The Bull Demon King threw the wine jar in his hand, met the surprised gazes of his brothers, and said, "Since the seventh brother is called the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, we can also be called the Great Sage, and the seven of you and I are all called the Great Sage." , spread it out, wouldn’t it be a good story?”

"Brother is right. We all call him the Great Sage. It's a pity how to call him. Think about it." Peng Demon King agreed with a row of tables,

The Bull Demon King shouted loudly: "Since the seventh brother is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, it is appropriate for my old cow to be called the Great Sage Pingtian."

The Jiao Demon King also got up immediately and said: "I am best at controlling water, so I am called the Great Sage Overcoming the Sea."

Demon King Peng also nodded and said: "I am called the Great Sage Huntian."

The lion camel king said: "I have some strength, so I can be called the Great Sage of Yishan."

The macaque king seemed a little drunk and said in a daze, "I'm good at driving the wind, so I'll be called the Great Sage of Ventilation!"

King Yurong put down the wine glass in his hand unhurriedly, straightened his neck, and shouted: "I will be called the Great Sage of Exorcism."

For a while, the seven Huaguoshan brothers all had their own titles, and the banquet was even more lively. They drank more and more wine, and passed out unknowingly.

After waking up the next day, recalling yesterday's situation, some of the Seven Brothers felt a flash of inspiration in their minds, and then they woke up, their faces changed suddenly, and they thought to themselves: "Seventh brother hit an angel this time, and also called him Monkey King. This disaster is not small. I didn't even think about it when I came here before. Now I'm called a name, but it's troublesome."

These big demons who have been famous for many years know something about Tianting, and they are secretly shocked. They only blame themselves for drinking and not seeing the situation clearly. Now that all seven of them have names, it is too late to regret. He said goodbye, but before leaving Jiaomowangzhai, he proposed to meet Yang Jian, and the monkey king didn't stop him, he was already familiar with him anyway, so he asked him to go to the back mountain by himself.

Chapter 610 Planting Trees

"Brother Yang, I feel that something is wrong. The seventh brother is probably being plotted against. The background of the Heavenly Court is definitely deeper than we imagined. It stands to reason that he will not be defeated so easily. Brother Yang must remind the seventh brother that he must Be careful."

In Yang Jian's cave, the Jiao Demon King expressed his thoughts with a serious face. Compared with the other demon kings, being able to remind him before leaving was already enough of a friend.

Yang Jian looked as if he had expected it, waved his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about this matter, this is the monkey's catastrophe, but also his opportunity, it depends on whether he can grasp it, the monkey has great luck, at least It won't be life-threatening, but it's you guys who are involved, and the fortune and misfortune are unpredictable."

Flood Demon King was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and said in horror: "Yang Jian means that the matter of the seventh brother is not over yet, and we will be implicated in the future."

"It's possible, so you should keep a low profile as much as possible. If you are really desperate, you are really desperate, so you may come to Huaguoshan."

"I see, thank you Brother Yang for your guidance." After the Demon King finished speaking, he left with mixed feelings.

Time passed day by day, and the Monkey King gradually became bored on Huaguo Mountain. One day, the Monkey King was drinking wine in the Shuilian Cave, and he was in a daze. The white-bearded old man who invited you to heaven last time is waiting for you outside the Water Curtain Cave, what do you think we should do?"

Sun Wukong was taken aback, his eyes flashed, and he said: "Old man? Taibai Jinxing? It's him! Why is he here?"

"He is holding the imperial decree in his hand, and listening to his tone, it seems that he wants to make you the great sage equal to heaven and invite you to be an official in heaven. It's just that he has learned from the past, and the demon kings don't let him in. When there is a dispute outside, I I happened to pass by, so I inquired about it and came here to report to you.”

"Great, go, bring him in." The monkey king twisted his waist, jumped off the seat, and ordered the long-haired horse monkey while arranging his clothes.

The long-haired horse monkey took the lead and led Taibai Jinxing into the cave not long after. The monkey king had finished rectifying by now, put on the yellow robe again, stepped on cloud shoes, crowned and armored, and regained his former spirit.

Seeing Venus entering, the Monkey King pretended to be indifferent and said: "Old star, please come in, forgive me for not welcoming you."

Jin Xing stepped forward and said to the Monkey King, "I'm really happy for the Great Sage today."

"Oh! Where does the joy come from?" The Monkey King stretched out his hand to signal, and then a little demon moved the stone bench, inviting Taibai Jinxing to sit, and said, "I don't know why Jinxing is here?"

"This time, I was ordered by the Jade Emperor to invite you to heaven as an official..."

"Well, you old man, you are here to lie to the old grandson again. Could it be that the Jade Emperor still wants me to raise horses for him?"

Jin Xing hastily waved his hands and said: "No, no, there was indeed no vacancy in the Heavenly Court before, it was not intentional to make things difficult for the Great Sage, but this time the Great Sage is going to be named the Great Sage Equaling Heaven."

