Although Nezha was not angry, he didn't dare to be negligent in such a big matter, so he urged the hot wheel and followed closely.

A moment later, a boundless sea of ​​clouds appeared in the sky, but it was countless gods who were about to descend from the Nantian Gate, use their supernatural powers, and rush to Huaguo Mountain. Going to capture Monkey King.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were blowing clouds and fog, and their movement was never concealed at all. The flags covered the sun, and the wind was surging. They passed the city so ostentatiously along the way, and immediately alarmed countless demon gods. There was some commotion, and it was wiped out by the heavenly soldiers and generals.

Chapter 614 Nine Obsidians

In the Bajiao Cave of Cuiyun Mountain, the Bull Demon King stood outside the cave, looking in the direction of Huaguo Mountain, clenched his fist hard, but let it go quickly, "Seventh brother, I'm sorry, brother, I really can't control this matter!"

In a palace in the depths of the North Sea, the Jiao Demon King couldn't control his strength for a moment, crushed a wine glass in his hand, looked at the long spear standing beside him, stood up several times and reached for it, but when he was about to touch it, He stopped, but finally sat back weakly, "I hope Brother Yang can keep Huaguo Mountain, I'm sorry."

Peng Demon King...

Lion Camel King...

macaque king...


The [-] heavenly soldiers and generals led by Li Tianwang rushed to Huaguo Mountain and ordered the entire Huaguo Mountain to be surrounded and [-] layers of heaven and earth nets to be laid. Li Tianwang immediately ordered people to beat the war drums , That is to say, to set up a battle to fight the Monkey King.

Above Yunzhai, Li Tianwang sat high on the general platform with a solemn expression. The third prince Nezha stood behind him, staring at the clouds and mists in the distance, and there were two rows of generals under the general platform. The Great Heavenly Kings are the Heavenly Kings of Holding the Kingdom, the Heavenly Kings of Multi-Winning, the Heavenly Kings of Growth, the Heavenly King of Guangmu, and then the Twenty-Eight Constellations. All of them have extraordinary strength and have the cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. The yellow-robed monster on the Westward Journey Road is one of them.

Further down are some ordinary star kings, the commanders of the heavenly soldiers, whose combat effectiveness is not inferior to ordinary generals such as giant spirit gods.

Li Tianwang looked at his subordinates, who were strong and strong, and nodded with satisfaction, "Now the Great Sage Equaling Heaven of Huaguo Mountain has rebelled against the Heavenly Court and committed heinous crimes in the sky. The God of the Road is willing to be the vanguard, to find out the truth for me, and to capture the monster monkey, and then I will report the situation to the Jade Emperor and give him a big reward."

Nine Obsidians couldn't bear it at first, looked at each other a few times, and then stepped out of the row and said: "Heavenly King, the last general is willing to be the vanguard, capture the monster monkey, and rectify the rules of heaven."

"Mr. Jiu Yao Xing is so courageous. Since this is the case, I will order you to fight. You can win but not be defeated." Li Tianwang said this, but he laughed secretly in his heart. Fearing an accident, only these nine fools can use it. Since they are voluntary, if something goes wrong later, it is no wonder to me.

The strength of this Nine Luminaries Evil Star is not bad, he was excited after he got the command of the Heavenly King, but he didn't notice the strange eyes of the generals around him, he raised his troops out of the camp, and headed for the Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave.

The movement in the sky has already disturbed the monsters in Huaguo Mountain. The long-haired horse monkey looked outside the cave and saw nine burly immortal generals leading a group of soldiers to kill them aggressively. The hairy horse monkey said to the two demon monkeys behind him: "Quickly go and inform the king, I'll check the situation first."

One of the monster monkeys immediately went into the water curtain cave to report, while the long-haired horse monkey held a three-pronged fork and led a group of monster soldiers to be on guard.

At this time, Jiu Yaoxing had been watching for a long time in front of the formation. Seeing that the team headed by the long-haired horse monkey was extraordinary, the boss Jin Xing said to the eight brothers behind him: "Look at the neat formation of these monsters, there must be masters among them, you must be careful. Wait for me to step forward to call the battle, and when the time comes, you wait to fight out with me, that is the time for you and me to make meritorious deeds."

The other eight stars nodded in agreement, and then Jin Xing showed his spear, walked out of the array, came to a rock, and shouted sharply: "Hey, that monster, I am the god sent by the upper world, and I am here to subdue the rebellious king." Sheng, where is your great sage now, quickly ask him to come out and surrender, if there is half a word of no, you will be punished together, there is no good reason, why don't you report it quickly?"

The long-haired horse monkey immediately went up to meet it and replied loudly: "You hairy god, don't you know that you dare to come to my Huaguo Mountain to make trouble? You know that my king is having a feast with the seventy-two cave demon kings in the cave. If you disturb them , my king will surely turn you into dust if you hit him with a stick, you should listen to my advice and leave quickly, lest you die without a place to die."

That Jin Xing was furious immediately, "Okay, you little demon, you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me, if so, I will take you down first before I find that monster monkey to settle the score!"

After Jin Xing finished speaking, he stabbed at the long-haired horse monkey with his gun. The long-haired horse monkey hurriedly raised his gun to meet him. He felt a strong force and his body trembled. He took five or six steps back to stabilize his figure. I almost couldn't hold the weapon in my hand.

"Looking for death!" The long-haired horse monkey roared angrily, a powerful force suddenly erupted in its body, its body swelled around, its eyes were red, blood oozes from the skin under the long hair, its strength has been upgraded to a higher level, Turning around with a fork, he stabbed back.

The guns intersected again, and this time it was evenly divided, which made Jin Xing extremely surprised. He was obviously far behind himself before, so why did he improve all of a sudden.

