Hearing the Monkey King's angry shout, the Thirteenth Taibao breathed a sigh of relief, especially those who were forced to perform the Dafa of disintegrating monsters, immediately shot with all their strength, forced their opponents to retreat, and quickly came to the Monkey King.

The Monkey King hastily checked the hairy horse monkey among the Thirteen Taibao, which was the most seriously injured. The skin under the long hair was oozing blood, and it was already dyed red. I don't know if it can recover.

"Damn you all!" The Monkey King turned his head and looked at Nine Obsidian, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Nine Obsidian was crumbling under the violent murderous aura of the Monkey King. Just now they fought against the Thirteenth Taibao, and basically everyone was injured. After all, the Thirteenth Taibao was forced to use the method of demon disintegration, and their strength increased sharply, and they fought one by one How could there be no damage, and more than half of his mana was consumed. Facing the berserk Monkey King, there was no chance of winning at all.

"Escape, you must escape quickly, otherwise your life may be lost here." I am afraid that I will die here. "Jiu Yaoxing was overwhelmed by the mighty strength of the Monkey King, and in fear, he kept backing away, only hoping to distance himself as soon as possible so that he could return to the camp.

"I want to go now, it's too late!"

The Monkey King snorted coldly, rolled up the golden cudgel in his hand, and unleashed its maximum power, his body suddenly sprang out, and suddenly the golden cudgel also shot out ten thousand rays of light, covering the whole world, densely packed with golden The shadow of the stick smashed towards Nine Obsidian Star overwhelmingly.

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, Jiu Yaoxing, who was shrouded in stick shadows, immediately became desperate. The nine people glanced at each other, and at the same time danced their weapons to meet the stick shadows in the sky.

Dangdang! !Boom! !

After more than a dozen moves, the weapons in the hands of six of the Nine Obsidian Stars were broken, and their injuries were added to their bodies, some with broken hands and some with broken feet. Not to mention how miserable it was, this was the result of their brothers' cooperation for many years. The reason is that they worked together to block most of the monkey king's attacks, otherwise at least a few of them would have died here.

Although Jiu Yaoxing was covered with scars, they knew that they must not stay where they were at this time, so they ran away desperately enduring the pain, and separated some of the heavenly soldiers to buy them time to escape.

The monkey king led a group of demon kings to chase after them, and killed many heavenly soldiers. They didn't stop until they approached the camp in the sky, and returned to Shuilian Cave proudly.

Jiu Yaoxing hurried back to the camp, facing Li Tianwang's livid face, they all knelt down on the ground and said: "Heavenly King, that monstrous monkey is so powerful, my brothers are not opponents, and we returned in a big defeat, please forgive me. "

Li Tianwang slapped the table heavily, and shouted sharply: "Nine of your brothers returned in a big defeat, which made me lose face in the heavenly court. I should have beheaded you and others to rectify the military law, but now is the time of great war, and it is time to employ people." , for the time being, let’s spare you the sexual naming, and you will be guilty and meritorious in the future.”

Jiu Yaoxing quickly kowtowed to plead guilty, thanked Li Tianwang, and only said that the monkey king was cunning, and found reasons for himself to pass the test.

When Jiu Yaoxing retreated to the side, Li Tianwang turned his head and glanced at the generals, and said sharply: "This time the vanguard lost, which dampened the spirit of our army. Since Jiu Yaoxing has the heart to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, this commander can't be unkind. The Monkey King is indeed brave, so for this battle, the four heavenly kings and the twenty-eight constellations will all go out to join the Nine Obsidian Stars to take down the Huaguo Mountain and the monster monkey. Punishment, crime plus one class, do you understand?"

"The last general takes orders." Li Tianwang also became ruthless, because of the Jade Emperor's order, the four heavenly kings and the twenty-eight constellations did not dare to offend Li Tianwang, so they nodded in agreement.

Chapter 615

The four heavenly kings, the twenty-eight constellations, and the retreated Nine Obsidian Lord descended into the air and looked down. At this time, all the monsters on Huaguo Mountain gathered in front of the Shuilian Cave, forming a formation. Because of Yang Jian's training, the formation of troops is well-organized and powerful.

