The Barefoot Immortal is an immortal with good fortune, and he is not good at fighting, but his merits and virtues add to his body, so his status is respected, and few people are enemies with them. They are also easy to make friends and do not easily offend others.

"The Queen Mother has sent a message that a Peach Blossom Meeting will be held today, and I am going to attend the meeting."

"That's just right. Old Sun is here to inform you that since you are going to the Pantao Conference, you don't need to go to Yaochi." The Monkey King rolled his eyes and had an idea in his mind.

"Why is this?"

Facing the hesitant stare of the barefoot immortal, the Monkey King said nonsense: "Brother, this year is different from previous years. Before the banquet, you must go to His Royal Highness Tongming to greet you before you can go to Yaochi. Let the old grandson stop you in various ways, so that you will not know where you are, and lose your etiquette."

"So that's the case, but it's thanks to the great sage, and the old man will leave." The great immortal shook his huge head. This is an honest man who knows about the monkey king, so he easily believed the monkey king's words, and turned the auspicious cloud to Tongming Temple went.

The Monkey King watched the Barefoot Immortal leave, smiled and changed into his appearance, "Meeting this old man is also a good fortune, and saved a lot of trouble."

With the skin of the Barefoot Immortal, the journey was unimpeded, and he soon came to Yaochi. At this time, there was no one else in Yaochi except for a group of low-level immortal officials, warriors, and immortals. They were easily fainted by the Monkey King. Then the Monkey King had a good time, eating fairy fruits and drinking fine nectar, and soon got drunk, but even in the drunk state, he still remembered the brotherly loyalty, and used the skin bag on his body to hold the fairy fruit, and the fairy wine , ready to go back to his little demon to try something new.

Then the Monkey King staggered out of Yaochi. It stands to reason that there must be a post at three steps and a sentry at ten steps, but today there is no one. question.

It's a pity that the Monkey King is not clear-headed at all, and is rampant along the way. He is led by an inexplicable force to the Tushita Palace of the Taishang Laojun. He got in, grabbed the golden elixir from the gourd in the elixir room, and poured it into his mouth.

Although most of the golden pills are low-level goods, there is no problem in sobering up the hangover. The Monkey King Danman woke up from the drunkenness, looked at the scattered gourds all over the floor, trembled in his heart, and secretly said in surprise: "Not good, not good, this time But I really got into trouble, I'm afraid my life will not be saved, let it go, instead of suffering in this heavenly palace, it's better to go to the lower realm as a king, I don't know if I can survive this calamity."

The Monkey King hurriedly threw away the golden gourd containing the golden elixir in his hand. Seeing no one around, he ran out of the Tushita Palace. Afraid that he would find him in the demon mirror, he specifically avoided the South Gate and headed towards the West Gate. The invisibility spell, out of the heaven without the knowledge of the gatekeeper king, then drove the somersault cloud and went straight to the boundary of Huaguo Mountain.

When Sun Wukong came to Huaguo Mountain, he summoned the seventy-two cave demons and all the leaders of Huaguo Mountain to gather. The Taibao have all become immortals, nearly a hundred demon kings who have achieved primordial spirits, countless monsters in the demon core stage, and even small demons who have mastered the law and transformed themselves into mountains and plains. They are indeed an extremely powerful force. Even if the heavens come to conquer Power.

The Monkey King rewarded the fairy fruit and fairy wine he brought from the heaven, and made all the big monsters and little monsters grateful. I don't know what the real thoughts are.

Immediately afterwards, Monkey Yu asked about several sworn brothers, but there was no trace. The Monkey King was distressed. But it's not easy to show it, just let the little ones prepare good wine and prepare to have a big feast here.

When the Monkey King was busy, he accidentally saw a figure that surprised him among the group of monkeys. He couldn't help but feel moved, and asked, "Baoyuan, why are you here? You haven't been practicing with the second king, why didn't you follow?" Serving by Yang Jian's side?"

These days, the violent ape has been staying in the Water Curtain Cave, and he behaves very low-key on weekdays. During the day, he earnestly practiced according to the secret method taught by Yang Jian, but at night he had to dig holes secretly, hoping to open up a road leading to where Yang Jian is as soon as possible. Passage in the valley.

Because this matter needs to be hidden from other people, the violent ape tries to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible, rarely communicates with others, and almost becomes an invisible person, but this time the violent ape is greedy and wants to mix a few more fairy fruits Come to eat, use the fairy fruit to strengthen your strength, and come to the front, I am afraid the Monkey King will not be able to find it.

"Forgive me, my lord. The second king said that he wanted to practice in seclusion. He specially set up a formation in the valley, and it was useless to stay there, so the second king helped me back to the Water Curtain Cave." There seemed to be a little worry, but he still said: "I think you'd better go see the second king, the second king is very happy to return, and if you have any difficulties, you can discuss it with the second king. Maybe the second king has some good ideas. ?”

