Yang Jian gave the Monkey King an angry look, and said, "If I had told you earlier, would the monkey wine have been kept until now? I'm afraid you would have drunk it long ago, that is, I don't like what's in this cup, and it turned into a cup of wine. You can’t keep it at all, you not only drink it by yourself, but also with your sworn brothers, no amount of monkey wine can withstand your drinking method, and now it’s probably the same in Heaven.”

The monkey king suddenly became embarrassed, Yang Jian was right, the monkey king was bold by nature, he didn't know how to calculate, and it was easy to get drunk when drinking, no matter how much monkey wine fell into his hands, there would be nothing left.

"Well... Now that I'm in the Heavenly Court, there is a saying that one day in the sky and one year in the ground, a batch of monkey wine can be brewed in a few years, and it only takes a few days in the sky. It should be enough to drink."

"I advise you not to have this kind of thinking. It takes more than a thousand years of spiritual fruit to brew the best monkey wine. Now there are spiritual fruit countries with more than a thousand years of history on the surrounding mountains, and the monkey wine will become rarer and rarer in the future, so don't do it." With the idea of ​​fluke, you can save if you can."

"I know I know! I'll save some money." The Monkey King said so, but in fact he didn't even have confidence in himself.

Yang Jian could naturally hear the lack of confidence in the Monkey King's tone, but it was hard to say anything at this time, so he sighed helplessly and had to let him go.

Yang Jian chatted with the Monkey King for a while, and the Monkey King left satisfied. To him, the dozen jars of monkey wine were more precious than any other treasure.

After the Monkey King left, Yang Jian returned to the East Mansion, looked at the pile of branches and forks on the table, and almost cried out in joy. Unexpectedly, the harvest was so great, it was simply a windfall.

These skills are not of much use to others, but they are most needed to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian asked the violent ape to stay outside the cave and not allow anyone to disturb him, and then he started to get busy. First, he found a laurel branch and a hibiscus branch from the pile of branches, and threw the two branches into the air, spinning and dancing continuously.

Inspired by Yang Jian's mana, a golden flame bursting out of the most rigid and yang, and an icy air exuding the most yin and cold, one yin and one yang, one cold and one hot, slowly forming an illusory yin and yang in the air pattern.

That's not the end, Yang Jian chose five more branches, and after throwing them out, he laid a simple five-element array on top of the Yin-Yang pattern. The five-color light flickered, very mysterious, and combined with the Yin-Yang pattern.

"Yin and yang help each other, the five elements return to one, blend!" Yang Jian chanted a mantra, and suddenly let out a loud shout. The laurel, hibiscus and five branches slowly gathered together, and Yang Jian stretched out his hand to grab it in his hand. Golden venom gushed out, wrapping it up.

There seemed to be something wriggling inside the venom, as if it wanted to break free, but it was tightly bound. This situation was like the situation where the demon Puwu devoured other people.

The ball of golden venom shrank smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a bead the size of a thumb. Yang Jian looked it over carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took out another seed from his bosom, the bead that the venom favored. Immediately softens and blends into the seeds.

"It's finally finished. The seeds of the sacred tree have been rinsed and brushed with spiritual energy for so many years, and the chakra in them has completely dissipated. Now it is a fusion of five yin-yang and five-element system attributes. Well, the spiritual root represents the attributes that should be suppressed. The law of power imprinting. No matter who reads it now, uh, no matter where you go, you can’t guess the original appearance of this sacred tree. Even if the saint encounters it, you can’t see why. Next, As long as he goes down in the sacred tree, and when he grows up, he can carry out the next step of the plan."

Yang Jian got up and walked out of the cave, and Bao Yuan immediately came up to him and asked. : "Second King, why did you leave the customs so quickly this time?"

Over the years, Violent Ape has been serving Yang Jian with him, and at the same time he has been taught. He has a kind of respect for Yang Jian from the bottom of his heart. He worshiped Yang Jian as his teacher, because he got too many benefits from Yang Jian, not only the monkey wine that increases mana, but also various secret methods and practice tips, which are supposed to be taught only between masters and apprentices. Yang Jian's selfless teaching made him feel helpless, so he planned to become a teacher, but Yang Jian refused, because in Yang Jian's view, the title of master and apprentice does not matter at all, and Yang Jian only does it when he is idle and boring. Teach me, to what extent you can practice, it all depends on Baoyuan's own efforts.