The Monkey King held a golden cudgel and stood at the forefront of the formation. Seeing the four heavenly kings and the twenty-eight constellations coming out, he couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart. He used to tour the Heavenly Palace, and almost all these immortal generals knew each other, and even drank with them. After a few cups, it became clear that whether it was the Four Heavenly Kings or the Twenty-Eight Constellations, all of them had real materials and powerful magic powers. He was not afraid of one-on-one, but so many people besieged together, and the Monkey King also resisted. Can't live.

Lord Nine Obsidian was terrified because he was defeated by the Monkey King before, and he didn't dare to go forward, but he just stopped behind and watched the situation. Before the Shanshuilian Cave fell.

The four heavenly kings exchanged glances, and the Chiguo Heavenly King stepped forward with a pipa in his hand, and said loudly: "Sun Dasheng, you and I have known each other for a long time, and I don't want to fight with you, but the crime you committed is too great. The Jade Emperor ordered Li The Heavenly King led a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to capture you. Now you are a fish caught in a net, and you cannot escape. Even if you can escape by yourself, can the children behind you also be able to escape? I can guarantee that Huaguo Mountain is safe and sound."

The Monkey King's heart moved, and he really had the urge to agree, but then he thought of Yang Jian's words, this matter is definitely not something that the Heavenly Fruit King can decide. The Monkey King knew that he was doomed to fail, and wanted to take the opportunity to make a fuss As for the group of monsters on Huaguo Mountain, if they really surrender, they can only be slaughtered. Who knows what will happen, he is more willing to entrust it to Yang Jian.

"Don't bother the king of the country, since the old grandson is going down to the heavenly palace, he is ready. Even if he dies, he will have no regrets. As for the monsters who are willing to follow me, since they choose to follow me, they must have the consciousness to die , I want Huaguo Mountain to surrender, it is indeed a dream, so Heavenly King, don’t gossip, let’s see the real chapter in your hand, just take this opportunity to experience Heavenly King’s pipa magical powers.”

"Forget it, since the Great Sage doesn't appreciate it, don't blame me for being rude."

The Heavenly King Chiguo is also a happy person. Since the Monkey King didn't listen to persuasion, he didn't talk too much anymore. He just raised his hands and played the pipa, emitting a sky-filled brilliance that completely enveloped the Monkey King's body.

The Monkey King was in the brilliance, feeling dizzy, sleepy, swaying, a little unable to lift up his spirits, even walking wobbly.

The Monkey King thought in his heart, and immediately understood that this was a fairy weapon specially designed to attack souls and consciousness. With a movement in his heart, the mana activated the Snow Pod in his body, and a cool breath spread throughout his body, and he was immediately refreshed. The previous difficulties are gone.

Originally, the Heavenly King Chiguo, seeing the Monkey King wobbling, thought that the supernatural power would work, and drew out a sword, ready to take advantage of the opportunity to strike, but as soon as he approached, he saw the Monkey King's eyes suddenly stare. He had fully recovered, and the Heavenly King Chiguo knew something was wrong. .

The Monkey King suddenly let out a long whistle, the golden cudgel in his hand became bigger, surrounded by countless golden lights, and then he smashed it down hard, breaking the light scattered from the pipa in an instant, and then with a bang, the pipa of King Chiguo smashed into several petals.

Seeing that King Chiguo was defeated, the other three heavenly kings rushed forward to help. First, King Guangmu threw the blue long snake in his hand, and the long snake swelled up rapidly, turning into a length of hundreds of feet, and swimming in the air , opened his bloody mouth to bite the Monkey King.

"It's just a reptile, it just ate my old grandson." The Monkey King sneered slightly when he saw this, opened his mouth, and spewed out a breath of cold air with the help of the snow spirit beads in his body, the long snake began to freeze from the head, and spread rapidly .

Guangmu Heavenly King was taken aback. His long snake was cultivated and refined by a secret method. It is an existence between a magic weapon and a spirit beast, and it is connected with his mind. Mu Tianwang Lian Mao yelled angrily, and injected all his mana into the long snake. Bloody rays of light gushed out from the long snake, and the ice on the surface of the snake was shattered one after another.The frozen ice was immediately shattered, and the long blue snake turned into a red snake, its body hovering around, surrounding the Monkey King, shrinking continuously, as if trying to squeeze the Monkey King to death.