Um?Hearing the last words of Violent Ape, the Monkey King couldn't help but feel moved. He could hear that Violent Ape had something else to say, so he couldn't help guessing in his heart, did Violent Ape already know his situation?

Bao Yuan is in Huaguo Mountain and rarely goes out. Normally speaking, it is impossible to know what happened in Tianting. If he really knows, it can only be told by Yang Jian.

If it is Yang Jian, maybe there is a solution. Yang Jian has always felt that Yang Jian is mysterious and has never been able to see through it, but Houtu can be sure that Yang Jian's mana is definitely far superior to him, and he seems to know many secrets .

The Monkey King also knew that he had caused too much trouble this time, and it might be more or less auspicious. He didn't intend to involve Yang Jian, and he was worried about the monkey grandson of Huaguo Mountain. To Yang Jian, but now it seems that there is a turning point.

The monkey king looked at the monkey grandsons and the seventy-two demon kings who were eating and drinking, they were completely heartless and in stark contrast to the violent apes, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, it is worthy of Yang Jane trained it herself.

"Alright, I haven't seen your second king for a long time, you drink first, and I'll catch up with your second king."

"Your Majesty, go ahead, leave this place to your subordinates." The long-haired horse monkey immediately patted his chest and promised.

"Hey! The gap is too big. If Huaguo Mountain is really at the end of its rope, we have to rely on monkeys like Violent Ape!"

The Monkey King couldn't bear it any longer, so he came out of Shuilian Cave and flew towards the back mountain, and soon came to the valley where Yang Jian practiced, only to find that the valley had undergone a magical change, shrouded in mist, and there seemed to be an inexplicable feeling around the valley. protected by power.

The Monkey King has been in the Heavenly Court for such a long time, and he has also seen some formations. He knows that this situation is caused by the formations. The fate is explained here.

"Red Monkey, here I come. I need to talk to you about something."

As soon as the Monkey King finished speaking, the mist in front of him suddenly rolled over and separated automatically, revealing a passage.

The Monkey King walked straight along the passage separated by the mist, and soon came to the depths of the valley. There were several plates of fresh fruits on a stone table outside the cave. Yang Jian was sitting there watching with a smile, obviously knowing that the Monkey King The king's will come.

"Stone Monkey, sit down, I know why you are here, don't worry, speak slowly."

Ever since the Monkey King and Yang Jian officially stepped into the path of cultivation, they have always called them by their first names. They seldom call them red monkeys and stone monkeys. This time, they use their previous names again, and there is an indescribable intimacy .

The Monkey King took a deep breath, sat silently on the stone bench, picked up the fresh fruit on the table and took a bite, messy, the taste was far worse than the fairy fruit in heaven, but there was a sense of familiarity in it, full of Memories.

Knowing that a fruit had entered his belly, the Monkey King asked, "Red Monkey, did you expect that I would cause trouble a long time ago? There will be a situation like today?"

"Yes, I guessed it a long time ago. When I saw you for the first time, I guessed it." Yang Jian didn't refute Youhuo, just nodded and admitted.

"Why? How do you know?"

"It's very simple, because I can see that you have great luck and merit, no matter what you do in practice or what you do, you are destined to be a thousand times better than others, but you are also a person with great luck. You need to bear the corresponding disasters and responsibilities, and your path is destined to be tortuous."

"Good luck! Luck!" The monkey king said incredulously with his eyes wide open.

"Yes, you are destined to be born extraordinary, you are destined to shock the Three Realms, you are destined to be remembered by the world, you are destined to..."

The more Yang Jian talked, the more excited he became. He seemed to think of the omnipotent monkey king he remembered when he was a child, and couldn't help but get excited.

On the contrary, the Monkey King was fooled by Yang Jian's performance. He never knew that he had placed such great hopes in Yang Jian's heart, which made him a little unbearable.

It took a while for Yang Jian to realize that he had gone too far, and smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, just to give you some confidence, I deliberately said that I was a little hot-blooded, didn't you get scared?"

The monkey king's face turned dark immediately, and he returned my emotion.

Chapter 613 Yang Jiandao Roots

"Then what should I do?" Hou finally managed to calm himself down and asked.

Yang Jian shrugged and said helplessly: "It depends on you. A person with great luck and virtue like you is doomed to be extraordinary, and he is also destined to suffer a lot of disasters. I can't help you much. At most, I will let you go." The road is a little smoother, and the specific choice is up to you.”

"But I can't see my way forward at all."

"What's unclear about this, the next step is to face the encirclement and suppression of the Heavenly Court, you can either catch him without a fight, or fight with them to the death, it's up to you."

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