"My retreat this time is only for the purpose of accumulating a spiritual root seed, so it takes a relatively short time." Yang Jian said and showed him the seed of the sacred tree in his hand.

Bao Yuan asked in surprise: "What is this? Is it worth the attention of the second king?"

"I don't know exactly what kind of spiritual root seed it is, I just got it by chance, but I think it may have something to do with the legendary Tongtian Jianmu. It's just that the source is damaged, and there is only a trace of vitality left. Fortunately, this time the king got it from the heaven. Many twigs of spiritual roots have taken their life essence and blended into them, and finally activated a trace of vitality, and plan to plant them to see what can grow."

"I see, Second Great King, can I watch from the sidelines?"

"Of course there is no problem. If it is really related to the legendary Tongtian Jianmu, it must grow amazingly. Let us witness this moment."

As Yang Jian said, he strode forward, and the violent ape followed immediately. The two soon came to the center of the valley. Yang Jian dug a hole in the ground, buried the seeds in his hand, and took out another seed from his bosom. Jade bottle, pour down the spirit liquid in it.

Chapter 611 Arrangement by Yang Jian

Boom! !

The ground began to tremble, first the buds came out of the ground, and then grew rapidly, getting bigger and bigger. At first, it was just a bare tree trunk, and then the branches sprouted rapidly, becoming more and more lush, and at the same time, the underground root system continued to spread. , It seems that there are earth dragons drilling around.

The big tree grew taller and taller, and finally slowed down when it reached nearly a thousand feet. The trunk was tens of feet thick. The towering tree with a height of thousands of feet has a feeling of incomparable insignificance.

In fact, if Yang Jian is willing, the sacred tree can completely continue to grow. As long as there is enough spiritual energy supply, its growth will not stop.

But since this will consume a lot of aura in Huaguo Mountain, even if it is the ancestral line of the ten states, it cannot withstand such consumption. If the sacred tree is allowed to absorb the aura and grow regardless of the cost, Huaguo Mountain, a paradise of heaven and earth, may It will become a barren land.

Fortunately, Yang Jian refined the seeds from the very beginning, so he could control the sacred tree, slowly accumulate aura without affecting the living beings of Huaguo Mountain, and wait for the second growth after reaching the requirements.

Bao Yuan looked up at the towering tree that went straight into the clouds, and murmured: "Now I believe that it is related to the legendary Tongtian Jianmu. Even if it is not Tongtian Jianmu, the relationship may be very unusual."

When Yang Jian heard what Bao Yuan said just now, there was a hint of satisfaction in the depths of his eyes. Yang Jian knew that there must be many people paying attention to this place at this time. After all, Huaguo Mountain was a place of right and wrong from the beginning. They will also be detected by them. For example, they will involuntarily think about Tongtian Jianmu.

Yang Jian told Baoyuan from the very beginning that the seeds in his hands were related to Tongtian Jianmu, just to guide other people's thinking. Those real powers in the world must know that Tongtian Jianmu has been destroyed. It may be Tongtianjianmu, but this does not mean that Tongtianjianmu has completely disappeared. Even if a certain seed is fused with the fragments of Tongtianjianmu, it is not impossible. After Yang Jian's intentional or unintentional guidance, they will instinctively think that the tree in front of them is The reason why the towering tree absorbed the origin of Tongtian Jiamu gave a reasonable explanation for the abnormality of the sacred tree.

At this time, a noisy sound came, the demon wind gusts, and the black mist fills the air, but the movement of the sacred tree is too great. Spreading, directly rooted in the underground spiritual veins, causing spiritual riots, as if to destroy everything, making all the monsters panic, of course they have to figure out the situation.

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and with a thunderous voice, Hong Zhong Dalu said: "Everyone, don't panic! This riot was caused by the spiritual root planted in our institute. It has calmed down now, don't worry, it won't happen again in the future .”

