Before Mu Zha heard that Nezha said that he was defeated by the Monkey King, although his mouth was tough, he really had no idea in his heart. After all, he also knew that Nezha was still above him in terms of real strength. Seeing the Monkey King's moves, Mu Zha It is also extremely solemn, and I waited intently, only to see thousands of golden glows on the Monkey King's golden cudgel, and when he smashed it down out of thin air, Mu Zha let out a light Zha, hidden luck formula, and raised his stick to meet him, a big battle Officially launched.

Chapter 618 Yang Jian, Yang Jian

Boom boom boom! !

The two iron rods collided continuously, and there was a huge roar. The golden light on the Monkey King shone like a sun, and a blue wave rippled around Mu Zha's body, which became more and more intense, exuding the breath of life.

Two balls of light, one blue and one gold, continuously danced and circled, the vitality in the air fluctuated violently, and shadows of sticks continuously emerged.Different, intertwined with each other, you come and go, the more the war becomes more intense.

In the blink of an eye plus forty or fifty rounds passed, Mu Zha only felt as if his arms had lost consciousness, because the Monkey King was much stronger than him in terms of physical body and strength, and every time he hit it, his arms felt numb. Can't hold the weapon in hand.

Mu Zha couldn't help exclaiming secretly: This monkey is so powerful, no wonder the third brother reminded me several times, but I wasted his kindness.

"Stop here!" The Monkey King suddenly yelled, and a phantom shadow of a golden cudgel tens of feet long appeared in the air, shining golden light, as if it was no different from a real golden cudgel. Crash down.

In Mu Zha's mind, it was only a blink of an eye, the iron rod roared down, there was no time to dodge it, he could only raise the stick in a hurry, there was no time to use all his strength.

There was a loud bang, and a mist rose in the field. With the emergence of strange ripples in the vitality storm space, they continued to spread to the surroundings. After a while, the vitality vortex caused by the collision between the two disappeared, and the situation in the field gradually became clear. , the figure of Mu Zha inside appeared.

Seeing that Mu Zha looked miserable, the iron rod in his hand was broken in two, his whole body was completely green, his clothes and armor were scattered, his face was abnormally pale, there was a startling bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, and he looked like he was on the verge of collapse. , it seems that it may fall at any time.

"Hehe, with this little ability, you dare to come out and show off big garlic? Boy, if the old grandson won't kill you, go back quickly and get someone else." Although the Monkey King sarcastically said, he didn't have any feelings for Mu Zha in his heart. He was disdainful, and even felt pretty good, at least Mu Zha was not acting like other people, but was really fighting him desperately, he was a real person.

Nezha rushed out quickly and took his second brother back to the army. It took Mu Zha a while to recover, his face became paler and he could only rely on Nezha to help him move. Under Wang's full blow, all his strength was exhausted, which directly led to loss of strength.

After a while, the mana in Mu Zha's body circulated again, straightened his clothes, and said to Li Tianwang: "What a great sage, he really has great powers, the child is no match, please forgive me."

Seeing that his son was fine, Li Tianwang calmed down, "How can this be good? It seems that it is impossible for me to subdue the monster monkey. You can go back to the Heavenly Court with the Dali Ghost King and report to the Jade Emperor. It is said that the monstrous monkey has great supernatural powers, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers are not enough, if you want to capture it, you need to send more heavenly soldiers, ask the Jade Emperor to judge, we are really powerless."

Mu Zha nodded in agreement, and Li Tianwang wrote a letter, embellished the battle situation in his own language, and then handed it over to King Dali Ghost, ordering people to let Mu Zha and King Dali go out.

The two of Muzha drove Xiangyun to the Nantian Gate, and first came to Tongming Highness to meet the four great celestial masters, and after a general talk, the four great celestial masters led the way and rushed to Lingxiao hall together.