The Monkey King let out a loud cry, displayed his powers of heaven and earth, transformed himself into a height of hundreds of feet, grabbed the long snake with one hand, and swung it vigorously. In front of the Guangmu Heavenly King, although he did not die, he lost his ability to act.

"The monstrous monkey should not be rampant, look at the sword!" Zengzhang Tianwang unfolded the Qingyun sword in his hand, and cast the supreme sword art, forming a dense array of swords in the air, which was inexhaustible, and wrapped the monkey king in it from the sky, countless long The sword's aura flickered, as if it wanted to wipe out the Monkey King.

The monkey king danced the golden cudgel in his hand tightly, the golden light shone, and it made a clanging sound. It kept colliding with the sword, but the sword seemed endless, and after a while it didn't decrease at all, which made the monkey king very annoyed. Annoyed, he simply gave up his defense. Those swords slashed at the Monkey King's body, making a jingling sound, but they couldn't hurt the Monkey King's body at all.

Zengchang Tianwang panicked for a moment, the Monkey King stood up and turned the golden cudgel in his hand into tens of thousands to meet him, smashing at the sword array around him, and after a while, the dense The sword array dissipated in smoke, revealing the Qingyun sword itself, and flew back to Zeng Tianwang's hand.

The Monkey King defeated three heavenly kings in a short period of time, and was very energetic, and was about to chase after him, but at this moment, he suddenly felt as if his body had lost gravity, was sucked in by a suction force, and flew to the sky involuntarily. When he looked up, he found I don't know when a precious umbrella appeared above, and the suction came from the umbrella.

Naturally, this was the last one who made a move. The Monkey King knew that if he couldn't break free and was sucked in by the umbrella, it would be difficult to get out of trouble, so he quickly got his attention.

The Monkey King grasped the golden cudgel tightly with both hands, pointed one end at the precious umbrella on the sky, and shouted loudly: "Big big!!!"

One end held by the Monkey King is still the same as γ, but the other end is constantly stretching and expanding, and it is directly inserted into the treasure umbrella. The treasure umbrella makes a clicking sound, and it seems that it may break at any time. Duowen Tianwang was startled, and quickly put the umbrella back.

The four heavenly kings each showed their magical powers, and when they saw that they could not win, they immediately stepped aside, and then shouted to the twenty-eight stars behind them: "It's time for you to play!"

The twenty-eight constellations glanced at each other, split half of them, each armed with weapons, and rushed out aggressively to besiege the Monkey King, while the other half led Lord Jiuyao Xing to kill the Shuilian Cave, planning to attack the little demon from Huaguo Mountain first. .

The four heavenly kings breathed a sigh of relief, and the Chiguo Heavenly King stretched out his hand, and the pipa shattered by the Monkey King flew into his hand, and he recovered his immortal air after blowing his mouth, and then he said: "Okay, brothers, let's retreat first , I have already shown it, there is no need to fight to death, otherwise it would be embarrassing if I accidentally capsized in the gutter.

Guangmu Heavenly King nodded and said: "That's right, I don't know how many people are scheming behind this monkey. The few of us can't bear it, so it's better to intervene less."

Zhang Tianwang was a little embarrassed, "But just retreat like this, if Li Tianwang is all down, what should I do?"

"It's simple. Let's go to the Water Curtain Cave to catch a few demon kings and monkey leaders, and then we'll do business with Li Tianwang. I'm afraid Lord Jiuyaoxing and those stars have the same plan. There is no way to get the monkey king. It doesn't mean that he can't deal with his little demons, and no one can say anything at that time."

"That's a good idea, let's go. Hurry up, or I'll be caught of all those demon kings." The Four Heavenly Kings looked at each other and immediately flew towards the Water Curtain Cave.

Even if it is only half of the 28 constellations, it is not enough for the Monkey King to deal with it. In the story of Journey to the West, the Monkey King once fought hundreds of rounds with the yellow-robed monster, and the yellow-robed monster is the 14 constellations. Kui Mulang of Baihu Qisu, and when the two fought, it was so difficult for Kui Mulang to win one-on-one after he was tricked by the Monkey King to take away the relics, not to mention that it would be [-] people working together to besiege the Monkey King.

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