Jin Xing didn't know that in order to give the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain more life-saving skills, Yang Jian specially created some secret methods to increase their strength in a short period of time. It can indeed save lives. For example, the long-haired horse monkey is now using it, which Yang Jian calls the method of dismantling monsters, allowing him to compete head-on with Jin Xing. You must know that Jin Xing's strength is stronger than the giant spirit god that the long-haired horse monkey fought before. too much.

Dangdang Dangdang! !

Twenty rounds have passed in a blink of an eye. Well, the long-haired horse monkey and Jin Xing are still tied. At this time, Jin Xing can't help but feel a little anxious. You must know that his goal this time is the Monkey King, but he didn't expect the Monkey King to return. I haven't seen it, but now I can't even beat Monkey, a little-known horse monkey, and there are eight brothers watching behind me. Li Tianwang is still waiting for him to triumph. If he loses in the end, what will happen to the gods in the sky? treat him.

Jin Xing is in a hurry, and the long-haired horse monkey is even more anxious than him. You must know that the longer the demon disintegration method he uses, the more damage he will do to himself. Otherwise, it will hurt the source and it will be difficult to recover. He doesn't want to gamble his future.


The long-haired horse monkey and Jin Xing stepped up their offensive almost at the same time. Jin Xing even used many thrilling tricks, but the long-haired horse monkey was more extreme than him, and he did not hesitate to hurt both sides. I had to take it back, not to mention how uncomfortable it was to resist the horse monkey's attack.

After fifty moves, Jin Xing found that the attack of the horse monkey on the opposite side had not weakened in the slightest, and seemed to be getting more and more fierce. He gritted his teeth and waved a signal to let the eight brothers behind him attack with tentacles. Take down that team of monkey soldiers, and then find the monkey king for a decisive battle.

Nine Obsidian Lords made a move together, each with their own weapons to kill them, but they only rushed halfway, and more than a dozen monkeys sprang out from the water curtain cave, and one of the tall monkeys immediately shouted: "How shameless the heavenly general is! Young master bully, let the brothers go up together and let them know that we are the thirteen Taibao of Huaguoshan."

The dozen or so monkeys besieged Jiuyaoxing Lord with weapons, one-on-one, or two monkeys. Heavenly Court Jiuyaoxing Lord and Huaguoshan Thirteen Taibao fought together.

Among them, the violent ape was also among them, holding an iron rod as thick as a chicken egg in his hand, facing Jupiter. The violent ape has always kept a low profile, so he fell at the back. At the beginning, Jupiter didn't care, and held a big knife to meet him. .


With a piercing sound of weapons clashing, a gap was directly smashed into the broadsword in Mr. Juxing's hand, his hands burst from the tiger's mouth, blood flowed, and he almost sat on the ground. The force of the stick just now was so great that he couldn't hold it up at all. live.

Violent Ape took advantage of the victory to pursue, and smashed one stick after another. Mr. Jupiter could only passively raise his knife to resist the continuous retreat of the smashed ones, and the suppressed ones to death.

The bitterness in Jupiter’s heart, why is it so unlucky, you have no other tricks except to hit a savage monkey with great strength, but when faced with such a simple trick, there is nothing you can do, If it weren't for Jupiter's control over the power of the wood spirit, he could quickly recover from his injuries, and he would have been smashed to the ground by now.

Jupiter desperately persevered, was injured again and again, and recovered every time. He only hoped that the other brothers could solve the opponent as soon as possible and come to help him, so that he could be freed from the suffering.

On the battlefield, it seems that the Huaguoshan side has the upper hand, because on the surface it seems that Jiu Yaoxing has been suppressed, but the monkey who knows the inside story understands that their situation is actually very bad, because Jiu Yaoxing's individual strength They are obviously better than the Thirteenth Taibao. In one-on-one battles, they are basically forced to use the method of demon disintegration. This kind of legislation is not suitable for long-term battles. If they can't defeat their opponents as soon as possible, they will lose.

At this time, the little monkey in the Water Curtain Cave, who was ordered by the long-haired horse monkey to report to the Monkey King, was reporting: "Your Majesty, something is wrong. There are nine fierce gods outside. Goodbye."

But the Monkey King smiled, and said nonchalantly: "As the saying goes, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today. Don't care about right and wrong in front of the door. You don't dare to do anything about them. Let's put it away for now! Come on, let's all drink this wine to the full. cup."

As the monkey king said, he raised the wine glass in his hand and drank it with his head up. The two one-horned ghost kings and the seventy-two cave demon kings below with wry smiles also raised their glasses and drank in one gulp.

The little monkey doesn't know what to say, the enemy has already attacked the door, and his king is still drinking here, what's the matter?

Just when the Monkey King was about to continue drinking, another little demon broke in from outside and shouted loudly: "Grandpa Great Sage, it's bad, the thirteen leaders are fighting with those nine fierce gods, the situation is not good. You hurry up!" Go and see."

The monkey king, who was originally indifferent, was stunned by Wenwen, and stood up with a swipe. He knew very well that if the situation was not good, the long-haired horse monkey and the others would definitely use the method of demon disintegration, but if they haven't won yet, it must be It is the opponent who is extremely troublesome. If the monster disintegrates the Dafa after a long delay, and the sequelae occur, and it is too late to leave the battlefield, then death will undoubtedly occur.

The Monkey King didn't think much of it, withdrew his golden cudgel, and strode out of the cave. The Thirteen Taibao were brothers who lived and died with him, and there must be no accidents. The two one-horned ghost kings and the seven The Twelve Cave Demon King hurriedly followed.

When the Monkey King came outside and the official battle was at its most intense, the Monkey King was afraid that something might happen to the Thirteen Taibao, so he immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, stop it!"

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