The Monkey King was excited, but when he thought about being deceived before, he became cautious, and immediately said: "This statement is true, is it not a lie to deceive me?"

"It's absolutely true, Lord Xing can guarantee it with his life."

"Even so, I will trust you again."

The Monkey King followed Jin Xing out of Huaguo Mountain, Zong Xiangyun, went to the Heavenly Court, went straight to the Nantian Gate, and met the Jade Emperor. After that, everything happened naturally, and the Monkey King was naturally named the Monkey King under the strange eyes of all the immortals. , the Jade Emperor established the Qitian Mansion, and sent someone to lead the Monkey King to take office. From then on, the title of the Monkey King Qitian Dasheng was completely implemented.

The Monkey King became the Monkey King, because he was not assigned any duties at all. He wandered around every day with nothing to do, made friends with all the stars in the sky, no matter how high or low, they were all called friends. I don't want to miss Shu.

It wasn't until one day that I came to the Lunar Star by accident and saw the laurel tree on those Lunar Stars, then I remembered what Yang Jian had explained. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. I only cared about my own happiness and left the things my friend told me. back.

Because of the guilt in his heart, the Monkey King immediately proposed to break a section of laurel tree branch. Of course, this matter was rejected by Taiyin Xingjun. If it was not because of the special status of the Monkey King, Taiyin Xingjun even planned to teach the Monkey King a lesson. Laurel trees can be messed up at will. Is it moving?

However, the Monkey King took out the top-quality monkey wine and asked Taiyin Xingjun to drink a cup. The attitude of Taiyin Xingjun suddenly changed. You must know that this top-quality monkey wine was brewed by Yang Jian with a thousand-year-old spiritual fruit. After repeated improvements , even if the fairy aura contained in it is still a great tonic for the immortal family, it can improve mana and cultivation base, and it is no worse than the fine nectar and jade liquid, but this fine nectar and jade liquid is not something that Taiyin Xingjun can easily drink. The temptation was too great for Taiyin Xingjun, and in the end, the Monkey King exchanged a gourd monkey wine for a laurel branch.

Afterwards, things developed a bit unexpectedly, and I don’t know if Taiyin Xingjun is too big mouthed to show off to others, but everyone knows that the monkey king has monkey wine that is comparable to fine nectar and jade liquid, full of aura, and can strengthen recovery Because, the Monkey King suddenly became a favorite, and he took all kinds of spiritual root skills to exchange with the Monkey King, especially those immortals who were greedy for drinking, and there was an endless stream.

The Monkey King got dizzy because of this, and he didn't expect that the monkey wine in his hand would be so alluring, and he and those Xing Junxian generals are usually considered friends, so they can't refuse when they come to exchange, right? I could only grit my teeth and admit it. I somehow got a lot of twigs with unknown spiritual roots. Explain what you are looking for.

Because the Monkey King is also a greedy person, he took all the monkey wine he had stored with him when he went to heaven, but even so, it was still far from enough. Change a glass, but even so, the monkey wine he had stored for many years was consumed in just a few days.

Looking at the pile of branches and branches in front of him, the Monkey King smiled wryly, sighed helplessly, put it away in his leather bag, then asked someone to tell the Jade Emperor for a leave, went straight out of Nantian Gate, and returned to Huaguo Mountain. He didn't go to Shuilian Cave either, but came to Yang Jian's cave.

"Yang Jian, I was hurt by you. In order to help you, I used up all the monkey wine I had accumulated over the years. You have to pay me." The monkey king complained to Yang Jian as soon as he met.

Yang Jian smiled and asked, "What's the matter? You lost all of your monkey wine, so you're probably blaming me?"

"Of course it's your fault. Isn't this to help you find useful spiritual stem branches? You see, this is the evidence." The Monkey King said as he untied the skin around his waist.

Yang Jian passed the skin bag handed over by the Monkey King, and after seeing the contents, a gleam of joy appeared on his face, "I didn't expect to gain so much, yes, these are very useful to me."

The Monkey King immediately regained his spirits, "You mean these things are useful?"

"Of course, it's just useless branches to others, but it's better than rare treasures to me. It's not a loss at all." Yang Jian poured out the branches and put them on the table while talking. , and then returned the skin to the Monkey King.

"Then the monkey wine I consumed..."

"It's all on me. I don't have a big alcohol addiction. I have accumulated a lot over the years. Including the batch that was just brewed some time ago, there are a total of more than a dozen jars. I keep three jars, and the rest belong to the you."

Yang Jian brought the Monkey King to a secret room. After opening it, he looked at the sixteen jars placed on the stage. The Monkey King's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurried forward to put the jar of fine wine into his foreskin. , the corners of his mouth were grinning happily, and he said with some reproach in his mouth: "Yang Jian, you are not righteous, you have so much monkey wine in your hand, and you didn't tell me."

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