When the Jade Emperor heard that Hui'an Walker had returned, he immediately announced him to come in. The one-horned ghost king presented Li Tianwang's letter and sent it to the Jade Emperor to watch.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saw Mu Zha's desolate appearance and his aura collapsed, and said in shock, "How are you doing inquiring? Why do you look like this?"

The Bodhisattva did not dare to hide anything when he asked Hui An, and said truthfully: "I was ordered to go to Huaguo Mountain to inquire about the news. I learned that the immortals only caught countless tigers, leopards, insects and wolves. They didn't catch a monkey monster, so they went out to fight the monkey. In the battle, the Monkey King is well-deserved of his reputation, the disciple is not an opponent, he was injured by him, and that's why he looks like this."

"Oh! In this way, that monkey is really amazing." Bodhisattva said, sighing in his heart, he is worthy of being the future Dharma protector of Buddhism, no wonder he can be favored by that one, his strength is stronger than expected I just don't know if Erlang God can take it down. If he is not strong enough to be defeated by that monkey, it would be ridiculous.

After reading the expression, the Jade Emperor said with an unshakable expression: "How powerful is this monkey spirit? He dared to defeat a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers. Now Li Tianwang is writing a book and asking for help. It really makes me laugh. Is there any magic soldier that can go down to help?"

The Jade Emperor looked at all the fairy families in the court, but those people all lowered their heads and said nothing. These people are all human spirits, and the monkeys are too involved, and they will not win no matter whether they win or lose. Good thing, let's be honest.

Seeing that no one spoke, this made the Jade Emperor feel a little uncomfortable, at least you have to put on a show.

When the Jade Emperor was about to lose his temper, Avalokitesvara clasped his hands together and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. The sacred gathering in the heaven is the orthodoxy of the Three Realms. Your Majesty, please be at ease. The poor monk recommends a god, which is enough to subdue this monkey."

The Jade Emperor pretended to be interested, "Since Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is so confident, why don't you tell me about it, who is the god?"

"This is none other than His Majesty's own. His Majesty's nephew Xiansheng Zhenjun Erlang Shen is also living in Guanjiangkou and enjoying the incense below. He used to kill six monsters, and there are brothers Meishan and Zhangqian [-]. Caotou God has great supernatural powers and boundless mana, but he just listens to the instructions and does not listen to the announcement, His Majesty can send a decree to dispatch troops, and just ask him to help."

In fact, the Jade Emperor has always had conflicts with his nephew Erlangshen, but this time he reached an agreement with Buddhism, and it was not without difficulty, that is, he passed on the order to dispatch troops, and ordered the Dali Ghost King to go to the Zhenjun Temple in Guanjiangkou with the order, and transferred Erlang Zhenjun to go there. Huaguoshan assists in the battle.

Soon the imperial decree spread to Guanjiangkou. Erlang God had actually received the news long ago and had no intention of resisting the decree. After receiving the imperial decree, he immediately summoned the six brothers from Meishan to see him. Wei, Guo Shen, and Zhijian two generals appeared to meet each other and mobilized the army to set off.

God Erlang and the six brothers set up the magic soldiers of the headquarters, commanded [-] gods of grass heads, rode eagles and dogs, set up crossbows and drew bows, and braved the strong wind.

When they reached the outskirts of Huaguo Mountain, they stopped and looked up. They saw that the sky net was shining with boundless golden light, layer upon layer, and countless heavenly soldiers and generals were waiting, but they couldn't move forward.

God Erlang told everyone to stop, and came forward alone, and shouted loudly: "I am Erlang Xianshengzhenjun, and I have been dispatched by the Jade Emperor to come here to capture the monster monkey, so quickly open the sky net and let go!" The gate of the camp, let me wait to enter?"

Erlang God's name is known to everyone in the Heavenly Court, and there are heavenly soldiers to report it immediately. At this time, Li Tianwang and everyone are frowning inside, not knowing how to face the arrogant monkey below. Does he know Erlang God's ability? The catastrophe in the past was also the period when he was Li Jingjue. At that time, Yang Jian's name spread all over the world. How can the main force of the battle general be idle, the nine-turn Yuangong is extremely sharp, and the seventy-two transformation is invincible, making the god Yang Jian famous all over the world.

