Yang Jian's heart moved when he heard the words, the monkey has been sent to guard the Peach Garden. Doesn't that mean that the time for the Peach Festival is not far away, and at the same time, the scene of causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace will begin soon.

Yang Jian thought in his heart, but didn't show it on the surface, "The Jade Emperor actually let a monkey guard the Peach Garden. Is this simply a meat bun beating a dog?"

"Hey, hello! What do you mean by beating a dog with a meat bun? Why do your words sound so harsh?"

"Cough cough cough! Sorry, I made a mistake, don't mind, did you eat it secretly? Forget it, I shouldn't ask this question, how could you bear it, you must have eaten it secretly, how does it taste? "

"That goes without saying, of course it is extremely delicious. By the way, I brought you two when I came out this time. These are purple flat peaches that are ripe once every nine thousand years. If you eat them, you can live as long as the world." Monkey King As he spoke, he really took out two bright red peaches from his purse and handed them to Yang Jian.

"That's about the same. At least I didn't get carried away and forget my brother." Yang Jian was not polite, took a bite of the peach, and it was really tender and juicy. With the current cultivation base, Pantao can't increase his strength at all, but it's not bad to relieve his greed.

"Sure enough, it is indeed the legendary root of heaven and earth, but you have to be careful when you steal it, so as not to be discovered."

"Don't worry, I won't be found out. When I eat secretly, I always choose those inconspicuous ones. I can't see anything abnormal when I distribute them among thousands of peach trees."

"Are there so many flat peaches? With your appetite, you can eat dozens of them every day. Although you won't be eaten up, you can still tell."

The Monkey King said angrily: "It's not that easy. You have tasted it just now. This flat peach is full of spiritual energy. After eating it, you must wait for the spiritual energy in it to be refined before continuing. Otherwise, the spiritual energy will accumulate more and more." , the body will be directly exploded..."

"That's true, then..." Yang Jian suddenly thought of a question at this time. According to the original book, the Monkey King steals flat peaches every day, but he really ate up the best flat peaches, but this is not what I said. Obviously something was wrong, the flat peach spirit was too abundant, the monkey king didn't dare to eat too much, and it was impossible to eat it up, so the question came, if the monkey king didn't eat it, where did those flat peaches go?

The Monkey King would definitely not lie about such trivial matters, so the Monkey King can only be blamed, and who is behind the scenes?

Yang Jian's brains turned sharply, and soon he had a guess. In the heavenly court, only the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were able to avoid the eyes and ears of the people, pick the flat peaches, and deceive other people's eyes, and blamed the Monkey King. Well, the Jade Emperor can use these flat peaches to reward his cronies and subordinates and cultivate his own power.

Then Yang Jian thought of the golden elixir of the Taishang Laojun, and declared that his golden elixir was stolen by the monkey king, but the monkey king's body couldn't bear the aura of the flat peach, so could it bear the golden elixir? Is it medicinal?

The answer is of course no, one must know that a real Nine-Turn Golden Elixir can even make a Golden Immortal.Shan secretly ate everything behind his back, and the monkey king ate several big gourds. If it was true, the monkey king's body might explode on the spot.

So it seems that Taishang Laojun hid the real golden elixir in advance, leaving only some defective products for the Monkey King to eat, and also dumped the blame on the Monkey King.

Yang Jian sighed in his heart. Sure enough, although the Monkey King is smart, he is far behind those real old bastards in the heaven. Well, it was a monkey.

Looking at the Monkey King, Yang Jian felt an urge to tell him the truth, but he forcibly held back the words, because Yang Jian knew that even telling him the truth would be useless. The Monkey King was regarded as a chess piece by Buddhism, as The tool for the spread of Buddhism to the East, his fate has been arranged long ago. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be hostile to Buddhism and will be eradicated at all costs. For various reasons, other forces either owe cause and effect, or Because of my own interests, I also help intentionally or unintentionally, and no one can change it.

Yang Jian could only say sorry to the Monkey King in his heart, watching him fall into the trap but unable to rescue him, and even had to secretly push him to protect himself.

With a trace of guilt in her heart, Yang Jian had a drink with the Monkey King, sent him away early the next morning, and then began to meditate.

Now that the Monkey King has started guarding the Pantao Garden, the next step is to disrupt the Pantao Society and steal the golden elixir, and the plot of the Heavenly Palace is not far away. Huaguoshan will inevitably be surrounded by heavenly soldiers and generals, even Acting has to be decent, Huaguoshan will face an unprecedented severe test, I don't know how many monkeys will be grandchildren, little goblins will die in the war, and even Yang Jian himself may encounter crisis.

It seems that we must find a way to make some preparations, Yang Jian thought in his heart, find the violent ape, first give him a flat peach, the monkey king gave him two flat peaches, Yang Jian ate one himself, and left one Decided to give it to Violent Ape to help him strengthen his strength.

To Yang Jian, this Pan Tao could only satisfy his appetite, but to the violent ape, it was a treasure of heaven and earth, and it would definitely make his strength a step further.

"Baoyuan, after you eat the flat peaches, hurry up and increase your strength, and then I will give you a task, which is related to the life and death of our Huaguoshan Monkey Clan, so don't be careless."

When Bao Yuan saw Yang Jian's serious face, he knew that the matter was serious, because this was the first time he saw the expression of the second king, and said seriously. "Second king, please order, this subordinate will definitely go through fire and water, and die."

"Next, I will announce the closure to the outside world. Outsiders are not allowed to disturb you, and you don't need to stay here any longer. Return to the Water Curtain Cave. On the surface, you don't need to do anything, but secretly build a secret passage in the depths of the Water Curtain Cave. Leading to this side, in the future, if there are heavenly soldiers and generals to encircle and suppress, and when there is no way out, you will be responsible for leading the monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguo Mountain to this side, as well as the demon king of the seventy-two caves. It is a moment of life and death. It is the time to test their loyalty, if they are willing to advance and retreat with Huaguo Mountain and share weal and woe, you can also bring them here and I will naturally protect your safety."