The demons immediately relaxed when they heard the voice of Yang Jian, the Second Great King, but they couldn't help being afraid of the evil for a while when they thought of the earth-shaking situation before, and then sighed with emotion. There was such a big commotion.

Yang Jian took a lot of thought to appease all the demon kings in Huaguo Mountain, let them disperse, and then stared at the thousand-foot-high sacred tree in a daze.

The sacred tree has been planted, and it can completely cooperate with Yang Jian's way of the world, open up a world between illusion and reality, and then slowly improve it, from virtual to real, and become a real world, only relying on Yang Jian I don’t know how long it will take for one person to complete this task. Thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or less, even hundreds of millions of years is possible, but if there is a trick, with the help of the power of all life in this world, the speed will definitely be several times faster thousand times.

But how can we let the sentient beings of the three realms take the initiative to join in?First of all, it must not let its roots spread to all parts of the world like Naruto World, otherwise, once it causes displeasure to those great powers of heaven and earth, such as Zhenyuan Great Immortal, Demon Master Kunpeng, Tathagata Buddha, etc., Yang Jian will not be able to stand it. Maybe he was slapped to death with a slap.

Since you can't do it in one step, you can only use some stupid methods. After thinking about it, Yang Jian decided to take the mobile phone route. He must find materials to refine a kind of world that can transmit signals to magic weapons and directly communicate with the sacred tree. Connect, then improve the world with the power of a lifetime.

Looking at the sacred tree, Yang Jian seemed to have an idea. He picked a leaf from the sacred tree, and without saying hello to the violent ape, he went back to the cave and started researching it. magic weapon.

Yang Jian started the research of sleepless nights and food, but the progress was not as fast as expected. Journey to the West also has magic weapons to transmit information, but it is not easy to use two of these magic weapons. Too many will not work, Yang Jian's purpose is not just a few hundred, but tens of thousands, so that every living being has one, we must find a way to reduce the cost, so that ordinary people can also use it.

For several years in a row, Yang Jian failed to make any effective progress, so he could only put it down temporarily, preparing to relax, but just as he walked out of the cave, the Monkey King came over with an excited face, holding a section of mahogany branch in his hand, and walked away. He shouted: "Yang Jian, I got the twig of the flat peach tree you asked me to find for you. How about it, isn't it good?"

When the Monkey King stabilized his figure, Yang Jian stepped forward, took the twig, felt the powerful power of the wood spirit, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, it is it, with this Pantao tree. The twigs, as long as they are decomposed and integrated into the sacred tree, it can more effectively promote the growth of the sacred tree."

"Sacred tree? Oh! That's what you're talking about." The Monkey King pointed to the towering tree that was more than a thousand feet tall outside, and said in amazement: "Speaking of which, I was really shocked. I haven't seen it for a few days, but once there was a big tree in Huaguo Mountain that was almost taller than Huaguo Mountain, I didn't recognize it for a while, I almost thought I went to the wrong place."

"How is it? Very good, this sacred tree can take the initiative to absorb the essence of the sun, the moon, and the power of the stars, and then transform it into gentle spiritual energy. Slowly gather, the more refined each day, slowly spread to Huaguo Mountain, It will be of great help to the cultivation of spirits and monsters in the mountains, and even in a few hundred years, I am afraid that Huaguo Mountain will become the top ten cave welfare. It will become a rare cave paradise in the world."

"It's really good, but it's also due to my credit. I heard from Baoyuan that the vitality of your seed almost disappeared. If I hadn't exchanged many branches of spiritual roots from the gods of heaven, I'm afraid it would not be able to restore it. Vitality." The monkey king looked smug, as if he was saying to praise me quickly.

Yang Jian said like coaxing a child: "Yes! Yes! Yes! This is your credit, and the twigs of this flat peach tree can make the sacred tree go one step further. But then again, as far as I know, the flat peach garden is the Queen Mother In charge, it is difficult for outsiders to get in contact with, she has fine wine, but she is not rare for your monkey wine, how did you get the twig?"

"It's also a coincidence. The Jade Emperor saw that I was bored, so he asked me to take care of the Peach Garden. Isn't this sent to me for nothing? So it was easy to get it."

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