with her intervention, and who knew what kind of butterfly effect would be caused. You must stick to it, and making a fortune in silence is the kingly way.

The first conquest of Huaguo Mountain failed, and Li Tianwang and others returned to the Heavenly Court in embarrassment. After the soldiers and horses were settled, Li Tianwang took the third prince to dress up and went to Lingxiao Palace to talk about the experience of this expedition.

"The ministers are ordered to go to the lower realm to subdue the monster monkeys. I don't think he is really powerful, and the giant spirit god and the children can't win. I implore the Jade Emperor to send the heavenly soldiers to wipe out the monster monkeys."

"Oh!" The Jade Emperor glanced at Li Tianwang, who was below him, and then flirted with Taibai Jinxing.Everything is according to the plan, and then we can continue to sing the big drama according to the script.

The Jade Emperor showed a little astonishment, pretended to be a little annoyed, and asked, "Forgive how much a monster monkey can do? How could he defeat the third prince Nezha and countless heavenly soldiers? You want me to send more heavenly soldiers, what is going on?"

Li Tianwang kowtowed and said: "Long live the pardon of the minister's death penalty. I don't know where the monkey head cultivated the earth-shattering supernatural powers, and learned the art of immortality. He is really capable. He has tens of thousands of little monsters. He is really an elite soldier. The iron rod in his hand is also the best It has infinite power, first it seriously injured the giant spirit god with a stick, and then it showed its supernatural powers to hurt the child, it is really powerful."

At this time, the third prince Nezha also said: "When I was defeated and returned to the camp, I saw this monkey raising a big flag in the mountains, with the words "Equaling Heaven and Great Sage" written on it. If you stop the troops, you will be awarded his official position, that is, you don't need the Jade Emperor to suppress him, and he will retire to vote; if you don't obey, that guy wants to counterattack the Heavenly Court and attack the Lingxiao Palace!"

Nezha pretended to be terrified, and told the Monkey King's request.

The Jade Emperor looked unhappy and pretended to be annoyed: "Although this monkey has some abilities, it is so arrogant. There are so many immortal generals in my heaven, how can they care about the arrogant words of a monstrous monkey? Is there any general who is willing to go with Li Tianwang?" , Get rid of the monster monkey, make this great achievement, and restore the clarity of my world?"

The hall was completely silent, those who didn't know were incapable of dealing with the demon king, and those who knew the inside story would naturally not do useless work, they didn't dare to get involved, all of them lowered their heads, as if they were so ashamed.

Seeing that the atmosphere was weird, and if he didn't speak again, he would be silent, Taibai Jinxing finally stood up and played under the signal of the Jade Emperor: "Long live, I wonder if I can listen to the old minister, and if it's not right, let's talk about it?"

"Venus is coming."

"That monstrous monkey is just ignorant in speech and doesn't know how big or small it is. If you want to fight him with more soldiers, if you can't subdue it for a while, it will be hard work for your teachers, but it is not beautiful. It is not as good as Long Live Dashe's kindness. It is better to issue an imperial edict to send the old minister to send it. So what if you make him a great sage equal to heaven? Just give him an empty title, an official but no salary, and nothing more than a name."

In fact, many people are in this situation every day now, they have official titles but no name, because many people just hang up a name, and take cultivation as the basis of their daily life, and don't bother with some mundane things at all.

But the Jade Emperor looked interested, "Why do you call it an official without a salary, a name without a real name, and Jin Xing will come quickly. If it makes sense, I will play it."

Most of the surrounding immortals showed contempt, but Taibai Jinxing didn't care at all. After being experienced in the officialdom, thick-skinned is a must. Take care of his affairs, don't share his salary, and raise him between heaven and earth, accept his evil intentions, so that he will not be arrogant, the world will be peaceful, and Haiyu will be at peace." Taibai Jinxing is obviously absurd, but he said so He is confident and confident, and speaks out as the truth, which makes people have to sigh that this old official has a thick skin.

The Jade Emperor pretended to be happy, and hurriedly transferred the imperial decree, "I played it according to Qing."

Not long after, Taibai Jinxing received the edict, left the Nantian Gate, and drove a cloud to Huaguo Mountain. Although he also knew that he might be embarrassed by the monkey when he went to Huaguo Mountain, after all, he tricked the monkey last time. But he doesn't care, he is sure to complete the task, this is the benefit of a thick skin.

After Sun Wukong defeated the Heavenly Soldiers, the news spread within a few days, and his sworn brothers couldn't sit still. Some of them knew about the monkey's return to Huaguo Mountain, and some of them didn't. What is the situation and what are the thoughts, you can pretend not to know before, but now that the news has spread, it would be unreasonable to ignore it, and they all prepared generous gifts and went to Huaguo Mountain to congratulate.

A few days later, on Huaguo Mountain, all the demon saints gathered, but Yang Jian still did not show up as before, and the demon kings breathed a sigh of relief.

The Monkey King held a banquet, took out the monkey wine he had collected and shared the wine with several brothers until they were half drunk, and each of them was drunk. It is also the wine that strengthens the heroes and courage, they are moved!

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