"Second King, you mean that the Heavenly Court will send troops to encircle and suppress it. Didn't the King already enter the Heavenly Court and become the Great Sage Equaling Heaven?"

"It's not convenient for me to say more about the reason, you just do what I say."

Violent Yuan didn't want to ask again, "Second King, please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task."

Although Bao Yuan had many doubts in his heart, Yang Jian obviously didn't intend to answer, so he saluted and turned around to leave the cave.

Yang Jian then closed the cave to prevent outsiders from entering. On the surface, he practiced in seclusion, but in fact he was better than everyone's eyes and ears, and began to arrange formations around him.

Chapter 612

The Monkey King enjoys delicious flat peaches every day, and his life is not to mention comfortable. At the beginning, he was quite polite, but he just found a few ripe flat peaches, put them in his pocket, and took them back to his bedroom to enjoy quietly in a deserted place.

But later, the number of monkeys stealing peaches increased day by day, and their courage became bigger and bigger. After eating the peaches, no accident happened, and no one came to question them. They didn't even know about the land in the garden. With a few flat peaches, their ambitions spread to the entire flat peach garden, and they lay directly on the peach trees to satisfy their hunger with flat peaches.

Of course, the Monkey King still wants to save face. Every time he steals the flat peaches, he will order everyone to dismiss them. Without his permission, no one is allowed to step into the flat peach garden.

Normally, this kind of order would be impossible to execute. After all, Pantaoyuan was very important, so how could one place their safety on a monkey who had just joined the Heavenly Court.

But if there is a special explanation from the Queen Mother, it will be different. Even if the fairy officials have doubts about the instructions of the Great Sage, those lands.He didn't dare to have any objections, that is, to restrain everyone in the Pantao Garden, but to move around in the palace in front of the garden, completely giving up the Pantao Garden to the Monkey King.

The monkey king was free in the garden, eating enough every day. Day by day, the heaven was calm on the surface, but in the dark it was full of wind and clouds, and the whole heaven was shrouded in the tranquility before the storm.

Finally, it was the time for the Queen Mother's Peach Blossom Conference. The seven fairies were ordered to come to pick the flat peaches. They immediately alarmed the monkeys sleeping on the branches. When they smelled the breath of a stranger, they manifested from the branches, jumped up, held a golden cudgel and shouted: "Where are you monster, you dare to steal my fairy peach, what should you do?"

The Monkey King exploded with awe-inspiring power, how could the seven fairies stand up to such power, their waists and knees were sore and trembling.

Only then did the Monkey King see clearly that it was the seven beautiful fairies, and he restrained his momentum for a while, and the fairies took a breath just now, their shock calmed down a bit, but they were still terrified, and explained: "The Great Sage calm down, the Great Sage calm down, The seven of my sisters are Seven Fairies, and now they are ordered by the Queen Mother to prepare for the Peach Blossom Festival, so they came here to pick peaches, but they have not been able to find the Great Sage for a long time. I am afraid that the time will be delayed, and the Queen Mother will be blamed, so I will pick the peaches first, and wait. I'll report it later."

"So that's how it is!" The Monkey King was stunned, put away the golden cudgel, and then smiled... "Xian'e invited me, but it was a misunderstanding. Don't be afraid to wait. I'll ask you. The Queen Mother opened a pavilion to host a banquet. Who are you asking for?"

All the fairies truthfully reported: "There will be an old rule, and the ones invited are the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, holy monks, and arhats in the West, Guanyin in the South and Antarctica, the Emperor Chongen in the East, the Immortals of the Ten Continents and Three Islands, the Xuanling in the North Pole, and the Yellow Emperor in the center. Great Immortal with Extreme Yellow Horn, this is the Five Elders, and the Five Dou Xingjun..."

The Monkey King frowned. When it came to the people behind, their status was relatively low, but he still couldn't hear his name. The Monkey King waved his hands impatiently and said: "You Answer truthfully, have you ever invited me to be the Monkey King?"

"Great Sage Equaling Heaven?" The Seventh Fairy shook her head in bewilderment and said, "I didn't hear that there was a name of the Great Sage on the sticker, maybe I forgot."

The Seventh Fairy had a weird expression when she spoke, she seemed to be suppressing a smile, and there was a hint of teasing in it, how could the Monkey King not see it.

The Monkey King was furious in his heart, and there was a burst of anger from the bottom of his heart. At first he wanted to force it to be suppressed, but for some reason, driven by an inexplicable force, the anger became more and more intense, and the more he thought about it, the more unpleasant it became. Stop, twist the formula and recite the incantation, suddenly a wave of white energy scattered around him, covering the peach garden in an instant, and said aloud: "Ding!"

All of a sudden, the entire Peach Garden fell silent, all of them were fixed by the Monkey King's immobilization method. The seven fairies, the land god and other immortal officials stood under the peach tree with staring eyes and mouths dumbstruck, unable to speak or move. , Watching helplessly, the Monkey King headed straight for Yaochi along the auspicious clouds.

The earth and the seven fairies were so anxious that they wanted to report to the police, but unfortunately they couldn't do anything now, and they complained endlessly.

The Monkey King rode a cloud and went straight to Yaochi. On the way, he met the Barefoot Immortal. Before the Barefoot Immortal could speak, the Monkey King rushed forward, cupped his hands and said, "Where are you going, brother? I haven't seen you for a long time, and my spirits are even brighter. Really. congratulations."

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