So many years have passed, although Erlang Shen Yang Jian has always been very low-key, but no one dares to underestimate him, and Yang Jian's power back then still remains in the hearts of everyone.

"I didn't expect the Jade Emperor to send the Zhenjun here. With the Zhenjun's ability, I think I can defeat the monster monkey. This time I can be regarded as consummated. Since it is the reinforcements who came here at the order of the Jade Emperor, I can't wait. Neglect, all the generals will obey the order, open the gate, and go out with me to meet." Surprised that Erlang God came, Li Tianwang did not dare to slack off, and personally led people to meet him.

The ground was on a small hillside. Yang Jian raised his head to look at the sky. Through the [-] layers of nets, he could see the performance of Yang Jian and his subordinates.

"Is it finally here? Erlang God Yang Jian, so to speak, this farce is coming to an end, but you are Yang Jian, I am Yang Jian, although the words are different, but the pronunciation is the same, I wonder if you will know my existence?" Come to me? I really want to know what it will be like, I hope you won't let me down."

Yang Jian left a mysterious smile and turned back to the valley. Erlang God seemed to feel something in his heart. I glanced down, but because of the isolation of the sky and the earth, I didn't find anything.

After Yang Jian returned to the valley, he came directly to the thousand-foot-high sacred tree, stretched out his hand and patted on the trunk, and suddenly a large green light radiated from the sacred tree, forming a circle of light and spreading rapidly.

At the same time, rays of light emanated from the tops of several surrounding peaks, intersecting with the green light of the sacred tree.

As the aura gathers, with the valley as the center and the surrounding mountain peaks as the nodes, a huge sky curtain is formed, and the entire valley is quickly enveloped in light.

After a while, the spiritual energy was exhausted, and the light disappeared into the rocks. Shagu regained his original appearance, looking ordinary and inconspicuous from a distance.

Yang Jian's control over his own power has reached a level of meticulousness. When he mobilized the formation just now, the movement seemed loud, but in fact it did not cause too much energy fluctuation. Moreover, he had hidden it with special speech skills, which hardly caused other disturbances. people's attention.

Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, always had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that something special would happen in this battle. There seemed to be something on Huaguo Mountain that he cared about. Put this aside for now.

In the camp in the sky, Li Tianwang, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Third Prince Nezha and others came out to welcome him. Erlang God looked up and saw Nezha in the crowd, his eyes lit up immediately. This is his best brother. Back then In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the two were willing to hand over their backs to each other for protection. They trusted each other completely, and the feeling of unfamiliarity disappeared immediately. Let me introduce them to Brother Meishan.

At this time, Nezha saw his friend who was born and died together, and he was also heartened. He also introduced it to the generals.

When he came to the big camp, Li Tianwang asked people to watch the seats, and asked Erlang God to sit beside his handsome platform, and the two sides began to discuss the matter of battle. Erlang God came here for the first time, and he didn't know that the Monkey King was following him, so he immediately asked Nezha .

"Brother, the second brother is here to capture that monstrous monkey. You have fought against him before. I don't know how strong this monstrous monkey is. You don't need to go around in circles. The background of that monkey must be extraordinary. It's just that I owe a favor and I have to pay it back." , we brothers have known each other for so many years, let’s just say it openly, you don’t need to play tricks, this matter is of great importance and cannot be sloppy.”

Nezha said cheerfully: "Second brother asked a question, and I naturally knew everything, and I couldn't stop talking. This monkey king is really good at talking. He and second brother are generally proficient in seventy-two changes."

"Seventy-two changes?" Erlangshen's expression changed suddenly, and he murmured: "Since he is familiar with the seventy-two changes, he must also have cultivated the profound kung fu of the body, and his strength may not be inferior to mine."

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